
Friday 5 September 2014

3 Photos Shaheizy Sam lying in hospital due to dengue

Tuesday 4 September 2014 is the birthday of Sam Shaheizy to 32 Unfortunately Shaheizy Sam reportedly infected with dengue fever and had to celebrate it meaningfully on a hospital bed.

Write Shaheizy Sam in Instanya, "Birthday gift !!! Dengue la pulak"

Dengue is a deadly disease that can be fatal,  Whatever, let us all pray that Sam Shaheizy quickly recover from this outbreak of dengue fever. Hopefully everything goes back to normal again.

Diana Danielle criticized because of football fans seem Breasts

Since getting married and becoming a mother, like a lot of controversy about the crowding actress Diana Danielle.
Previously, Diana was reported to quarrel and reconcile with his biological mother, and the latest, the beautiful actress is implicated controversy when he wore tights condemned a large number of followers on the social networking site.

Many have criticized t-shirt that he wore a white collar looks very tight up to reveal her breasts as well as the impact of the shape of clothes that he wore.
There are also comments seem Diana naked with her appearance when the artist invited to run the program Meletop Nabil Ahmad and Neelofa Tuesday.
Hopefully,  Diana  take into account and consider the positive comments given, where appropriate, with the image now that she is a mother to a cute baby boy, Muhammad.
Perhaps rightly words tu fans .. what you said was, very tight to the football Diana about? .. Ehammm.

6 photos of a beautiful teacher who became his favorite student

Beautiful appearance beautifully slim body shape and clever style. 28-year-old girl called Hyun Sun is a teacher or we call a university lecturer in the country.

Hyun Sun beautiful women are from South Korea, he worked as a lecturer at the University of trainers also Lin Xuewei in China and the University of Guangdong.

Subjects taught in english and he now lives in Vietnam, but has the advantage of beautiful and sexy, even when teaching the class atmosphere appeared calm and in the spirit of the university's students already mengukuti given class.
What would kecantiakan Hyun Sun simplify his duties as a teacher and help him succeed in his career.

Gambar wajah anak Awal Ashaari dan Scha Alyahya

Finally  Scha Alyahya  has been sharing her photos with  Early Ashaari  earlier in her instagram page .. their child's name is Alana Lara Ahmad Hew. Cute lah!
Partners also include images above were taken when Lara Alana learned 2 weeks old. Lara is a cute and hopefully in good health should always be.