
Monday 8 February 2016

Obfuscation Rules The World

Obfuscation-to cloud over; obscure; make dark; or unclear; to muddle; confuse; bewilder. [Webster's New World Dictionary, 1982, P 980]

Studies, surveys and research are the epitome of obfuscation. It is ironic then that little is done on a local or national level unless a study, survey or research project has been done. Before a traffic light can be installed in certain intersections there needs to be a study done to document the number of car crashes, and number of lives lost. However, if the number of car crashes or lives lost doesn't meet a 'predetermined' number-Sorry, No can do!

Hm-m-m, one life or one person's car isn't important enough to consider that based on the nature of the car crash there is a problem that needs to be remedied by installing a traffic light? The nature of the car crash is not sufficient to spend the money to save other lives or cars according to officials in any town or municipality. If the number of car crashes meet the predetermined number, Voila! a light is put in. How the number of car crashes necessary to warrant a traffic light is determined is a well guarded secret.

Why, am I talking about this mundane topic? The topic is a simple example of what we, as managers of our society, have decided is acceptable criteria for addressing or solving any societal issue. For any societal issue to be addressed, a study needs to be done, statistics submitted and criteria for addressing the issue developed. Herein lies the dilemma, who decides what the criteria needs to be on any given issue? And who decides the best method to gather data which is unbiased and/or accurate? You guessed it researchers, submitting data to politicians, government officials (elected or appointed), and people who have a vested interest in the issue. Insidiously, the vested interest might not be to benefit the afflicted.

The intended topic of this article is-violence, rape, spousal abuse, physical or sexual child abuse. Violence, rape, spousal abuse, physical or sexual child abuse is society's worst scourge. Why? Because we have created and sanctioned the same obfuscation system which rules traffic light installation. Contrary to a car crash at an intersection, these scourges impacts everybody's life for many years, rather than only the few who have a car crash at a particular intersection. It is tragic we use the same methods to determine whether we need to address these societal issues.

-62% of females are sexually abused by age 18. Finkelhor, David and J. Dziuba-Leatherman. "Victimization of Children." American Psychologist Vol. 49:3 (1992): 173-183.

-31% of males are sexually abused by age 18. Ibid.

-More than 60 million adult survivors of incest and sexual child abuse live in America. *Note these are only reported cases. It is believed as great as 50% of sexual child abuse is unreported. Forward, 1993

-99% of sexual abuse survivors know their perpetrators

-80% are abused by family members, 19% are abuse by other trusted adults. CCPA, 1992

-Of 50 male sexual abuse survivors, many were as young as 8 years old. FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1991.

-96% of female rape survivors were younger than 12 years old and knew their attackers. U.S. Department of Justice, 1992.

-A study of 10,000 female children under age 18 raped in 1992, reports that 3,800 girls were under 12 years old. U.S. Justice Department, study conducted in 11 states and the District of Columbia, June 1994.

-Of teenage, unwed mothers, 60-67% were incest survivors. Los Angeles Times survey, 1993

-96% of teenage prostitutes were sexually molested in childhood. CCPA, 1992. *Almost 80% had become prostitutes before age 18. Ibid. *60% of prostitutes were 16 or under; many were younger than 13. Ibid.

-Over 80% of the mothers of incest survivors were also sexually abused.

-57% of sexual child abuse and incest perpetrators are survivors of sexual child abuse. Goldstein-Harte Study 1973: Carter, et al.

-A perpetrator abuses an average of 117 children. National Institute of Mental Health, 1988.

-extensive evidence substantiates the fact that sexual child abuse has taken place for centuries. D. Corwin (1990) cites that in London many believed that sexual "congress" with a child would cure venereal disease. Of capital rape prosecutions between 1730 and 1790, 35 percent of the cases involved victims younger than 10 years old.

-1896 in The Aetiology of Hysteria, Freud discusses his "Seduction Theory" acknowledging the sexual abuse and incest of children.

In the U.S. in 2000 over 3 million child abuse and neglect reports were filed and one million were confirmed. There are 3,000 children abused each day and four of them will die. Forty percent of these children were under the age of six. The age group with the highest abuse rate is 0-3 years. Nationally the highest form of abuse is neglect followed by physical abuse. In March of 2001 when President Bush declared April National Child Abuse Prevention Month he stated the cost of child abuse and neglect in the U.S. was $258 million dollars a day. This includes the price of intervention, the treatment of children who have been emotionally, physically or sexually abused as well as the indirect costs of the long term consequences both for the child and our society. Prevent Child Abuse America.

In 2000, there were 261,000 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault. [2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics.] Of these 261,000, 114,000 were victims of sexual assault, 55,000 were victims of attempted rape, and 92,000 were victims of completed rape. [2000 NCVS.]

Because of the methodology of the National Crime Victimization Survey, these figures do not include victims 12 or younger. While there are no reliable annual surveys of sexual assaults on children, the Justice Department has estimated that one of six victims are under age 12. [Child Rape Victims, 1992]

"Have you heard about crime declining? It's true (as best we can tell). While figures for any single year are considered somewhat unreliable because they are based on a small sample size, the more-reliable long term trend looks good. Since1993, rape/sexual assault has fallen 52%." Here are more figures for recent years.[2000 NCVS.]

Dr. Frank Putnam of the National Institute of Mental Health and Dr. Martin Teicher of Harvard Medical School studied 170 girls, 6-15 years old--half had experienced corporal punishment, half had not--for seven years. The girls who experienced corporal punishment had symptoms such as:

-abnormally high stress hormones, which can kill neurons in brain areas crucial for thinking and memory

-high levels of an antibody that weaken the immune system

Teicher completed a series of brain studies on 402 children and adults, many of whom had corporal punishment. His findings revealed that corporal punishment creates:

-arrested growth of the left hemisphere of the brain which can hamper development of language and logic -growth of the right hemisphere of the brain (the site for emotions) at an abnormally early age.

The AMA ignores these studies. Why does the AMA ignore these studies? The answer lies within the obfuscation theory and other noted researchers work, such as: Judith Herman, M.D.

Judith Herman, M.D. author, Father-Daughter Incest undeniably confirms obfuscation abounds with regard to protecting woman and children from society's worst scourge: "As in the case of other crimes against women and children, for too long the power of the justice system has protected the men who victimized them... As long as the justice system remains a male preserve, it can hardly be expected to reform itself... The initiative for those reforms that have already been carried out has come almost entirely from women: from the rape counselor, the child advocate, and the small minority of women who work within the system-we look forward to a time when women, who are so frequently the victims and rarely [research reveals women are more frequently the offender than previously reported] the offenders, adjudicate the majority of domestic and sexual crimes."

Statistics and studies notwithstanding, physical and sexual abuse and incest against female victims is so common it can be considered an epidemic.

Claire R. Reeves, President/Founder of MASA (Mothers Against Sexual Abuse) says, it best in her foreword to-If I'd Only Known...Sexual Abuse in or out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention, Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, in her statement:

"If a disease affected our children in these enormous numbers we would declare a national emergency. Monies for research to find a cure would be made available immediately. Sadly, this is not a platform that you will find popular with politicians or a topic of conversation at a social gathering. Americans have always taken the stance that what happens in the family is a 'family matter.' Family values are the platform of many elected officials without looking at the real issue, 'What constitutes a family?'"

In summary, we can not afford to continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Voltaire said, "We are not only responsible for what we do, but also, for that what we don't do." Sartre stated, "Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it."

We have been ignoring information regarding the aftereffects from violence since the beginning of time. To continue to ignore these aftereffects is being part of the problem and the purveyor of obfuscation. It is never too late to change what isn't working.

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Looking through Terri Schiavo's Eyes

I'm a chaplain, and I thought some of you might be interested in a very different point of view about this. I'm not suggesting that you believe me, nor am I arguing for a "side." This is just what the Sanctuary teaches, and this is what I believe.

Terri's soul is alive and well, and it's still attached to her body. The essence of Terri, her soul, is not in some state of limbo. Her soul is aware of everything going on around her just like near-death experiencers can be aware of their surroundings. Terri is actively participating in a spiritual change in society. This is a test for see if we are spiritually mature enough to do the right thing.

And what is the right thing in God's eyes? God gives life, and He brings it home when it's time.

To withhold food and water from any living creature with a soul is unthinkable. Even though Terri's brain might not be aware of it, and even though she might not suffer physically from it, our society would be held accountable for its choice. Food and water is not a matter of artificially extending life. It's an act of mercy. If Terri is given food and water, her body will digest and metabolize it. When it's time for Terri to die, her body will stop doing that.

We all understand the difference between being humane and artificially extending life. When Terri's lungs stop functioning, it will be because her soul has shut them down. When she stops metabolizing food and water, it will be because her soul has shut down her digestive system.

The Sanctuary teaches that the soul is the "living" part of us. The physical body is just a temporary chemistry and physics lab. When the soul detaches, the body dies. The soul is not "inside" the body. It interfaces with the body at the autonomic nervous system.

The soul is the source of all our thoughts, comprehension, imagination, and memories. (Neuroscientists have recently discovered that those are not in the brain. They're still trying to figure it out.) Terri, the living, thinking, remembering part of her (her soul) is not horrified with the condition of her body. It's not important to her anymore. What is important to her is the spiritual growth that can come out of the furor going on all around her.

And she's praying for us.

Copyright 2005 RobinRenee Bridges

RobinRenee Bridges has been a chaplain and officer in The Sanctuary for more than thirty years. She is the author of “A Bridge of Love between Heaven and Earth: Self-Induced Contact in the Afterlife.” For more articles about death, dying, and the afterlife visit her web site at: []

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The Secret Spies Of The Future, The CIA In 2025, Sure They Look The Same?

The CIA robotic spies will look like you and I, talk, walk, eat, act and even make mistakes like us. But these will not be living, breathing organic humans. The Labs around the country are working on them now, by 2025 they will be everywhere. It is time to a have a serious discussion on artificial intelligence and the future of clandestine spies using artificial intelligence robotics.

Isaac Asimov had artificial organic robots in his books. We all saw the movie AI. Will we be fooled in the future by robots posing as people? Will we care? This might be a great opportunity for spying? Create a robot which looks and acts like a person and is controlled through tele-robotics or constantly monitored through sensors watching the target by TV Screen and putting in controls and feeding in topics of conversation? Realizing that this technology will be available in our lifetimes, should we be thinking ahead of how best to use this technology for CIA Clandestine efforts.

Today we have technologies such as putting a cell phone in someone’s false teeth. They can then meet with a source and be fed instructions as to what to say and ask. Today we have built Haptic enabled ‘robotic faces’ to mimic the person it interfaces with, based on a known human trait of personality called mirroring. Mirroring is often used in the spy industry, police investigations, good guy bad guy routines, dating, sales, negotiation and politics. Whether we realize it or not, we all mirror people we are talking with, it is extremely hard not to do this simply by habit. Robotics researchers and psychologists designing robotic companions and humanoid type robots, have taken this into consideration. Robots, which learn through these interactions will learn how to mimic human interaction and become quite good at cultural norms when on duty as spies. However currently we fall way short even trying to train new CIA recruits to learn cultural norms to those outpost regions in which they have never traveled. It is hard enough for them to learn the variations in language dialogue, slang and accents.

Cultural norms, language and behavior is not the only thing that is difficult to teach and in the future we will need to teach the robots to make human type mistakes, laugh and understand when a joke is told, before we can release them autonomously. This is why tele robotics will come first when using robotic spies. In the future we will have a tough time teaching robots to be random or rather appear random as humans often seem to be. The only way to attempt to achieve the randomness of human interaction will be to have simultaneous algorithms running all at once and a couple more algorithms controlling which algorithm will reside in the decision to vector of a conversation or interaction with a human being otherwise the human will become suspicious as they often are anyway.

We might be better off to wait to send in robotic spies until we have partial human, partial robot units or transhumans with additional capacities and assisted brain power. Eventually we may find as we develop our species to include more advanced robotic systems, which become “part of us” that we may lose our abilities to be random in pure humanly terms. Organic humans are very random but not completely, it will be most difficult to fool a human who is interacting with a robot until well off into the future. Even if we study the target subject completely, recording previous conversations, writings, emails and have a complete LifeByte virtual file on the target subject, we may find it difficult to conceal the non-organic robotic spy. This is because humans will recognize patterns of mirroring and mimicking which are unnatural to human interaction and be able to tell that the robotic spy is not acting like humans act.

There will someday be a crossing point I suppose where there are enough human beings with non-natural parts that it might be difficult to tell which are totally human, which are partly human and which are cyborgs or a combination of species created through biological DNA, RNA manipulations. As more non-100% humans interact and society changes the humans will begin to mimic the average mean behavior of their societies to keep from being left out of the social structure. Robots will be programmed to also mimic the average gestures, posture and behavioral slant.

Humans are innately social and have a sense of need to belong. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs predicts respect from your fellow man at near the top of those human needs. Will Robotic Researchers in the future be able to adapt these units to interact without detection first or will the merging of man and machine change human interaction in society and civilization first. The overwhelming complexity of mimicking human behavior and interaction is being studied by researchers of Artificial Intelligence, they are taking on the challenge, but being able to fool a human might be tougher than we think. Will all this studies one day just all come together or will it be a long drawn out process over a number of years or possibly decades. Will the time frame be so far off in the future that we may not ever notice the change at all and then one day we cannot tell?

There are other possibilities and those are that humans may evolve into a completely different species by modifying the on-off switches of our own DNA to the most desirable attributes skipping over the alluring challenge to create non-organic robots for transhumanism modifications and manipulations. Many species have attributes we do not possess, but that does not mean with a little genetic manipulation that we cannot also know these things:


Think about it, you could swim like a fish, communicate like a dolphin or have the strength and agility of a tiger, yet still possess the brain of the world’s smartest human? Once a set pattern of perfection is established will we see widespread cloning to make more perfectly desirable humans. Here are some thoughts on the advantages and costs of cloning on society and the farming of:


Would it be wise to clone a set of clandestine spies? Organically superior human spies or is it better to create non-organic robots to do our spying? The future of the spying industry will be changing, some downsizing will occur and robotic spies with upgrades may never be retired. Will there be a time when robotic spies are spying on neighboring nations robots not knowing that they are spies too? Even if we can fool a human, will robots be able to fool other robots?

Think it's SCI FI? Think again as artificial intelligence robotic labs are breaking barrier after barrier on their way to make indistinguishable units. The DOD, CIA have already been looking at this future and funding it. Do you think you can tell the difference? Some say they may already be here amongst us? But all of us know they will be here soon.

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Missile Defense Strategies, Hit to Kill Ratios, and UAV Survivability

First I would like to make a statement:

"Governments Number One Job is to Protect the People"

So then here are some thoughts on Missile Defense Strategies and Hit to Kill ratios and UAV Survivability. Think of these ideas as a topic opener comment and thought.

Let's discuss using old technology and flight characteristics of antiquated flying objects and birds and insects to make it difficult to hit in the case of an offense rebuttal and reciprocal response to an ICBM being launched against us. I believe that an object which flies randomly during flight like a butterfly may be harder to hit, shoot down or catch. This is significant for UAV survivability and understanding how to shoot down older technology in SAMs, older ICBM, SCUD missiles and other onerous weapons and even the now ancient V-1 and V-2 rockets.

Knowing these characteristics and knowing our capabilities will also help us achieve higher kill ratios in missile defense systems to protect the American People and our allies if not the entire free world eventually. Missile Defense strategies and hit to kill ratios increased by use of science;


Therefore the best weapon would have a random vertical fin with it’s own algorithm that would osolate and not allow an adequate fix on itself by the seek and destroy air to air kill projectile. This is a problem with a primitive V-1 or V-2 type rocket or the later SCUD missiles, the old technology will wobble in flight and therefore is un predictable and will be harder to hit. We must develop offensive weapons which seek random characteristics and provide innate tendencies of unpredictability and therefore you have a weapon that cannot be hit as easy. For instance a direct hit would be less probable. With wobbling flight characteristics. Just like a stinger or patriot surface to air hand held or from small launch vehicle will be unable to hit it directly.

Defensive weapons, which only have to be close, like in hand grenades or horseshoes can attain adequate shoot and kill ratios and score direct hits with far superior accuracy. Defense weapons only need to explode in front of such a random flying target with a scattered group of projectiles, which explode on impact. Nano technology can do this similar to the flying mechanical insects with explosives we can now put at the end of a runway and they get caught in the jet intakes of the enemy on take off. Also such technology can be added to unmanned submarines and surveillance aircraft to make them harder to hit as a target. After all have you ever tried to get away from an alligator? Do you know why bunnies run zigzag? Why squirrels have start and stop patterns? Why the free safety cannot catch a running back? Think about it.

Change the flight characteristics and patterns to algorithms, which change like they do in security network software. A saying we had in soccer, when asked by the other team what our play was. We do not know exactly but the final touch of the ball will be towards the open goal line and it only purpose is to score. And this is why we never lost a game, only sometimes we ran out of time. Think about it, who cares how long it takes to get to the target, as long as the target is destroyed? (Offensive mission statement and scenario).

Defensive mission statement; allow for any type of projectile, with any type of flight characteristic. Surround the target or it's path. Multiple missiles can disperse projectiles in any direction to kill the target, no matter which way it goes such as a helicopter, flying saucer, or in the case of a unmanned fighting machine seeking out a fleeing terrorist on foot. Projectiles make all possible paths obsolete, you win by default. The enemy is cornered and must surrender or risk incineration if he moves. Or in the arena of a fair war, if the enemy retreats he is free to go, and thus the will to fight has been accomplished and so is the need for human conflict as per Von Clauzewitz memos.

We must remember that stealth is good for offense and surprise, but also inexpensive technologies and older technologies often make it easier for opponents to use when your sophistication is far advanced. A properly thrown stone could cause a jet engine to bend or break a fan jet engine causing it to come apart and crash. The stone is free; the jet aircraft was 30 million dollars and if the pilot does not eject in time that is another 500K in training lost, not to mention the loss of life. A UAV which flies like a butterfly, bird or bat has a better survivability ratio and an ICBM which has a bent fin on it has a better chance of not getting a direct hit from a missile defense system, which need four satellites in perfect synchronicity to pin-point, track, intercept and kill, due to GPS issues with Earth Wobble and electromagnetic interference and gravity components of various areas.

So there are many other important factors such as pre-release ball bearings, liquid metal or shotgun type munitions in the predicted path of said incoming object. The problem being is that the prediction is necessary and must be accurate to make the kill. This is bad if you are on the receiving end of a weapon, good if you are on the offensive play.

Either way the true trajectory of an object may be the simply answer to survivability, which is a cheaper solution to stealth technologies and other radio jamming devices which require lots of power. Even shooting down an object with an E-5 Airborne Laser unit is difficult if you cannot track the target exactly. The smaller the target the harder and the more power needed to approximate vicinity since you cannot be sure exactly where it is.

The best strategy maybe to simply have an unpredictable flight path, the more unpredictable the better. However even the most advanced methods of such can be over come by huge numbers and grid pattern fire power and algorithms predicting future flight path. A super computer on a grid could calculate by pinpointing previous osolations and flight path to predict the areas, which are most likely to correspond to future paths. So you can win the game by massive calculations and speed of fire and zone defense. Such as, if you know someone is within a football field so you use a C-130 gun ship and you simply eliminate anything showing up in that grid. You could even shoot down a funny shaped spinning meteorite, which has already hit the Earths atmosphere, a UFO (pretend I did not say that, since I am very pro-higher intelligent species, the human race is still questionable? Judging by the Jerry Springer Show and Darwin Awards and Los Angeles Freeways) or a SCUD missile, which has a bent tail. Or a UAV of an enemy which is bouncing up and down by wind currents as it flies over mountains, roads, rivers and canyons where low and high pressure and heat and cool air rise and fall.

An autonomous UAV flying and bouncing along would be hard to hit, but far from impossible to hit. May as well understand these ideas in order to further you defensive kill ratios or improve you survivability for maximum advantage for mission completion and/or recovery for another round.

Today we are now even seeing the emergence of space as another territory to control and or defend. Even the original grid satellite project Iridium used a perfect grid to allow data and messaging throughout the world. Bush’s Missile defense system breaks the grid in to three dimensions and each grid is defended by satellite, geo points and triangulation to down an incoming ICBM missile. We have coverage on air, land, and sea and now space. We do not only control the air we control all that is above the Earth. Someday we will be able to shoot down or even deflect meteors or comets.

As things change in the atmospheric battle space it might be Another reason why it is not such a bad idea to send unmanned fighter planes into a battle zone to fight and why it is necessary to have a missile defense system set up at our perimeters.

Rapidily advancing algorhthymic flight characteristics will make hit to kill ratios nearly impossible for defeating incoming nuclear ICBMs. Are we really safe?

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The Shameful Secret of Illiteracy in America

The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. - Don Miguel Ruiz

One New Jersey woman, "Maria," read at a third grade level. She held a job and fudged her way through everyday tasks without reading. When she would go to a restaurant, she would order what she knew was on the menu - a hamburger, salad or grilled chicken - or point to someone else's plate at the next table and ask "for what he's having." Maria even went so far as to keep her illiteracy a secret even from her husband of ten years. Because she could not read the mail, she would pretend that she forgot her glasses at work or say that she had been too busy to open the mail and ask her husband to do it. One day, they were walking past a shop window with a sign in it. As they looked at the display, the husband suddenly realized that his wife could not read. Maria was embarrassed and humiliated. But she sought help and now reads, works on a computer and teaches others to read.

In 2002, before the Subcommittee on Education Reform Committee on Education and the Workforce, United States House of Representatives, actor James Earl Jones testified: "92 million Americans have low or very low literacy skills - they cannot read above the 6th grade level. To be illiterate in America - or anywhere for that matter - is to be unsafe, uncomfortable and unprotected. For the illiterate, despair and defeat serve as daily fare. Can any of us who do know how to read really understand the sadness that is associated with the inability to read? Can we truly relate to the silent humiliation, the quiet desperation that can't be expressed, the hundreds of ways that those who cannot read struggle in shame to keep their secret? The struggle out of illiteracy ... is still a part of the story of America."

Today, our nation faces an epidemic that is destructive to our future. The disease is functional illiteracy. According to the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), it has overtaken one-third of America's children by the fourth grade - including two-thirds of African-American students and almost half of all children in the inner cities.

The basic definition of literacy is the ability to read and write. So the basic definition of illiteracy is the inability to read and write.

Beyond the basic definitions, there is significance in the shocking statistics about the functionally illiterate. What illiteracy means is that millions may not be able to understand the directions on a medicine bottle, or be able to read their telephone bill, make correct change at a store, find and keep a job, or read to a child.

Illiteracy has long been viewed as a social and educational issue - someone else's problem. However, more recently we have come to understand the economic consequences of the lack of literacy skills for America and American business.

Illiteracy has a significant impact on the economy. According to Nation's Business magazine, 15 million adults holding jobs today are functionally illiterate. The American Council of Life Insurance reports that three quarters of the Fortune 500 companies provide some level of remedial training for their workers. And, a study done by the Northeast Midwest Institute and The Center for Regional Policy found that business losses attribute to basic skill deficiencies run into the hundreds of millions of dollars because of low productivity, errors and accidents.

In addition, as reported in the 1986 publication entitled Making Literacy Programs Work: A Practical Guide for Correctional Educators (for the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections), one-half of all adults in federal and state correctional institutions cannot read or write at all. Only about one-third of those in prison have completed high school.

Evidence indicates that the problem begins at home. A National Governors' Association Task Force on Adult Literacy reported that illiteracy is an inter-generational problem, following a parent-child pattern. Poor school achievement and dropping out before completing school are commonplace among children of illiterate parents.

The reasons for illiteracy are as varied as the number of non-readers. The adult non-reader may have left school early, may have had a physical or emotional disability, may have had ineffectual teachers or simply may have been unready to learn at the time reading instruction began.

Because they are unable to help their children learn, parents who can't read often perpetuate the inter-generational cycle of illiteracy. Without books, newspapers or magazines in the home and a parent who reads to serve as a role model, many children grow up with severe literacy deficiencies. Clearly, there is no single cause of illiteracy.

Adults have many reasons for requesting reading help. Many are prompted by the need for increased levels of literacy in their jobs. Others may wish to read to a child, read the Bible or write to a family member for the first time. All express a hope for a better quality of life through higher levels of literacy.

According to Barbara Bush, "It suddenly occurred to me that every single thing I worry about - the breakup of families, drugs, AIDS, the homeless - everything would be better if more people could read, write and understand."

Let us all do what we can to make illiteracy not a part of the story of American today but a part of America's past.

Penni Wild is the Executive Director of New Jersey Reads. New Jersey Reads was established in 2002 by a group of literacy advocates dedicated to encouraging literacy among adults and children throughout the state. Currently, almost 40 percent of New Jersey adults cannot read medicine labels, roadway signs, or job applications, and illiteracy rates in six major New Jersey cities are more than twice the national average. As a champion of literacy for all in New Jersey, New Jersey Reads seeks to obtain funding and resources for literacy initiatives from individuals, corporations, and foundations. For more information about New Jersey Reads, visit or call 609-394-5416.

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Water Resources - Infrastructure Does Not Grow On Trees, It Helps You Grow The Trees

Arizona and water issues for the future are an interesting issue as the Governor and her Drought task force move into a long-term workable plan. Such a compromise is necessary is AZ is to continue growth without devastating its food processing, farming and distribution and transportation industry in trade for housing and construction.

This issue is on everyone’s mind in AZ as the Bark Beetles is eating up the forests near Prescott, Fires have burned down thousands of acres in Show Lo and outside Tucson. As Yuma explodes in Population, as CA desert farmers use an abundance of water, housing continues to grow in San Diego’s North East County, Eastern side along the 8 and in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Coupled with the intense growth of Las Vegas in suburbs of Green Valley, Summerlin, Centennial, Seven Hills, North Las Vegas and Anthem. In Tucson seeing housing growth on the West side and also heavy growth in and around the Oro Valley area.

In Phoenix much like Las Vegas the growth is staggering, unbelievable really. More golf courses using up to 10% of the water including Trillium in Queen Creek, Cave Creek Area, Another Anthem, Sun City Expansion, Glendale, Goodyear and surround areas and Awautukee Hills. Growth also in cities bordering the tri-sate area places like Lake Have a Brew, Bullhead City, Laughlin and all the way down river to around Parker, AZ. What do all these areas have in common? They all draw from the Colorado River, which is seeing stresses in it’s availability to supply the growing demand. So what is AZ to do? Well they have the SRP – Salt Water River Project. Which is really a river that is thousands of years old, unpredictable during certain periods of the year. That was until around 300 B.C. yes three hundred B.C., looks like Columbus did not discover anything except a whole bunch of people who were already Natives. In AZ Cortez could have come about 2500 B.C. and found whole civilizations roaming what are now the western United States.

The ancient Hohokam Indians were skilled farmers by that time of 300 B.C. and they over the years had built a series of gravity fed canals all the way from Flagstaff to Tucson if you can imagine that. And why not, Look at the Egyptians, Chinese and Roman and Greeks. They too were well adapted to building canals and aquaducts. All this during the European Feudal system, the tribes continued to modify and adapt their water flow to meet seasonal demand and flow rates needed for farming. The Hohokam like the Indians of the Four Corners regions who vanished around 1200-1350 AD, also left their lands in 1400s. Why? No one knows except maybe the Mountainous Indians might have come down for food and water after warring tribes taxed their infrastructure and they over populated their resources.

Mankind has always tried to manage his resources as the Earth is a hostile planet for any species living in the desert or anywhere on the surface of this little blue Planet. There are flows and cycles and logistical needs which must be met as Maslow would agree in his view of what is needed to reach such a pinnacle of society to find your self and your people self actualized.

The Hohokam had developed such an intricate system of water delivery in canals, dams, reservoirs, it rivaled Mullhollands project in CA, including the Fillmore dam, which has its own story:

The Chandlers, must have seen this and used these techniques along with Mullholland to assist in the California Acquaduct. The Hohokam had more than 200 miles of irrigation ditches on top of the river system. After they left, a drifter named Jack Swilling revitalized the canal system. Named the dam thing the Swilling Irrigation Canal Company, but folks in the region simply called it the Swilling Ditch. And a ditch it was as it brought water throughout AZ, some 1500 years after the Hohokam had mysteriously vanished. The Company was located in what is now and industrial section of Phoenix, but was once the main downtown area. 1868-1870 the ditch did very well, but Swilling died in a Yuma jail in 1870. The community kept adding canals and miles to the system and eventually it was 42 miles long, which was no real feat compared to the Tribal and ancient Indians.

Water is gold. Look at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait even Baghdad for that matter. Without water you have nothing. Water is gold. I recently talked with the Mayor of San Marcos TX who told me that the Oil of this century in Texas was water. He is not alone in his predictions as Billionaires have been buying up water rights in TX as fast as they can. Enron was trading water futures and why not. The Rio Grande does not have water flow the Gulf of Mexico anymore and TX, NM, NV, CO, MT, AZ all seed the clouds not. Sure beats the ancient ones and their rain dances, which we all ought to learn, after all it worked for them. The Hohokam left the area, why? Were they in periods of long droughts also and being farmers could not do without periods with no water? Without food to grow and animals to hunt on the open desert plain, what could they harvest or trade to live? William Bradford and Edward Winslow found ways to trade with the Indians to get the things they needed for the pilgrims.

Indians in such civilization had big trading needs and were able to get things to make their lives easier from other tribes and cultures. In 1902 many western leaders went to Washington DC to lobby for funds to build the infrastructure and in that year Roosevelt signed the National Reclamation Act. The Valley in PHX immediately worked to secure a loan to take advantage of that legislation and built the first of many larger dams and later reservoirs, The first of which was a huge dam in the Tonto Basin and the locals formed the Salt River Valley Water Users Association. The reason for this was due to the inconsistent problems such as the Flood destroying parts of the canal in 1891.

Then the drought of 1897-1904 brought even more havoc to the region, thus is my view for believing that these droughts are basically the 100 year drought cycles, the Indians without the huge dams and giant reservoirs were marvelous in normal years, but lacking in the drought periods. Coupled with fires from Lightening in Monsoon seasons across the PHX plain. Having water flow like the Colorado River Rapids in the beginning of the year and then dry in the late summers would not support year round life in a desert. About 12 people died building the dam and Apache Indians helped too, but were segregated in tents. This is why the Boeing named the Apache Attack Helicopter since they were the same Indians living in that region previously with ancestors still there today, some running casinos and making much money.

Typhoid swept through the work camp during the years it took to build the dam. The damn dam was completed in 1911 and thus Phoenix was free to grow big. The dam named Roosevelt dam was the first of several reservoirs. Mormon Flats, Horse Mesa, Stewart Mountain all dams and were used to generate electric power, some 53,000 kilowatts. After Tesla proved he could power up the world with water and deliver it via power lines until which time he could figure out a way to deliver it wireless.

During the Depression AZ had found it difficult to make payments on these enormous projects. AZ at one time developed more power than all the other reclamation projects combined. SRP, kept growing and delivering, it was formed as a restructuring move to catch up on payments. By generating electricity the desert has been able to keep water prices lower for the valley to have expotential growth. SRP is the third largest utility in the country. We will discuss some of the others in future studies including, Hoover Dam, nigara Falls, Bonneville Power and the Nuclear Gerators of our country and all the coal driven generation and the power and politics struggle between oil, natural gas, as well as the Tennessee River Valley Authority. SMUD and so many others in our upcoming study. In the case of SRP years of water rights fights continued and was finally settled with 35 original water rights owners claiming some 500 billion gallons which included Indians, farmers, municipalities, families all in Central AZ. SRP has other huge holding such as the Navajo Generating Plant which is coal fired in Four Corners Region.

SRP also has in place a 336 canal system hooking the PHX and Tucson areas to the Colorado River, which is now a large part of the water supply this was only put in recently in the 1980s, but has allowed the growth to continue and become even more strong, thus Maricopa and Pima Counties together rival that of Las Vegas Area growth, and folks that is friggin huge let me tell you, WOW. Today SRP has a 17% stake in Palo Verde, which is operated by APS and has contractors such as Betchel leading the charge in upgrades to make Palo Verde, which was once the largest Nuclear Generator in the Free World, the largest generator by a factor of 2. On Valentines day in 1980 the Roosevelt dam had its spillways running at 180,000 cubic feet PER SECOND, as the area was hit by ten inches of rain in three storms in five days, the level of water was averaging four inches from overflowing for 24 hours. SRP to the rescue. WOW. If that dam overflowed it would have created a waterfall 284 feet high, about twice that of Niagara Falls. No kidding. After that 400 million was spent to renovate and SRP has always been there for Phoenix residents. For information on this project and SRP after they celebrated their 100 year anniversary in Feb. 2003 click here;

Today SRP serves over 800,000 plus customers within a 2900 square mile radius. About 5000 people work for SRP, this is not a little project, this is a big deal for AZ and this is why they have been able to sustain the growth they have over the last many decades. Many issues are critical now with water levels down in the reservoirs ion NV feeding the lower Colorado River and the levels in the Roosevelt dam area, namely fish are more concentrated and less water means higher temperatures and many will die. But the problem is not as bad as many Salmon habitat rivers which are low or the minnows in NM.

The Rio Grande another story in itself. With the cut-throat and Apache trout populations. Mother nature has a way of balancing things out, but with mankind’s need for water and appetite for green lawns in deserts, golf courses and washing cars, it appears we are still going to need San Diego and Los Angeles to De-salinate like Tampa Bay. Jeb Bush and his team were really looking ahead as the drained everglades were threatening eco-system, farming industry and development on the world’s largest sand bar with no mountains, you might call it FL

It is truly amazing. I hope you can appreciate all this great nation has to offer and understand that infrastructure cannot be taken for granted and that it does not grow on trees. Be thankful America, of everything you take for granted. I am thankful of SRP for allowing such a wonderful market to come into existence so we can live well and wash cars. Without water and power you would have no city, no people, no roads and need no cars to drive on thus, washing is irrelevant. Thanks SRP and all those who came before me and made it so. Any one care to comment on the importance of water infrastructure projects, please post below, water is life, without the flow of water, we cannot sustain civilization.

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Robotic Fish, What Will They Think of Next?

As Unmanned Underwater Vehicles become better and use mimicked techniques, which resemble sea life fluidity of motion it will be much easier to disguise them and virtually impossible to tell the difference. Simply paint a couple of eyes on them and paint them to look just like a fish, shark, whale or dolphin and let them swim a few meters away from you and you will not be able to know what is real.

These robotic fish, which Universities, US Navy, Researchers and Oceanographers are making, now will have many uses. They can patrol underwater pipelines, cables, bridge structures, piers, docks, shipyards and Earthquake Faults or perhaps even Underwater Volcanic Activities. They might also be incorporated into underwater sensors for Tsunami, by swimming quickly to the surface to contact the satellite, resting dormant at the bottom of the ocean floor until needed. Then they can return to the oceans floor again to conserve energy. These sensors will also be able to detect and protect our coastlines from underwater threats from hostile nation submarines, which wish us ill or are testing our abilities to catch them and then perhaps saving that information for some devious future endeavor.

Robotic Fish, which mimic sea life, is a helpful technology to blend into the background of our vast oceans so we can better understand the planet, fishing dead zones, needs of other species and protection of the American People.

RoboTuna Project is real and these fish are really here. The future of virtual fish is now.

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Tsunami Mini-Wave Actions to Protect Cruise Ships, Sea Walls, and Floating Cities

Are all Tsunami Waves bad? How can such incredible forces of nature be good after all we have just witnessed the destruction caused by the Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami. The World Think Tanks wants to turn the tables on Mother Nature and invite her to the table for the supper she created.

The World Think Tank believes it is possible to use Tsunami wave action for a defense system against incoming torpedoes for Aircraft carriers, cruise ships or to save Seawalls during Hurricanes. A Wave making machine can be built upon the platform like a seawall or on a floating city or even mounted on an Aircraft Carrier to send a wave at an incoming torpedo at 300 knots under water to intercept it and turn it around. The torpedo might even hit the enemy from whatever vessel fired upon it.

Since Tsunami waves do not stop they just keep going until they hit the surface of the water and slow by transferring the fast moving wave into a large title wave situation rather than a fast moving 4-8 foot high flow of water capable of moving at speeds of 300 knots or more. Generally it does this as it approaches a shoreline.

The Tsunami Wave on a ship would be generated by steam from the Nuclear Carriers generators or on a cruise ship from an outboard generation system and spring that is backed up under dynamic pressure of the relative drag or friction of the water while moving through it. Using a paddle system and crank in a ratcheting action it would wind up again. Once wound up It could also be used to send a wave into a harbor of the enemy or tip over a pirate ship attacking a cruise ship, or turn around a torpedo or terrorist kamikaze bomber boat by capsizing it by a huge wave sent by? Mother Nature, all compliments of the USN. Remember that they can travel 100's of miles or more once launched.

This system could be used to launch rockets, rocks or torpedoes, which have engines, whatever you want? We could launch UAV unmanned aerial vehicles or send Navy Seal Teams to shore at high speed. As a defensive system the ships of our military when a bad guy came to close, just sink them with a huge wave out of the blue, no more USS Cole scenarios. Join the Navy to see the WAVE!!! Think about how environmentally friendly it is to use the motion of the ocean to sink your enemy, who tried to attack you first. This second reciprocal response is instantaneous and ominous, like the ocean.

For a seawall security from Hurricanes, which is very much needed in the case of the New Orleans you could use a system like they are devising in Italy to keep out high tide. The water comes in the weight of the water forces down a spring system or other type of system and then sends an underwater wave which comes to the surface a few miles out and sends a motion of water into the oncoming Hurricane waves approaching the shoreline and thus preserves the integrity of your sea wall from the pounding surf accompanied by large scale Hurricanes.

Now that Mother Nature has shown us the force which can be created using wave action, we need to turn the devastation witnessed into a positive security feature of our civilization.

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Plastic Sheeting to Prevent Evaporation on Rivers and Water Storage Sources

The World Think Tank is solicitating ideas on preventing evaporation and needs you intellectual input. We need High Tech Solution to a Low Tech Problem.

We all know of the serious drought issues in much of our country. We are also half way through the harshest hot weather of summer for many states. New Mexico has problems that are very severe and are in need of greater technology to keep the water supply intact. The Governor's Office has asked for new ideas and concepts.

There is some new technology in Solar Energy which is of value. It is called Copper Indium Diselenide? You say what, come again? Super duper thin solar cells can be made with a thin sheet about 2-3 microns coated with Copper Indium Diselenide. What is that? Exactly what we thought but it is a thin material similar to glass. It reaches conversion percentages as much as 18%. Now we have terrible evaporation problems with water in NM out of rivers and Lales. We can cover those with a thin sheet and on one side hook it to a sheet of this on top. You prevent evaporation and make electricity.

Now this may sound like a really hard thing to do, but if you study Berry Farming, such as Strawberries you see a giant sheet rolling mechanism which can dispense the sheets of plastic with the Solar coated Copper Indium Diselenide. Strawberry Farming is a multi million dollar business and the R and D that they have done is of benefit to all mankind.

Since 95 Strawberries have had some good years thanks to these innovations. It is good to know that because of market hardships strawberry farmers have gotten even more progressive and their hardships can now be our gains. Now then here are some of the plastic sheeting used. We propose we use non-clear plastic sheeting so that algae will not grow underneath the sheets and as long as the water flows it should be fine. There are many a US Company making this plastic sheeting. And by using a non-clear sheeting across the river flows in New Mexico where water is a huge issue we can kept the water from getting too hot and killing fish when it gets too low meaning we can use the water down to a lower level and protect the water from evaporating.

These plastic sheetings have been used in art with one artist using it for five miles and other large projects have used the plastic sheeting. Farmers of strawberries use these for many reasons, birds will not eat seeds, less pesticides can be used when crops are smaller and growing, which is an issue in any soft skin fruit, keeps moisture in the ground and uses the increase in UV light, you can read about it here;

There are many ways to use such sheeting to protect our water levels during the summer months and drought years. We need your help to solve these problems. The World Think Tank needs you.

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Municipal Water Conservation and New Designs in Bus Stop Rain Water Collectors

New Bus stops, which turn into water retention collectors are being looked at as a way to mitigate the drought situations and help conserve water. With some many Western States at a complete drought crisis, we should be looking at ways to further conserve our water supplies. One concept being which came out of the World Think Tank was to have bus stops collect water on the roofs and within the frames of the booths.

The water will be collected in the roof, which would slightly expand on top to create more surface area for collection of rainwater. The roof will be a box shape with an “X” shaped box as the top of the bus stop and incorporated into the roof with holes in the center where the “X” comes together with a membrane in it to keep it clean from the bird droppings on the roof. The posts of the bus stop will also be part of the containers with a garden hose fixture on them, this will be used to water nearby plants and water shrubbery. The collected water will also used to power wash or steam clean the bus stops to keep them free of disease and clean for patrons to make people feel comfortable so they want to ride the bus and thus save natural resources.

We know that street-sweepers cleaning up paper, trash or debris, which can fill up near drains and cause flooding during rains require consistent street sweeping services. Street sweepers must fill up water to adequately do this effectively, this is a huge usage of water. Cities, which own these bus stops can use the free-water supplies collected during rains by the bus stop concept collection system to fill up street sweepers, thus meaning they do not need to hook up to fire hydrants along the route to fill them up, which promotes spillage and waste due to the cumbersome nature of that operation.

A very interesting concept along this line of thinking is a company promoting green roofs on buildings, upon contacting this company on another project we now see they have been thinking transportation issues, the more of us using buses the less emissions of hydrocarbons and thus cleaner environments. Here is the company’s information on the Green roof bus stop roof with shrubbery;


We believe that conservation is important to water supplies through out the world and by conserving water we can make it through the drought until additional infrastructure can be built like desalination plants, pipelines, strategic canals, dams and other tools to keep up with our needs and thirst for water as our population and the populations of the world increase.

If you have innovative ideas on water conservation, dual use transportation ideas, bus stop designs or things of this nature please spread the word, we must conserve our fresh water supplies.

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Making Rain, Weather Control and Predicting Wind Patterns

Wind is a sophisticated pattern and in linear mathematics appears to be a complex system, however the patterns of wind within an atmosphere while taking into consideration ambient temperatures and land formations, may not be as complex as we believe. As a matter of fact we have knowledge of many patterns in nature, which start from very simplistic formulas. It appears that simplicity breeds complexity and that complexity can reverse the same process in many instances where those systems have tendencies and characteristics which promote change or chaos.

As we learned how to unlock the mathematics, which can solve the factoring of prime numbers within computational complexity of algorithms in systems of cryptonics, we may find that this is in fact relatively easy using multiple level equations in a slight modification of our current understanding and usage of mathematics. Soon, we will then discover how simple such patterns in nature actually are.

The patterns of wind are interesting and take on the appearance of being so complex that they many simply throw up their hands give up in trying to mathematically predict it. Yet, we can predict it since we have formulas for much of what we know as fluid dynamics physics, we have laws and rules which are taught in higher math and physics classes through linear sets of equations, yet when we add additional variables and stack the data sets, somehow our minds having been taught a certain methodology of problem solving, rendering us to a conclusion that it is impossible to predict. Not so, since currently with the use of computers, XML data bases, ESRI software and a better understanding of other complex systems and patterns which we have broken through, we now know it is not only possible, but known that we can predict wind patterns and depending on the number of variables taken into consideration we can be so accurate that we would know wind.

If you are to break down the wind within each three-dimensional grid in virtual space (in an atmosphere) signifying a cubic dimensions (or any 3-D shape) and you know the characteristics that are pre-existing within the next volume set of cubic observation, before which time the wind passes through it (such as barometric pressure, temperature, etc. and you know the speed of the wind, its velocity and the air mass behind it), predicting the wind passing through the next grid or volume of space is rather simple. Although the problem seems quite complex adding up all the different volumes of virtual cubic boxes within next space and knowing the flow and direction the way and is completely predictable.

We now have supercomputers, smart dust with mems, ESRI software, as well as a pretty good understanding of wind aloft and a database from the National Weather Service. Predicting patterns of wind, directions of fire, and understanding what occurs win any one condition is changed you seen the sophisticated software of a virtual wind tunnel we know what the weather will do, where it will go, what effect will have on our overall environment and which conditions we will need to change to slow down a storm, stop a storm or have a deliver water onto a fire or into a lake for water supply. Such modeling can help us understand the effects of an asteroid or god, forbid a comet hitting the earth and what will be the most likely outcome of such.

We can use such modeling to predict pollution coming from Fires in CA or China and how they effect the entire Earth Atmosphere Grid and what they will most likely do to the current and near future weather patterns and what such a chain reaction will do to our surface plants and animals long term. We can also understand the global warming effect of burps of Earth through volcanic activity and the extent that space weather, solar flares and our own pollution contribute or take away from the whole of the atmospheric earth system.

Controlling the weather patterns will require some skill, some talent, large collected databases, supercomputer number crunching and lots of trial and error. We will also need to let lose of some of the current mathematics we use to track weather in trade for multi-stacked equational computational analysis or a different type of math based on a new type of science. Which may lead us to the grand unification we seek.

As scientists and researchers will learn there will be places where weather is easily studied and relatively easily controllable using very little energy and using the actual wind currents with minor changes in certain situations which are made possible by the terrain itself. This brings us to another topic at topic is the patterns of erosion. Anyone was the pilot who has flown over the desert, over a mountain range or even in a glider using the addressing downdrafts understands that the fluid dynamics used by water, pressure or heat, which slowly over time brings mountain into river, into silt.

Some of the best farmland in the world will appear at the bottom of a mountain range where the water has washed the sediment into a valley. Or where a glacier has grinded away rock into fine sand, where a volcano has spread itself out over large area and overtime makes with the dust, dirt and other factors mentioned into a flat plain.

Ocean currents with any crevasse of the ocean may be very simple to study as the earth spins in the water flows it is relatively constant in certain places. Near the surface of the ocean where the water is less dense and more obvious and numerous factors play a part in the direction and flow it will be more difficult to predict, as more factors exist.

However once all those factors are known it will not be as difficult as it once appeared. Now let's take the atmosphere which can change rapidly and has to take into consideration the ocean flow, temperature, height of the waves along with the heat of the land mass which could include; Urban heat, clouds, barometric pressure, precipitation, static electricity, wind, land formations, man-made pollution, man-made structures and many other non suspecting conditions and in many variations. This however should not scare away the scientists, the dreamer or the funds of those with the imagination to take this species to the next step. Controlling our weather is possible once we fully understand how it works. And we are well on our way. Unlike the Federal Reserve Bank's options for controlling the flow of money, in the Earth System there are countless levers which can be used in the control of the weather.

Any one of those levers will set off a chain reaction since everything effects everything else. All patterns in the earth system running together, similarly all waves from all sources running together. Waves of light, waves containing energy and/or heat, waves of sound, waves of radiation no matter what the origin all run together. By controlling a single factor such as in ELF or VLF of the earth at 8.5 Hz you can control weather. By changing the heat with any of virtual three-dimensional grid in any place within the atmosphere you can control the wind, thus control the weather. By changing the temperature of the surface water of the Pacific Ocean by one degree, you can change the level an altitude and speed of the jetstream, and thus changing the entire flow of weather.

Since everything is a wave you can change to a wave of UV, gamma or very low frequency, which in fact can change the surface of the water in the ocean, or at any altitude up to and beyond the Ionosphere. If you take a spherical fruit out of your refrigerator and placed it in a box and stuck a straw into the middle, the coolness from within the fruit will escape and will change the temperature within that box, a few degrees. But as we have learned and are learning from the global warming effect we are witnessing today which threatens to change the earth system, and somewhat disrupt human life upon the land we can see that we do have options. Different percentages of gas in the atmosphere will act differently under different temperatures. They will interact differently and you'll change weather patterns, a volcanic vent on the floor of the Pacific Ocean will impact the surface temperature of the water and therefore the weather patterns. This could lead to more severe weather, which will appear to us to be unpredictable, but actually it will be more predictable, we may not like the prediction but we can know the outcome.

By modifying our weather and categorizing its anomalies, we may find that we can use certain areas with highly predictable conditions as places to slightly modify those conditions to create desired weather patterns which can deliver water to crops, to help keep the world, to fill up lakes, and to provide clean and safe drinking water to the populations of the world. Let me give you an example of how this can be done. Next paragraph. Let's take Bernoulli's principal and apply it to a mountainous canyon at a higher altitude. In certain times of the year the air will be cold, moist, and the wind will blow through the canyon. If you pick such a location you can provide a chemical laser-beam from the ground and from the canyon, which will superheat the air coming through and make huge thunderclouds, similar out comes can be witnessed by kids blowing bubbles on a micro scale.

Now then, if there is a basin created by an old Lake that was filled up by an ancient glacier or water running down through the canyon where the air now flows, and if you pick a location that is boxed in by other mountains which also fed into and surround the lower ground of the old lake, then you will have clouds unable due to their denseness to make it over the second mountain range thus they will accumulate and eventually downpour rain in the location or on the foot hills or against the leeward side of the mountain range, thus filling up the old lake. There are many such locations and since we already now based on our ESRI-GIS mapping where these locations exist completing this scenario is relatively easy. As a matter of fact it is so easy, it is hard to believe with all the brainpower, meteorologists, scientists, innovators and imagination of the diehard individuals, which make up this great nation that no one had ever thought of this before.

We must be proactive with weather research, control and slight manipulations with our weather is the answer to the problem, which face us now and in the future. One could say that instead of manipulating and controlling our environment it is best to conserve and not touch those things that we do not understand yet. I hear this argument and I understand basis. That basis comes from a basic flaw in thinking starting with our belief in the belief that has been adopted by most human beings on the planet towards a certain religion of their choosing which indicates that a god or gods created everything we see perfectly and that should remain to so. I do not wish to enter such a fundamental debate as no one would change their views and "A person convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still."

I say to this argument that if in fact it is true that a God or Gods did give us such a wonderful gift, then that same god or gods also created a species and within that species a genetic DNA code which allowed us to form in such a way that we had the brainpower to understand these patterns of nature and adapt and create a mathematical system which was similar enough to parallel the original sets of the units used to describe and then build the earth system. So then, in taking this argument to the next level and without debating whether there is one or many gods, which created this system, I say to them, that it was intended for us to have such cranial capacity to move our species to the next step of human evolution and eventually to control such things.

Today we have a problem, although the problem in the ongoing trials and tribulations of humankind's need for chaos in controversy is not completely at crisis yet, it will be soon, if we fail to use that which is in our power to fix the problem. Weather control is possible, just like the airplane was possible, just like man's first trip to the moon was possible, just like ridding the world of smallpox and polio was possible. One could say that those diseases were created by the same god or gods which created the weather, the patterns and nature which include the patterns of the erosion, rain, weather, water, fluidic dynamics, wind, earthquakes, volcanic activity, plate tectonics, etc. why is it that mankind can not see through this logical rationale. It only makes sense that as mankind evolves into a species of higher cognition, that eventually we will become our own god or gods.

Small and relevant modifications of the earth's system in the United States and abroad will save lives, it will allow our farmers to help feed the world, it will allow our citizens to have a higher standard of living and better quality of life and as we take what we've learned and freely give that knowledge to the Third World peoples. We will find that the Third World will look up to us, respect to us and listen to what we have to say above their mythological religious based spiritual witch doctors and voodoo'isms which currently dominate their daily lives, thought process and doom their civilizations from ever getting past the Machiavellian, warlord like world which provides little if modern day human rights. Helping the world and the species using our knowledge to live in global harmony through weather control cannot be debated the debate has been won, I hereby declare victory, there can be no rationale against moving mankind forward.

The current situation throughout the world has put mankind at a standstill to get to the next evolutionary step, to the destiny that awaits us and to the future we deserve. We can not in good faith standby and watch the children of the world die from dysentery, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis, AIDS or any other dreadful disease or virus, due to droughts, fresh water supplies or our failure to modify the environment to support human life properly. We must not fail to act, if we fail to fix the problem when we have the capacity, the wherewithal, the technology to get the job done, then I submit to you that we as stakeholders on this planet, as human beings, as a common species are doing so at the future risk to the ongoing forward progression of mankind and to the detriment of the whole including all those children of the world and the future of the species. There can be no debate; we know what we must do, we should start today and we should finish the program.

The NGOs, the World Bank, and a leadership of the free world understands that something must be done, inaction, lack of a cohesive plan, fighting over methods and means within the context of bureaucracy cannot achieve our common goals. We must do something and that something is now long overdue. Next paragraph the leading thinkers throughout the history of recorded written time, whose words we've read and are grateful for their writings, have discussed what is needed to maintain civilization and now as mankind has procreated to the point where he has spread out across the globe in every quarter of the earth there is no doubt that it is time to connect the civilizations as one global community looking forward to the future in completing the circle. It can be done.

By better understanding the wind currents and our weather we can put ourselves into a position where weather control is completely possible. Let us not pass up this opportunity to make it so. By cataloguing the weather using one's and zeros or a new type of spatial quantum computing bitonic sort and using the supercomputer technology along with our storage capabilities brought to us and at our disposal thanks to the continuation of Moore's Law, we can find anomalies which create severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, hail storms, etc. then we can make sure that when these anomalies exist, we can put in minor changes setting off the chain reaction which will steer such weather situations away from populated areas which might or could experience loss of life, damage to infrastructure, unworthy risks to personal property or hardship to our societies.

The weather and the wind are two things we must get a grip on. If we can set the weather patterns in such away that spread the pollution created by mankind evenly around the earth as we work to lessen the pollution simultaneously, we may find that our percentage of cause to the overall global warming effect will render it insignificant, and perhaps change the trend that is currently occurring. The possibilities for weather control to assist the human race with fresh water supplies, pollution distribution, farming are so significant that they will change human life forever. By controlling the weather and learning from the process mankind will live happier, healthier, longer lives, with a greater abundance then was ever thought possible. We owe to ourselves to push forward, to press on, to persevere and to make those gods or god that humans worship proud of us for taking their creation and making it better.

After all, if your son discovered a vaccine for polio wouldn't you be the proudest parent that has ever walked the earth. I must say, if mankind was able to control the weather during my lifetime in this period and do so in a positive way and for the betterment of the whole and the children of the world, I myself would have a greater appreciation for being a member of the species. I would be proud of the accomplishment of my fellow man and feel a renewed vigor towards my own contributions to humankind and therefore feel positive about our future as inhabitants and viable species of the Planet. Wouldn't you? Of all the negative and all the questionable characteristics of mankind which are currently in play, one would have to ask; Are human beings actually a viable species of this ecosystem in their current form and present period method of organizing?

Weather control is a noble and attainable goal. First we need to learn to predict the wind, map the data and learn from action in modifying various factors, then we will be well on our way. Weather control is possible and it will solve many of the problems mankind now faces.

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Water Supply Research, Ideas and Innovations Using Microencapsulation to Control Algae Bloom

There are huge algae Blooms growing in many waters off the coasts, in the lakes and rivers near where high populations reside. Most of this is from Human use of chemicals to grow crops and fertilizers used in Golf Courses. It is a huge issue and here is a kicker in the drinking water in Las Vegas area Lake Powell;


The way to cure the drinking water in Lake Powell and the drinking water outside of Wichita KS with a similar problem is to use microencapsulation technologies to allow slow release of bio-sensitive chemicals to reduce the Bloom. It was said that in a problem such as this; High nutrient levels in waterbodies eg pool in waterways with high N levels that the best solution to the issue is this: Trial zeolite application to take out N from water column will allow slow release for plant use. Macrophytes (eg pond biofilter) will use N off the zeolite Zeolite flocculant into water, then add microbes to break down algae blooms. But by using the microencapsulation technologies you can fix it without the complicated problems.

If the encapsulized chemicals are put under a charge they will stick to the bloom and slowly release and solve the problem. This is not saying that the watershed issues or BMPs associated with the local NPDES permits should not also be followed by point source discharges. There have been many very complex and expensive ideas to clean the Lake Powell issue, but I believe the issues are simpler than that, same with The Cheasapeak or even the Gulf Of Mexico off the coast of Naples and Ft Myers FL. Any questions on this issue please post a reply.

There are many companies working on this, here is one we researched in our study;

Water is important and we must be careful to protect it and to fix these issues in superfund sites and in cases of our past lack of knowledge of the complex factors which make up our eco-system. Think about it.

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Deep Earthquake Waves - Can They Be Used to Generate Energy?

Can we use the latest Deep Earthquake Waves to Generate Power for mankinds largest civilizations? Some scientists think so. The World Think Tank thinks so.

The scientific community has discovered deep Earth hmms. Here is an example of the mass media articles on this issue:

In times or cycles of major earth movement, we might be able to use some of this deep Earth Crust rumblings to generate mankind's power needs? We should definitely take advantage of this energy. There is technology available now to use the excitement of helium atoms inside an enclosure to generate heat to make steam generators. To excite the atoms sound waves are used. If we use deep Earth rumbling anomalies with deep wells in the shape of long horns to amplify the resonance to heat up helium in generators which would be located on the surface or on the ocean's floor.

The steam turbines would generate significant energy. We could use generators like this on the ocean floor to charge submarine batteries or charging stations for UUV ocean floor farming, Coast Guard Surveillance or Underwater Cities. We could use the surface generators to connect to the power grid.

The UUVs for the coast guard or those for underwater farming would come to the charging station and charge themselves and could remain submerged indefinitely. By studying the ocean currents with UUVs we can understand weather flows better, ocean currents, map unknown or charted mountain ridges, study fault lines underwater volcanic activity. These UUVs can circulate using the superflow currents. All data collected will be scientifically useful. UUVs monitoring of our off shore coastline is a matter of national security all this can be possible if they have the necessary power sources and infrastructure.

The energy is there, it always has been and it is still waiting for us to come and harvest it, it is free. Free is good, this energy is non-ending and very renewable and unlimited. If we can dig deep for oil and natural gas to make energy, why not for the Earth's raw power?

The World Think Tank is actively looking for thinkers who have ideas and concepts which will help mankind go to the next level.

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Psycho Stability

Bareheaded walking across the streets searching for the unpredicted mishaps even having both the feet on the ground makes the heart go all mushy inside. Populace of today really in a blizzard needs a lot of grit; really a gritty fight against the odds of life that entangle them with the ropes so tight that makes it difficult to muddle through the environmental hazards. This was just an overlook of my eyes on the disputes lingering in the minds of teens or youth of today.

Nowadays the hocus-pocus is taking its roots in youth's mind. None is sentient of the things that are necessarily accountable for the stability to be gained at the age of early 20s till 27. Before this age every thing seems to be the deluxe one; free from the desires of life's necessities & always in jovial mood to carry every thing in a cozy way. In a roller coaster of life enjoying the joyride to sensation & at all times is bordered by the jubilant Crowd to applaud the moods.

The basic demand of existence is to get inner satisfaction, which can be obtained by the internal & external stability of an entity. In my two optically active balls the stability desire for man & women fluctuate in many customs. Man & woman made for each other may have parallel ideas but different attitudes for gaining inner contention. My personal opinion lies in the verity that the basic need of a MAN is attaining a first-rate carrier with the money being foremost thing, which enable man to quit every thing to have the unsurpassed of it. Then comes the need for the love of life. They are really into the lovy dovy stuff but they need it for the temporary basis but the need for the undying love diverges by the time period.

As far as WOMAN is well thought-out her stability is psychologically diverging. Its in the sense that she needs the sexual permanence sooner so that she can allocate her life to the other parts of life more serenely than any thing else. Though it's the need of a man too but due to the society we live in girls around the age of 20 or +2 more yrs are considered to be the ripen one. She also needs the security of a man under whose refuge she can triumph over the world. She has the ability to rule the world with just a push of worship, concern & an ethical support. At this epoch her desire for attaining the sexual security amplify day by day till it reaches the climax from where for 50% of females its hard to return back. I'm not presenting this scrutiny by only considering my society but also the societies all over the globe. The percentage of the girls being into the trauma of sexual aggravation is becoming elevated day by day even in the Asian countries.

New generation heading towards more corruption well again change the proportion of the chaos of both the sexes. Man being more persuasive bear the hardships with an untie heart & gain the strength where he has to feed the whole family unit.

Mind unwavering heart contented. There is no question of who needs more consideration for the chaos breakage, the thing is that how many can survive without gaining the contention & how they carry them selves & how many gain after the time period? Think about the way you want to have the successful life with different priorities & at which step of age you cultivate the stability to present cerebral allay.

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Sex Offenders-Pedophilia or Ephebophilia-The Truth

The media reported the Michael Jackson case incessantly for the duration of his trial. What was tragically lacking are the facts regarding pedophiles/ephebophiles and sexual child abuse.

Studies reveal 62% of girls and 31% of boys will be sexually abused by age 18--considered low based on health services.

--80% are sexually abused by a family member

--19% are abused by someone the child knows and trusts

--1% according to government statistics are abused by strangers

The unbelievable truth: Pedophiles/Ephebophiles conduct themselves as average and ordinary to the world. He or she may be a leader in the church; the community; or business. Pedophiles/ephebophiles seldom fit a classic stereotype--education, socioeconomic status, career or culture.

Furthermore, sexual abuse/incest is more difficult to believe or accept when the person we like, admire, love, and/or marry is the perpetrator. This is precisely why Jackson's family, fans and the uninformed can unequivocally believe he could not possibly be an Ephebophile--sexual attraction to adolescents.

Pedophiles/Ephebophiles are cunning predators with a honed mode of operation. They are experts at manipulation, thus escaping adult reality. They feel entitled, justifying their actions as loving; not harming the child. They expend considerable energy maintaining this illusion to themselves and others. They create a persona of goodness beyond reproach. They go to great lengths to present themselves as exemplary people, who love children. Jackson's defense attorney, Mesereau, invoked this convoluted tactic in response to the judge's ruling that previous accounts of sexual abuse claims, which were settled, was admissible. Mesereau countered, "He [Jackson] also has spent millions on children with AIDS. We can drown them with examples of where Mr. Jackson has been so benevolent, so generous, so charitable, so giving for good causes, that it will make their theory look silly."

Mesereau's statement exemplifies, anyone who sees through the perpetrator's façade is met with admonishment and rebuke for being critical, irrational, racist, out-to-get the person, and/or jealous. The perpetrator is the family emperor with no clothes. "I know my son, and this is ridiculous," Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, said in an interview on CBS "The Early Show." She said people who believe Michael is guilty "don't know him." Jackson's father, said his son was beloved around the world but had trouble in the United States because of racism. He said the accuser's motives were clear: "It's about money."

Even more frightening Pedophiles/Ephebophiles do not hold beliefs reflecting society's moral and ethical values. Therefore, coupled with the child's innocence and trust of the abuser usually pressure or violence is seldom required. Thus, the perpetrator can unequivocally state, "I love children. Never-ever. I could never harm a child or anyone. It's not in my heart. It's not who I am." --Michael Jackson, 1993.

There is another insidious aspect to Jackson's contact with adolescents--he flaunts the relationship as 'sweet and innocent' admonishing anyone for believing it is sexual. Using the definition of sexual abuse, Jackson's befriending adolescent boys under the guise of helping them with a life threatening illness and/or sleeping with them, albeit, he slept on the floor and the child slept in his bed, is in and of itself sexual abuse.

"Incest is both sexual abuse and an abuse of power. It is violence that does not require force. Another is using the victim, treating them in a way that they do not want or in a way that is not appropriate by a person with whom a different relationship is required. It is abuse because it does not take into consideration the needs or wishes of the child; rather, it meets the needs of the other person at the child's expense. If the experience has sexual meaning for another person, in lieu of a nurturing purpose for the benefit of the child, it is abuse. If it is unwanted or inappropriate for her age or the relationship, it is abuse. Incest [sexual abuse] can occur through words, sounds, or even exposure of the child to sights or acts that are sexual but do not involve her. If she is forced to see what she does not want to see, for instance, by an exhibitionist, it is abuse. If a child is forced into an experience that is sexual in content or overtone that is abuse.

As long as the child is induced into sexual activity with someone who is in a position of greater power, whether that power is derived through the perpetrator's age, size, status, or relationship, the act is abusive. A child who cannot refuse, or who believes she or he cannot refuse, is a child who has been violated." (E. Sue Blume, Secret Survivors).

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Right Hand Diamond Ring

The hottest trend in jewelry fashion, the Right Hand Diamond Ring seems to raise sales sky-high.

The latest trend in diamond jewelry is the Right Hand Diamond Ring. The marketing significance load is addressing mainly to the independent career woman of the 21-st century. It stands for success, strength, self assertiveness and freedom.

After the world has been filled up with the symbol of eternal love - the diamond engagement ring, the marketing strategy accompanying this old-renewed product opposes the right-hand ring to the diamond engagement rings and diamond anniversary bands. It is not only being positioned on a different hand but it also differs significantly in design. Its design purposely avoids any resemblance with matrimonial rings, uses open spaces, smaller stones instead of a single, in combinations expressing the personality and individuality of the wearer.

In fact, it's not at all about the right hand, as women did wear rings on their right hand fingers before this marketing concept came into being, it's about what became almost an obsession for the left hand ring!

And of course, after one conquest, others must follow - after the diamond engagement rings hit, the market for diamond rings still had potential! The commercial outcome is one of larger proportions, first of all because the general tendency around the world is to postpone or forego marriage, then, while the diamond engagement ring addresses only to grooms-to-be as buyers, the right hand ring addresses to both men and women. And this is how:

The independent career woman

The idea was to go with the new wave of feminist thinking stressing upon women's independence wish - married or not, you still have to wear a diamond ring to reassess your leading position alongside men! It's a sort of impulse for the women who are generically tired of the role of housewives and feel they can do better with their lives. So, the left hand ring stands for the labors that marriage brings along while the right hand ring reads as the careless, joyful side of life.

Men also

Men are also a target for this advertising technique: loving husbands are encouraged to buy a gift for their wives that will flatter not only their need for love proofs but also the thought of being valued and respected as an independent person, and not a nice accessory to men or a house decor item. And not only married men should buy right hand rings, the concept has a wider meaning: it doesn't matter if you are married or not, as long as you are involved in a love relation you should definitely consider buying a right hand ring as a gift!

For years, right hand rings have also been a sign of commitment for gay couples. So, another market segment gained.

All advertising that deals with aspects of human vanity has every chance to succeed, and when addressing to women, it seems that the chances are even bigger. That they prevail in beauty had been established long ago, but now it is not enough any longer as it is not enough merely being accepted into the social life. The need appeared for women to be recognized as equal in value to men or even surpassing them. Working more and earning more than ever before, women choose now to put the idea that we live in a men's world way behind them.

And this intelligent marketing line is apparently indeed a huge success, as sales have been going really high!

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Comet Bunker Buster Defense Project

I propose “Project CBBD”, The Comet Bunker Buster Defense Project to protect the Earth from a Comet Strike of Pre-Biblical Proportions. Another strike of the Earth like the one before human time, which hit in the Yucatan Peninsula would spell the end of life, as we know it. Some Theorize that such an event may have been responsible for causing the changes in the Earth Cycle, which killed off the dinosaurs.

Today we have launched a probe to meet up with and attack a Comet and put a huge crater in it.



The crater will assist us in studying the Comet’s material make-up, now then how about destroying the Comet that is waiting to hit us or on a cataclysmic direct collision course with Mother Earth? We need a plan. Today our Department of Defense is continuing its development of low yield nuclear bunker busters in the event we have a war with a Rogue Nation hiding in underground bases and firing upon us with launch tube tunnels.

Putting high yield nuclear weapons on top of a Delta IV Rocket or several high yield 10-50 Mega Ton weapons on top of five or six Delta IV Rockets is it possible to completely destroy the Comet which is on it’s way to kill all life on our Planet? Would we dare to build ten - 200 megaton space missiles to take it out? How about twenty - 400 megaton space rockets? We have the capacity, we have the potential and we certainly have the will. Human Beings after all have a strong need for self preservation and if we multiply that need by 6 Billion inhabitants you bet we could not only find the way to fund it but we would instantly have every nation in the world collaborating to make it happen without delay?

If you have any ideas on destroying incoming killer, Asteroids, Meteors or Comets, please post them below or contact the World Think Tank immediately.

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ELF Formed Terminal Gradient Clouds Negatively Charged to Collect Pollution

Pollution in our large cities blows across the land and causes health risks for all living mammals including humans. To prevent this we have come up with a way to collect the CO2 gas and use it for fuel in an environmentally friendly way.

It should be possible to make large terminal gradient clouds on the outskirts of large metropolitan areas and charge them with negative ions using microwave and chemical lasers. By creating many large terminal gradient clouds and using the relative wind to bring the pollution to the clouds it will create a slight vacuum sucking the rest of the pollution in. If the pollution contains SO2 and CO2 then this can be collected by way of balloon, compressed and used for fuel for space travel or brought to earth for fuel in Hydrogen Cell units for powerplants to make electricity.

What is not used can be used as needed to concentrate and seed clouds to create weather patterns and/or rain storms to prevent regional droughts.

For instance out side Los Angeles basin where temperature inversions keep smog in, then allow the clouds to empty into the desert regions and fill up mono lake or the Mexican Colorado river Delta.

The nuetralized ions can then be transported by way of either charge within an airship or moving chemical laser beam to the desired location.

Any thoughts along the line of these concepts please post here at the World Think Tank

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China Flooding Plains and Towns to Provide Water and May Unbalance Earth's Spin

Droughts are not only problems in the US. The Country of Australia is considering very seriously disallowing car washes in their country. In Kuwait water is very expensive because the De-salination plants are expensive to operate and the populations have increased especially since so many Americans are there right now. Midwest US, CO, NM, WY, MT and parts of NE, KS, and SD are pretty bad off.

In China they are not waiting for Mother Nature or the use of ELF in the ionosphere to solve their problems, they think they may have caused them. Now they are putting in huge dams and reservoirs to deliver water to its largest cities on and relatively near her coasts. But what does this mean for the rest of the world? We are talking about trillions of gallons of water at 8.2 Lbs. per gallon. This could be bad for the already challenged and unbalanced spin of the Earth. Earthquakes are a big concern. Here is the problem, it you put a weight on a wheel on one side of your car, your tires will skip or bounce down the road and cause problems. Not like the Ford SUV Explorer, Firestone affair, but obviously you have been in a car with a bumpy ride. I have. So then fresh water weighs a significant amount. Not as much as rock or stone, but a lot. Fresh water weighs more than salt water and this is why you float better in salt water. If Salem Witch trials were held on the coast everyone would have been considered a witch. Kind of like the witch hunting today at the SEC. Everyone is guilty, but no one is going after the witch hunters who violate the human rights of the so-called witches, which do not exist, as we now know.

Now realize that the Earth has already a problem with wobbling and any improper adjustment could aggravate it and cause problems. Someone needs to do a study on this so that it helps, not hurts, meanwhile here in the US we might learn from this project and develop water storage places by diverting the Spring Run-off for use throughout the years. And perhaps weather control to keep them full as we go for increased populations where people generally will migrate too. We have an expanding society in population because of the 1 million immigrants per year, some illegal, but here no matter how you do or do not decide to count them. These people will need additional water supplies, as will the areas growing beyond their means in areas of arid terrain. Search Droughts, rivers, and water supplies on this Bulletin Board for more studies, information done by our team on these issues.

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Of course there are so many studies on this and similar subjects to review. Weather patterns are also changing and divert water from storms changed by urban heat, global activities, ELF, etc. All this changes things and changes the Earths spin, which is important due to GPS navigation and communications when the wobble effect changes the location before satellites are laser aligned and completely synchronized. Also it could be difficult for smart bombs to be accurate within 3 feet, broad band secured transmission by satellite, shooting down intercontinental ballistic missiles of which N. Korea says they have and can now reach us. Whether they do no or will soon is nearly the same problem since they have the components for nuclear detonation.

Not good. Anyway without scaring anyone too much it should be noted that more than one scientist has discussed moving large chucks of ice from the North Pole to lower latitudes in order to balance the earth. Un balanced Earth can also cause severe weather, prolonged out of character weather and other problems you just wouldn't want if you lived in New Orleans or other near or below sea level city. Suggested reading Arthur C. Clarke, Ben Bova and other Science Fiction writers. Also Futurists Magazine, Hudson, American Federation of Scientists or miscellaneous environmental groups who study such things. Some is doom and gloom like the people who brought us the Y2K scare, but some is legit. In any case this data can be mathematically figured and to a close enough proximity to get a good idea on the issue.

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