
Friday 26 June 2015

G18 may replace the Pakatan Rakyat

Harapan Hanipa

SHAH ALAM - MP Sepang, Mohamed Hanipa Harapan not rule out the possibility of people still have great hope for a new opposition political party affiliation in place of the PR that has been buried.

He said that although the PR dead, but people still need it and the opposition party will be established by the progressive group of 18 (G18) will continue its agenda to discredit Umno-BN in PRU14 later.

"I think people still need PR, if the PR does not work or does not exist, of course, people are waiting for a new coalition either PR or anything.

"People who do not like to BN, they are aware and know that the only way to topple BN must exist alliance of political parties. Those who previously had given hope to the PR, if the PR shattered, their hopes for a new coalition, "he told The Online yesterday.

Previously, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok announce Alliance 2.0 will appear in place of the PR that does not already exist.

The establishment of the Pact 2.0 conceivable Teresa Kok via the social networking site Facebook status on 23 June.

Strengthen disclosure statement Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday that hinted the opposition will reappear with stronger cooperation and stronger, including with the involvement of several NGOs.

When asked about the emergence of a new party that will replace Pas in PR, he, however, said it was too early to make a judgment and it wants to focus on introducing new politics in Malaysia.

"Not what's up, what decision yet, only requests from the bottom, so we have to consider a request from under it.

"I think for the time being, we do not have a decision, if Pasma want to create a new party, it is their right, we have to celebrate," he said.

Microsoft makes Word available on Android phones

Microsoft Office for Android. - Microsoft

Microsoft on Wednesday followed through on a promise to release versions of its widely used Word, Excel and PowerPoint programs for smartphones running on Google-backed Android software.

The apps, which hit shelves of Google's online Play Store, build on a Microsoft strategy to make its applications accessible from a broad array of devices as services in the Internet cloud.

The US software titan has applications tailored for use on Android-powered tablets as well as on Apple iPhones or iPads.

"I'm pleased to announce the general availability of the new Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps for Android phone," Microsoft Office team corporate vice president Kirk Koenigsbauer said in a blog post.

"These join our previously released Office apps for Android tablets to complete the Office experience for the millions of Android users around the world."

Feedback harvested during a preview period prompted features such as making it simple to connect with digital file storage services Box and Google Drive, along with Microsoft's own OneDrive, according to Koenigsbauer.

Microsoft's hope is that having the applications on major mobile platforms will inspire more people to subscribe to its online Office 365 service.

Amber Chia also fast

Amber Chia

DIFFERENCES religion and way of life did not prevent international model, Amber Chia to follow the Muslims around the world fast.

Described the worship of fasting Muslims lived as one of the ways of a healthy diet, Amber says she is determined to fast for the full year.

He said he had several times tried to fast and could only do it for 10 days.

"Two years ago I tried to fast, but my main problem, do not hold your thirst. But I can hold hungry. Because too thirsty, I am so lifeless.

"But this year I tried to fast full and I would be feeling up the meal.

"For me, fasting beneficial to us because it is one of the ways of a healthy diet. It can help your body detox naturally," he told Zass.

Not only to diet and health, Amber said, when fasting, he indirectly and explore how feelings and lives of some people who live hard.

"Not only involves health, when fasting indirectly, it makes me understand, how it feels when living without food.

"It reminds me of some people who live hard and sometimes not enough to eat," he said.

Comfortable hooded

In the meantime, Amber met at the launch of the collection of the motorway By Yatt Hamzah, was helping his friend, Yatt Hamzah demonstrate the latest fashion clothes during Eid later.

Not only appeared cloaked, Amber also enrich the hijab did not seem awkward.

He even made some photographer smiling amazed when he returned wearing a robe and a veil when requested to take pictures with the image of veiled.

Amber has also appeared previously covered during the Festival International Hijab Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur International Hijab Fair (KLIHF 2015) recently revealed she is getting like wearing hijab.

According to 34-year-old woman, her intention was to wear the headscarf because she wanted to experience the feeling of being a Muslim and want to understand more about the Muslim concept of Islam.

"I am glad to receive positive comments from followers on the social networking site when uploading the pictures I uncovered.

"When I was hooded, made me a better understanding of the religion and culture of Islam. I feel very calm when wearing the headscarf but when open the lid, I feel kind of empty.

"After all, if veiled, we no longer need to want to bother grooming hair," he said.

Amber added, although he was a 'free thinker' but he remained respectful and always wanted to learn every culture in the country.

"As citizens of Malaysia where we have a multi-ethnic state and religion, I do not think it wrong if I myself experience every religion in the country.

"There are friends abroad who questioned why I wear hijab and I explained to them that I want to feel the experience of veiled.

"To me, it is a choice for individual non-Muslims whether to veil or not," he said, who also plans to design a scarf as a hood that can be worn by non-Muslim women.

Anisah dies

Reports the Daily Herald May 30, 2015.

RIVER FARMERS - Anisah Nawi, 38, who is suffering from kidney failure and infection died at his home near Bandar Puteri Jaya, here, yesterday evening after almost three months in a coma.

His mother, Zaharah Hussain, 54, who received the news of Kelantan rushed back to Sungai Petani after being informed in-law (husband Anisah), Yusof Hamzah, 38, the obituary said.

"Although still in a coma, before this, there Anisah react when chatting.

"Before going back Kelantan aunt, my aunt going back there informed him instantly see the old houses have tried to leave but he shook his head in disapproval.

"When asked like his father (husband Zaharah) came to Sungai Petani, he nodded his head," he explains passionate spirit wants to meet his father were dashed when he was first invited the Divine.

He said that despite receiving the news of a sudden, however, pleased with the departure of their families and pray that the spirit Anisah quiet there.

"Bring that point had just brought home three weeks ago before being detained in hospital for almost two months," he said.

The newspaper had published the story of Hamzah in need of special beds for Anisah after doctors allowed him to take home.

Then, the Daily Herald May 30 broadcast of a slave GOD generously endowed it to Anisah bed after bed is no longer used when a family member who had previously used the facility has died.

He read the story of the Daily Herald Anisah contact for managing the delivery of the bed to allow Anisah take home.

Married Anisah with Hamzah blessed with three children aged between six and 15 years.

Anisah bodies buried at the Muslim cemetery in Sungai Petani about 10 am yesterday.

Because eat his own hair teenager narrowly escaped death

MUMBAI - INDIA. A teenager nearly died from too much eating her own hair. Kavita Kumari, 15, confirmed chronic and had to undergo abdominal surgery before doctors found clumps of hair over 15 feet in the intestines.

Describing it as a very rare disease, which was diagnosed Kavita Rapunzel syndrome is said to be addicted to chewing a wad of hair.

Citing reports from portal, a spokesman for the medical center in India said Kavita not only eat his own hair clumps, but he also takes a lock of hair he encountered.

"Based on the results of the surgery, we assume that he takes too many clumps of hair so that she had difficulty to drink water.

"Habits are difficult to control so that he reportedly pulled a classmate to take a lock of hair," he said.

Kavita is now reported in the healing process after surgery and will be referred to a psychologist to help him deal with the matter.

MACC hold 300 individual land titles

Kota Kinabalu - A man detained Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) yesterday for allegedly has the State Certificate of forged and approximately 300 land titles.

This property is obtained by using the Native Certificate.

An area believed to be about 3,500 acres with regard to any grants involving an area of ​​between four to five acres.

The land is owned in Sandakan while Native diperileh Certificate in Kota Marudu.

"The man in his 50s who was admitted to have these land use status as the indigenous people of Sabah with a Certificate of Native," a source told the MACC yesterday.

Sabah yesterday MACC had arrested 13 owners of Native Certificate to assist the EC investigation.

Of 13 people, nine were men and four other women. They are aged between 40s and 79 years.

Four people were arrested in Kota Kinabalu, Tawau (five), Keningau (two) and Semporna (two). Certificate of State-owned five people were seized today.

With 13 people arrested today, as of today (Thursday) 31 people have been summoned by the MACC. Elaborating, sources told the MACC, it will carry out further investigations to identify the assets acquired on the basis of privilege as Sabah Bumiputera.

"A detailed investigation is being carried out. The form of action will be determined upon completion of the investigation," the source said.

The source added that most of the people detained were not aware that the Certificate of State-owned fact been forged.

"Therefore, in-depth and detailed investigations should be carried out," he said.

In fact, according to sources, it will also hold discussions with the Department of Lands and Surveys on the status of the acquired land.