
Thursday 16 July 2015

Malaysia claims 8 clan Kiram charged and are not Filipinos

Kuala Lumpur: Kiram tribe has disowned the original eight who had accused Pakistan died in a clash with security forces saying that, as Malaysians and Filipinos in Sabah accused of interference.

The self-proclaimed spokesman Ibrahim Sultan Jamalul Kiram III Idjirani empire from a source in Sabah "fall guys" learned about the Philippines, told media.

"To confirm where they were caught, they (Malaysian authorities) should appear. If they were caught out Lahad Datu [Malaysian] were civilians," he said.

Philippines daily starting and waging a war of terror acts charged were eight Filipinos as saying, Syarulnizam Salleh, the Sabah Lawyers Association (SLA), Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights said.

Syarulnizam the Malaysian Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail Thursday night during his meeting with the nationalities of the eight men told the newspaper that I know.

Malaysian authorities Jamalul brother, Agbimuddin Kiram lead solo in the group have arrested 108 people suspected of links.

Jamalul eight days before his alleged followers against charges brought by the authorities of Malaysia Tawau High Court Judge on Thursday faced Ravinthran.

The case begins on 12 April.

Titanic Violinist found

It was true.

Numerous scientists, experts, and forensic experts examined the violin and it was confirmed that regard.

Friday undated photo provided by Henry Aldridge, 15 March, 2013 oceanliner, Devizes, England sank the Titanic as bandmaster that has been played by the violin shows.

Survivors of the Titanic after the ship hit an iceberg passengers boarded the lifeboat on the ceiling, playing in bands led by Wallace Hartley, was missing.

Hartley's violin believed to be lost in the disaster of 1912, but auctioneers Henry Aldridge & Son in 2006 detected a device has undergone rigorous testing and has proven that Hartley was.

The auction house consulted numerous experts, including forensic scientist and Oxford University, water-stained to determine the origin of the violin and thousands of pounds has spent the last seven years.

600-year-old coin found in Kenya

Old beauty and also goals.

Chinese Coin from 1403 to 1425 is known to have been released, and the Emperor Yongle, the Ming Dynasty had been named leader.

Nearly 600 years old, recently a Chinese Coin on an island just off the coast of Kenya was detected. Like a Christopher Columbus East - - came to this part of Africa, it proves to be authentic, the coin can show the Chinese explorer Zheng He.

"The result is that we Africa has always been linked to the rest of the world know. It's important, but the coin between China and the countries of the Indian Ocean opens a debate about the relationship," the Chicago Field Museum archaeologist Kusimba Chapurukha M said in a statement.

Copper and silver disk possibly be worn on a belt in a square hole in the center is. Kusimba this slow, about 200 miles northeast of Mombasa in Kenya hugs the coast of an island that was found on the first day of the excavation, told LiveScience. Kusimba Sloan R. Williams of the University of Illinois at Chicago and lead study site, a joint venture spent last December through February.

Coin issued 1425 to 1403, and China has started construction of the Forbidden City Emperor Yongle, the Ming Dynasty had been named leader. This time, slow as a trading post was nearing the end of his reign. In 1430, the island was abandoned and resettled. [Photos: 10 rarest US coins]

Kusimba coin island Zheng He, a Chinese naval commander who rose to the Court was visited by the eunuchs could prove believes. Emperor Yongle Chinese commercial and political influence of land bordering the Indian Ocean and to increase Zheng sent several ambitious journey.

"Zheng He in many ways, was China's Christopher Columbus," Kusimba said. "It finally came to Kenya could prove to have a coin that is great."

Researchers in the Field Museum in Chicago, where chemical analysis is going through, Coin Kenya's government was allowed to export. "We actually just a government issue a fake instead want to be sure that," Kusimba LiveScience reported.

"In sub-Saharan Africa it is one of the oldest sites in Africa, Europe and Asia and with very informing us about the early relationship is going," Kusimba said.

China more than 13,000 dead pigs into the river!

You can see the pig in the river near what would you do?

Dead River in China exceed 13,000 pigs

Mystery swine 'precise origin as China's commercial hub Shanghai deeper than a river running through that match the number of dead pigs, state media said, has reached more than 13,000.

the infestation began earlier this month in Shanghai, the city's drinking water supply, which is 22% of Huangpu River, was pulled out of 9,460 pigs, the Shanghai Daily reported.

The official Xinhua News Agency Shanghai and 3,601 dead animals had been recovered so far, where, upstream of the river for dumping pigs which died of the disease in neighboring Zhejiang Province, farmers in JIAXING charged. JIAXING the area that it can not be held responsible only found a producer, he is not the only source of the bodies.

Shanghai where it was first detected riders Songjiang, farms in the southwestern district was examined, but he was not to blame, the Shanghai Daily said.

Food scandal rocked by controversy growing list of the most popular meat in the country, he added, China's problems with food safety will be spotlighted.

Samples of dead pigs pig circovirus, that does not affect humans have tested positive for a swine disease.

Yikess! 3 new giant cockroach species found

Since the Cockroaches crawling on the earth before the time of dinosaurs have been known to science today more than 4,500 species. Researchers are adding three more to list.

He found his new family giant cockroach (Blaberidae) fall into the yellow body with some creature smaller than their cousins ​​- they compared with Blaberus giganteus, grown an inch in length (3 cm) than I grow a little more, for example, 4 inches (10 cm) in length, which can reach.

Recently discovered bugs to be found in China's first jeans Pseudophoraspism, the researchers say. Until now, that just never cockroach genus of North Vietnam, was documented in Southeast Asia.

"We Pseudophoraspis jeans range which extends to the north, respectively, Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi province, China, found three new species," China's Southwest University entomologist Zongqing Wang, said in a statement.

New species - Pseudophoraspis clavellata, Pseudophoraspis recurvata and Pseudophoraspis incurvata are named - that the statement was made this week in the journal ZooKeys.

Melbourne tallest building in the southern hemisphere to

The tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere to be determined, but South Africa Centurion Symbio City, will take place, a 447-meter tower built by 2018 when it.

Melbourne: Australia's second largest city, Melbourne possibly a new apartment and hotel complex for 388 meters after the approval can tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.

Victorian state government in Australia 108 completed the world's 19th tallest building will become "a wonderful addition to the skyline of Melbourne," he said.

"I for many years to come will define our city that is proud to approve a tower," Planning Minister Matthew Guy said.

Will be ready in five years Southbank area of ​​the city, the war memorial in the 108-storey tower, one of the city's most famous landmarks shrine were some concerns that there will be a shadow.

Architect Nonda Katsalidis 646 apartments, a 288-room five-star hotel, retail and office space, which will have the tall, slender building, the city's international image was designed to throw light on.

"We (like Sydney), but we do not have an Opera House AFPa complex culture and their ideas were thrown into this project," Katsalidis ABC radio said.

"Top hotel is designed as a starburst. We took inspiration from the stars on the Australian flag," he said.

Europe's tallest skyscraper, the Shard in London, stands at 310 meters the world's tallest building, Dubai's Burj Khalifa is 828 meters high.

The current tallest residential building in the southern hemisphere to the 71-storey 323-meter rise in the Gold Coast of Queensland in Australia, the Q1 Tower.

But Australia 108 South Africa Centurion Symbio City, near Pretoria by 2018 will be built by a 447-meter tower can be fabricated.

Parliament sit quorum is not met?

You are a member of parliament and elected in the first place as the leader of the sitting, so slow to attend?

Pemalas merchandise MP!

Almost did not meet quorum

Dewan Rakyat temporary and narrowly thrown into limbo due to insufficient quorum adjourned prematurely was being risked.

Several MPs from both sides of either the General Assembly or the Umno Malaysia were attending the State Legislative Assembly sitting. That there were not enough members in the House Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar pointed out that this Sim Tong (DAP-Kota Melaka) was highlighted by.

M. Kulasegaran (DAP-Ipoh Barat), the standing order 13 (1) excluding the Chair of the House quorum consist of 26 MPs pointed out that it is necessary noted.

SIM quorum to call for order to be taken up after the bell had rung for two minutes.

Parliament House was streaming in and Junaidi in attendance at the palace with 26 MPs "by the skin of his teeth" announced that the quorum is met.

"I'm disappointed. Where is our responsibility towards living? Being here in Betong (Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas) compliment.

"Where are the other non-Umno ministers and deputy ministers?" He asked.

He 9.45am by all MPs in Parliament advised to come.

"It will be a lesson for all of us. We all have the responsibility to fulfill the quorum in the House lies," Junaidi said.

Several MPs had left home after meeting quorum, however, Junaidi Dewan asked them not to exit.

"Inside me (Divan) sitting. Quorum can be called at any time. This is the last day of the session. I do my job," he said. Debate resumed shortly thereafter.

Angry acid splashes on the hood of the jeweler's shop worker

Quick thinking by a dedicated employee!

He rushed out of the shop as reactive, hastily robber fired a shot. Four gunmen fled on two motorcycles as a random shot was fired to scare passers-by.

Acid-laced gloves and two bullet casings and a later 11.30am yesterday by police investigating the robbery were found.

The head of the Crime Investigation Assistant Communications Raja Shahrom Raja Abdullah acid burns treatment for a patient at a clinic or hospital where the police should be notified immediately.

No other casualties and losses incurred in the robbery were not yet be determined.

Preliminary investigation and CCTV footage, ACP Raja Shahrom based on their size and movement, men under age 30 were estimated.

Japanese kidnapping ring rescued

Foreign nationals working in Kajang (Nigerian, Filipino) Be careful with.

KUALA LUMPUR: A syndicate was kidnapped by a beautiful wife lured to Malaysia with the promise and held for ransom was a Japanese man.

The man arrived on March 12 and after that his "girlfriend" was picked up by a condominium brought in Kajang.

He was held in a US $ 50,000 (RM150,000) ransom from his family back in Japan was demanded.

Police discovered and he tried to kidnap around 9pm on Saturday raided two units in condominium saved the man.

Three Nigerian men who are in their 30s and two Filipino women, comprising five members of the syndicate, were arrested.

"They were remanded for 14 days under Section 3 is (1) Kidnapping Act of 1961," he said yesterday.
- Published: March 18, 2013 - TheStar

Note: Photo for illustration only -

Najib: PNB staff bonuses for 2012 to get the extra month

PNB staff for the latest news:

1 month bonus

SERDANG: Permodalan Nasional Berhad's staff (PNB) for 2012 will be another month salary bonus.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bonuses work and achievements of the past 35 years can be continued to ensure that staff should be encouraged.

"It's one of the bonuses to the personnel that are good for the PNB group of companies is on the incentive bonus for 2012.

"In compensation, with the hope that staff will work even harder," he said here on Sunday PNB's 35th birthday dinner.

Najib also PNB personnel under the age of 23 years, of the 2,474 children this year in the form of Amina Saham 1Malaysia units will receive RM1,000 each announced.

Unit Trust inherited the two services, Amina's Saham Nasional Berhad (ASBN) under the Hibah Pengistiharan Amina and Amina, was also launched.

Hibah for Muslims and non-Muslims, Amina Amina Pengistiharan to subscribe to the unit trust schemes will benefit the 11 million unit holders.

"These new services rapidly beneficiary ASBN unit holders can be divided so that their plans will help inherited property."

Barisan Nasional PNB employees were given the mandate to rule the country can be continued only if that success was reminded.

Najib who is Finance Minister, Amina such Saham Nasional's (ASNB) and Amina from Saham Bumiputra (ASB) as managing PNB shares were proud of the performance.

"Profits and paid out bonuses totaling RM103.5 billion in the PNB group of companies that appear to have been effective management.

"Another thing that caught my attention. RM237 billion as of December 2012. Last year, PNB PNB assets of more than RM2 billion ASNB unit trust is the most profits through profit excludes RM11.81 billion."

Anwar clear images on the Internet in one of two men who denied

Petaling Jaya: Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lost two men kissing each other in a series of pictures on the Internet showing a man being denied.

Which were put on several blogs, images were purportedly seized on a video screen.

disgusting political trick. "

He would take legal action against bloggers when asked, he said: "I do not know yet. I'll handle it my lawyer."

14 black and white photographs in the series, saw a man resembling Anwar Bose is hugging a man dressed in white.

shirtless and in a hotel room could be walking around nude pictures are human.

Although no other information was uploaded, the blogs had implications that were to come.

This latest series of images resembling a Chinese national politician with a man comes on the heels of a sex video.

Meanwhile, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin man in the pictures was really for him to decide Anwar told people.

"We leave it to you to decide for themselves," he cyberyouth the Barisan Nasional's a smart phone app told reporters after launching.

He blamed Barisan is not accused of having a hand in the matter should be.

"Do not blame us," he said, declining to comment further.

People on Twitter Solo, Princess bashed

Petaling Jaya: Self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III claimed to be the daughter of a Twitter user! "Tell your government to return to their land" has caused a stir with the tweets.

Princess Jacel Kiram On Wednesday afternoon began using jacelkiram handle and already has more than 2,400 followers.

User geminianeyes replied: "Really, though, Ms. JacelKiram, you force your guns when we landed on our shores with open arms to welcome you expected?"

jacekkiram replied: "Read your history, never! never owned Sabah Malaysia, they are still paying rent!"

Malaysian Twitter users mocked her statements.

User soulzoul said: "This money is called a cession of MAK cik do not rent. You know your history, but cession meaning Google can not do?"

HarithIskander comedian said: "They are people who are feeling mad mad?"

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin also got into the act: "OK. I tankengliang, my princess jacelkiram aggression is now on Twitter. Tweets to your boundless and end this conflict."

From Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang (tankengliang) replied: "I'm fine ... it solo princess' jacelkiram check. Good news. Easy meat! Hidup the 1Malaysia!"

Ugly Casanova is a beautiful model CONS

Moral of the story: an "ugly" not underestimate the man.

Source: Star Online (Ugly Casanova's models CONS)

Kuala Lumpur: The "short, tanned, thin and not particularly beautiful," has been described as the conning her into having sex with glamourous models here is a Casanova stopped.

Profitable and even the bed before stealing from them offering different "DKDK Choong" man, who calls himself "Alvin Choong", "Ray Choong" and "Derek Choong", these models Fishing Lures .

"Men's model by giving out telephone numbers of photographers who had been duped by. He said he needed a model for the shooting is a photographer who has told them.

"Many of the women she met in a hotel room after their handbags claimed that stole their money and handphones.

"Then he repeated his call them on the Internet and threatened to post nude photos will," he said here yesterday MCA Public Services and Complaints Department.

"Sickens me the most before they disappear in some women into having sex with him is deceived.

"Yet, they continue to harass them on the phone," Leng Sometimes the man would not even show up for meetings, calls and text messages to harass the women.

Some of the victims, the man who said he had lodged a police report ", tanned, short, thin, and was not particularly beautiful."

Yap Leng from freelance model was accompanied by cookies, and all the photographers who claimed Jawsus Philip Cheng and Li have had previous experiences with men.


"We have to catch this guy compile reports and will work with the police," he said.

PM offers announced by Pakatan civil service pay and perks to top

This benefits both parties are trying to entice people with the sounds. Earlier, the BN government, today announced an increase in public sector salaries and allowances that had been expected.

Reported TheMalaysian insider:

KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 - In an unprecedented move, PAS Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) promised by the Prime Minister on any match and will improve to entice employees saying by Datuk Seri Najib Razak before a last-minute campaign Moved to plan ahead, to raise salaries and allowances.

Najib including a pay rise of 10 per cent steps, the 1.5 million-strong civil service allowance and housing allowance for living expenses is expected to announce better.

"PAS central committee met and Putrajaya for Pakatan Rakyat runs from the Prime Minister made the announcement has taken the stand that will continue," PAS deputy president Datuk Husam Musa to be the party Harakah Daily Online said in a statement carried by.

The three measures of teachers, customs officers, police, military and all other government employees, including the civil service for the promotion of goodies, to improve on the first one, to be done by PR given.

Husam said he will be there to ensure that the financial implications of a review of existing loans can absorb.

The initiative to review and reduce the salaries of civil servants and who was to increase the tax allowance for Malaysia, he said.

Salaries and allowances announcement of the increase of civil servants in 2013

Prime Minister of Malaysia today is expected to announce the good news about the increase in salaries and allowances of civil servants, 2013. The civil servants are waiting for the good news that was often expressed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia before.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak attended the session Order of the Prime Minister to civil servants in Putrajaya today. There are rumors saying that the Prime Minister would announce the increase in salaries and allowances for civil servants.

"Whatever the decision of the Prime Minister let into the injector spirit and relieves public servants.

"I believe they also have a long wait for news after the cancellation of the Public Service New Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) last September," he told Utusan Malaysia at the National Conference Statutory Bodies Members here today to review ini.Omar CEUPACS expectations for the highly anticipated announcement by staff involving civil lawsuit filed by the union over the past year.

Among involve an increase in the rate of fixed allowances and housing allowances, the revised maximum salary increase, upgrading and improving the current service system following the cancellation of the SBPA.

"It is important that those demands are met because the matter is one of a catalyst in ensuring that public servants carry out their duties more diligently and with integrity," he said.