
Thursday 14 May 2015

[HINA late father Ahmad Aslan] application 'Maslan 3.85' Beyond Boundaries and Outrageous

KUALA LUMPUR: The application of smart phone games using the name of the father to Malaysia UMNO information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan and his cartoon face is an act of barbaric and outrageous.

Puteri UMNO Information Chief Haryaty Hamdzah said, the matter is feared to continue and become a new phenomenon to discredit the leaders of the country if not checked immediately.

"Such actions should not apply furthermore it deals with people who have died and have nothing to do with the current political.

"Dissatisfaction any party should be specified in a way that is better for the Barisan Nasional (BN) is always open to be reprimanded and receive views and suggestions of the public.

"In Malaysia, a multiracial country like this, the attitude of respect between races, religions and cultures should be given priority in order to avoid tensions in the future," he said in a statement here on Thursday.

On Monday, Ahmad expressed his sadness because he discovered some Android smart phone game application "Maslan Extended Version 3.85" which ridiculed the name of his late father.

Obviously Ahmad, his father was a rubber tapper, illiteracy than the perpetrator was seen an affront to the spirit of his father.

In the meantime Haryaty also urged the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to investigate the creator of this application and take appropriate action as detailed in the existing act.

"These actions must stop before more heads of state to the main display applications such game.

"Imagine what will happen if the party leader made a major exposure in the smartphone game thus becomes a joke by the people," he said.

He added that the role of Ahmad in clarifying goods and services tax (GST) to the people is a big part other than asking the public to see the information given on the positive aspects.

"It is not to be diverted by the offensive leaders with useful applications that are not games.

"The idea also seems to lack this kind of attack without answers or facts to refute the argument Datuk Ahmad Maslan claimed they were not true.

"I urge the people of this country, especially young people to participate equally condemned this act than not download applications only resulted in values ​​of an individual eroded,"


Some say that buying a car is a big mistake for new graduates today.

The question is, to what extent the truth of this statement?

Especially with all the graduate scheme unnecessary down payment and do not need a guarantor. The majority of us know that, when there is no down payment, monthly payments will be automatically high. Bank interest even higher.

In any case, before buying something, we have to take into account the financial status of self. Each should review the net value ourselves.

In general, new graduates who completed their studies will start life from the negative financial. Yes, negative! That is, we graduated and started working with debt.

Take the example of public debt that a graduate holds. * If the debt of graduates now more expensive private institutions.


Certainly many people got money from Jobdirumah right? There must be a've got thousands every month. It is not impossible, if you diligently want to be happy. I do not really like their diligence. I know the topic is still looking for a reliable review jobdirumah. I do not care, topic to topic seek confidence.

This is proof of my income for this week. Due to busy with daily work, some of which can be prepared keje je. Everything is so easy to do even a little jugak payment. If I paid a high price, too many jugak keje.

In a few days I rarely do this keje, so be $ 18 dollars je. But if you had diligently, much more can be.

If you want to make money from home.


As usual, each for I will open casket email inbox me to check every email that I can. Between email that I used to look forward to is an email notification regarding komisyen and payment of Jobdirumah. Moreover, the habit I will receive payment notification from another program which I accompanied.

For korang knowledge, I terbabit in the field of online work or working from home have started since 2010, that is, during the longer I went to school in the University again. In mid-off, I terserempak with the work program of house number one in Malaysia, Jobdirumah and since then, I have not looked back again, except during the train was about to quit.

I know many people who are not satisfied with Jobdirumah's heart. Why? Among the main causes are diorang said Jobdirumah cheater! Not good taw indiscriminate accusations.

If the program is hokey purely Jobdirumah, am I to continue to get paid and komisyen of Jobdirumah this program? If korang look at and read the post I loose post on this blog, it must have been times I can be paid from Jobdirumah.

I think korang korang hokey? Please look at post post I were separated. This week had already received approximately $ 20 from work that I do in Jobdirumah. PROOF

In addition, many postkan komisyen which I have here. Just look at the proof I blog this.

If you seriously want to participate Jobdirumah korang, silalah fikirkan korang prior commitment. Jobdirumah is not a program for sitting and rocking legs money without doing anything.
Nobody is going to give korang money just to shake a leg.

If korang require working from home to find a side income, I should back up korang accompanied Jobdirumah.

Women's Punyai World's Longest Hair Dreadlock

What makes Asha Mandela survive after suffering two heart attacks, cancer, and twice the stroke? According to him, his hair.

"Cut my hair is tantamount to suicide. I would feel like a zombie," said the woman with the world's longest dreadlock hair to the Daily Mail.

50-year-old woman who lives with her husband and two children in Atlanta claimed to stop hair cut when he was about 20 years old.

"I first melebatkan my hair in 25 years ago after I had a dream," he said.

When out of the house, Mandela had to carry hair that has half the weight of the kilogram using a baby sling.

Mandela took care Rambaut dreadlocknya with caution. She washes her hair once a week and give him the conditioner of hair oil. After squeezing, Mandela hair requires a period of two full days to dry completely.

In 2008, Mandela became the first to enter the Guinness World Record for the world's longest dreadlock Rambaut with a size of more than 6 meters. In 2010, Guinness decided to close the category that Mandela became the first and last person who holds the record

Men Bangla gas sellers try to tease Malay woman at home ..

Not relax while watching TV3 drama, tame the waves while not read the blog 'with mazidul' - entitled "FACE BANGLADESH Taukeh CHEAT CUSTOMER PROVEN IN LOW YAT PLAZA EXPOSED" Tuesday, December 3, 2013.

Had also read the comments of the readers regarding the entry ..
Among the comments that were given and quite interesting to ponder together is of hamiza hamid
Read this: bangla increasingly rude

Harini call buying gas ..
Returning home ..
Gas was delivered by a man bangla ..

Bangla gas (gas after the park) .. u sit one person to ..
I: (In another sense heart) my Takla already married. Wks husband from work ..
Bangla gas: can I surrogate toilet ..
I: go tu kat toilet kitchen (I was standing at the entrance of the house .. as follows afraid skit that time).
Bangla gas (after the exit from the toilet) I want no water to drink)
Me: I home exhausted .. xda water, water tak.masak more .. (In the heart of this small taste from the other kind) back ok la .. u Exit gas can, the money already byar ..
Bangla gas: I have a daughter fled u .. can I try one time only as the eyes and pointed her finger down by ..
I: u back now. u know my husband the police. Near the new city hall work bangi .. well u back now before my husband knew bg ..
Bihar continues to come out of the house .. and I terus.knci door ..

# MMG want to call the company he works for complaints and evil org .. MMG bangla .. ni my mouth nk.mnuduh bangla coat organization is involved rape and slave boy sexy .. .. instead I just came back work wear robes and hoods also fall to a central level .. I confess I'm ready to marry .. truly daring bangla ni .. ni apepun left the purchase involves home delivery .. MMG xkan give in to the house .. I .. I was furious at shortkan story .. .. very very careful on all the ladies out there .. Dorgan not a bad story to a pretty young to old to .. a promise to the boy to satisfy lust interchangeable Dorgan Dorgan .. ish bold animal right ..

I thought for a moment. Mingled feelings of anger and sadness. Angry and very disgusted with this bangla tribes (not all). Sad because the influx of tribes bangla that some of these animals behave as if they are free to do anything. Malaysia is not only a land of their economic sustenance but they are also increasingly daring to come and deceive women's races. The prey is more to local Malay women, regardless of anyone .. no matter their status. Could the original je.

.. Hope to all, especially girls and women Malay .. beware .. The tribes are usually dealing. And a trend nowadays they do business door-to-door. Miscellaneous goods going sells. What is important never to give an opportunity to these tribes to enter the house even in the car parking area home though !! If diaorang came to trade .. sure there are many family members or neighbors to call together. If there is no no need to treat. (Including self-talk). Close the door tightly. Do not listen to je bila called ..

Oh ya .. if asked "je to nurse at home?" Answer je .. "A lot .. they are in the room. Sayapun husband there .." Do not answer, "Yes nurse je @ husband and I go to work @ not wait to go work husband .."

p / s - read blogs like mazidul. Dare to disassemble .. sad because many women are victims of Nigerian men and mat-mat bangla ..


"Thank God, everything is done well. We went back to his wife. Our youth is still strong," said Zamarul Hisham, 44, once the Judge, Hisham Mohd Zakaria confirmed he made the pronouncement refer to Diana Rafar, 33, yesterday.

Refer to pronounce Zamarul is in Shah Alam Syariah Subordinate Court at 3pm and it is valid in accordance with section 61 of the Islamic Family Enactment 2013.

Earlier, Diana wearing black clothes fall apart. While Zamarul also seen wearing black clothes and they both accompanied by their families.


22-YEAR-OLD TEACHER STUDENT'S TARGETS TO BE BEAUTIFUL TOO | Again a teacher of China became a sensation because of her good looks. keranacantiknya, his friends called him "Professor Beauty".

May Bei Xie (22 years) is a new teacher at the Middle School in Xiamen Huli. It menjadipenjaga grade 2 and grade school students also teach music to students at school is class 1. Because he also studied dance at the university, he also taught modern tariantradisional and his disciples.

Every May Xie teaching in art class, pupils are always noisy and laughing. But teachers do not mind the kekecohan gurulain it. Even some teachers took Xie Stop to see how the teaching in the classroom. He always needs to be in control of the muridnyatanpa rebuke and scold them.

His teaching style is very concerned with the fierce communication with the students. He punselalu tried in connection with his students in many social networks. Initak beauty can not make it into the talk of the social network Weibo place iamenerbitkan photographs pulling.

Although labeled only use her beauty in teaching, but he membuktikanbahawa he is very competent. Stage presence of students in the class is very high because iamempunyai keupayaan interpersonal communication should motivate his students untukselalu discipline but excited.

Suppose in malaysia many teachers are like this, it would have many students yangbersemangat learn.


When we speak of belief in the existence of ghosts even more so in times of modernization that hit the spot we certainly many who say this is shirk and many more accusations to be leveled. But if we turn to when our parents grew up first, the existence of ghosts that can not be denied because some of them have been confronted by four points with that thing that allows our society to believe yore. However, that is certainly a lot of ghost stories happening around the community that there are many impelled by how strong belief in science black form part of the elements of a life time ago. For this article, Borneo Oracle trying to share about Once upon a ghost story called ghost removers who had been a decorator story Sarawak Malay community some time ago.

Actually there are many terms how people call this ghost removers include ghost soccer football for the people in Sabah, ghost tengelong for the Malay community in the north of the peninsula and while in Sarawak or Brunei Darussalam is called ghost removers or tengkalan. These are the terms that are used to hold this ghost but whatever the origin of the ghost removers vocation is of a similar story of all is for the purpose of black magic. It is said that the ghost is actually coming from a woman who practices black magic. They are saying this study could separate itself from the body and their heads so that they can fly with a gut spilled. It is said that the blood drip when exposed to anyone and it will be prolonged because of scabies there is said to have blood work.

Those who practice it also reliable store of knowledge for the purpose of fermenting vinegar abdominal muscles to shrink before the state back to the body. The story is that if there are people who came across the ghost's body was then in reverse, this ghost will be attached upside down with his head. With the secret would be revealed then this ghost will end up destroying the black magic was practiced later. There are many versions of the truth of how to mengjahanamkan those practicing black magic and one of them is if they found the headless body should hastily covered his body with a cloth batik in reverse and when his head would try to find his body back and certainly not found enough to a level of vertical sun in the head will die this practitioner of black magic.

Sometime ago in Sibu, had no ghost stories removers are rampant in a Malay village. The ghost removers actually a type of ghost that likes to suck the blood of women who had just delivered and if the blood of women who have smoked would postpartum women will die as a result of a lot of blood spilled so. And that's what happened in a village in Sibu during the first allowing all residents have united to keep the day and night because the disaster happened. And at this time the average Malay village began to grow around their homes with plants that are thorny. Removers ghost is said to be afraid to approach this house because he worried fearing that his intestines spilled tangled in thorns that later. For those who have children or wives who are pregnant will begin to hang dry leaves, known for its prickly pine next to the place where his wife was sleeping. This is all done to provide safety equipment to loved ones as a ghost removers are able to enter the house, albeit only by a small hole in the wall of the house. This is the power of the devil that should not be practiced by people who have a sound mind.

Be made after the second story of innocent victims mothers are victims of human finally succeeded belongs crime were also arrested. In fact it is said that the women of the village were forced to accept the ghost removers inherited from her mother and, if it did not inherit it then it will be worse once. In order to maintain harmony in the village, the elders in the village has been unanimously to expel the woman and her family out of the village and since then no more horrific nightmare expectant mothers fearing bloodshed happen again in the village. This is just a story told orally by a local elderly who have experienced a first time in his native village in Sibu. It may be true and may also be excluded from the deck of our minds right now, but we certainly do not have to deny that the phenomenon of ghost remover is NEVER EXIST IN SARAWAK once.

Notwithstanding article Borneo Oracle for this time is not to deflect faith belief that we as humans have to because whatever faith we must believe in the One, comparable to God There is no power that can match the power of God so seek refuge from him in order to stay away from the stain of Satan, spirits and demons. As usual purpose of the article is to share with us and we always want to hear from readers all Oracle Borneo because we believe of course there are areas in Sarawak that has a different story that is fair for us to share.

Dressing guru Sexy To Motivate Students

Anything can happen in China.

Recently, a female teacher there has been seen as an effective way to raise the morale and motivation of students to obtain good results.

The teacher has promised if his students won highest marks in the test, he will attend classes taught by dressing sexy.

Although there are some parties were incensed by the actions of the young teachers but no less the praise in the measure to motivate students to get excellent results for improving their school performance.

All sorts of things ..

Rather, it seems there is no teacher in Malaysia is as bold as it was to motivate his students?

Thanks Cheras Umno Blogger Add Work

"CREDIBILITY Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim as Chairman of the Pilgrims Fund Board (TH) has been scratched and accordingly he resigned" ........ Poorah.

By contrast, PKR, although their leaders have retained their scandals and PAS, too.

Umno lags, if any errors occur Aetas fellow leaders, they will ask other leaders who make mistakes so resigned.

Betulah said tua.kawan people who are willing to endure the pain of hard to find, while both laughed easily be found, most Cheras Umno division secretary, Datuk Syed Mehdhar Syed Abdullah called on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to dismiss Abdul Azeez for his actions trigger anxiety among deposit TH.
Umno leaders prowess is evident, as the creature must be kelemahan.Apakah with actions deprive Chairman of TH (TH), Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim can solve or add support to the Cheras Umno Division,

If you want to specify the position assigned to him alone, so that the credibility of his people happy, whether qualified or not.

He should have a sense of credibility better than Abdul Azeez gave words of advice so that mistakes are not repeated.
If you want to curry favor with the wind not to blow the turbulent situation, later turned into turbulent waves.
Preview for the work in sections, working first for his own mirror, Meditate own part, if any leaks tampalah as soon as possible so that people are not disgusted by UMNO.
Blogger does not sleep all night to fend off the issue for the sake of love for the party that much service to the nation.
SU action Cheras Umno division added another blogger job, when he opened the way for the opposition to be more questioning the credibility of Abdul Azeez.
Thanks SU Cheras Umno gave additional duties to blogger who always defended the Umno leaders.

Latest Pictures Change Zamani That Really Shocking!

After more than a month to get treatment at a rehabilitation center in the capital, the former lead
singer Slam weight, Zamani Ibrahim, 44, is said to be increased by nine kilograms.

His lawyer, Ahmad Zaharil Muhaiyar said weight showed a good change to the level of his health after receiving rehabilitation treatment process since the end of January.

"Thank God, he showed an impressive growth with an increase in weight by nine kilograms from 45 kilograms to 54 kilograms in a month at the rehabilitation center.

"But it is still in the early stages of recovery, we are trying to help him to fully recover and return to society with a new image," he said according to mStar Online.

Manohara image section with her new husband

Rumors of the Governor in Indonesia Manohara more diperkatakan.Mereka said first meeting since a few months ago, even a lot of pictures of them spread on the internet.

One of the pictures we can show her intimacy with the Governor concerned on a cruise ship with a relatively seksi.Hubungan wearing them is still a puzzle.

Whether they are married or not, we do not mengetahui.Akan we update from time to time in relations among them.

Artists kissing pictures

Julie Woon image of kissing a gay ni already spread to cyberspace recently, surprised a moment when I saw this picture .. Wondering we also did Julie Woon is a lesbian je .. But he never made love with a man before. . Julie Woon already responded to kiss her picture with gay ni .. Let us read what Julie said Woon ...

"Whatever it is I recognized and the picture is taken when the school day. It occurs indirectly and the fun of it with my female friends. Here I want to emphasize that I am not a lesbian "

"Because it is, I've been stamped as lesbian women and lesbian women who started sending SMS to me,"

"I do not know what I thought when it happened because it was a little extreme though it is just the fun of it.

"This makes me be more careful in the future both in terms of usage, conversation and manner of shooting because as a celebrity, people will look good I am bad."

Latest images Manohara The Section

You already know who it is she who once had a horrendous Malaysia when default / nusyuz on her ex-husband, prince of Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Sultan Ismail Petra.Sejak it, Manohara return to areas that never entered into him one time, namely in the field of modeling ,

In Indonesia today, a scene with a collection of photographs that looks sexy manohara was drunk with seksi.Namun dress, she claimed that the image is an image that has been in edit.Maksudnya, she did not admit the picture below is a picture of him.

Women survivors become bear food

Natalya condition when rescuers found. - The Siberian Times

MOSCOW - RUSSIA. A woman badly and is now being treated in hospital after being attacked by a bear here recently.

During the incident, Natalya Pasternak, 55 with a friend looking for a wood in a forest near Tynda in Amur region.

The Siberian Times report said, after attacking the victim, her bury the bear to land when he thought she was dead before returning to touch him.

But swift action after receiving reports of rescuers who had fled from his colleagues managed to save her life from being a wild animal feed.

The bear has been shot dead after rescuers also attempted attack.

Rescuers managed to locate the victim after victim realizes bloodied hands behind piles of dry leaves.

When found, the woman was conscious and suffer severe injuries in the head and legs.

Previously, there were several attacks involving bears in the region with at least three were killed in separate incidents.

Najib real test in the House of Representatives, elections

SHAH ALAM - Political analysts view, the real test platform to determine whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has the support is through a vote of no confidence in Parliament or through a general election.

Senior Lecturer Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), Dr Jeniri Amir believes, he will not step down despite pressure from former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

According to him, the pressure and such pressure will only cause interference in the affairs of state administration.

"I do not think urge a person to go down at this point something good. Tests and platform should be given to her to be tested. One in the House of Representatives and second in the election. In the current situation, I think, if it constantly demands are made, and this may affect the focus of his administration.

"Unless there is strong pressure from within his own party. We see now, there is no insistence on the contrary support. Umno Supreme Council, heads of departments and others to provide support, "he told The online today.

He said there was no any prime minister is willing to back down while still in power, even when any party.

"A prime minister will try to retain power and position in any way, even in the face of external pressure, including from Tun Mahathir," he said.

Commenting about heart-to-heart meeting between Najib and his deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, although he thought the meeting did not resolve the issue but it can resolve the tangle ties to both, while reducing the doubt.

"As prime minister, he needs the support of 100 per cent of the deputy prime minister to ensure there is no plot or conspiracy to overthrow him.

"Measures taken by the PM and DPM to sit down and talk honestly ... honestly, open it a good move to loosen the tangles and doubts in their relationship," he said.

MAS arrested a month endanger crew

German businessman Dietmar Ross (left) has been sentenced to a month in jail by the Magistrate's Court after pleading guilty to endangering Sepang flight crew MH 0179 Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Colombo today.

SEPANG - A German businessman was sentenced to a month in jail by the Magistrate's Court here today after he pleaded guilty to endangering the MAS flight crew during a flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Akmal Maharani Aizatul judge acting as the trial magistrate had ordered Dietmar Ross, 54, to serve the sentence from the date he was arrested on 10 May.

He was charged with endangering the crew MAS, Phew Kin Soh, 48, with a raised voice and flight irregularities and using abusive language against Phew.

He allegedly committed the offense while in flight MH 0179 is leaving for Colombo from KLIA at 11:45 pm, May 9.

Ross looked calm when to appear in court charged with the uniform lock-up under Regulation 70 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1969.

When asked about his confession after the charge was read in English, he nodded his head and said, "Yes, I plead guilty."

In the appeal, the lawyers asked Zaflee Pakwanteh minimum fine because it was the first offense his client and misunderstanding between Ross and flight crew.

However DPP Uma Devi Balasubramaniam apply harsher penalties for actions Ross put the lives of the crew in danger and he intentionally did not follow instructions.

According to the facts of the case, while the incidence of Ross had left his seat in business class and ask the steward serving whiskey.

As the signal goes belt at the time, Phew not give drink to Ross and asked him to go back to my seat.

This angered that Ross ramped up offensive against Phew and demanded to see the captain in the cockpit flying.

After several warnings were ignored Phew ask for help from other crews to help prevent Ross and then a scuffle broke out.

Phew and some flight crews and assisted by several passengers and Ross finally brought under control.

Phew then inform the flight captain Mohammad Saifullizan about the incident and for safety reasons, he decided to turn back to KLIA.

Because bananas, flat had to be cleared

Spiders Brazilian Wandering species is among the world's most dangerous species.

KUALA LUMPUR: Who would have thought, just because a bunch of bananas bought in the store, the floor of a block of flats in the northwestern United Kingdom was evacuated for a week.

All because of an occupant of a flat unit, Kaydee Bota, stumbled upon something that are believed to be species of spider eggs Brazilian Wandering in bunches of bananas which he bought.

Kaydee who realize there is something strange on bananas which he bought, to search in Google and found out that it may become a breeding ground for spiders of the most dangerous species in the world.

The mother of 10-month-old twin boys then throw bananas at landfills are provided in the block of flats, before contacting the building management.

Health officials called for hearings later ordered that the dump was closed for cleaning. Two storey block, in which the house Kaydee is also cleared for the same purpose.

Spiders Brazilian Wandering species is among the world's most dangerous species. It also called banana spiders as they prefer to nest and lay their eggs in the fruit.

Selangor examine whether to absorb GST PBT

James Mohamed Ali

SHAH ALAM - The Selangor government will decide whether to absorb the Goods and Services Tax (GST) imposed on local authorities (PBT) state.

Chief Minister Mohamed Ali said pihakya James has directed the State Economic Planning Unit to conduct the study before making any decisions on the matter.

"This is because Malaysia is a big country and has 12 local authorities with the majority located in big cities compared to Penang that there are only two local authorities," he told reporters after the ceremony Luncheon Talk Review Book "Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz" in here, today.

He said this when asked to comment on whether it will follow Johor Selangor and Terengganu which absorb the GST for all local authorities in the state.

He said the state government will also send a letter to the Ministry of Finance to request a GST exemption to local authorities in Selangor.

Commenting on the restructuring of the water crisis in the country, as James, said he would hold talks with the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili next week.

She would not reveal the date and place of the meeting.

Meeting to finalize the proposed acquisition of water concession from Puncak Niaga (M) Sdn Bhd (PNSB) and Selangor Water Supply Company (Syabas) by the state government delayed three times - first on February 9 and March 9 and so on 9 April.

Mohamed James also said it is committed to ensuring the Langat 2 water treatment plant was completed on schedule and to the construction of the plant to comply with the terms and assessment PBT.