
Sunday 14 June 2015

T-Team player died, fell in the wilderness

David Soniya treated after felling suddenly, before being rushed to HRPZ II. - Photos: T-Team FC

Import PLAYERS T-Team, Faramola David Aniya died while playing in a friendly match against Kelantan Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium, tonight.

Aniya suddenly collapsed on the pitch during the game three minutes later and sent immediately by paramedics to Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II (HRPZ II).

Chief Operating Officer T-Team, Mohd Syahrizan Mohd Zain said Nigeria imports was pronounced dead after emergency treatment in hospital.

According to him, the management of T-Team was shocked by the death of David Aniya as the players were in good health despite wearing a mask in the match.

"We received the news of his death at 10:05 pm from assistant coach, Azhari Salim who accompanied the player to hospital.

"This is the first friendly matches for the team T-Team and doctors also authorize Aniya play even though he already had surgery cheek twice before," he told reporters in Kota Bharu.

He added that David Aniya is a good player and has character as a mentor to his team mates.

"He is said to have cardiac complications problems but we can not confirm until the autopsy is done," he said.

Match referee, Ku Ku Alauddin Mohamad stop the game in the 60th minute after receiving news of the death of the player.

Meanwhile, Deputy Kota Bharu District Police Superintendent Setapa Yusoff confirmed the incident.

Usbo amend the constitution include the Bumiputera

Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak

Kota Kinabalu - United Sabah Bajau Organisation (Usbo) has amended its constitution to change its name to the Association of the United Sabah mustache in an effort to strengthen and broaden the scope and functions of the organization.

Usbo president Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak said the amendment is approved by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) through a letter dated May 27 of this year and recently received.

However, he remains a Usbo short name, but the word Bajau converted to stir the definition refers to the Bajau, Ubian, Malay, Iranun and mysticism.

"This amendment is made to adjust the scope and functions of the association as well as the interests of all ethnic groups under the auspices of the Bumiputera," he said in a statement here today.

He said in terms of the objectives and role, Usbo will retain its original struggle with activities focused on the areas of education, economy and culture.

Salleh, who is also the Speaker of the State Assembly said Usbo also committed their support to the government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the federal and Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman at the state level.

Usbo is affiliated with the National Front.

'As long as government policy granting freedom of expression, TMJ also have the right to "- Tun M

TUN M: Tengku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) has the right to voice criticism of the prime minister Najib Razak as he also has the right to freedom of expression as common people. -Image File

KUALA LUMPUR: Tengku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim is entitled to voice criticism of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as he also has the right to freedom of expression as the common people, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Refers to the fact that Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz Tunku Ismail prohibit political interference case today, the former prime minister said while the government adopted a policy of freedom of expression, the right royal speech as most people.

Tunku Ismail has said that people should not be blamed for the loss of confidence and trust in the prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak after he failed to attend the forum "Nothing2Hide" scheduled recently.

"It is the freedom of expression. The crown prince has the right to speak as the government," said Tun M at a press conference after talks program "Dangerous Ideas" at Publika, Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Earlier, Malaysiakini reported that Nazri Ismail Tunku asked to stay away from politics following his Facebook status on # Nothing2Hide dialogue.

"I think he should stay away from politics. If not, he will also be the same thing. We are going to 'whack' (hit orally) him.

6 weird facts about your favorite food item

Learn some info about some strange but true regular food, you might not know.

Typically, many people prefer to read various facts about the foods that are ideal to enjoy when you are in the mood diet.

What's wrong read some info about some strange but true common foods, especially candy is your favorite that you might not know.

All meals are included in the category declared safe to eat, but these facts can cause you to think before eating them.


Jellybean have good taste and come in different flavors. Did you know that the surface layer is made of a substance called Shellac?


Shellac also known as Confectioner's glaze, made from waste produced by the female Lac beetle native to India and Thailand. In other words, it is made from the excrement of insects.


Have you ever seen a foreign feathers during touched a donut or bagel? Do not be surprised that the sheets do not necessarily belong to man, it is likely to come from insects.


Site Health Canada have developed guidelines for general food hygiene, which outlines how many microbiological impurities may be present externally before it is considered as a food safety issue.


Gelatin is used widely in the manufacture of various desserts such as jelly powder, marshmallows and assorted cakes. Gelatin melts into a liquid when heated and harden when cooled.


Gelatin is made from animal skin collagen and bone. You can see if the gelatin boiling animal bones to make soup.


Wax Carnauba wax is usually contained in the car is also used in the manufacture of candy-flavored, gummy bears and chewing gum. Carnauba Wax is produced from the leaves of the Carnauba palm native to Brazil.

It is also often used for pharmaceutical products as a coating on a pill to help patients with swallowing tablets.


Did you know that corn is the main ingredient in breakfast cereals, breads, potato chips, chicken nuggets and fries?


According to Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma, an average of more than a quarter of goods sold in retail stores actually contain ingredients derived from corn. Do not believe? Check the food label.

Natural food coloring

Check the list of ingredients in your strawberry yogurt, certainly the materials 'original color' listed. What is a natural dye it? It is the Carmine red food coloring made from the dried bodies of cochineal insects from South America or Mexico.


Cochineal extract has been used for thousands of years as a fabric dye, but it is now used in food or an ingredient in cosmetic dyes.

TMJ 'speaks' silently against Nazri's warning

The crown prince of Johor, Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ) proves that action speak louder than words after posting a silent 'revenge' video to roar back Nazri's warning.

KUALA LUMPUR: The crown prince of Johor, Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ) proves that action speak louder than words after posting a silent 'revenge' video to roar back at Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz's warning, yesterday.

The video, uploaded at 7pm, saw TMJ relaxing on a patio chair, smiling with his hand gestured in a 'silent' message which seemed to say "Come at me."

The 17-second video was uploaded on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook and Twitter page a few hours after Nazri warned the crown prince to stay away from politics following Tengku Ismail's criticism on Najib for not attending the #Nothing2Hide forum.

Many social media users deciphered the video as a 'teasing' message towards Nazri.

"A wide smile while watching this video, the government wants to whack Johor royalty? You think we johoreans are (batang pisang)? ", wrote Ashhabu Suud in Facebook.

Another user with the name of Shyko Dessert wrote, "TMJ speaks out for the people, to this extent, not only the Johoreans will defend TMJ, the people of Pahang like me will also show support to him!!!"

"TMJ is very relaxed. He did not act angrily. He was smiling. He used the coolest way to reply to Nazri’s comment. You’re the best Tunku,” said Nur Farhanah Fadhil.

Earlier, Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had criticized Tunku Ismail, saying that royalty should not involve themselves in politics.

"He should keep out of politics because otherwise, he will be subject to the same rule and we will whack him," said Nazri.

Fantasia divan: Shawal and fiqa are finally married!

The couple Muhammad Syawaluddin Ghazali and his fiancee, Norafiqah Ma Hassan were announced as Astro's Pelamin Fantasia first season winners, on June 7

KUALA LUMPUR: Winners of the recently concluded Pelamin Fantasia, Syawal and Fiqa tied the knot in a glitzy wedding ceremony broadcasted live on Astro RIA, RIA HD and Maya HD.

The lavish event held on Saturday was held in a concept of ‘Garden Wedding’ – their dream concept.

The couple who won a wedding sponsorship package worth RM100,000 were announced as Astro's Pelamin Fantasia first season winners, on June 7.

The groom, Syawal or Muhammad Syawaluddin Ghazali, 26 , who earns a living as a cattle breeder participated in the reality show together with his fiancee, Norafiqah Ma Hassan or Fiqa, 24, a special girl who is deaf and mute.

Pelamin Fantasia went on air every weekend beginning April 4 over a series of 20 episodes in the span of 10 weeks.

New treatments, promotes weight loss, prevents bone loss

GLP-1 hormone that your bones become fragile and prone to fracture prevention has been found in the intestine that can.

A little-known fact about the weight loss of bone mass that often goes with it, but scientists using hormones to trick claimed to have discovered a way.

GLP-1 is a hormone that is found in the intestine, according to the study, due to high speed or large weight loss from your bones become fragile and prone to fracture prevention, not only can, but also stable blood can help maintain sugar levels.

Already used to treat type 2 diabetes is, liraglutide, is an example of a hormone GLP-1 analog.

is, "says Dr. Eva Win Jepsen from the University of Copenhagen.

GLP-1 analog liraglutide and half of the participants who had not been treated with a control group - the study, researchers from eating a low-calorie diet lost 12 kg was observed that 37 women participants.

During the year, the research team repeated dietary advice given to them, maintain their weight loss help for women.

They gain weight, they eat a low calorie powder as the two were asked to substitute.

When the year was over, all the participants had maintained their weight loss, low-calorie fare, but with the control group by replacing one meal per day was done.

"Liraglutide group, the reason for the inhibition of appetite kept their weight loss did not need to do it," Copenhagen University, said study author Signe Sorenson Torekov Relaxnews.

On the flipside, the control group in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism of the study, which was published, the lost bone mass.

"Menopausal women have an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures," Torekov says.shows that you can lose weight. "

The study, especially for women, GLP-1 analogues which have important implications for the treatment of obesity with.

5 stories of the death of footballer

Soniya David Faramola death, the captain of the football team T-Team last night surprised many.

Although it is the first case of its kind in the Malaysia League, it is actually no stranger to the world football scene. What matters is that most cases are caused by heart failure.

Historical cases of sudden death football players during the match already started over 120 years ago, with Anton Reid (player Walsal FC) becoming the youngest who died, at the age of 16 years.

Under five mortality involving football players are not only well known, but still young and talented.


Antonio Puerta - Photo AFP

Sevilla FC player joined professional football league when only 13 years old. Among the young players that stand out, his talent has attracted many leading football clubs, including Real Madrid, Manchester United and Arsenal.

In 2008, Puerta collapsed during a match between Sevilla and Getafe FC 35. After entering the minutes to be given treatment, she was able to walk into the dressing room, but once again fell down and lost consciousness. He was admitted to the intensive care unit and died three days later, at the age of 22 years due to heart failure.


Cristian Gomez, in a circle (Photo: Twitter AtleticoPrana)

Atletico's defensive player Prana collapsed and died during the resistance against Boca Unidos May 24 last. The day after his death, a friend squad of Gomez, Ariel Gomez failed exams expose Bulay electrocardiogram, a cardiac-related ill-health exam. Said Bulay, Gomez told him he was an ordinary problem 'may come and go'. Gomez, 27, was reported to have directed to undergo further examination, but in the same time still be given the release play.


Gregory Mertens, black jersey (Photo: AFP)

Three days after the fall in one game on April 30, Lokeren defender's club, also died of heart failure. 24 years old, Mertens between players synonymous with the Belgian national team and has represented Team under 16, 19 and 21 countries.

Daniel Jarque

Daniel Jarque (Photo: AFP)

Barcelona-born 26-year-old had just a month to wear the captain's armband when the team Espanyol died. Unlike other cases, Jarque died of a heart attack while in a hotel, after a pre-season training session in 2009. A year later, a good friend Jarque, Andres Iniesta, Spain dedicates winning goal in the World Cup to Jarque, wearing a t-shirt inscribed "Dani Jarque siempre con nosotros" ("Dani Jarque, always with us").


Marc-Vivien Foe (Photo: AFP)

Between the story of the death in the field is often called, Manchester City midfielder collapsed when representing his country, Cameroon against Colombia in 2003. Members Perubatan and paramedics try to recover Foe Sedaya effort, but effort for 45 minutes it still failed. Foe autopsy examination showed death was caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart problem that may cause death mengejut when doing physical activity.

After the death of Foe, Manchester City announced the completion of use numbers 23, which is a numeric jersi Foe when the club together.

TMJ 'response' warning leisurely Nazri

Video without dialog that displays only TMJ, who was lounging in a chair and then smiled and gave a hand signal believed to carry a message -marilah.

A silent video Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ) as 'revenge' strike Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yesterday became viral on social media.

Video without dialog that displays only TMJ, who was lounging in a chair and then smiled and gave a hand signal believed to carry the message, "Come."

Video duration of 17 seconds was uploaded yesterday on Facebook and Twitter Johor Southern Tigers a few hours after Nazri rebuke of Tunku Ismail to stay away from politics following his Facebook status on # Nothing2Hide dialogue.

Video clip begins and ends with the sound of the roar of the tiger is believed to have implicit message to be conveyed to Nazri.

Meanwhile, the video uploaded on at around 7 pm yesterday received more than 700 comments where social media users to interpret it as a prank to strike Nazri Ismail Tunku.

"A wide smile watching this video, Johor royal family want to beatings? Remember our children classmates banana? "Wrote a user named Ashhabu social media Suud people.

Umm Yahya also said that politics is not the property of the minister, but he also has the right to speak like the people of this country kebanyakandi.

"People even King - the King, the right to speak and ask questions, ask not to interfere in political affairs is a reasonably short action mention of a ministerial level but under the Ministry of Culture."

Another user named Shyko Dessert wrote, "TMJ speak out for the people, to this extent, not only to defend the nation TMJ Johor, Pahang people I went down support (support) !!!"

Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz previously criticized the Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim following his Facebook status on # Nothing2Hide dialogue.

Malaysiakini reported, Nazri said Tunku Ismail should abstain from politics.

"I think he should stay away from politics. If not, he will also be the same thing. We're going to whack (beatings orally) him.

In any case, the video was not uploaded any reply message, but there is nothing in the speech of Tunku Ismail clip.

Preet Harpal Punjabi Singer from India at SHIMLA

He says to his Fan in Punjabi (Balle SHIMLA Waleo dhan dhan krati tusi ratin.. Really thnx for giving me great last evening.. Jeonde raho)

'I am happy Tun Mahathir was talk about freedom of speech' - Nazri

Nazri Abdul Aziz said he was happy to see former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad made a U-turn on freedom of expression as a right for all Malaysians.

KUALA LUMPUR: Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz said he was happy to see former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad made a 'U' turn on freedom of expression as a right for all Malaysians.

"I am happy because lately, he (Mahathir) had begun to talk about freedom of expression. The time he first became prime minister, he never To acquire freedom of expression," he said as reported by Malaysiakini on Saturday.

Commenting on the fact that Dr Mahathir defended Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, who expressed his views on the failure of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak attended the dialogue 1MDB, Nazri said the royal family should not be entered intervene in political issues because Malaysia adheres to the system of Raja Royal put constitutional institutions and political resolve.

"This is a convention in our parliamentary democracy that royalty should not get involved in politics," he said.

Yesterday, Tun Mahathir, responding to criticism Nazri against Tunku Ismail to stay away from political issues.

According to Tun Mahathir, Crown Prince of Johor had the right to freedom of expression under the law, as well as most other people.

Tunku Ismail has said that people should not be blamed for the loss of confidence and trust in the prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak after he failed to attend the forum "Nothing2Hide" scheduled recently.

He uploaded a related status # Nothing2Hide it on Facebook Johor Southern Tigers, claiming he was not surprised when the latter is absent.

Adoption 'mastermind' marriage Emma Akma

Akma actress Emma, ​​46, had survived called the wife of Omar Ramli, 47, in a wedding ceremony that was held on Tuesday night.

The wedding ceremony was held in a simple but festive at the complex Dato Haji Kamarulzaini, Gombak attended by family members of both sides and fellow artists.

Through interviews quoted from a news portal, Emma describes her third marriage as meet the demands of Dayang Izzati adopted son who was 10 years old.

"My son actually be a 'mastermind' in my marriage with her father because he planned everything without my knowledge and future husband about this marriage.

"He told his father, I call to get married and told me the same thing to me. In my case, Omar was never any talk like that.

"Starting from where we plan to put together," he said.

For the record, Emma took Dayang Izzati of Omar since 10 years ago for adoption. Moreover Dayang Izzati, Emma also has another son from her first marriage, namely Zuairin, 23.

Secretary of Penang Pas been working

GEORGETOWN - DAP-PAS crisis deepened when Penang Pas secretary who served as Information Officer Grade S41 in the state government work force was laid off last Friday.

Notice dated 12 June from the Secretary of State's Office has been delivered by hand to Mohd Fadzil Kemi who served as Information Officer for the Office of the Chief Minister of Penang.

State Secretary, Datuk Seri Farizan Darus confirming such notice was confident that the notice was received by Mohd Fadzil last Friday as she was sent by hand.

"Notice of termination of the service into operation on June 12, 2015 with the payment of one month's salary to replace a notice in accordance with clause 9, the contract was sent to Mohd Fadzil," he told Bernama when contacted here today.

He said that within a year contract agreement signed on December 12 last year, either party can terminate the contract without any reason.

While the effort to get feedback from Mohd Fadzil who also sits on the board Zakat Pulau Pinang, failed because he could not be reached.

Yesterday, the Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng said in a statement have urged the new leadership to steer fit to withdraw its representatives.

He said it was illogical new leadership Pas still trying convoluted that they were still discussing the proposal to sever ties with DAP, when the proposal was "unacceptable" without debate and "not consulted" by the Congress party.

Lim said three government representatives in Pas Pas, namely Mohamad Sabu, Mujahid Yusof Rawa and his Hussain had put all their positions in the state government of Penang.

DAP-Pas crisis occurred after Pas Ulama Council unanimously passed an emergency motion to sever ties with DAP in the Annual Congress passes the 61st without debate, however, will continue tahaluf siyasi or political co-operation in the opposition.