
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Red Ribbon Week; "Say No To Drugs Week"

You will find each year during October is Red Ribbon Week; "Say no to Drugs" week. There are many things you can do as a small business owner in support of Red Ribbon Week which are relatively inexpensive, but make a huge difference. If you are in the automotive business you can tie a Red Ribbon on each car you service. If you are a car dealership you can put a Red Ribbon on every car on the front line. The ice cream man can tape a Red Ribbon on the bottom of each Popsicle stick. Medical and Professional offices can put a dish full of ribbons and safety pins on the counter for patrons.

Your total cost for a Red Ribbon spool is about $2.50-3.50 and you should cut them in 4 to 5 inch lengths. If you are dealing with small children use tape, for everyone else a box of safety pins costs about $3.00 or so. Illegal Drugs are a huge problem in the United States cutting short lives, adding to crime and costing billions each year in police, first responders, hospital and rehabilitation. The lost productivity to businesses alone is said to be in the tens of billions per year.

All small business owners should show their support for a drug free community. The cost is next to nothing and the good will and positive PR is nothing short of excellent for your business. Won't you join us in making a statement against illegal drugs and unite your community to be proactive in teaching our youth to; "Say No To Drugs!"

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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Some Ideas to Reduce the High Cost of Gasoline

Some Ideas to Reduce the High Cost of Gasoline

Sticker Shock!

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get "sticker shock" every time I go to fill my car with gas. I've seen prices per gallon for regular gasoline here in the Los Angeles area as high as $2.69 9/10 lately. And it seems like only a few weeks ago, they were about $2.25 9/10. Mathematically speaking, that's a 19.5% increase in just a matter of weeks.

What is really insidious is that a significant rise in gasoline prices has a tremendous ripple effect throughout the entire economy. It raises the cost of doing business. When those costs get high enough, they are passed on to you and me in the form of higher prices. So this isn't just a matter of improving the environment, this is about economic survival!

We Must All Take Positive Action

I believe that we cause prices to decrease if we take collective action to reduce gasoline consumption. If we can reduce our national demand for gasoline, this certainly should eventually lead to stabilizing and possibly reducing the price we pay at the pump. And that will help stabilize prices throughout the economy. One of the great side benefits of this is that reducing our consumption of gasoline will also improve the environment--especially air quality.

Some Suggestions

Here are some suggestions. Some are things that you can do to immediately reduce your gasoline consumption/cost. Some require the cooperation with others. The cumulative effect of all these changes can be significant if everyone saves even a little:

1) Make certain you car pool at least once or twice per week. Every person who carpools is one less person on the road.

2) Work out an arrangement with your employer to shift your work hours to times when traffic is better. For example, if you come to work a couple of hours in the morning and leave a couple of hours early, you may be on the road when traffic is lighter. That should translate improved gas mileage.

3) Work out an arrangement with your employer to work 10 hours a day 4 days per week. Employers still get the same number of work hours, but this reduces the number of days you have to come to work. The days off can vary by employee so that it doesn't disrupt business operations.

4) Employers need to consider allowing some employees to telecommute. With high speed internet connections and VPN accounts, this is now more technically possible than ever. As long as the employee is self-motivated, this benefits the employer as well as the employee. Many times, employees who telecommute actually work longer on days they telecommute because of the reduced commute time. Also, they often eat at home during the work day reducing lunch times. And there are fewer interruptions so they can concentrate and be more productive. And the employee has less stress reducing sick time and increasing morale.

5) Change one of your work days to a Saturday or Sunday. In most cases, traffic is lighter on the weekends, so you should get better gas mileage. And isn't it great to have a day off during the week to take care of personal things that are sometimes difficult to do on the weekends.

6) Consolidate your trips. While reducing miles per gallon is important, the real savings come when you simply don't use the car at all.

7) Set a personal goal to reduce your personal gasoline consumption by 10%. I recommend that you write this goal out on a card and tape it to the visor in your car so that you see it regularly. If you set a goal and review it often then you are more likely to take conscious action to achieve it. Too often, we simply get in the car and go without thinking of the consequences.

8) Get a log book and start recording your gasoline consumption every time you go to fill up. Write down the mileage, number of gallons, price per gallon, total cost and your average miles per gallon. Then review the total figures at the end of each month. Once you get into the habit of writing down the information, it won't take much time. Just the act of recording this information will make you conscious of how much or how little you are using your car. That will make it easier for you to take action to reduce your consumption.

9) The next time you get your oil changed, request synthetic oil. Yes, synthetic oil is more expensive. But, when I switched to synthetic oil a few years ago, my mileage improved by about 25%. That was in a different car than I drive now. I don't know if you will experience any change, but I bet you receive some improvement.

10) Take your car to a mechanic to find out what actions you may take to improve your gas mileage. Maybe it's as simple as getting a tune up. Or a new air filter. Or air in your tires. Maybe using a fuel additive. The point is, if everyone takes steps to improve their mileage, it could have a huge collective impact.

11) Reward gas stations with the best prices with your business. It's not as hard to find gas prices that are lower relative to other stations. If you have a warehouse club like Costco in your area, they usually have excellent prices. I estimate that I save at least $0,15 per gallon by getting my gas at my local Costco.

12) Shop for the lowest gasoline prices in your area online. There are some websites that are posting the local gasoline prices throughout the country. If your area is covered, this can be a quick way to locate the best prices. One such site is called What is really amazing is how the price can vary by as much as 20% within just a few blocks.

13) Reduce your speed on the freeway. Did you know that most cars get their best gas mileage between 40-60 miles per hour? Those people that go flying down the freeway at 70-80 miles per hour are unnecessarily consuming more gasoline as well as putting people's lives at risk. I used to be in favor of the legal speed limit being raised to 65 miles per hour or higher. But knowing the savings we can all achieve if we just decrease the average speed limit, I think it's time we revisit going back to 55 miles per hour. I know this is probably going to be a hugely unpopular suggestion, but I feel it is important to make it anyway.

14) Don't leave your car idling to heat up or for any other reason. Most cars today heat up quickly, so there is probably no longer any reason to waste gasoline this way.

15) When you start from a stoplight or stop sign, accelerate gradually. When you accelerate suddenly, you consume more gasoline.

16) Government officials need to revisit increasing daylight savings time. Studies have shown that overall energy decreases when daylight savings time starts. That's probably because there is less energy used in the evening since we have an extra hour of light. What would happen if we moved clocks ahead an extra half-hour or hour? I've noticed that when I get up in the morning, it starts getting light at about 6:30 here in Los Angeles. I imagine that there would be little negative benefit if we moved our clocks ahead and extra half-hour or hour to take full advantage of daylight. I think this would only work if it took place nationwide. We should also look into moving the clocks ahead earlier in March rather than waiting until April. If you think this is unreasonable, remember that daylight savings time used to start at the end of April until the U.S. Congress changed it by law.

17) Large corporations should consider setting up small satellite work centers closer to where people live. Even having small offices in different locations where people can go and connect their laptop to a high speed internet connection can make it easier for some knowledge workers to reduce commute distances. The government should offer tax incentives to encourage this.

18) Write your local, state, and national leaders and encourage them to show real leadership with respect to conservation. It is so easy to email leaders, I suggest that you email them with these and/or your own suggestions. It is shocking to me that prices could increase so dramatically with so little notice from our public and private leaders. We need to let them know that we expect them to display a higher standard of leadership. A large number of these suggestions involve a significant shift in the way we live and work. Many of these changes will not happen unless they are suggested and publicized by leaders at the national level.

It's Time To Change Our Habits--Probably Past Time

These changes will only change if there is a change in our national mindset--our national habits. We have been conditioned to believe that we have to work the hours we work. We have been conditioned to believe that the only effective way to work is to travel to a central location. That we have to physically be at the Corporate location in order to be productive.

Government leaders should offer businesses tax incentives to implement policies that encourage conservation and reduction in travel distances and times. They already do this to some degree with carpooling, but that's not enough. We simply must be more creative in finding ways to be more efficient and reduce the consumption of gasoline. Reduce demand and prices are likely to follow.

There are other suggestions I could make such as using public transportation or buying a fuel efficient car. Those should be pursued, but those are the standard answers and longer term solutions. Certainly we need to move in that direction for the long term, but given the recent dramatic rise in gasoline prices, out of necessity we need to take immediate action that will lead to lower prices in the short term while we also move towards long term solutions.

I know that some of these suggestions are radical. I know that many require the consent of people in authority over us--mostly our employers. And some require a certain amount of self-sacrifice (but not that much really if change some simple habits). The good news is that given the high cost of gasoline, if you take even some of these actions, you can significantly decrease your monthly expenses. And the truth is that if we want gasoline prices to fall, we each need to do our part.

If we all do a little, collectively we can accomplish a lot!

Please share this article with as many people as possible. The more people who believe that we can take meaningful action to reduce gasoline consumption, the greater the possibility that prices will fall. Wouldn't it be great if our collective actions reduced gasoline prices back to $1.20 per gallon! Those days are gone forever--if we believe they are gone. How would lower fuel prices improve your economy? How would this improve our national economy.

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Is It Fair?

The fairness crèmes' ads currently being featured on the television are RIDICULOUS, OUTRAGEOUS, and ATROCIOUS!

What are the companies and the advertising agencies that bag the contracts of advertising such products trying to portray?

Do they by any chance mean that the girls can be successful only if they are fair and that all dark girls should either buy their "get fair in 4 weeks" formula or they would perish from the face of the Indian soil? Even if they want to harp about "fairness brings good spouse, good job... and ultimately success!" then I would like to bring to their kind notice that one of the most developed nations of the world, the USA has no colour concept. Yes they do use tan crèmes as their skin is freckled and they just want to hide all the freckles in a uniform tan all over the face. So apparently all these dark girls who find it "impossible to fulfil their dreams" in India can go west and they will be total hits.

I am not preaching either. I just want to say... wake up to the reality!

This country has enough issues to take care of. And just when we had begun to move on and leave behind the taboos attached to the caste system, gender, colour, race and economic position, these ads surfaced and fed the same old concepts into the young minds over and over.

More so now, in the current era of individualism, fairness crèmes should not position themselves as a product for people who lack something. The ads should not leverage on negative aspects. Rather, they should just be a means to making an informed choice and should refrain from using the platforms of "girl child vs. boy child", "Dark and unsuccessful vs. Fair and successful" and so on.

The current positioning platform used by the ads has a negative connotation. It is usually handed over to a girl by another friend who sees the deplorable condition the former is in. Thus, the latter is shown showering sympathy on a helpless creature who has been abandoned by family members or a lover. This in fact makes it a product, which is supposed to be used under wraps.

Think about it. If the ad shows a girl using fairness crème to overcome an inferiority complex implanted in her as a result of being a neglected daughter, jilted lover or a loser in the corporate world, no one would accept being a user of such a product publicly. Potential users of such a product would hesitate to go to a shop and speak out in a loud and clear voice, "I want a fairness crème".

Also a lot of women who actually use fairness crèmes like to pretend that they use it like any other cold crème or an oil based moisturiser for their skin. No one wants to claim that they actually use it for making their skin lighter.

Consider another product, which boasts of a similar effect on the skin though it is much faster and lasts temporarily: face-bleaching crèmes. Notice that such products are also used by women all over the country and that too without any hesitation, even though the effects are more striking than that of a fairness crèmes. The major players in this field are Fem, Jolen, etc. These crèmes were advertised only to publicise their effects and there were no negative emotional strings attached. Remember the "gori gori-fem fem se" ad for Fem bleaching crème ad. It had a positive lasting effect on the audiences, as the message of "become fair in 15 minutes" was crystal clear. And the girl was not shown using the product because she had been rejected but she was shown using the product to look more beautiful for an already existing date.

Even the fairness crèmes can adopt the strategy of positioning their product as an enhancer of beauty rather than a necessity to survive. This will make the product more respectable and it won't be shameful to use a fairness crème. And if a girl uses a fairness crème she won't have to wonder what her friends might be thinking; that whether her boyfriend has just ditched her, or her parents have stopped loving her just because she can't make it in the big world for being a dark person, etc.

Some specific points need to be noticed here such as the following myth spread by one of the ads:

If you are born a daughter, you are a burden on your folks if you are not a fair skinned creature, as being dark will not fetch you any job, and so you won't be in a position to lend financial support to your family. You will hear your father murmuring to himself stuff like "kaash mera ladka hota" (wish I had a son). This leaves you in utter state of confusion and depression and suddenly you find refuge in a crème, which promises a wonderful career ahead. This will transform your whole life. You will be seen in a new light by everyone at home as well as at work. People will go gaga about your skin and your fair complexion even if the job profile has got nothing to do with your colour. Your career will be directly proportional to the speed at which your skin hues turn lighter.

Reality: No father will say such a discomforting thing to a daughter if he really loves her. Parents are always there to help you out in any situation no matter what. And if a father does harbour such thoughts then he is not worthy enough for you to spend money on buying a crème which promises you the Cinderella looks overnight, and then look for a job and then take your dad out for coffee, the bill for which is paid for, from you hard earned money.

As far as getting a job on the basis of your colour, we all are aware of the current scenario in India. The current economic trends in the corporate world favour only domain expertise, professionalism, will to work hard, healthy competition, good communication skills and integrity. If you possess all the aforementioned qualities but your skin is of a darker hue, in all possibility you will get your dream job (if there is a vacancy and you have applied for the same). Now, if you are only fair, then you will be accepted for the job opening only if the person who is interviewing you belongs to the lineage of someone like HITLER who believes that all dark souls should vanish from the face of the earth and also that all the fair people are intelligent, honest, ethical, and hard working. What are the odds in the favour of such a thing happening?

Another myth spread by the fairness crèmes' ads is that only fair girls get a hold on the eligible bachelors. Once you get lighter (in colour), the guy who has despised you till date will fall for you and propose to you. And then the two will live 'fairly' ever after.

Forget it! I think it takes much more than a colour change to start and sustain a good relationship.

The Indian woman has every right to look pretty in her own way. For some good looks might be dusky skin with long tresses like Bipasha Basu's. For others it might be short hair with fair-glow like Yana's. For some it might mean hazy eyes set on a dark round face like Rani's. I am by no means implying that these women are the ultimate epitomes of beauty; rather I am just citing some examples, as most of you might be aware of these names.

A lot of us go to the beauty parlours and get ourselves treated in a variety of ways. So what is wrong in a fairness crème being advertised? I never said they should not be advertised. My only concern is that they should not take support of meaningless emotional notions.

Rather than going into the "whys" of using a fairness crèmes, the ads should concentrate on "whats" of it.

By "why" I mean, the reason people/girls/ladies will use fairness crème. This should be left to the imagination of the viewer if you cannot think of wise ways of putting it across. Like some of the innocuous ways of advertising a fairness crème can be picked up from a situation I just described; women in a beauty parlour... a beauty parlour owner suddenly coming across a product which will make her a hit among her clients for finding a solution to dark skin. Now each of her clients might have her own reasons for buying the crème. Sell the crème for "what" it does, functionally, not how it will change someone's life because it cannot after all.

Another interesting consumer insight is that males are frequenting the beauty salons more reliouglsy than their female counterparts. There is a huge potential lying untapped their side of the market.

Taking all the above facts in consideration, I have come up with some alternative positioning platforms for a fairness crème: -

A beauty secret between two female friends or male friends

A secret being passed on from a mother to her daughter

A happy product for those happy moments like marriage, parties, anniversaries, etc.

A possession to be felt proud about and not a product to be gifted to someone inferior on whom you want to shower sympathy

It is high time we stop ridiculing dark colour! If a person does want to get rid of it, though, he should be made comfortable using a fairness crème.

Shana Sood Kumar
Resident of Jersey City, USA
MBA and Economics Honors

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If a pregnant woman's child is killed during an attack, the law says the unborn child is murdered, therefore the attacker will go to trial for murder.

But if a woman chooses to have a abortion, the government has given her the right to legally murder her child.

Should a mother have the right to choose death for her child,when after the child's birth she can choose the option of being a parent or adoption?

Our laws seem to have a double standard for life. How can our government make laws to take away the innocent human lives that the courts have sworn to protect? Lives that may be taken because they are inconvenient to others.

A criminal has the right to a lawyer,and a fair trial.
A unborn baby who's heart beats fighting to live has no legal rights.

The voice for the child

Listen to my heart beat

You have a choice to make,

Only you will decide my fate.

Life or death,

There is not much time left.

The decision is yours alone,

Listen to my heart beat like a song,

There isn't a bigger heart ache

for you to know,

Than to live with the mistake,

That you let me go,

Listen to my heart beat

as you decide my fate,

My life is your choice to make.

There are those who tell you a lie,

They say it's alright for me to die,

Is my life so easy to take?

Listen to my heart beat,

before you decide my fate.

Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett

I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

Article Source:

Role of Youth in Nation's Development

Vision 2020 can be better described as vision 20/20. That is the perfect vision in American style and this 20/20 vision can be achieved only by young generation of India. It is well known that India is home to a significant proportion of youth of the world today. All the imperialists of the world are eyeing India as a source of technical manpower. They are looking at our boys and girls as a source of talents at low costs for their future super profits. If Indian youth make up their mind and work in close unity with working class people, they can foil the plans of Imperialism and Bourgeoisie. The plunder of India can be ended with political power in their hands. The workers, peasants, women and youth will ensure that there is work for all. They will ensure that what is produces is geared towards providing adequacy for all members of society.

Unfortunately no one is bothered to dream any such vision. Martin Luther has said, "I have a Dream" and the dream come largely true. If he had not thought of that dream he would have accomplished nothing in his life. To climb high one has to think of climbing the Everest. One may not go higher than 10000 feet but even that will not be attained if you have no better dreams of going up to the top floor of your office in a life.

In recent years the world has come to look at India with renewed respect, recognizing a strong and prosperous global power in the world. It is also a future when the fabled richness of India's art, culture, intellectual explorations and spirituals pursuits will begin to show its full radiance bringing much success to the troubled spirit of Modern India.

Is it a dream? Yes. Is it an impossible dream? No, it's not. This can be done by the Youth of Indains. Youth is the spring of Life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. When they dream they dream not only for the good future of themselves but also for the good future for nation and entire humanity. Their dreams take them to stars and galaxies to the far corners of the unknown and some of them like our own Kalpana Chawla pursue their dream, till they realize it and die for it in process.

If any section of the society in any country is most important for change, again it is the young people. Patriotism comes naturally to young people, but they also respond early to the call of Internationalism. The hopes of the youth are:

1. A world free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of man by man.

2. A world free of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language and gender.

3. A world full of creative challenges and opportunities to conquer them.

But these are not just the empty hopes. Modern science and technology and increasing vistas of Socio Economic cooperation among nations have brought these hopes out in the reach of realization. In recent times Terrorism has emerged as one of the gravest threat to peace and democratic policy. Youth are drawn between acts of terrorism. In some cases it is not the terrorism, but a freedom struggle. This is how our neighbors are trying to justify its policy of cross border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. Youth organizations should carry out an awareness campaign to expose justification or condoning of terrorism anywhere and under whatever pretext.

Role of Youth:

A. The youth can play a vital role in the implementation of elimination of terrorism. If the energy, intelligence and resources of youth are fully and properly utilized the country will prosper.

B. The youth will have to compete with sporting spirit. Just look at the spirit of Internationalism that today prevails in the cricketing world. With the start of any cricket tournament, no matters which team wins, Cricket wins, Youthfulness will won. The spirit of oneness will win.

C. The youth would need to Aspire for entrepreneurship rather than conventional employment.

D. The hopes of young people can be fulfilled only in conditions of peace, only in a civilized and cooperative world order.

E. Young people are full of vibrant ideas. When properly motivated and sufficiently guided they want in their life.

F. Young people have energy to try out things and the patience to learn from mistakes. Giving them opportunities to plan, to decide and to work prepares them to face harsher realities in life.

G. Young participation is important because youth are the country's power. Youth recognize problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified adults.

What should be the vision of Young generation for India 2020? Vision 2020 says that:

1. Instead of Brain drain, we can be the magnets for bright minds world over.

2. Our Judicial system could be a model for fairness, promptness and incorruptibility.

3. Our Legislatures could be an acme of integrity, farsightedness and purposefulness.

4. Our habitats could be clean with abundant municipal services.

5. Our youth can be the Olympic Champions.

6. We can have 100% Literacy.

7. The Per Capita Income can go up in Geometric Proportions.

8. We can have full employment.

9. We can earn the reputation of being the most transparent and honest nation.

10. We could be the most competitive Nation.

India can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his or her capacity and ability. Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Let us hope for the same.

'Youth is like a fire

It crept forward.

A Spark at first

Growing into a flame

The brightening into a Blaze'.

Atul SHiva is a Lecturer in Commerce in Sri Aurobindo College of Commerce and Management, Ludhiana. His areas of interest are Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Management.

Article Source:

The Homeless

Do you ever stop to wonder where the homeless person came from? What caused the situation? Is it impossible to find solutions to help them, to have a home again and to get their life back, or is it that we turn our back, and walk by without giving them another thought?

Some are mentally ill and should be treated, others are young teens that have left one bad situation for a worse one, going from the frying pan to the fire. Some of the homeless are vets, after fighting a war for our country, they come home to emotional and mental illness and to a homeless situation. Our vets should not be homeless on the streets. Than there are those who have the misfortune of drug abuse. Young women and men that can't make enough money to support themselves become prostitutes trying to survive, putting their life and health at risk. Homeless can be created from loss of employment. It's sad to know in our country of America, the greatest country of all. there is so much proverty, and homelessness - and so many that turn a blind eye.

The old soldier - one of many of our homeless

Do you ever wonder why he's out on the street?

A soldier that once fought a war for me,

Now looks in the garbage for something to eat,

That old soldier now lives on the street.

He has fought many wars,

Some for the stripes and the stars,

Some wars are of his own,

Now he's in the war of no home.

He once had a family that cared,

But He lost them somewhere,

He has a cross that some may never bare,

He has a unsaid prayer.

Do you ever wonder why He's on the street?

A soldier that fought a war for me,

Now he looks in the garbage for something to eat,

The old soldier now lives on the street.

Some people say he's out of his mind,

He was a soldier on the front line,

This is one war he can't beat,

The old soldier that lives on the street.

He lays on the sidewalk with a bottle of wine,

He can forget his friends dying for a time,

Or does he still hear their crying in his mind?

People walk by him as if they were blind to his need,

Oh why can't they see?

He has no where to sleep.

The soldier that fought a war for me.

I always will weep,

For the old soldier that lives on the street.

Proverty's problems and the rising costs of dental care.

From homelessness, hungry, and medical needs our low income citizens are deprived of important and needed services.

The low income citizens can not afford such services as a dentist,
and there is nowhere for anyone over 21 to get help corrective treatments,
or be able to afford about $2,000 for total dental extractions for the dentures medicaid will pay for only after all but two teeth have been extracted.

Dental problems does not always mean a person doesn't brush their teeth and try to care for them.
But when dental problems occur and a person can't get treatment because of a lack of money, than the condtion worsens,so if you see a person with dental problems,
Some people find it differcult to wear dentures because of the poor fit or gum problems.
keep your comments to yourself,they already know their problem.
Bad teeth can lead to other health problems,major pain,and self esteem problems.

A crown for one tooth, about $700.00. Medicaid pays only for dentures,but if a person can't afford to have the bad teeth pulled, they can't have it done.
There are so many problems still unsolved for the eldery, disabled, handicapped.

Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett

I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

"A poet is the voice for those who are without words." -Judy Arline Puckett

Article Source:

Terri and Legal Murder

For Terri I feel a deep sadness that civilized society has
developed a thirst to kill those who can not defend their self
or speak for their self.

From the unborn child to the mentally and physically disabled
American courts have given others the right to legally murder those that inconvenient them.

I feel a heart ache that the court would allow Terri's husband
a man that has found a life with another woman,fathered two children and received a large settlement
to make life or death decisions while taking every right away from the mother who gave her life.

A poem for Terri

It's hard I know,

To let a an angel go,

She was a flame in the dark,

That touched every heart,

The world will miss her so,

It'a hard to let an angel go.

Some were blind in their sight,

In the angel's fight,

She left with a light,

That will forever glow,

It's hard to let an angel go.

Terri was her name,

The world knows an angel came,

They saw an angel's flame,

From those who loved her so,

It's hard to let an angel go.

She has taken wings for flight,

Past earthly dreams,past the night,

She is in heaven with God I know,

But it's hard to let an angel go

Too late for Terri, but I hope someday the American courts and government will change the laws to prevent the legal murder of innocent Americans.


Whatever a person is a victim of ,crime or accident, When he takes his case to court.he becomes a victim for the second time.
Going through a legal battle in court can be a very emotional and traumatic experience where often the victim becomes the defendant.
A good lawyer will often find a lack of evidence ,
where some people such as Michael Jackson and O.J.Simpson are found innocent.

When a victim takes his case to court he becomes the defendant.
He has become the victim of the lawyers and the court.
This happens even in cases that are not high profile.
Victims that know what they will be subjected to sometime choose to remain silent leaving others in danger.
Victims that choose to go to court seeking justice do not always find it ,but it will be at a cost of emotional trauma to try to find justice

Tina's Angels

I still think about them from time to time,How beautiful and sweet they were.
Such a tragdy that even though years have past the horror stays with me.
How a man that I knew could take his sweet angel daughters

Hailey and Brooke, and hold them across his lap, as the oldest one about seven cried daddy don't, and pulled the trigger killing his daughters with a bullet to the back of the head.

Tina once told me that most people won't mention their names to her, and she loved me for letting her know I never forgot her daughters ,or pretended they never existed, because they did.
Others thought it hurt her more to hear their name, but in reality it hurts her more when no one mentions them.
Angels came down and walked this earth and touched hearts.
Tina wasn't killed that day,but death would have shown more mercy,than to live with the heartache of losing her two little girls,Brooke almost two,Hailey 7.

After that moment and others of those I don't know has came and will come again ,It leaves questions of the right of others to own firearms.
I'm sure there are more deaths from accidents and those with cruel intent than there are lives saved because someone owned a firearm.
There were signs of this man's troubled life,but no one could save two little girls from their father and his firearm.
Tina had sought a court restrain order,but it was to no advail,
when she first asked for help.

The policeman with his high powered rifle broke the door down,
where her husband held her two daughters,
But he arrived too late.The little girls father had killed his little girls and than took his own life.
This is a sad story of domestic violence, and the silent cry for help.But no one was listening.

Once two angels walked this earth,
To show this world what love is worth,
Now walking across heaven's floor,
Their light shines through heaven's door.
Hailey and Brooke are God's angels forever more.

Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett

I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

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Biofuels and BioDiesel; There is a snag

Growing our fuel sounds like a brilliant answer to our issues with the thirst this country has for oil. What a perfect plan to help the American Farmer and Agricultural Sector. Indeed on first glance it looks like a perfect solution, given to us from the Gods. Yet on further examination; there's a catch. What catch you say; secretly in the back of your mind accusing me as being part of a general conspiracy to defraud the American People of healthy air, low priced fuel and freedom from Middle Eastern Oil. Well I am neither an oil producer or gainfully employed of any multi-national conglomerate in the oil industry.

I am somewhat troubled that the gentlemen behind bio-diesel, ethanol or bio-fuels seldom discuss the water usage needed to grow our fuel or the water usage needed to process it. For instance it takes 10 gallons of water in Processing at the refinery and it takes quite a bit of water to grow the crop to make the fuel. So in areas like NE, ND, SD, MT, WY, KS, CO, ID, NV, CA and this year even OR and WA, we just don't have the water supply to get to the goal of 5% to 8% biofuels in a decade.

In not mentioning the water issue it is somewhat misleading, but as politics go it is not completely unexpected. Further more we must understand that biofuels cost more to produce and to make up the difference some states are waiving taxes on biofuels. Some states when compounded with the federal tax on fuel are as much as $ .45 per gallon. This lost revenue in the state is expected to be made up through payroll taxes of those in the states offering the fuel tax discounts, since many state residents will have jobs in the growing and production of the biofuels.

Is there an answer to the extreme water usage needed to grow our fuel? Well yes and no. In states like NM, MT there is barely enough drinking and fire season could run them completely out of water. The Midwest does not have the water needed to grow all our fuel or even get to the ultimate goal of 12% Biofuels and biofuel blends, yet proponents of growing our fuel say we can supply all the fuel we need and even export some. The scientists believe that with continued work in GM crops, that the refining process can be lowered to only 2 gallons of water for every one gallon produced and we already have drought resistant GM seeds which can get us there. Others say at best we can only half the water usage since the organic oil in the crops is only one-third of the yield, the other two-thirds would be used for food and feed.

We all know that the GM crop debate is a huge one and even with the terminator seeds from Monsanto, which would prevent the problems of the seeds escaping into the wild, the organic farmers and entire contingency of anti-GM crops will continue the protests and launch a tirade of lawsuits. There is another group, which says "life is not for sale" and taken to extreme this would in fact in their minds include plant life.

Water is a valuable resource as well. We have some water crisis issues in this country and in a dry year we cannot afford the lost supply of 2-3% fluctuation. We know from current prices that even a 1 to 2% fluctuation in supply of our imported oil for gasoline and diesel mean huge price spikes at the pumps. Can you imagine moving into a drought period even a few years long after committing ourselves to 12% biofuels by way of legislative mandate? Let's look at the biofuels debate from a reality based solution basis, not from a Utopian Dream concept. Growing our own fuel would be a wonderful idea, but let's be smart about it.

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ADHD; A life saver

Studying the characteristics of ADHD; one would have to say that it might not be a negative trait at all. As a matter of fact squirrels and other fidgety creatures are able to stay more alert and not get eaten by predators as often as other critters. This simple fact seems to show that ADHD may be an extremely valuable trait indeed. Perhaps the person with ADHD ought to be the one on point guard when searching caves out for Bin Laden. The ADHD individual will be more alert and dwell less on one thing. Able to pick up the slightest movement, sound, or sight and be able to adapt quicker and isolate the threat with force. Perhaps ADHD might be used as a valuable tool for certain needs. Perhaps a person with ADHD would be a better direct sales person, because they can read body language, scan a room for topics of conversation and opportunity faster than a person without ADHD. Perhaps a company putting together a marketing team should have all of our blitz team be diagnosed with ADHD before they hire them? Interesting observation.

There must be more benefits to ADHD here. We must use these traits to our advantage. If a person with ADHD is said to have learning disorder in school for study and the like, then he or she must have another set of traits that are of benefit somewhere else. Almost without exception those who lack abilities in some areas are gifted in others, this is a known fact. We should use such advantages to our benefit. We should read up on this stuff to find out where the superior traits can do the most good. From our studies of different people we find that lower intelligence levels find themselves happier in repetitive jobs.

We know that "A" type personalities make lousy accountants and do not like fine details. So what do ADHD people have, we know they do not have a lack of intelligence. They may not score the highest on the English section of the SAT tests, but we know they are not stupid, some IQ tests have revealed that they are as much as 15% higher than the average. So take a person who is smart, but fidgety. What would they be most suited for? What do they excel in? They may not have the opportunity to get lots of degrees, since they probably hate school. It probably feels like torture for them, so then, find a need for their genetic make-up and you win, actually we all win. Do not be so quick to judge and/or prescribe drugs to our ADHD fellow citizens, we need them to help us stay safe and move the human race forward. Think about it.

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Neo Nazi Movement Embraces New Pope

There is much celebration for the new Pope in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. In Idaho is the United State's largest contingency of Neo Nazi groups. The new Pope, Benedict XVI, was a member of the Hitler Youth. The Catholic Church is quick to point out that Benedict XVI joined because it was mandatory not because he hated Jews. Although this is the Catholic Church's current statement on the issue; it has not slowed the Neo Nazi groups from celebrating in the United States or in Germany as they await their revival. Many Neo Nazi groups in Germany are younger generation and some do not even believe the Holocaust happened and that the Jews are making it all up. In the United States however the Neo Nazi groups believe and know it happened, many in the group are Catholic and many more are considering now joining the Catholic Church.

Some question the choosing of the German Catholic Pope because of his background. Some Hispanic Americans and Latin Catholics of the South and Central America feel slighted. Many thought that a Black Pope might have been a worthy idea to unite the World, but realistically the good ole' boy network couldn't let that happen. One thing is for certain no matter who was picked not everyone could agree so black or white smoke may not have been as important as who became the Pope. Some from Islam are happy with the selection, because the German Benedict XVI having been in the Hitler Youth, might have a severe disdain for the Jews as do all people of Islamic Faith as this is taught in their schools from a very early age. Some have asked is the Catholic Church trying to appease these groups to unite the Catholic Church or perhaps appease the International Terrorists since the fastest growing population in Europe is Muslim due to influx of people moving in and substantial birth rates.

The Catholic Church did pray for Nazi soldiers in WWII, just as the Catholic Church prayed for allied forces during the war. They had done well playing both sides and Benedict XVI was there to see it all and participate. It is for this reason that the Neo Nazi movement is overjoyed that they now have a Pope, which understands their calling and served in the Hitler Youth. Perhaps this might help a divided Germany come together or embolden the Neo Nazi movement in the United States to take over. Some Jews in the America are horrified and cannot believe the Catholic Church could make such a poor choice. Even as the Catholic Church plays down the Popes involvement in Nazi Germany both sides are emotional about the issue. How do you feel about the selection?

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Department of Defense Giving Away Military Secrets at Washington DC Gay Bars

The Gay Bar scene in Washington DC is completely out of hand. We are losing military secrets to foreign nationals who are spies. The news agencies go there for tips to out scoop their competition. The Congressmen and Senatorial Staffers go there to meet with and become intimately acquainted with others to work out the kinks with the staff and make back door deals. Even defense contractors go their to lubricate and grease deals and lobby for the inside track. No Politician in Washington DC can be effective with out at least one Homosexual Male who has a hot body; "Oo La La" is the new battle cry. If you want to make a difference in Washington DC or get anything done, you have to run it by the boys first.

AIDS is an issue too, so even if these foreign spies wish to play hardball to get the goods and secret information they are risking their lives in doing so. If the Chinese want to learn of secret strategies they no longer send a sexy woman to the FBI, they send one of their 250 million homosexual males to hang out in the Gay Bar District of Washington DC and act flirtatious. This provides them with same day information from Senate subcommittee meetings on National Security, the next weapons programs, computer program passwords, nearly anything they want, simply by bending over and spreading their wings. Planting bugs is also easy once they are invited home for a little private screening. One Think Tank believes there are over 1500 electronic bugs in private residences of government upper echelon staff workers, it could be higher, but it is not only the Chinese also Russians, Iranians, North Koreans are expected to have infiltrated the gay bar scene in DC.

Top secret in Washington DC is about two days tops. You cannot keep a secret as our most trusted bodies are busy by night fraternizing with any dark hole or miniature flag pole, which pokes it's head into a bar. Spies can make fast inroads to the game and gain access to information quickly. Numbers can be changed on government reports, attitudes swayed on request of a close friend into a Politicians ear the next day. Proponents of the night gay bar scene in DC are quick to point out;

"Much work is done at night and we are not even off the clock, can you imagine the money this saves the tax payer?"

Whereas that is a good point and probably true to a large degree the hard facts are this is not what the taxpayer had in mind. It also misses the point as to whom you are dealing with. Sodomy is against the law and sexual deviance, which is ramped in Washington DC, which is a given, is not legal. Breaking the law by night and making the law by day is not Truth, Justice nor the American Way. By and for the people is different than; for the enemy, paid for by the people. What someone does on their own time is their business as most Americans agree, but when it involves our national security, we need not screw all the American People. Think about it.

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