
Wednesday 2 September 2015

A guy named 'God' told to change name

Identity card named 'God'.

SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Enforcement of religion in the East called a man named 'God' in order to change its name.

According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Division East, people do not deserve to make the word 'God' as part of their name.

"Do not let people worship (others) called 'God'," said Abdussomad Bukhor to yesterday.

Abdussomad also explained that the use of the name 'God' in the name of the man is not fit and proper.

"'God' is a good name, but it is not ideal, because it associate God (real). God is the object of worship," he said.

He suggested that the man changed his name or add any name in front of 'God'.

Meanwhile, men's identity cards had been taken until he changed his name.

The new iPhone battery lasts a week?

The new batteries use hydrogen and oxygen to function.

A British company, Intelligent Energy, claims to have invented the iPhone smart phone battery that can last for a week.

The battery of fuel cells that use hydrogen and oxygen to function. It consists of a steel sheet and an airtight plastic to 'burn' the oxygen and hydrogen, with a small hole in the back of the release of water vapor.

The rumored prototype being tested by Apple, and if passed it will replace lithium-based battery and ion commonly available in today's smartphones.

However, there are some issues that need to be overcome before the batteries can be used. Including the use of water vapor resulting from a chemical process.

The situation is said to be carrying a bit of a problem to consumers as it will result in electric power, as well as require that the phone is always placed in areas that have good air flow.

This means, users will not be able to keep the phone in your bag or in your pocket.

Another issue is in terms of weight and size which is significantly greater than existing batteries.