
Wednesday 10 February 2016

The Hyperborean Mythos & Worlds Beyond The Tides of Light and Darkness

 The Stone shops, and houses, buildings and archways, alleys, cobblestone streets of Tangier, the hills and walls, and the coastal sea next to its city-dwelling, some of the old structures from the days of the Moors, Dr. Nutt had went back to Tangier in the year 1999, having visited it in 1997 and liking the climate. Previously he had visited Algiers in 1998, when he had his run with Agaliarept, Henchman from Tartarus, Lord of Five Legions. Again he was on a tour, vacation from his work at the Los Andes Space Station high up in the Andes of Peru.

He parted his group, just inside the Kasbah, to go out on his own, as often he did. He liked to feel his feet on those old cobblestone streets. Should you have stood on the upper wall of one of a two or three story building, you would have seen a yellow lighthouse overlooking the sea, the plateau streets below the hills, to the upper part of the city proper.

The Journal Notes of Dr. Nutt:

"The group I was with came to its end in the Kasbah, the sea was in full view. For me I ended up hidden somewhat between stone structures only its black reflection, its shadows and still air came from the faint crack stones in the alleyway I found myself in, below my feel I heard a buzzing as it the smoothness of the stones were talking. My friends were looking I presume someplace on the Cliffside of the upper part of the city, this was my second trip to Tangier, the first one was three years ago, in 1997, it is July 1, of 2000 A.D., now, I'm in my hotel making these notes up for posterity. Anyhow, as I stood in the alley, I was thinking of looking for a café, I was hungry for fried fish, but the oil that came from the streets indicating such a dish was putrid. And now the buzzing under my feet, with several cracked and misplaced cobblestones, as if they were being separated on purpose by the discipline of whatever was pushing against those stones. It brought back the memory of that diabolic creature I witnessed a few years back, with the horse head.

"Heat was swallowing up from the stone buildings on all three sides of me, it was hard to breathe, the sunlight beating down on me, I was bare headed and felt sleepy; it was as if I was like walled in next to a furnace, and the earth cracking open under my feet per near roasting them to hotdogs: like splintering flaks of fire coming out. What was its cause? As I looked up under that flood of blistering sunlight, falling from the sky, the heat was even greater where I stood still without movement. Matter of fact, it was hard to move, a strange red glare come from the several cracks now, and the stones were hot as the fires in hell. I could hear small waves lapping from the sea, my shoes per near as hot as the stones, I moved a little closer to the shaded area of the buildings, to avoid the heat. I could feel my temples swelling, then I kicked open a small hump of stone displaced. When I came nearer to see what was under it, I didn't think of what might come out of it, perhaps now thinking it could have been my undoing.

"As I stood there so stiflingly from the heat, big flies were bussing from the crack, coming out and settling on the outer-side of the cobblestones as if testing their wingspan, or winding up for flight, red-eyed flies the size of my thumb, some larger than the tip of my thumb. It all rather alarmed me. I began to feel squeamish, and thought of leaving quickly, the buzzing of the flies were jarring on my ears, but I feared if I moved, they'd attack me. I've no idea how many there were, a 100,000-thousand or more I presume. I called them devil flies, but were they from that monster who called himself, Lord of Five Legions? From the depts. Of hades? Or just a nest of huge and ferocious flies from the guts of Tangier's sewer-system?

"They swarmed around me, and gave me what I called ironical indifference, gazing hard at me, like bates, what held my attention was their heads and eyes, I had an odd impression I was being scrutinized, on a superficial view."

Now that I think of it sitting here in my hotel room on the edge of the bed, pen and paper of the account on the pillow next to me, the so called devil flies provided me with one thing, if anything, besides being scared half to death, should they attack me with those regretful little fangs, the humblest of pleasures, life's past events how, how I loved to laugh, and take my walks, and visit friends, and have a hamburger, near death does that you know-you think of the human condition, that you don't have control over all you think you have. They could have taken me by the throat and choked my breathing, made me vomit out the rest of my life. My one idea, "Get it over with quick." A phenomenal consciousness of this will stay with me forever. And it made me think the irrationality of life is inevitable. We must live in part with the philosophical notion of the absurd, is alive and yet to be defined, all around us. I wanted to call disease control, but what for, they'd be gone, and most likely the official's would come up with potentially multiple meanings from experience.

They, the giant flies looked at me dispassionately. This fearful sight was irrevocable, try as I might, I couldn't breathe right during that long, forever long moment, it ordeal, and they left as if they had another mission. But what I thought at the time was I didn't have a dogs-chance to run, escape, that it was a change in a thousand to get away, my heart echoed in my head. Metaphorically speaking, inside my head a dark wind still is blowing.

By and large, we have little to no control over things, irrationality of life is inevitable. Here I find flies, giant flies, what does that tell you, and what does it tell the person I want to tell? It tells him I live in a world of the absurd. What does that mean? It has a multiple meaning, we all live in the sphere of the phenomenal, for each time I come to this part of the world, it is like the underworld turns its back on its own bay to bother me, and it comes symbolically, it takes away for a moment, my freedom of being at ease. Agaliarept, plagued me a few years back, like a Gestapo, and now the plague-stricken flies. And once again I am bound to silence. I am better off gazing up and telling my story to the stars and moon. Should I tell the authorities, or my comrades at the Space Station, of this unspeakable evil? It's really not a question, a statement-question at best, but should I, what would be their point of view? You'd think I'd cause an epidemic of madness, but no, they would be speculating on my sound of mines, and detachment at world would follow, criticism, they would say, "It's a doubtful case, where are the flies now?" Perhaps they'd say, he's under stress and has turned to religion, and things God is sending a plague. The psychologist might say, he has lapses into unreality, he was dreaming, day dreaming. You see where I'm at?

We live in an incomprehensible universe, with and little men who try to be transcendent gods. They are arbitrary and capricious, so I say nothing, why? Not out of pessimism, although I do distrust per near everyone around me, not knowing who to trust, but out of fear to be exiled.


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The Hyperborean Mythos & Worlds Beyond The Treaded From Earth's Underworld

I have seldom been able to resist the allurement of a new city, to explore its beaches, it its main quarter, its rocky structures by the sea; in 1998, last year, about the same time, July, I went to Tangier, this year its it's Algiers. I am on vacation from the Los Andes Space Center high up in the Andes of Peru where I work as a scientist, I am kind of an astrophysics technician, along with several comrades that work in the same area.

As I said, this all took place yesterday. When climbing on some of the rocky structures by the sea, to browse around for a few minutes having come upon this mystery, brief as it was, and thereafter had an idle forenoon to ponder on it, as now I write it out on journal paper for posterity sake. Actually the group I was with, I stepped away from them for a while. Sometimes the slow and smooth mediocrity of life gets to me, being a scientist, and I had brought nothing to read ahead of time, and talking with strangers on the bus, I got so hurriedly and grotesquely tired of miner chitchat I could almost anticipate anything they were about to say, it was dismal boredom. But now I am in my hotel room contemplating what took place yesterday.

The Journal Notes of Dr. Nutt:

"When I listen hard I can hear the innermost difficulties of my brain, some say this is your second-self talking to you, a part of your soul telling you this and that, other say it is psychotic or schizoid reaction the brain is reproducing. Maybe it is second-sight-is my conclusion: something scientists avoid talking about, and psychologists hate, although you have your parapsychologists that will listen. Perhaps it is hell's demons whispering. It comes like as if it is little more of your memory talking back to you, then it stretches out into a labyrinthine murmuring. Then into incommunicable blurs.

"Earth is like any other planet in many ways, it has its mysteries. Humanity has always felt the presence of another unseen species among us that appears to live at a reckless pace. Myself betwixt by it, and by its trembling beings. Yet I have never found any form confirmation until yesterday, when I found massive folds in a rock structure along the shores of the Algiers Sea coast.

"And when I looked directly down into this curvature of rock-structure, its narrow crevice, more on the order of a zigzagged grotto, I saw eyes. Eyes that appeared to crawl flat on its stomach, at first I thought it was a snake, but the eyes came from a shadow of an odd looking head, but it was in the dark, more an ash like shadow out of ebony darkness. It was many feet down, and had I been able to figure out its depth, I'm sure it went deeper into earth's crust, imaginable. It crawled up horizontally alongside the wall of the rock, or well-when it got several feet distance from me it shot out a substance in mid-air, made me motionless, and I fell back a little to one side, hung onto the tip of a picked rock. I could hear the sea, nothing else, frozen as if in ice.

"The creature was made of some sort of highly dull material, then it fully appeared out of its grotto onto the landscape a few feet from me, its outlines were now clear. Although I saw him in a blur, from this for-short end position, walled in by rock, in which I viewed this demon of sorts, a creature of the deep, underworld, he called himself, Algliarept Agaliarept, Henchman from Tartarus, Lord of Five Legions. Thus, he had letters behind his name, I pondered as he proudly personified them above his name. He was the semblance of a man-beast, with a crimson light to his alien looking eyes. He stood several feet tall, and rested his arm against a granite wall that formed the place he came out of, my place of vantage. Likewise he was muscular, from top to bottom. Naked as a jaybird. I cannot compare him with any other being on earth, or creature, but he had now wings, a face like a horse, low and huge were his testicles, as if they were independent of gravity.

It all was quite imponderable to a degree if I told a psychologist, he'd ask what I was on, and have me visit a Chemical Dependency Counselor. This is a mystery of earth, like the mystery of asteroids, and comets, and double yoked stars (or suns), and so forth, and new found planets, and deep sea monsters, yet if I go ahead and put this into a science journal, it will be seen as illogical, demonology, dissolved as in molten iron, made up to be "The Creature from the Black Lagoon." Yet this creature perhaps from earth's underworld mid-point. And what was their surface abundance? He said he had five legions under him. Under or above, who cares, they are surely active. Carl Sagan would ask me for a photograph of him, to confirm there are such creatures of the underworld. Yet if one of our astronauts saw him on the moon, he'd say, "We've discovered alien life!" In any case, Sagan's head would be adverted from my view.

This creatures creature had cold and lucent eyes, and lightheartedly composure undoubtedly one of the lords of the underworld. He had impeccable symmetry, ugly as a mud turtle, with a strange profile, and his cranium rose lofty, with horns and dog-straight ears...

"Then he stooped lower and lower into his grotto, floated nearly horizontally back down to his underworld domain. As my body loosened up. I was breathless and awed wondering what inconceivable thing this was, I feel like a silent over- world explorer to be disentombed."

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Joy of Learning

When I was 6 years old, my parents decided to send me to the school together with my older sister. They were very busy, so they wanted to save time and effort by sending us together to the same class. School was very boring to me, and I didn't want to spend too much time on the school's stuff either, so it worked for me. I hardly ever did my homework. My parents assumed that my older sister kept an eye on me, but she was busy too (with whatever), so she would just let me copy her homework when she was done with it. My family saved a lot time. With the time I saved, I was free to climb the trees, play sports and carve wood, so the plan to send me to school a year earlier worked perfectly. The only things that suffered from this time-saving-superb-plan ware my math skills. I never quite learned them.

A few years ago, when I started taking piano lessons, I realized that I enjoy practicing music. It was a lot of effort at first, and at times it felt like I was making very little progress, but overtime it became a little easier and more enjoyable. Since I love learning new things, one day I've decided that I wanted to learn math. I realized that I could learn math the same way I'm learning piano. Math is a skill and piano-playing is a skill too, so I thought that if I just practice it the same way I practice piano, I should be able to learn it. I became to believe that it is not a matter of having or not having a talent. It is a matter of practicing the skill, so I've got to work, took few math classes and earned good grades.

One day I was explaining to my classmate that when I look at a piece of stone like marble, or alabaster I see what's inside of it, but when I look at math I don't see the inside (YET). The vision is still pretty blank, and it feels like I just scratched the surface, however I'm not discouraged. I like practicing math, because when I get the problem solved it's a great feeling. It seems that I am developing an appreciation for it. I'm a leaving proof that adults can learn anything they want. Yes, it is an effort but it is a great ability, we humans possess. We have the ability to learn during our entire lifetime. This fact should empower YOU my friend. Learn something new, my friend, and don't worry about how much time it will take you. It is all about the process and it will make you feel great! YOU CAN TRUST ME ON THAT ONE!

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