
Monday 20 October 2014

About 10 appearance Lust be tamed

Conditions of the social problems in Malaysia are becoming more common until some say as worse than animals who do not understand.
Are we psychologically or lust as animals?
In Arabic literature, lust means "spirit of life" or "passion and desire worldly".
When people hear the word passion, will surely remember the wickedest thing only. Meanwhile, lust is sometimes good and sometimes bad. If trained lust toward goodness, it's definitely lust can bring us to heaven.
Bak said Imam Al-Ghazali, the lust like dogs. If trained and tamed it sure would be nice.

Lust is the spiritual organ that has the most influence and biggest of the other members of the spiritual. Lust issue directions to the physical member to perform an action.
Division of lust can generally be divided into two parts, namely:
- 7 levels that could be done by yourself or human desires
- 10 appearance that reflects the passions of the soul or the reprehensible nature of humans.

This article will briefly describe the look of lust 10 (soul / reprehensible nature) that are in man, that must be tamed or eliminated / avoided.
(1)  Lust kalbiyah
- The nature of the dog
- The existence of other like monopoly

(2)  Lust himariyah
- Soul Donkey
- Who can bear but not the slightest understanding of what carries
- In other words, they do not understand the problem

(3)  Lust sabu'iyah
- Soul wolf
- Fun to hurt or harm another person in any way

(4)  Lust fa'riyah
- The liver of rats
- A type of damage, or something

(5)  Lust dzatis-suhumi Hamathites wa wal wal biological aqrabi
-Jiwa Animal wasp
- Purporting to be snakes and scorpions
- Easy-nyindir sarcastic people, hurting people, envy, revenge, and the like

(6)  Lust khinziriyah
- The nature of the pig
- Love the dirty, stinky, musty, and the repulsive

(7)  Lust thusiyah
- Lust peacock
- Among other things like pride, love in action, acting, bulging chest, etc.

(8)  Lust jamaliyah
- Lust camel
- Do not have a sense of manners, love, no community, no matter the difficulties of others
- The key itself is safe and profit

(9)  Lust dubbiyah
- Soul Bears
- Though strong and brave, but shortsighted and stupid

(10)  Lust qirdiyah
- Soul Apes
- Is it fun, not given it pouts
- Cynical and like to harass / lightly

Source: The book "About 7 Stages of Temptation".

Twitter Retweet Collection Most Boys

This is one of the most funny Retweet we read Boys high level is to say! No wonder many are shared.

Let's read Retweet collection that can make you laugh and terseyum not know what was going on they said that Retweet this.

Anyway, this joke only. Do not be angry with bro Ronasina and others that.

Cikaro s3ksi, gedik and proud submission body

Kuala Lumpur: Previously called bohsia, now called cikaro. That is almost the same, but that concern parents today is that girls are involved in immoral activities at the age of 11 years, especially among troubled families.

Following the free left without parental supervision, they are vying to be queen cikaro among men lusting wild and street gangs. For them to be queen, thus easily make friends, three criteria must be met, namely sexy, gedik and brave.

In pursuit of the title, most of the girls that are largely teenage years, willing to give up the crown to the new street gangs known a few hours.

Based on the review Metro Ahad, the majority of youth involved snatch the title as something to be proud of, as well as to avoid embarrassment or stamped ditertawa coward by other cikaro friend.

Acting on complaints from the public, especially residents who worried look bohsia comeback girl, Metro Ahad conduct investigations and surveys in several locations focus street gangs around the city.