
Thursday 19 February 2015


SHARE happy ... Mei Fen and Wincci congratulate celebrate Chinese New Year to all Malaysians who celebrate the festival. "HEY, Li Po!" shouted as he jumped Wincci Soo Lim Mei Fen in the dressing room last Monday afternoon. While exchanging greetings, good or May Fen Wincci both fast swapping stories flashback funny experience when equally involved with theater Throne 3 Queen at the Palace of Culture replace each a few months ago. The equation Wincci and Mei Fen, they never drew first taste of supporting the role of women from China who set foot in Malaya, princess Hang Li Po in conjunction with the staging copies director Erma Fatima. Thus, accidentally Wincci May greet with the title Fen Li Po when met after a long time no see. Earlier in the week This, they once again brought together to share memories and nostalgia interesting piece in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Perhaps it sounds quite impossible to get a singer who is now based in Taiwan, and coupled together Wincci May Fen already set the agenda from the beginning again to return to the village homes in Georgetown, Penang. It turns out it was the wrong prediction. Wincci and Mei Fen still had time to steal everyone together and talked about the spirit of celebrating Chinese New Year, which falls on today. "Every year I shall celebrate Chinese New Year with his family and will return to Malaysia because there's just a chance for me to meet relatives who rarely met as busy. Sometimes when too busy, but I can not afford a holiday for Chinese New Year, is the most appropriate opportunity for me to rest. "For me, Chinese New Year is the time to think about planning the future and it means the beginning of a new calendar in life. Although I was born in cows, goats after the year so this year it feels good luck on our side of the family is still the same zodiac.

Beraya in United Kingdom Wincci, 30, told, festive celebration of Chinese New Year is not the same as the preparation in Taiwan. Besides desolate, Taiwan is only spread a few simple decorations to celebrate it was still quiet without spin tunes such as Chinese New Year in Malaysia. "In Malaysia, Chinese New Year celebrations will be felt when a month earlier. But in Taiwan, the mood to celebrate this hard felt because the people there are always busy. If there were, it's just a few simple decorations to mark the celebration of Chinese New Year is around the corner, "he said, will be in Malaysia until early March. Recalling memories of celebrating Chinese New Year, the most memorable moment was when he demanded Wincci at the University of Reading, United Kingdom in 2007. Jubilation beraya outside the country still do not like to celebrate it at home. "When you're abroad, every celebration is not limited to one race alone, but we'll share the excitement of it together same. If I do not wear cheongsam, funny anyway seeing my friends from European countries who are willing to go and buy a costume for celebrating with us. "Often, Chinese New Year celebrations in Chinatown area will be more lively than welcome in our home. When compared with the response in Malaysia itself, the area actually more alive and much more accessible, "he said. Concert June , however, Wincci had jokingly recalls memories of celebrating the Chinese New Year during his childhood. If the festival is now the most awaited Wincci to relax and meet relatives but it was far different feeling when her weight reached 50 pounds when she was 10 years old. "I hate it when a small Chinese New Year because I am fat. So, I worry when relatives came to the house of my family, they would make fun of me. So, I will try to hide in the house when the arrival of this festival. "However, growing up, I was more mature and large dining ritual most anticipated anyway. I began to appreciate the time spent with relatives, especially during Chinese New Year, "he most enjoyed the dish yee sang and considered symbolic meal of fellowship. Speaking about the development of his career, after seven years of being in the entertainment industry, Wincci will endow his first solo concert to fans who had never tired of supporting her career. Wincci words, solo concert which is expected to take place on June 9 are summarized later travels for the period. "I have held the first showcase in Taiwan recently and the response was unexpected. So, I want to continue the success in Malaysia anyway after my solo concert held at the Plenary Hall, KLCC on 9 June. It is a new milestone for me and this solo concert is like my report card as a singer, "he said, will present 30 songs in Malay, Chinese and English. Memories in the US In contrast, the story of Mei Fen, 28, who described the Chinese New Year celebration A simple concept every year and just a reunion among family members. Before this, the Chinese New Year festivities felt incredible view of a great meal on New Year's Eve by 10 families attended his father's side. However, the tradition began to be forgotten after his grandfather died three years ago. "My grandfather had 10 children and normally we would gather en masse to eat big ceremony on the eve of the new year. However, after my late grandfather died, the excitement is lessened. "Furthermore, most of our family members already residing abroad. So, the more difficult for us to gather en masse as before. "However, the most memorable memory when the Chinese New Year celebrations in roaming is when I was in Northern California, United States in 2005. I have a good friend named Fatimah and her is the only Muslim convert who will cook delicious dishes for Chinese New Year. "We only had each other, so the celebration was still lively even if not in a public group. Meaning of the Chinese New Year will be more felt being away from family and celebrate wandering far, "he says studying performing arts theater in Fortuna Union High School for a year. When grown, the eldest of four siblings just want to celebrate the Year China's new with your beloved family. Enough just there with his family during the celebration of the 15th day of the Chinese New Year. "Although the Chinese New Year celebrations in Penang lively with a variety of tasty dishes, usually road will be very crowded with tourists and families who return feasting there. So, the best way to celebrate Chinese New Year in Penang is taking time in their homes, "he added. Collect angpau May Fen told, when he saves the strange habits of his childhood. Each time the arrival of the Chinese New Year, The Cage film actress will collect a variety of envelope red packet given to him as an art collection. "This hobby would be considered strange by my friends but it will produce angpau collection of diverse and interesting. I remember that collected more than 2,000 pieces of red packet envelope in a box and had some time to use it as a decorative art collection on the walls of my classes. "Previously I also cultivate the covers angpau respect to the lantern to compete," he explained recently completed filming 25-episode drama series titled Identity Switch with actor Jojo Goh. The emergence of May Fen in the local entertainment industry through iconic character Princess Hang Li Po in theater Throne 3 Queen has opened the eyes of many young talents to stake it to be brought to a higher level . Said Mei Fen, if not because of Soo Wincci, he would have folded. "I am aware of the opportunities in the entertainment industry in Malaysia is very thin, so when it was almost in despair, Wincci contacted me asking if I was interested in acting in the theater. He has given me the motivation and encouragement to continue to act, "he said, who also want to look for opportunities to work behind the scenes.


If true thing is rumored by sources who said rigid now lost source of income due cheated manager, apparently the singer of this country any right to be in a difficult situation. According to sources, a former public relations officer of the record companies do rigid, mother of singer 13 years also back begging.

"Poor mother is now back begging because they have no money. Not from 'A' forge rigid mayhem. He now resides in the village because it does not work anymore " "I sympathize with rigid. Rigid passport was taken away by his former manager 'A'. Due to the rigid can not go anywhere and had to decline the offer performances in Malaysia because no passport, "the source said. Add another source, 'A' who is a citizen of Singapore is the former manager of both rigid that are believed to be in Kuala Lumpur. "I can know the 'A' here. He let terkontang rigid lenses after he had devised, boy. Rigid exhausted a lot of money because of him " "My mother never told rigid to one rigid fan club members in Malaysia that his son did not have any savings since with 'A'," he added. In addition, it is also alleged to have kept rigid during the month by the manager and not allowed to contact his family in the village.


After long BPU puzzle with fans about their relationship, eventually Akim Ahmad itself appear to provide an explanation of the current status of his relationship with a close friend, Stacy that has lasted so long. Through the interview with Era FM radio earlier today, Akim Ahmad admitted that he can feel the love of Stacy and their lovers, but now is not revealed since when.

"I am indeed very closely with Stacy and I can say the feeling is the feeling of love. Thank God, I can feel that feeling and he can feel and I hope our relationship can be the blessing of everyone and Stacy will open hearts one day " Are open-minded to marry someday? Who knows. Hopefully we daoakan pair Akim Ahmad and Stacy will be up to the dais soon overwhelmed and this news was well received by their fans.


Artists nominated in the category Artists Controversy in Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2014 (ABPBH 2014), Sharnaaz Ahmad set a target of about 2 years from now to end his bachelor days.

But even then still a question mark for him because they no longer exist in that specific date or marry her.

"I do not know whether to talk 2015 to 2016 but I think in 2-3 years. The longest we probably 2-3 years away. We plan to marry next month if the word was only okay "

"For me, the reason we can not want to fight. I just talk to 2 years, but if busy year nak buat how. Now you say this year but still got married again. The maximum period is 2 years. We are only able to determine the plan of God, "he added.

He was present at the press conference recently ABPBH 2014 with Anis al-Bashir, ending speculation that they had been separated now also told to stock up at the wedding should be in line with their partner.

"Willing or not willing to be at par with not only me but also next door to him and his family," he added fitness center will open branches Sharnaaz Ahmad Fitness Centre at his birthplace in Penang soon.


It's common for a newly married couple on their honeymoon, Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari still have not planned location for this purpose because they are still bound by their own affairs.

"When this Yana was still busy with filming telemovie and movies. Only after the completion of two new agenda that we can think about the honeymoon.

"Follow the desire Yana, he badly wanted a honeymoon in Italy. I never told media partners want to honeymoon in the Maldives. Look how later, "said Fadzil explain their situation at the moment.

In addition, Fadzil also briefly tell a little bit about a lot of character Yana touched his heart during their love relationships before marriage.

"Now after my mother, he is a woman who sits in my heart. Despite the success of a man is a woman who was behind it. It was they who were behind my success now "

"We know when it's time, I have not got out of nothing and now marry her when she is a publisher. I now have a company Prokuya Studio. He (Yana) did much to support me "

"He himself was a man who works hard. He is like my teacher. Throughout Tell him I know from the bottom to do a lot of work for a valuable experience, "he said.

We're sure many fans who prayed Fadzil Yana and happiness to remain sustainable and lasting until the end of life.