
Thursday 4 December 2014

Good luck arguing in fb Zalora, women can gain a year of Zalora

Recently, a couple fights in Zalora Facebook wall where the husband requested that Zalora prevent the wife of surfing shopping website that has become viral.

According to the wife, he is strong 'milling' in Zalora because now she is pregnant and difficult to move to the supermarket.

This fight might have been amusing the management company, the Zalora've come to the house with gifts they both unexpectedly. Zalora supply of clothes for a year!

Wow, did not expect really good hearty ni Zalora party. Presumably the wife no need la're shopping in Zalora for a year. Providence child in the stomach coat.

Glaze: Face pair drowned in the canal, love them to death

Sungai Besar: "They got engaged this month and plan to marry next January, but my son chose white as the theme," said Talib zaleha about a boy with his girlfriend who drowned in a canal  in Parit 9 East, here.

Zaleha children, Azizul Arifin, 21, and his girlfriend, Diamond Norliyana Mohammed, 18, failed to be detected since Monday night after being out on a motorcycle.

They finally missed after losing both bodies were found at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, and police believe the victim drowned after they boarded a motorcycle Honda EX5 crashed in heavy rain on Monday night before plunging into the canal.

Zaleha said the last time she saw her was at 4 pm on Monday, eager spirit told him to cook juicy fried fish spawn which became his favorite.

"He's a lively talk about the engagement and marriage to include like to use tents, clothes and white themed gifts," he said yesterday.

According to him, shortly Mohammad Azizul out of the house on a motorcycle to his aunt's house, she continues to cook her favorite dish was.

However, zaleha said his son did not come home until informed of the discovery of two bodies in Parit 9 am Eastern today.

According to him, the spirits of the youngest of seven siblings also had plans to pursue marriage.

"Date of engagement and weddings are still in the process of discussion between the two parties, but all it does become a reality," he said.

Zaleha of Kampung Baharu Fishermen here said, told her he wanted to visit his sister's house in Trench 11 with Intan Norliyana working in a cake shop in Sungai Besar.
"I was told my late visit, even had time to play around and kissed her late nephew who was a baby. Both also had dinner there before returning home.

"They came in heavy rain and after that we failed to detect them and make a police report at 9.36 pm on Saturday after nearly 12 hours of no return.

Raja Azmi admit've encountered New Love after divorce

Kuala Lumpur:   Once divorced a second time with Eddie Mohd Ghazali, producer Raja Azmi Raja Sulaiman, 55, admits his life is now calmer after his new found love of the love of God.

Raja Azmi who fondly called Kak Mi said he's now happier when much of his time spent closer to God.

"Thank God, Kak Mi now continue life as usual. This makes the experience both divorced Kak Mi more

pleased and now quieter than the first time before the divorce.

"If it had a sense of solitude and so on but this time Kak Mi prefer to accept reality.

"Even now Kak Mi have found a new love or real love of Kak Mi love to God.

"Kak Mi want to reflect on ourselves and close to Him because there Kak ami d find real peace. Especially at the end of this age," he told reporters after launching the TV Guide in Hotel De Palma Ampang yesterday.

Kak Mi and Eddie have been legally divorced on November 11, after a turbulent marriage and can not be saved over the past few months earlier.

Speaking about her relationship with her ex-husband, Kak Mi tell them a very good relationship and comfortable for friends.

"We are still in touch and Kak Mi more pleased when we see relationships as a friend.

"In fact, we're now trying to take advantage of this Storys period to reflect upon themselves and Kak Mi himself did not dare to say anything about our future and just surrender to God," luahnya again.

Eddie popular in the group CRK with the song Love And Tears (1990) was married to Raja Azmi on October 13, 2013 with one pronouncement.

Raja Azmi previously been married to the national badminton champion, Mohd Jalani Sidek and blessed with three children, Puteri Suraya, 30, Princess Suaidi, 26, and Megat Deli, 21.

Rumors team option for 2015 Indra Putra missed

Rumors that the player Felda United, Indra Putra Mahayuddin will return jersey, Kelantan already widespread.
Indra reportedly already met Kelantan Football Association (Kafa), Yunus Tan Sri Musa and the people in the association also hinted that the migration Indra to Kelantan for season 2015 almost become a reality.

If the rumor is true, not only supporters of The Red Warriors were happy, but the players who have played together Indra must also welcomed his arrival.

But yesterday melaluai facebook page Tan Sri Annuar musa he confirms Indra will remain with Felda for season 2015.

Similarly answer Indra through his facebook page which Felda United still need his services for the 2015 season, he thanked supporters who always wished Kelantan his presence with TRW for season 2015.

But that desire can not be fulfilled for next season which Sam has also told teams TRW has been extended in all divisions for season 2015.

The most influential players in Kelantan, Saleh Badri had expressed excitement about Indra returned, after another former player Kelantan, Norfarhan Mohd confirm his place with the team.

Badri, better known as the old coupling Piya believe if it can be put back together, Kelantan able to do a revival in the next season, but the intention is not cashed because Indra will remain with Felda for next season.

The house is unique colored colorful like a wedding cake

Setiu: this house is very unique shape when seen from afar it seseolah like a wedding cake with colorful color it was enough to make anyone who sees it will be stunned.

If you are a frequent social media surfing, surely you know that recently has spread luxury bungalow pictures of the nature 'fairy tale'.

Large house pink and purple was said to belong to Mr Marzuki, who is a football manager Terengganu. The house was also said to be housed in Marang, Terengganu.

The story about the beauty and uniqueness arises when the house was recently been taking place to host weddings child who has provided the opportunity for the public to see the home environment more closely.