
Saturday 7 February 2015


Although Dani Rani was not the first choice for director Melissa Saila lead character artist AR Tompel late, but when the final results of Melissa Saila yielded good results. Actress Melissa Dani Rani finally selected to bring the character Tompel after initially felt the choice was not so great artists meet the criteria.

Dani when met recently told, when Melissa invited him for playing Tompel, he felt the matter as a joke. "First, I think it is hilarious. But after meeting Lis and he assured me without talking much I immediately agreed. "Finally, I summarize, I feel burdened because initially had to bring the character that I never take it, a real character, a character that ever existed and it's not unusual character of the opposite character legend. "I have to be careful to bring the character to be still seen as a legend. The legend is that character, not me, "he said. Says Dani again, he had made ​​a referral to appreciate the overall character Tompel with re-watch them film acting late Ahmad Albab and Family 69, Dani said, when there is an incident on the set of funny.

"Done disolek full of false teeth, I was surprised to see myself in the mirror because I saw AR Tompel in me. "Because of false teeth worn it too, it is difficult for me to speak, and cause my voice changed," he said . However, he said he was concerned with the role of the audience as the late artist AR Tompel in Saloma telemovie biopic series being aired on Astro First Exclusive since 28 August. "I did not bring Tompel character in front of the screen instead and I have to be careful because do not want to scratch the role of the other great honor, "he said. In addition to Dani, Saloma starring Nabila Huda as Saloma, Tony Eusoff (Tan Sri P Ramlee), Sazzy Falak (Mariani), Sharifah Amani (snail Sarawak) and Hasnol Rahmat (father Saloma step).


A FEW days ago, Tasha Shila picture actor who was drinking a pint of health suddenly became a sensation on the social networking site. The reason, her breasts visible enough to experience significant changes in size than ever before. It invites the question of whether the increase in the size of its assets it has to do with the product Tasha is or may perform certain surgeries? Through Astro report manhwa, Tasha vigorously stated that the change is a result of the use of health products. "Really! No plastic surgery ... Tasha was just a drink products ... If anyone noticed a change in Tasha, meaning that effectively the product.

"They have the right to speak ... Tasha had no intention other than to share about the effectiveness of the product, that's all. "Tasha dah using health and beauty products for two and a half months and can result," he explained. According to the actress, she not able to silence people from continuing to speak. "Before this goes any person Tasha says Bangkok for the nose and breasts ... So when the story arises Tasha ni do not know what comment do," he said. For us, it is not wrong if we think good. Maybe these products are really effective if practiced by women. Suppose Tasha as testimonies from users ...


EXCEPT acting Redza Rosli also capable of playing the guitar and singing. IF you're a fan of the group One Direction, especially Zayn Malik, no need to look far, in Malaysia there is a human face looked like that guy. Redza Ahmad Rosli, is not a popular artist because he still crawl to create a name as an actor. But if the 22-year-old boy cross in front of you, you will definitely you can look twice because he thought the members of the group One Direction. As new people in the arts, Redza frankly expressed his discomfort when compared with the existing Zayn Malik popular . "Who am I going to be compared with Zayn which has thousands of fans that. Once, when my family and I vacationed in Jakarta, there are people coming Brunei admonished to get autographs because he thought I was a member of One Direction. At that time the group is not popular anymore. "Actually, I'm embarrassed if anyone says I look like her, because I was not anybody. If possible, I want to create a name with his own abilities without being tied to anyone, "he said, had acted drama about Tanah Merah, instruction Khabir Bhatia.

Redza who loves to read novels, said first drama starring role was Kamelia Katrina and he himself did not expect to have the opportunity to appear in the drama. "I love art and are often involved in art school. I really did not expect to get the chance to appear in Kamelia Katrina because it was my time to accompany friends to the site and suddenly production manager told me to act. The Directive was like, man pushed a pillow sleepy. "Since then, if there is a chance I will not miss. In addition I also attended acting training workshop organized at the National Film Development Corporation (Finas), "he said, also acted in the telemovie Children Imam Argentina, Nizam Zakaria direction. The third of four siblings, said his involvement in the arts sponsorships of the family. On that belief, he tried to prove to his family that he was able to generate income by art career. "Grateful for the support of family and advised me to always keep the family name. Now my focus is on the arts and as a person new, I'm always looking for opportunities. "If there was an audition, I must go because that way I can recognize artistes. Actually, besides acting, I also music lovers. In my free time I like to play guitar and I've no plans nak Body group with friends but do not be, "he said with a passion for jazz rhythmic song. He added that, as a newcomer, he does not mind playing any character because from there he can gain experience.


New hose Music Music program, Fara Fauzana explains he now only according to God's plan of his soul mate. He met yesterday told every year he tried and pray that found a mate, but it's all the provisions as a human being he is only able to continue to work, and pray. "Every year I try not trust words alone and pray. We hope to be alone. Now this is what happens every planning Allah SWT and if not someone is united to the person might have been determined to keep parents up to die "

"When I heard it I was happy and got the story. For people like me do not have to feel inferior, if not for the person you're male or female, for you are my family till death, "he said. Fara also revealed that there is also an attempt to reach out and want to be friends with her ​​but busy work time limit for outgoing air "dating. "There were approaching, we are friends but when he was busy working holidays to be an obstacle for conference and so when I got to work she was working," he added.


Stems from a short time to be with her ​​husband who works as a pilot, Misha Omar conceded that it is at the same time make their relationship more closely. He added that, due to an incident involving an aircraft occurs, it also makes the family closer together. "Most of them, when such tragedies occur, they are so so. But that's good, making the relationship of husband, wife and children closer together " "He will be out of commission for four to five days and will be back for 48 hours at home. When she is at home we know he's tired, we did not make life difficult for him. Before going to work, he wanted to see my face to say Kak Mimi (brother Misha) said this Pamper your husband, "he told reporters after completion Theatre Diary of Women in Culture Palace yesterday.

Moreover, in the meantime, Misha also confessed she is now more mature and self-reliant when his affairs are now finished on their own without the help of her sister, Mimi. "Thank God my life is completely changed, after getting married and her husband moved into the house in Cheras. All matters dealt with my own family. All this is new for me, because before this already there are people who manage, "she said.


Lucky actually be a celebrity when sustenance never announced it will attend if married. Recently, Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari announced that they will be married on February 13 in the village of the bride. Talked about the preparation of the event, Yana Samsudin admit now everything is over 60% complete and will expose her and her husband received a lot of sponsorship from the outside so able to accommodate 90% of the cost of the wedding expenses.

"The invitation has also been recently completed and I'm sending it. Problem sponsorship, indeed many parties who are willing to adopt. Of Thrones married, sanding, clothing and gifts for wedding guests, all sponsored. Simply, the only food I pay for itself, "he said. Yana Samsudin also said that the date chosen jointly in fact did not bring any meaning apart from his brother and Zahari own Fadzil on holiday facilitate all arrangements for the wedding when this preparation.


According to unofficial sources, the wife of famous football players Aidil Zafuan of Ninel Zainal had survived birth of their first night in Columbia Asia Hospital, Klang. The couple married in March 2014 about the past.

The couple's first child born through asexual man rumored surgical methods. Congrats to the family Aidil Zafuan and Ninel Zainal on the birth of this new person! Being updated ...


After thirteen-week contest, the title Mega 2014 (MLM 2014) belonged to the group Zero when they announced the winner in the event at the Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil tonight. The win qualifies them to take home a cash prize of RM500,000 and Astro contribution trophy. Runner-up title was won by Sepahtu accompanied by Jep and inventions. They share the prize money of RM250,000 together with a trophy. Meanwhile solo players, Nabil third place and received a cash prize of RM150,000 together with a trophy. Jep Sepahtu also won the Man of the Match.

Shiro Group ranked fourth with a cash prize of RM50,000 and a trophy. Bocey while in fifth place. Bocey receive a cash prize of RM15,000 and a trophy. All finalists are required to make two free performances and musical theme. The participants were judged by a scoring system that each represent 70 percent of the permanent judges and viewers at home the remaining votes. Four permanent judges who adjudicate the participants at the end of the 2014 MLM comprising Datuk Jalaluddin Hassan, Nur Alphard, Ill Nino and Farah Quinn.


Comedian and Host Record chart Nabil Ahmad, said that 2014 was the last year he joined Mega (MLM). He said the decision is final because he wanted to focus on other areas as well. "I have done this decision is my last year in MLM, because I want to focus on other things. Last year I was able to number 5 and I think there is no more room in this MLM. "When I started in 2014 MLM I just can not come in, but they all met and continue to talk so I went again in 2014, because they said this is nice for the development of my career " "I am also ready phone Dato 'AC asked him whether it is necessary for me to join MLM, and he answered me was a solo participant in the MLM and will be watched by millions of people, so do not miss the opportunity," he said.

However, Nabil remain dissatisfied was in third place for him because of competition on the final night of MLM is so intense. "Thank God I'm so grateful for successfully able to place third, because initially I remember when it was announced fifth place is Bocey and I guess in my arena I must own that the fourth, but otherwise I'm in third place. I am very satisfied and grateful to the voters who have supported me over the years, "he added. Meanwhile, after the conclusion of MLM 2014, Nabil will also host the talk show program called "This Night We Got '.


MLM winner 2014, Zero tells the group that the results of their winnings worth RM 500,000 will send their mother to their pilgrimage to Mecca, and then be used to make home and rest will be used for wedding Ico or 'jasmine'.

"There are three things that will be created which will send the mother to perform the Hajj in Mecca. Both want to make a home and a third may be used for wedding preparations Ico, "Sharif said jokingly. Sharif also denied the story of three sisters made ​​their life as a bet to lure voters. For which they should not be called champion, they still want to fulfill family celebrations. "This thing is all gravy. No matter how many numbers that may or eliminated once we still want to fulfill a wish for the family, "he added.

Survived being thrown 7th floor, but off Stoned

A man who survived being thrown down from the seventh floor.

DAMASCUS - SYRIA. A man tied to a chair being thrown down from the seventh floor after being accused as a homosexual by Militant Groups of Islamic Countries (IS).

However man in his 50s was saved from falling off the building.

Citing a report from the Mail Online, the man thrown from the building to have a relationship with her own kind.

According to sources from Syria Human Rights, both the man's hands and feet were tied to a chair and blindfolded with black cloth before being thrown down by the IS building.

Through a photograph uploaded through the group's website IS, winter slammed by two members dressed in dark IS.

Although reportedly survived, but he eventually stoned to cause death.

Early last month, a man was reportedly stoned to death for the same charges.

Van Gaal to contest FA charge for Cambridge comments

Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal will contest his Football Association charge for comments he made about the referee following the FA Cup match at Cambridge United.

United were held to a 0-0 draw by the fourth-tier side before winning the fourth-round replay 3-0 at Old Trafford on Tuesday.

Speaking at a press conference, he said: "I am not angry, I am very disappointed. For nearly 30 years I have been a trainer, coach or manager and I have never been charged.

"Up to now I don't think I said something wrong. I said in our press conference the same phrases, because I know in advance that everything is in favour of the underdog. It is always like that.

"I said it in front of the game and after the game, only in the meaning that that is the general feeling of everybody - everybody for the underdog.

"I cannot imagine the FA has charged me, but it is like that."

After the game at the Abbey Stadium on January 23, which ended 0-0, Van Gaal said: "You have seen the referee. It's always the same. Everywhere I have coached these games - and I have coached them also with other clubs - it's always the same."

Van Gaal had until Monday to respond to the charge, but has already decided he will fight it.

Mothers of children with Down syndrome waste, keep her husband's determination to continue

Leo Forrest was born on 21 January in Armenia, a country that allow parents to choose to continue to maintain a special child or even send them to a nursing home for orphans. - Photo GoFundMe

A mother in Armenia refused to keep her newborn child because the baby is born with Down syndrome, according to an ABC News report.

Leo Forrest was born on 21 January in Armenia, a country that allow parents to choose to continue to keep the child with disabilities or even send them to a nursing home for orphans.

The decision was made without consulting her husband, Samuel Forrest who has vowed to continue to take care of his son.

When Leo knows he wants to keep his wife has filed for divorce, according to Samuel.

ABC News managed to contact his wife gave birth to Samuel who confirmed the baby and filed for divorce but declined to elaborate.

To continue to maintain Leo, Samuel has been running a campaign to raise funds through GoFundMedengan set a target of ASD60,000 to take her to New Zealand.

After 10 days of its launch, the campaign succeeded in exceeding its target and raised ASD435,445 date this report was written.

Eyes closed, hands tied towel

Rear window winter homes were broken using a lever car in a robbery that occurred in Kampung Bercham in small sini.Gambar: Lian Yu

SAN FRANCISCO - An elderly woman in panic after the eyes closed and his face and his hands tied with a towel while she was asleep in her home in a robbery that occurred in Kampung Simpang Pulai, here on Sunday.

In the 2.30am incident, the victim Jin Lian Yu, 68, a citizen of China who works as a shop assistant here, was beaten in the face and right thigh by two men believed to act robbing homes for the elderly involved.

"During the incident I overheard a conversation of two men involved but can not see their faces because my face was closed.

"I just feel pain in the left eye and the right thigh due beaten by two men.

"In fact, they also took away some of my valuables including a gold ring and RM400.

"I suffered losses totaling RM1,000," he said when met at his home here.

Lian Yu said, the two men were believed to pry the gate behind the house and broke the iron window before entering.

"However, I was fortunate not gravely injured by them," he said, just stay alone when the incident occurred.

He then lodged a police report at the police station with the help of Tambun Tambun Well, Cheong Chee Choy, here, yesterday afternoon.

Ipoh police chief Assistant Commissioner Sum Chang Keong confirmed receiving reports of the case and it would be investigated under Section 395 of the Penal Code of conduct gang robberies.

Cyber Caliphate glory FB, Instagram?

Popular social networking site Facebook is experiencing technical difficulties.

CONSUMER social networking site Facebook and Instagram worldwide uproar because of failure to access in to the social networking site each night.

Failure access involving more than 1.5 billion users of the social networking site was allegedly hacked by cyber criminals known as the Lizard Squad; Cyber group members or Caliph Caliphate Siber.

The confession allegedly made by Lizard Squad via his Twitter account,LizardMafia, reports portal Dail Mail Online.

Facebook and Instagram has become the second target after the airline Malaysia Airlines (MAS) yesterday.

However, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, who is also the owner of the Instagram refuted.

Zuckerberg but said it was caused by technical problems.

Taylor Swift Challenger policeman

A 20-year-old police officer may be able vibrates the entertainment industry as it was able to take action 'miming' perfectly, while Taylor Swift forced to abdicate.

Through a video uploaded to popular websites Youtube titled "Dover Police Dash Cam Confessional (Shake it Off)", action 'miming' Jeff Davis attracted the attention of 17 million internet browser.

The video has been uploaded on January 16 by the official account 'Dover Police', shows that the police also have humor.

Video is fascinating variety of reactions, including those who criticize the police drive a 'not quite right' during the 'singing', but certainly, the police force and the action is very funny.

Police also want to release the pressure occasionally, does not it?

Submit Khalid individual title MCMC police tactics such as 'dogs'

KHALID: Beware of us if we want to hold the other person and this is because we may be more severe than those involved. - File photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Police handed over to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to investigate an individual who allegedly held by police as 'dogs' in one social networking site owned by private recently.

Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the act of insulting the police should not do because they are just doing their job to protect the safety and welfare of the people reported Utusan Online.

"Be careful if we want to hold the other person and this because we may be more severe than those involved," he said in the same statement.

Individuals who believed an employee of a private television company have great public outcry in social media about the fact that.

He, however, in a blog has apologized to all parties involved and admitted writing in anger after his vehicle told police summoned relay plate size car that was said to violate the law.

Japan court awards owner damages after Chihuahua dies of shock

Pet funerals are common in Japan where animals are often cremated and the ashes kept in the living room along with a picture of the deceased. - File Photo

A Japanese court has ruled the grieving owners of a Chihuahua be paid damages including funeral costs after their family pet died of a heart attack when charged by a German Shepherd, reports said Saturday.

The diminuitive 15-year-old canine was on a walk in the Japanese city of Sakai in February last year when the German Shepherd rushed at the animal, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper said.

Following the collision, the elderly animal became agitated before undergoing heart failure, Osaka district court said in its ruling, adding that the owners of the larger dog had failed to keep it on a leash.

Adult German Shepherds can weigh up to 20 times as much as the typical fully grown Chihuahua, according to animal experts.

"For a small dog, a charge by a large dog is a threat. It experienced a serious shock before the death," said presiding judge Masafumi Kawabata, according to the Nikkei newspaper.

The court ruled that the owner of the German Shepherd failed to adequately control their pet, and ordered a payment of about $1,850 in damages as well the costs of the Chihuahua's funeral, media said.

Pet funerals are common in Japan, a nation of dog lovers, where animals are often cremated and the ashes kept in the living room along with a picture of the deceased.

Japanese tend to favour smaller dogs that better suit densely packed cities and homes with limited space.

List of 23 smartphones offered for RM200 rebate

The scheme is on a first-come-first served basis and will be for the first 1.5 million eligible youths who may claim their smartphones while stocks last.

The following is the list of smartphones offered are as at 26 Dec 2012 and the models list will be updated from time to time:-

1) Alcatel 993D
2) Alcatel OneTouch Glory 2
3) Alcatel OneTouch Inspire 2
4) The Buzz Phone
5) HTC Wildfire
6) Huawei Ideos X3
7) LG Optimus L3
8) Ninetology Black Pearl II
9) Ninetology Palette
10) Nokia 2730
11) Nokia 7230
12) Nokia Asha 305
13) Nokia Asha 308
14) Nokia Asha 311
15) Nokia C2-03
16) Nokia Lumia 610
17) Samsung Galaxy Chat
18) Samsung Galaxy Mini
19) Samsung Galaxy Pocket
20) Samsung Galaxy Y
21) Sony Xperia Tipo
22) ZTE Acqua
23) ZTE V790

Youths who qualify for the RM200 rebate will be able to purchase selected 3G smartphones costing up to RM500 from selected dealers and agents appointed by service providers. With the rebate, they are expected to pay no more than RM300 to own a new 3G smartphone.

Smartphone price limit RM500 too low?

MCMC does not think so. It said in a statement:

“The idea is to spread the incentive across to those who do not yet use smartphones. We really want to help those who cannot afford to change phones to upgrade from their old 2G phones to a basic 3G smartphone. Those who can afford phones priced above RM500 are really not in the intended category or target market. Some of those phones can reach prices of over RM2,500 without contract. A RM200 rebate does not even make a dent but if the phone is priced at RM500, a RM200 rebate goes a long way.”

Apparently his girlfriend is 'rods'

Hope a man to live a happy life with her partner shattered after he inadvertently know the correct gender of her lover while visiting an entertainment center, three days ago.

Employees of private companies 26-year-old also claimed incurring losses of about RM30,000 during the bear lover expense recognized for over a year.

According to sources, the man did not think his girlfriend 20s actually a man up inadvertently touched her partner's genitals while visiting the entertainment center.

He said, surprised with that the men were trying to get clarity and certainty about the identity of her partner before he recognizes a transvestite.

"Recognition was very surprising because before this man he did not suspect the true identity of her partner due berperwatakan its gentleness and beauty to make him believe that his beloved woman.

"The man claimed to spend a lot of money, including using savings during their introduction just to prove her love for him," he said.

Following that, the man who feels himself fooled make a report in Miri Central Police Station yesterday, after failing to contact his ex-lover was once Doyomartan uncovered.

Meanwhile, a police spokesman said they received a report of the case.

IS hard to control but ready Malaysia

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in his keynote address national symposium leadership and aspirations in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, today.

KUALA LUMPUR - The spread of Islamic ideology State (IS) in the younger generation in the country beyond the control of the government due to their use of open sky platform for the illegal movement transmission medium.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, however, said the government was ready to face any eventuality, including the IS group attack.

"I can not (control movement) because the open sky policy, cheap airfare, and information is transmitted across borders.

"It was difficult for us to control the movement of people, money and ideology, and this is a new phenomenon.

"We do what we can, but whether we can deal with, this is a question that was quizzed by all countries out there," he said at a press conference after delivering a keynote address at a national symposium aspirations and leadership in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC ), here, today.

He said again, if Malaysia in collaboration with other Asean countries, Umno vice-president believes that the actions of militants who actively recruit young people in the region can be prevented more effectively.

"We have a good chance if we work together with Asean countries because of the movement of people either from the country of destination or transit country or countries targeted either in Syria or returned after what to do there. It's all movements involving all countries," he said.

He added that a militant attack on this country in particular is still in control and it is still too early to determine the militants attempted to launch an attack on Malaysia.

"If France, Sydney Australia was even with the sophistication of information, assets and history capabilities of their armed forces and police already undertaken a difficult two siblings, who had to imagine what we go through in a state of deprivation," he said.


The female apparently Abby Abadi ni in saliva not admonish religious issues, she's in love with a teacher who's looking quite handsome .. new replacement la tu .., Miss A'm not mistaken, he was already divorced ex-husband in the middle of last year. ....

Before this there jugak Abby heard the rumors were dating .. But do not realize the hell is that man is ust .. Quick jugak Abby can substitute it? Rick and family can be played Ustazah la ni .....

Miss A can know Rick tu serious indeed plotted with Abby and Abby wants to marry soon .., good things do have to be accelerated .. There is such sweet .. if people watch, they like his style ..nampak ni dah lama know .. je tu pun male friendly with children Abby ....

Iyalah, lah nak kena mak captivation woo her children together .. Later the children do not like, do not want to get married with a la mak .. Let us their self-image them together .....