
Friday 5 December 2014

The incidence of drunken passengers, crew MAS confronted anxious moments

Seen some MAS crew had to use a little force and finally busted a drunken passenger who does not disturb the chaotic and rude and ruthless Business class from KL to London.

Before the mayor of London who boarded the same plane after a visit to the country was trying to persuade passengers kerneaan so quiet but without success.

The passenger's name was not disclosed, but reportedly 43 years old from Britain.

Passengers were believed in a drunken state and was arrested when the plane landed at Heathrow airport.

The newspaper also reported that a passenger was detained at a police station in London.

Meanwhile, a technical delegation Eileen Burbidge upload pictures situation, and praised his crew MAS acting quickly.

Read: Zina will continue even after the ijabkabul?

Indeed, this problem is severe. Note the questions 1 - 5. Marriage is like this today is very common for families usually choose this path for saving face. When a child can know "pregnant out of wedlock", quickly married off.

Based on this fact, the marriage contract is invalid, then the couple later lived in adultery until whenever. This question was posed to a priest, where many other issues arising from the question of the tree.

I share them with you as they are very important:

Question 1: What are the appropriate measures if an unmarried girl pregnant outside of marriage?

Answer 1:  The girl can not be married until the baby is born.

Question 2: If the man in charge was willing to marry her, can they get married?

Answer 2:  No. They can not marry until the baby is born.

Question 3: Is the marriage valid if they marry?

Answer 3:  No. Marriage is invalid. A man can not marry a pregnant woman, even if he is the father of the unborn child.

Question 4: If they married, what should they do to correct it?

Answer 4:  They must be separated. She should wait until birth, or confirm that she is not pregnant, then they can get married again, legally.

Question 5: What if they do not correct?

Answer 5:  They will live in adultery because marriage was not valid.

Question 6: What are the rights of a child born out of wedlock?

Answer 6:  The majority opinion said that the child has NO RIGHT to demand anything from his father.

Question 7: If the law says that man is not the father of the child, does that mean he is not a mahram to her own daughter?

Answer 7:  Yes. He can not be a mahram.

Question 8: If a Muslim man and a Muslim woman (or non-Muslim) wanted to marry after cohabiting, whether appropriate action?

Answer 8:  They must separate immediately and wait until her menstrual once before they can get married.

Question 9: If I knew / know someone in this situation, do I have to tell him, or better to meddle own?

Answer 9:  You must tell, because it is part of your responsibility as a brother. They should be given the opportunity to correct them, if not all offspring born of the marriage is not valid it is children who are not legitimate.

In conclusion: Parents, relatives, people of the village, tok-tok imam, tok-tok kadi Dan witnesses who knew the situation but silence, condone or justify the continued marriage then they are also not spared from suffering the torment and torture either in the world or in the Hereafter. Nauzubillah ..

Please do not ignore this information. This is a serious matter so, understand and dissect right and talk to the priest / teacher if necessary.

Doctors use a bicycle pump pump patients abdomen

S ebuah state to stop the massive sterilization procedures at a health camp after finding a doctor using a bicycle pump to inflate the abdomen of a patient to facilitate surgery.

Dr Mahesh Chandra Rout said, use a bicycle pump is common in remote areas of the country that do not have their India expensive medical equipment.

"This method has proven to be safe and it is an affordable alternative. A total of 56 women underwent surgery and there is no reason why this issue needs to be enlarged," he said at a Press TV reports.

However, Rout statement denying civil servants who believes India can be dangerous to use a bicycle pump Patients and physicians should use carbon dioxide.

Meanwhile, a senior health official Orissa, Arati Ahuja said, from now on sterilization procedure will only be conducted in a hospital equipped with suitable facilities.

Video: Researchers discover sea devil

Researchers discovered a strange life which was named the Black sea devil seadevil, the present invention is considered strange and amazing.

Fish species 'the Black seadevil' or a sea devil sea creatures that live in the deep waters of the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and the Atlantic.

But very rarely reported his findings cast doubt on the existence of this species.
Through a news report SFGate, Monterey Bay Research Institute Aquaria (MBARI) reported this species found throughout eight centimeters in November.

In fact, the research team also captured the institutions videos longer than 10 seconds to expose the animals to the public.

Meanwhile, the group chief researcher, Bruce Robinson, said the discovery was made at a depth of 1,900 feet above sea level.

"It is the first time we managed to capture the wildlife in its natural habitat, this species is among the rarest in all the deep waters," he said.

Sea devil normally live in the deep sea and never exposed himself on the sea surface like other sea creatures.

This fish is said to have very sharp eyesight and can eat larger prey than the size of his body due to the high degree of flexibility on the part of the stomach.

Sea devil is said to belong to one of five species in the family Melanocetus, For the record, this sea devil ever become a character in the animated film Finding Nemo, which aired in 2003.

Employees worshiped result, crew received criticism

Indonesian singer and actress, crew criticized recently after a piece of photos uploaded through his Instagram account, where five people work at the Princess crew Entertainment Indonesia kneeling while worshiping the crew as a sign of respect.

Actions upload Instagram photos on the web site it raises various public criticism by post considered it quite outrageous and wrong excluded Islam. The average disagreed with crew and crew accused inexhaustible trying to find cheap publicity.

But according to the crew, the image is only a joke and not intentionally want to cause controversy cheap.

"I am a Muslim, and as one who is a Muslim only God should be worshiped. There is no master but Allah and Prophet Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. I may not want them to worship me.

"It was just a joke and did not intend to cause controversy cheap. I've written it 'Just For Fun', "explains crew to the media.

Last week the crew continued to defend the title "Most Popular Singer 'five consecutive years on SCTV Awards 2014.

Before the crew had a love relationship with a Malaysian businessman two years ago but dropped out because of problems in the way of understanding.

Love Removal blessing fans F14 and Elfira Loy

The singer, who also was runner-AF2014 namely Aman seems trending embroider in love with the actress Elfira Loy.

But do not get me wrong, they're just screwing through the latest telemovie Michael Ang directive entitled 'First Love'.

Although this is the first time the 21-year-old student of acting but the average fan to provide strong support to him.

In fact, through the comments on photos uploaded by Aman and Elfira own Instagram page (IG) belongs to them, the fans are endorsing the coupling of two young actors it deems appropriate.

Moreover followers at IG Aman Aman also praised the changes that appear to be more confident and no longer shy away from Akademi Fantasia 2014.

In addition to Aman, the artist born AF2014 also received offers to act is Ziha, Zarif and also Ewal.

Excited fans want to see Rita demonstrate boobs?

Kuala Lumpur: I just let the lazy self, people who talk like this are the mentally retarded.

Kind of like the only thing that will talk nonsense on others,  was popular dramatic expression, Rita Rudaini Mokhtar about most of the warrior class action keyboard or 'keyboard warrior' who ridicule due to a misunderstanding supposedly he will participate in a carnival parade boobs .

Rita, 38, who contacted, said he was initially surprised when receiving a lot of negative comments on his social accounts that associates itself with the event.

"At first I was weird why the followers of this comment thing is not really there that supposedly can not wait to show my breasts look at a carnival.

"To laugh was there in the beginning. So I couldnt believe the crap they have events like that. Especially me and Diamond (Ladyana) also is said to be running our chest at the carnival," he said.

Nock suspects face-to-face Syahtul spread

Pasir Puteh  : Kelantan police chief has confirmed it has succeeded in identifying two suspects who robbed and slashed the face Syahtul recently.

A day or two, Malaysia shocked by the incident two thieves tapping advance Syahtul than hurting mother Syahtul, Hat Theme Mat Zin, 58.

However in today's social media have spread the image of a man in the desert and say the suspect notch victim's face.

What is certain suspects believed to retaining the drug dependent to some extent will unravel what happened to Carol and her mother.

All said to his story of becoming a victim of Arc revenge is not really what happens is the robberies were committed by drug addicts in the legal matter by the Chief of Police of Gujarat.

However, this case is still in tactics to bring those involved to justice and punished  in accordance with Section 394 of the Penal Code for robbery and causing injury, "he said.