
Tuesday 16 June 2015

Khairy urges the state government dissolved following the 'demise' Pakatan Rakyat

Khairy Jamaluddin suggested that the State Government was dissolved following the end of Pakatan Rakyat.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin suggested that the Selangor State government disbanded following the statement by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng that Pakatan Rakyat is now no longer exists.

"In terms of politics, it can not be maintained anymore," Khairy answers to questions that the north a news portal on the direction of the state government led by the opposition.

DAP through a media statement on Monday said the party received the decision of the conference PAS to break bonds between them.

Its executive committee has unanimously decided that the PR has died.

Pakatan Rakyat formed on 1 April 2008 in cooperation DAP, PAS and PKR concerned with the General Election (GE) on March 8, 2008.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang blames PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang that causes paralysis following a crisis PR Chief Minister of Selangor and Implementation hudud issue.

PAS 61st conference has accepted the proposal without debate to decide the political relationship with the DAP as some statements of party leaders who attacked Abdul Hadi on issues related to hudud.

However, the proposal stressed to maintain tahaluf siyasi or political cooperation with the opposition party, PKR.

Kit Siang had earlier voiced his warning that the PR is likely doomed if PAS congress decision to sever ties with DAP.

Meanwhile, Vice President and Secretary General of PKR, Rafizi Ramli pointed out one of the Political Bureau weekly meeting will be held this evening to discuss a statement issued by Lim Guan Eng.

At the same time, only some DAP leaders viewed their say on the news.

1MDB today, "1MDB Story"

1MDB today, "1MDB Story," and "1MDB additional investment" in the title of your blog entries by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad expose different claims. - File Photos

Kuala Lumpur: 1Malaysia Development Bhd it (1MDB) today, "1MDB Story," and "1MDB additional investment" in the title of your blog entries to the former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad by exposing various claims.

Among others, Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) were money issues, the purchase of land and well PetroSaudi RM2 billion joint venture with billionaire, said to be borrowed from Ananda Krishnan.

"TIA was no attempt to hijack the money," 1MDB said in a statement Tuesday.


Finally, the federal government's contribution May 29, 2009, in which TIA, by issuing a guarantee of RM5 billion Sukuk, TIA before being federalised.

"Then, Terengganu state government entity being federalised in July 2009, which decided to withdraw from TIA," he said.

"Furthermore claims, the government guarantee 'off budget' is not. It's 100 per cent 1MDB is ultimately the federal government has a clear responsibility and be recognized," he said.

1MDB RM2 billion as of course was arranged to borrow the domestic loan provided by a syndicate.

"Tun Mahathir claimed by the interest to pay as it was not used," he said.

Management, the Powertek Investment Holdings (PIH), a subsidiary of 1MDB, said.

PIH PIH Tanjong caused by the return of any money or prepaid revenue will be used solely for the occurrence of certain events ... for up to RM2 billion, PIH to subscribe to equity agreed to a subscription agreement under which Tanjong had RHB Investment Bank Bhd and Maybank Investment Bank Bhd's RM5.5 billion loan facility arranged by.

From above, it's RM2 billion of equity in Tanjong PIH was an obligation for membership is a clear fact, the loan facility will be used for repayment of the income, 1MDB said.

However, due to confidentiality agreements, the RM2 billion equity investment to be a RM2 billion loan was agreed by the parties can not explain why, he said, she said.

The sales of RM320 million 1MDB 70 acres of land on Jalan Tun Razak that the claims at least RM3,000 to 4,000 PSF RM should pay RM7,000- PSF and sold 1MDB Earth was close by, 1MDB ,, RM320 million to RM230 million this land was not paid.

part. "

1MDB in a joint venture with "PetroSaudi did not pay a cent" to blame, it's about US $ 2.7 billion Turkmenistan and oil reserves in Argentina, a subsidiary of the rights, assets, through ownership, PetroSaudi said.

These assets at the time of the asset sale, 1MDB for the purposes of a proposed joint venture set up by a company owned by PetroSaudi and 100 per cent, which was initially a subsidiary, "joint enterprise" by the PetroSaudi were sold.

US $ 2.7 billion in return for the transfer of assets, the joint venture company had to pay PetroSaudi US $ 700 million. The debt resulting from the asset transfer. Accordingly, no loans or "to resolve" was not.

September 29, 2009, 1MDB PetroSaudi executed a joint venture agreement.

On completion of an independent evaluation, 1MDB joint venture company owned 40 per cent return for contributions of US $ 1 billion of cash, and 60 percent in the joint venture company with PetroSaudi was left.

PetroSaudi freely partnership was worth $ 2.7 billion in assets Indeed, 1MDB contributions in cash was, 1MDB said.

1MDB, according to 1MDB 1 billion, US $ 700 million to the joint venture company for the initial transfer of assets that will be used to pay PetroSaudi, was part of a $ 300 million joint venture deal in common venture company will be.

Upon satisfaction with the assessment, according to the Joint Venture Agreement, 1MDB PetroSaudi a subsidiary to pay US $ 700 million, and independently valued joint venture company with assets worth, a 40 per cent share of the company at US $ 2.7 billion to acquire legal title.

Accordingly, PetroSaudi 1MDB US $ 700 million paid by PetroSaudi full rights and at its discretion, was to use these funds, it added.

Wilson still lived happily Zahnita

KUALA LUMPUR: Around the year 2011, households actor, who is a model, Zahnita Wilson once said turbulent and several years later the case of households and dragged them to court.

Some reports have mentioned Zahnita ever fasakh and filed a lawsuit demanding to her husband.

Chance of meeting him when success Dance Festival Malaysia (FESTARI 2015) recently also raised about the real status of her that was said to have been called a widow.

The question of how his personal life now and answered quite busy with career and family really made the writer a little surprised.

Sometimes even mention the word Zahnita lively conversation occurred when her husband was also raised questions in the liver.

Ironically, June 3 last completed even 10 years of marriage with built Zahnita Abdul Ghouse Zackery. Their two children namely Zahrafeena (8) and Zasharayna (2 years) is also growing.

So what exactly? To BH Online, Zahnita share the secrets of his heart that had been raised the question.

"Life is normal to have ups and downs for sure. I'm also not perfect. He was stubborn as you want to live alone and be independent, but my husband did not want to release me.

"The feeling of love is still there between us and more importantly we both have children who are still in need of affection and love.

"Even in the event of vapidity in our household, my own confused with what to do and vice versa. I personally can not be selfish and I simply can not stop loving father of the child from further blocked. We were struggling a couple Early last year, but everything is improving.

"We're still together. It's not that easy to let go of memories together and build a new life. What happens there is a reason behind this. It tests our loyalty and love to their loved ones. Life is challenging and it is not easy.

"What happens when a black episode that want to rapidly eroded," he said, now also the title of lecturer in fashion field of Management & Science University in Shah Alam

Praise be commended to five celebrities as though practicing less than five hours with two dance classes held on 2 and 5 June at its headquarters in Menara TH Perdana JKKN (near Maju Junction), their full commitment in training as well as not to cause issue to the organizer. In short, the fifth celebrity is not much songeh.

Supermodel, which began as an actor, Zahnita said he did not think he was able to fulfill the mandate given to the fullest. He has starred in the film Love and Gila Gila Lecture Teen Bride chose dance as a great and early preparation is already starting to see examples of dance movement in respect of the YouTube page.

"Oh yes, I finally did it. I can dance. But it is not as professional dancers. Obviously even involved in this event within the time constraints, I can conclude that this art show is not as easy as I thought. Performing arts such as dance requires dedication, determination , discipline, hard work, concentration, coordination as well as natural talent that continues to be polished.

"Thanks to JKKN the opportunity of a lifetime. I am grateful to Vanidah, Maya, Shiha and Adeline for guidance, guidance and support when we are involved in this FESTARI. Support my husband and two children who attend the show I became spirit burner. Congratulations also to the winner chosen, "he said, already eight years into a model Jakel textile companies.

'Never mind, it was the view of DAP', says James

James Mohamed Ali

CROSS CITY - PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali said the statement about no longer exists DAP PR which forms of cooperation between PKR, PAS and DAP, DAP view only.

"Never mind, the views expressed DAP. If you want to ask my view, refer to the statement of the President (PKR) (Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) yesterday," he told reporters here this evening.

Mohamed James, who declined to comment further, saying the party has made its stance through its President.

Dr Wan Azizah said in a statement yesterday said the review of the cooperation it needs to be done to strengthen the party in the alliance is consistent with the aspirations of people who want change.

The newspaper reported today that PKR see an urgent need to review the cooperation of all parties in the Pakatan Rakyat.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today announced that Pakatan Rakyat has ceased to exist according to the decision made by the party's central working committee meeting yesterday.

The satellite is expected to fall, possibly in Malaysia

Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite (TRMM).

SHAH ALAM - A satellite built by NASA and Japan to detect rain is expected to fall to Earth tomorrow, according to the official website of Aeronautics and Space Administration National American (NASA).

The satellite was named Tropical Rain Measuring Mission satellite (TRMM), built by NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to measure the amount of rain in the earth that now are 100 kilometers from the earth.

According to the official website of NASA, the US Space Surveillance Network, operated by the Department of Defense space to operate with the US, since it monitors the position of the TRMM mission ended in April.

"Many satellites and spacecraft entering the Earth's atmosphere will burn, and it can not be controlled,

"Space Operations Center will issue periodic forecast date of accession, but the exact location can not be predicted its downfall, TRMM will only fall to the tropics between latitudes 35 degrees North and 35 degrees South latitude," an official statement quoted Nasa.

Meanwhile, Director General of National Space Agency (Angkasa), Dr Noordin Ahmad said, NASA will provide information every three hours to the whole world, including Malaysia space agencies to inform on this matter.

"The Nasa will regularly update their information every three hours, because now the Nasa themselves are not sure of its existence.

"Going by the records had never occurred where human contact with the material fragments during the probe into the history of the world, if you take a percentage Nasa was only two per cent, due mainly to falling into the sea.

"Therefore Malaysians need not panic, nothing ever happens in contact with the fragments never again! ... Previous record satellite that crashed near Malaysia is in the northern Indian Ocean, Australia area near Malaysia and Indonesia," he said.

Commenting further, Ahmad said, if the satellite is burned it can not be controlled anymore.

"The satellite was launched on 35 degrees is considered as a tropical region, including Malaysia's southern Japan to Australia is 35 degrees, when it entered the earth will burn it as he burned no one can control ... but there was no part of the satellite burning mainly made of titanium.

"Titanium metal is harder than iron ... it does not burn, if you take monitoring, not many countries that can monitor it because it requires sophisticated and powerful radar for firing into the air to get the exact location ... I think the United States who have the technology, the United States can see the position it now.

"Space Agency we can contact them for information and they will get this information when he gets into the earth.

"We're going to shout about information from time to time, by the Malaysians do not panic just have to take precautions," he said.

17-year-old TRMM weighs nearly 3 tons, was launched from Tanegashima, Japan on 27 November 1997 for the missions planned for nearly three years. It closed on 15 April this year.