
Tuesday 14 July 2015

World's most expensive Android phone

If you do not have a place to 'waste' money, apakata you buy one of the Android phones priced above this RM60,000.

Certainly enjoyed it.

For those who have lots of money, why not invest into smart phones from Vertu? The company formerly owned by Nokia, has now issued their latest phone called Vertu Ti.

Using the Android operating system, it is the first Android device from the company's smartphone maker, which previously used the Symbian operating system. It has the following specifications:
Processor - 1.7GHz Qualcomm S4 Snapdradon
Storage - 64 GB
Screen - 3.7 inches with a coating of sapphire crystal (Sapphire crystal)
Camera - 8 megapixel (rear), 1.3 megapixel (front)
This smart phone also uses Titanium metal as part of the construction materials. For those who are willing to buy the phone, the Vertu has given a price list for the models offered:
Titanium Black Leather - $ 9.600 (RM29,745)
Pure Titanium Black - $ 11.500 (RM35,632)
Titanium Black Alligator - $ 12.800 (RM39,660)
Black PVD Titanium Red Gold Mixed Metals - 19.900 USD (RM61,660)

Najib and Zambry picture splashed paint

If ya do not like it, do not be splashed with paint. To make better use of paint, fence, landscaping, etc. to beautify right?

MADE report

Nine miles - specific acts of splashing red paint on billboards in four people today lodged a police report, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Qadir, a displayed image.

The UMNO Youth Branch dizziness, reorganized Arcade Area Community Service Center of Malaysia, Persiaran Taman Puncak The Puncak's granary granary of 6 Maju, Ipoh, Batu Gajah and from 10 to Jalan Taman Sri Wangsa of the Sri Wangsa of Padu represent. 2:30 pm at the police station, turn right here is the report.

Shaharon from Batu Gajah district police chief ACP Anuar Abdul Latif said in a statement the investigation two years on conviction to imprisonment or a fine or both offers, which were under Penal Code Section 427.

The preliminary investigation at the scene near the Taman Batu BG Premier also said a pair of gloves found.

"He did not see the incident, interviews with some of the local people did not have any other leads," he said.

Batu Gajah District Council also said the slogan 'no left out' '(4T) and 3P principles, belonging billboards, we Turun Padang, we run the solution, a dive.

Mexico buried in the 'ugliest woman

Amazing, is not it!

150 years after his death in Mexico bury the 'ugliest woman

Born in Mexico in 1834, Julia Pastrana hypertrichosis and gingival hyperplasia, its abundant facial hair and a thick-set jaw that has suffered from illnesses. It features a "bear woman" or "Monkey Woman" led to being asked.

During the mid-1850s, Pastrana Theodore, the United States and Europe before marrying her in singing and dancing throughout the show sucks an American impresario who visited Pastrana called Lent.

In 1860, Pastrana, who inherited her mother's condition after giving birth to son Lent died in Moscow. A few days after my son died, and then embalmed remains of Lent with mother and son visited. After changing hands in subsequent decades, both bodies ended up at the University of Oslo in Norway.

"He suffered the aggression and oppression of mankind, and how they overcame it. This is a very dignified story," Mario Lopez, his home state for burial on its back To do that lobbying in Sinaloa state governor.

"I heard about this Sinaloan woman, I said, they locked away in a warehouse can be left with no choice," he said.

Crowds garlanded with white roses which were buried in a white coffin Pastrana, on Tuesday to pay their respects to the small town of Sinaloa de Leyva flocked.

"Mass was beautiful," Pastrana a proper Catholic burial, returned to Mexico for a decade-long campaign led by the New York-based Mexican artist Laura Anderson Barbata, said. "I was very impressed. In all these years I have not felt so full of different emotions." (; Editing by Simon Gardner and Christopher Wilson Reporting by Gabriel Stargardter)

Paris topless women in the church

Look at what is happening around us. The world is getting old!

February 12, 2013 Notre Dame Cathedral in the women's rights movement Femen protests, activists from Paris

Topless women pope's resignation ceremony in the Cathedral of Paris

Eight feminist resignation of Pope Benedict XVI to celebrate the announcement of the shock on Tuesday in the heart of Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral was flashed their breasts.

Femen members of the three bells ringing near the altar while whipping off the Gothic Cathedral, which entered dressed in a long coat.

"Pope no more!" She cried. "No homophobe" and "Goodbye Benedict!"

Scandalised visitors expressed their displeasure.

"This is a holy place, you can not strip here," said a France.

Femen Women's Power Group Russia, Ukraine and London topless feminist, pro-democracy and anti-corruption protests since 2010, has made headlines. Protesters dragged out by security cathedral but "we believe in gay" for some time and were shouting out "homophobe Get out."

French Interior Minister Manuel Valls and Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe condemned the action. One called "useless provocation," Valls own "This could be offended by rude gesture to help the French Catholic." Expressing

Delanoe what happened to his "sadness" expressed.

"I believe that women's struggle for equality and idle stroke caricatures which condemned the action," Delanoe said.

Porn Queen and soldier pointing man, jailed and fined

Be careful with what you do.

You do not believe that God is watching you even if your eyes and ears are everywhere.

Back PULAU: A quantity surveyor imprisonment of one month and the last leg of the flashing obscene hand gestures pleaded guilty to two counts by the Magistrate's Court here today fined RM8,000.

On the first count, Leung Pei, the Koe, 29, Raja Permaisuri obscene hand gesture to the Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah was charged with flashing near here last February at 11.50am while the Bayan Lepas International Airport The departure hall was passing car carrying 11, 2013.

He is also a place, time and date, a police officer, ASP Mohammad Abdul Hamid Fakhrudin was charged with showing obscene hand gesture.

Both have been charged under Section 294 (a) upon conviction, up to three months or fined or both of the Penal Code which provides for imprisonment.

On the first count, the magistrate Mohammad Wahab Leong sentenced to 30 days in jail and two months in prison default, RM6,000 fined.

Living on the second count, in default, a one-month prison sentence of seven days in jail and fined RM2,000.

Earlier in mitigation, unsuspecting Leung, who had apologized for committing the offense. Deputy Public Prosecutor the prosecution was conducted by Suhaimi Ibrahim.

By George Washington Gale Ferris Wheel Ferris

Your George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. do?

No matter.

Have you ever ride a big wheel, the Singapore Flyer, Malaysia's Eye, the Ferris wheel? Yes, that's what we're talking about here wheel. Today Google front / landing page and you click on the George Ferris, Ferris wheel creator's birthday that will be told.

Ferris, which is famous around the world on Valentine's Day February 14, 1859 was born. So, on this day dedicated to a little bit of space I do.

The World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893 (Wikipedia) to the original Ferris wheel is the most famous.

Who was always kind to others and become a source of inspiration for others there is a place for people. George Ferris, who died in 1896, but this piece of work by people of several generations will enjoy.

Medical Humor - Bad spelling is a problem?

Aoccdrnig in a rseearch
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
Ltteers in a mttaer waht oredr
wrod witren are, olny iprmoatnt
tihng frist and lsat ltteer taht is
In rghit pclae. rset can be
And it sitll remain a toatl mses
A porbelm wouthit. It is our bcuseae
huamn mnid deos not persist
by ervey istlef ltteer, but as wrod
A wlohe.

If you hit pealse wuold 'share'
To keep your desk so you can magane.