
Sunday 18 October 2015

Exams most in life

Mohd Mubassyir help his father, Ustad Yeh who has not fully recovered and need assistance to enable him walking sticks.

BACHOK - "I saw a dust storm from the second floor of a prayer just before the crane collapse." Story Mat Deris Mohd Noor, 62, affectionately called Ustaz Yehyang injured in the tragedy crane collapsed at the Grand Mosque in Makkah in September.

He said that during the incident, he had just finished praying Asr before heard a loud bang on the outside of the mosque and noticed his head injured by stones.

"I could see strong winds and rain had just dropped. Suddenly a loud crash and my head touched the stone ruins of the possible consequences. After that I lost consciousness until at King Abdul Aziz Hospital.

"My wife came along I did not even know where. My life is the biggest test I feel. You need patience to all those involved in this tragedy, "he said.

The second worry is still fresh in the memory is shared with the Daily Herald when met at his residence in Ain Cherang Sepulai yesterday.

Yeh told Rick newly arrived safely at his home after arriving from Jeddah International Airport Terengganu Sultan Mahmud.

In the tragedy Rick Yeh suffered head injuries and a fractured thigh. His head was suffering from a dozen stitches and inserted iron thighs, while his wife sustained minor injuries.

"Thank God we were able to make the pilgrimage to the good, although some people like to have to wage stoning the Devil in Mina.

"Though I can prayer after that because we need to pray alone in the room, we were pleased with this test and we are very grateful to come home safely," he said, three weeks in the hospital.

For this period, the teacher Yeh should undergo periodic inspection in hospital as there were still iron in his thighs.

His eldest son, Mohd Mubassyir, 30, said she was grateful for his parents' safe return and a special feast held yesterday.

"We are grateful to all of them survived to the accompaniment of the prayers of all relatives, friends and children of fathers of pupils. We make a brief thanksgiving feast to celebrate their immediate return of our parents, "he said.

It is understood that this is a pilgrimage Rick Yeh seventh when she used the pilgrimage every year while studying in Saudi Arabia from 1978 to 1983.

Stumble when having sex

SEGAMAT - As a result of panic stumble upon a policeman, couples who are making love in a car near the Kilometer 5 Highway Kuantan-Segamat, here, acts to drive about 20 kilometers in a semi-nude.

Segamat district police chief Supt Mohd Kamil Sukarmi said the incident happened at about 11pm on Thursday, they received a call laypeople who saw a car in suspicious circumstances.

"After receiving the call, two members of the Patrol Unit (URB) heading to the area and found a Proton Wira in an ignition parked near a bush.

"The police then approached the car and saw a couple are making love with both the driver and front passenger seat recline," he said.

According to him, members of the URB is then knocked car several times and they were surprised trying to escape by driving away, but was followed members.

He said the car lovers heading towards Jalan Buloh Kasap before entering Lake Alai for over Jementah before it was intercepted and detained at Kilometer 8-Jementah Segamat.

"Car lovers are driven dangerously contribute to a motorcycle URB members suffered little damage when shifted to the suspect's car.

"The pair then stopped the car lover on suspicion of running out of oil before being taken to police headquarters (IPD) Segamat," he said.

He said the couple, aged 17 and 22 years to be remanded for four days for further investigation and refer the case to the Department of Islamic Affairs Segamat.

Beat, ask RM1,000 as dirty car?

RECORDING of a man slapping a car wash service workers went viral on social media after today.

The video was uploaded to Facebook to say a man who allegedly hit a worker is a citizen of Bangladesh as the vehicle enters the customer and charged pollute it.

"Maybe bangla tu shabby dirty and despicable," wrote a sailor's Facebook page.

Not quite the hit, the worker is required to pay RM1,000 for sitting and staining of the car when the windows.

According to the browser, causing the workers would blow the bloody and had to seek treatment at the clinic.

"The clinic said fracture / severe swelling and refer the hospital," wrote the browser again.

The partnership browser limelight over 33,000 social and attract more than 16,000 comments condemning the vehicle owner.

"Expensive to hire him? If the price of RM1 million cars, others. Police Report !," said Sam.

"No need to pretend anymore. If you like, why go where bangla work? Why not try a high class?" Angah angry.