
Sunday 1 February 2015

Jennifer Lopez Selling a house Because lonely

The famous Hollywood star Jennifer Lopez acted sell his luxury residence with an area of 1.3 hectares in Hidden Hills California because they want to find a smaller house.
Jennifer or more friendly with a greeting Jlo said, the house is too big for her and two of her twins Emme and Max, who is now six years old.

"It's too big for the three of us and that's why I want to sell the house and find a smaller dwelling for us," he said, as reported by TMZ.

 In fact, says Jennifer, live in a house that is too big to make him feel lonely moreover he now does not have a boyfriend.

Effects tool Aedes Betina successful Created UNIMAP

Universiti Malaysia Perlis have invented a device that can be used to detect the presence of female Aedes mosquitoes in the environment of the device is placed.

 Why is it important to know the presence of female Aedes mosquitoes in your neighborhood?

 For information, female mosquito is responsible suck human blood, and then makes the spread of dengue fever in people who are bitten.

 Thus the presence of a tool capable of detecting the presence of female Aedes mosquitoes, we can know that the environment in which we live is in danger of being bitten by mosquitoes that cause dengue fever.

 How Aedes Impact Tool Works Betina
 According to Prof Dr Uda Hashim of Nanoelectronik Engineering Institute, the female Aedes mosquito detecting device is used to detect acoustic waves generated from the activities of a shot by the female Aedes mosquito wings when flying.

 It is produced from a combination of nanotechnology science and electronic engineering by experts in Unimap. Experts in Unimap was drawing up a creation tool is small and can be carried easily. The device must also be practical and affordable to make it worth of commercial terms.

 Or is also designed to enable it to transmit signals wirelessly to the wave vector control unit that monitors populations of mosquito breeding in one-on-one environment.

 Effects tool Aedes World's First
 What's interesting is, it is the only creature in the world capable of doing so. He was able to complement the efforts of control mosquito breeding and thus control the spread of dengue fever cases in our country.

 So far, efforts to control mosquitoes hard done by using all existing picnic techniques including chemical, biological and physical or mechanical control.

 However, public awareness is still needed in the fight against dengue fever cases in Malaysia. The mosquito can be controlled with the awareness to eliminate all areas that could make mosquitoes breed.

 All water reservoirs need to be deleted or inserted material control larvae. Need to be cleaned and rubbish containers can store the water must be removed and not discarded everywhere.