
Friday 27 March 2015

Malaysian students in Yemen Confinement Following Attacks

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Students in Aden, Yemen is now holed up in their homes following the air strikes led by Saudi Arabia with neighboring allies on Thursday morning.

According to a Malaysian students studying in Seiyun, Hadhramaut, about 800 kilometers from Sana'a, Aden, all students act as such for their safety.

"I'm not sure who issued the advice, but the matter was spread among the student community here," he told Bernama via Facebook.

He who declined to be identified stating the student is in good condition.

Currently, he still does not intend to leave Yemen and abreast through Facebook 'Malaysian Students Association Yemen'.

Facebook page specifies the incident occurred far from the placement of Malaysia in Sana'a.

Foreign reports mention attacks done to curb the advance of the Houthi rebels.

President of Yemen, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi reportedly left for Aden to Saudi Arabia on Thursday when tribal rebels clashed with troops on the outskirts of the southern port city.

Wisma Putra Malaysia also informed residents survived the attack, confirmed the Malaysian Embassy in Sana'a.


 Experiencing thrush which is a disease of the oral cavity is most often experienced by people just do not feel comfortable. Eliminate appetite and decreased vigor to perform various scheduled activities. Do not let thrush guess you are too far away, we can overcome the sprue with a healthy and simple way. Thrush is a disease that usually attacks the lips, gums, or tongue.
It causes the patient to experience pain when inserting the food into his mouth. Normally, if left alone, thrush not be severe. Predicted to recover approximately 7 to 10 days. But if you hold to withstand pain during the turbulent? There are 10 simple ways to overcome thrush easy to quickly recover from the suffering that hit

Basil leaves and turmeric
Chewing 4-5 basil leaves and drinking water. Is an effective way to relieve pain and immediately heal canker sores. Herb can also apply a paste made from turmeric collision mixed with one teaspoon of glycerin. Apply this paste wound section.

Water Apple
Take guava bark 10 g (Bark of young), wash and finely crushed add 1/2 cup of boiled water, strain. Use water to rinse the filter.

Herbal Coconut Water
Take coconut water, if there is a green coconut water. Use can also gargle and swallow.

Coffee Powder
Take a small amount of coffee powder and then apply on the sprue, leave a few minutes, then kumurlah with clean water. Until cured. Insaalah will recover approximately 2 "3 days.

Gargling with warm water mixed with salt three times a day can heal canker sores quickly. The salt content can draw fluid in the wound so as to accelerate the healing of canker sores.

Drinking yogurt
Yogurt helps balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. This will speed healing and help prevent ulcers. To feel the results, make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

Onions and Papaya
Applying the drug directly to canker sores can also accelerate wound healing process. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

Baking Soda
Mix baking soda with water that is used as a mouthwash or pasta to coat the wound canker sores. Baking soda will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce pain.

Eating raw tomatoes is a drug used to treat thrush. Or it could be, gargle using tomato juice.

Studies show thrush is more common in people who lack vitamin B. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing of canker sores.

BPJS multiply RS to avoid the accumulation PATIENT REFERRAL

Director of Services Social Security Agency (BPJS) Health Fajriadinur said it will optimize tiered referral so that part of treatment BPJS participants can take place more effectively.

Health care referral system implemented by way of a tiered according to the medical needs. At the first level of service, participants can seek treatment BPJS Health primary health care facilities to a kind of community health centers (Puskesmas), aka clinic family physician listed on the card BPJS Health.

If need further care by a specialist, then participants Health BPJS be referred to the second level health facilities aka secondary health facilities. Reference is only granted if the participants take a concerted Health BPJS health care specialist.

"Tiered referral system actually has been there all the time. However, now shall be applied more consistent with the National Health Insurance program," said Director General of Health Services (BUK) Ministry of Health Akmal Taher during a press conference at the office BPJS Health, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, Thursday (26/3).

Meanwhile, as of February 2015, the number of primary-level health facilities (FKTP) in collaboration with the Health BPJS is 18 856 FKTP. Of these, a total of 4,143 individual practice physicians, 569 Police clinics, clinics pratama 2569, 751 military clinics, 1,011 dentists individual practices, health centers and eight 9805 D Primary Hospital.

In order for the continued effective referral patterns, BPJS Health appointed 20 hospitals as Provincial Hospital, which consists of an RS class A, class B RS 14, three RS class C, and two RS-class D.

Meanwhile, there are 110 hospitals Regional Hospital consists of three class A, class B RS 48, RS 52 class C, and seven RS class D.

With the Provincial Hospital and the Regional Hospital, the patient no longer wants to accumulate at the National Hospital. "In Cipto Mangunkusumo, patients from Jakarta only approximately 60 per cent. The rest of the outside Jakarta," said Akmal.

Akmal exemplifies RS Gunung Jati Cirebon set into a regional hospital. With the tiered referral patterns, RS was making reference to the five surrounding counties. "That way, patients enjoy a cause near and RS berobatnya also be able to handle," he said.

On the other hand, the Chairman of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) Chazali Situmorang consider referral system is not yet fully underway smoothly. "However, this need not be overwhelmed so RS BPJS handle all participants," he said.

According Chazali, there are three parties who act tiered referral system that could run well, namely the government, BPJS Health and patients. "It shall be styled either way with the cooperation of all parties. I can not blame one party alone," he said. Patients were also required well educated in order to follow the rules.

On the other hand, the Head of Finance and the Ministry of Health Health Insurance Donald Pardede mention later Regional Hospital will be expanded to reach 168 hospitals to make health care continues BPJS effective. "In addition, there will be 14 National Hospital," said Donald.

A total of 14 National Hospital that will be scattered in various provinces in Indonesia. "So, the national referral will not all to RSCM, but to the provincial capital alone has been classified as a national reference," he said.