
Sunday 29 November 2015

A device smartphones and vape

Other reactions vape or electronic cigarettes, banned some support in the community about the causes and some are against.

Different types of mode or device is issued and the latest electronic cigarette Jupiter, which is the function of a smartphone is a kind of electronic cigarette device.

Jupiter consumer electronic cigarettes as their smart phone to use a tool that allows.

Jupiter can be described as a great invention. How electronic cigarettes could be combined with a smartphone.

If it is successful, it is possible that at some point there are a great invention. The Android smartphone device has a built-in system at the top vape.

Jupiter has 5.3-inch screen and users simply pressing the touch screen allows you to control how the work vape that request as well as a special download that uses Android 4.4.

This application voltage control and even flavor vape vape being used can be identified. If need be, can be installed as an optional accessory shaped glass pipe length.

Sounds interesting, but the United States still awaiting approval from the authorities there not yet available for sale Product creation.

Jupiter has 5.3-inch screen and Android uses Android 4.4. - Courtesy

Jupiter be deemed to be a great invention. How electronic cigarettes could be combined with a smartphone. - Courtesy

Thursday 19 November 2015

$ 300 for a balloon? Yes, but the old tracks down a storm

2005 Image National Weather Service's office launched a weather balloon appears

Shreveport, Louisiana. Mario Villafuerte, Bloomberg News by the PIX
Weather balloon - big hurricane was headed Joaquin earlier this month, where sophisticated computer forecast models can not know when, the National Weather Service, one of the oldest instruments ordered additional launches .

International cooperation may be the world's largest law twice a day, 850 offices throughout the world and especially the staff go out of style at the same time set loose balloon.

Satellite, radar, jet aircraft and high-speed computers a year old, I was 80 years ago that the only way to collect weather data would seem outdated. Not so, William Blackmore, National Weather Service meteorologist with the upper air observation program said.

All modern advances are important tools for forecasting, weather balloons can not everyone else can do: about 115,000 feet (35 km) from the atmosphere every other measure, he said.

"What makes it unique is that it has to provide information every 15 to 20 feet," Blackmore said. "At the present time, that can not be beat."

In the United States, 92 weather service offices in the atmosphere, usually hydrogen-filled balloons, sending, twice- daily to start, Blackmore said. With a few extra thrown in the beginning, the United States alone 70,000 75,000 annually toward heaven sends bubbles. Labor, maintenance and parts, including the sound of a balloon costs about $ 300.

Worldwide, only two-thirds of them, according to the World Meteorological Organization's Web site, the balloons take part in daily sampling, can be introduced where there are 1,300 sites. This year nearly 620,500 balloons. This may be why so many U.F.O. Reports over the years have been dismissed as weather balloons.

Around the humans have been able to Hawaii has been compared to what is happening on the idea of ​​reaching into the sky to see.

Before taking thermometer kites were used in Europe in 1749. In 1885, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Henry Allen hazen the site, according to observation balloon ride above ground level.

Outside of Boston, Blue Hill Observatory, 19th century researchers Aug 4, 1894 sent a kite at 2,030 feet above sea level, the organization's website said. By 1898, the kite was being used throughout the United States

"If you look at a kite, it can create a very good platform," Blackmore said. "What you have problems with the kite and they can be so much more."

Kite was out and by 1909 was in the balloon. In 1938, the balloons radio information back on the season and instruments that measure radiosondes, starting packages. The meteorologists as high as 100,000 feet, allowing data to be collected.

A global positioning satellite data such as technological improvements, as well, the same system is in place today.

Air pressure, wind speed, temperature - - land bases, collect balloons after radioed for information to help forecast weather forecast data from other sources is fed into the computer model.

Blackmore balloon began when about 5 feet and about 115,000 feet in time to reach more than 20 feet would swell. Low air pressure at high altitude balloon finally burst causes.

In the case of a plastic or Styrofoam, back where forecasters hope, the radiosonde parachutes, to find someone to come along and to weather service will email it. This is a message written on the description of radiosonde, plus a postage paid mail bag.

Less than 20 percent are refurbished and re-entered, Blackmore said.

Similarly, the season can not do without the service equipment.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Mazda MX-5 Spyder and Speedster under the SEMA

Extremely lightweight Mazda MX-5 Miata at SEMA concepts first

The fourth generation of Mazda MX5 sports car concept that emphasizes a lightweight. Turning scales 998 kg, supersedes Roadster model third generation (NC) is lighter than 100 kg. In comparison, a car weighing between 950 and 960 kilograms a Perodua Myvi, only slightly heavier than.

However, Mazda designers SEMA Show in Las Vegas this year, most of it will be what the concept of a lightweight sports car to feel better "extreme". They cooked two different shots in the last Mazda Roadster - MX-5 Spyder concept and the MX-5 Speedster concept.
Continuing the teaser Ad sewn together in the middle of two concepts has a half and half. Mazda parts to build two cars with different partners, the MX-5 standard in the United States will, says much lighter.

MX-5 Spyder "roadster old character and modern examples of this in the design." Encapsulates the "thoroughly" a new mercury silver produced in the body, and are prepared with the details of the interior, receive as leather pants.

The MX-5 blue sky Speedster, 1950 roadsters inspired by the minimalist and ultra-light, a particularly designed performance focuses on. Lightweight initiative a small, light, wind deflector includes space for a conventional windshield.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Dead friend so faithful dog hit by a car waiting viral

Pictures roadside netizens, attention has been hit by a car and died the death of a faithful dog.

GREAT PYRENEES breed dog Dallas, Texas on a road which was found by people.

Dog photo spread on social media, the volunteers on the scene quickly to save the animal with its own extensions.

Their pet dog named Brian who claims not to have a family.

The rest of the family died Shepherd mix dog belongs to them knocked and called Marley.

Brian and Marley few days in the house is said to have disappeared.

Brian rescue volunteers, have been waiting in Marley Jolie fennel dog was so loyal and did not want to budge from the spot said.

"He sat there like a pillar and saw his friend who had died. I did not want to move because they absolutely had to take it in the car," he said.

Video: New Zealand Forest Canada lungs breathing piece

Halifax - a local man, Brian Nuttal inadvertently breathing recently managed to record a video showing the level of a strange phenomenon, Nova Scotia, Canada report published in the province.

Once in the recording of other countries around the world have sparked public interest is regrettable manual Petitat account via YouTube on October 31, and then uploaded.

Canadian media claims through her Facebook account Nuttal Post report, this event Apple River in the province of Nova Scotia known as the forest area has been recorded in the last month.

Located in the Bay of Fundy, Apple River, a remote place in the capital in 1783 and the region's biggest city, 239 kilometers from Halifax is the first reliable.

Lasted 1 minute and 32 seconds on the basis of video footage, Nuttall earth suddenly turns and breathing human lungs like a flower hair looks like a flat surface, there was actually very quiet.

"When I walked in there, it is very strange, I felt the ground shaking and Patricia initially strong wind before it ever hit the area, there was some kind," he said then.

Many netizens have occurred by accident site was not the case because the lake water, underground rivers overflowing as a result of a strong movement that occurs naturally consider unique phenomenon.

However, Nuttall rejected very dry in that area, and an experienced hunting wild animals in the forest directly experience such incidents have never had.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Those products must appreciate the Kantoi Ciplak photos

Nak in running a business is to be honest and ethical, then it is the business of blessing and joy.

You are open, but if such Kantoi, who is shy?

He of all people without their permission before stealing more images.

People joke that after using this product to add weight to prosecute successfully.

If it was the angry, image is not wrong to ask, 'get.

Cuba's 550 goats picture it!

Recently 550 goats on a farm in Canada that the story is missing a perternak, Liezel Kennedy from frost, has become a matter of public spat.

Why? It can not just disappear like number of flocks as much as possible, because?

However, Shamrock by women, Saskatchewan saw the cause of the incident was chuckling to himself.

All of the rears goats apparently that women are misled and deceived ourselves that 'Ninja' He was hiding techniques.

Through me the picture below, trying to find the lost sheep do not believe.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

A group Abu Sayyaf hostage release

Suspected Abu Sayyaf group, was arrested last night that two hostages had been released.

Star, Sandakan, Nyuk Thiện entertainment manager of a restaurant in a report, 50 had been released after nearly six months of his hometown and detained the terrorists had returned.

Representatives of the two countries, Malaysia and the Philippines after its prisoners, from Sarawak Bernard, 39, are negotiating for the release is considered.

Then Thiện and Ocean Seafood Restaurant, Sandakan, 15, was abducted in May.

Philippines information sources, Thiện around 11 am yesterday in Jolo, Abu Sayyaf commander, Indang milk issued by a commander was detained al Habsy.

Thiện alleged to Sandakan after an eight-hour speedboat ride back to their families.

Now that the family would soon be released, and the negotiation process is still running for the hope.

Materials Hotline Parodi Drake in the dance style of the Bling

Singer Drake fan, you certainly heard the title song of his latest music video has seen Bling hotline.

The singer is a video that highlights the unique and bizarre dance act performed in a short time a lot.

Dance style 'lazy' and attractive it indirectly promoted to the song, became a parody.

Parody of different styles available, self-Je la! Ha ha.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Children's PM Please vape Not Banned

KUALA LUMPUR - The Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak expressed the hope that the vape is not totally banned in the country.

Nazifuddin or Nazif Najib said he had personally seen the positive impact of significant events vape if done well and civilized.

"I support vaping if it is done with proper manners and procedures. Many of my acquaintances who vape, some even have quit smoking.

"I hope that this industry continues to grow in Malaysia. I do not agree with the ban vaping. We just need to vape with a responsible and ethical manner, "he said.

He was speaking through his Facebook status on uploaded within the last 24 hours.

According to Nazif, which is an issue and a problem is when vaping be done without control activities that lead to addiction.

He added, vaping is a good alternative to smoking.

"I think it still remains as an alternative to smoking and we should recognize the innovation and creativity that have arisen from this industry. Most impressively, most of the best products such as flavor vape juice comes from the local young entrepreneurs, "he said.

To show support for the activities of a healthy vape, Nazif earlier visit a store vape in Cyberjaya and spend time with young people involved in these activities.

The Health Ministry issued a statement a few days ago will act against the sale of nicotine-based flavor vape.

This is because, under the Poisons Act 1952 and the Food Act 1983, sales of nicotine on the open market without a license is against the law no matter vape nor banned by the government.

Nicotine is the chemical control but only excluded in the manufacture of tobacco products, while sales activity can only be made by a licensed pharmacist and a registered medical practitioner.

Traders who errant actually liable to a fine not exceeding RM3,000 or imprisonment up to one year or both, according to the existing laws.

Women Send Tahi Horse Husband Cheating On As A Gift

Revenge of the loveliest. Maybe it was felt by Amanda Chatel, 35, when her husband, who is also a musician from France has cheated with a girl aged 20 years.

Amanda, who is a freelance writer from New York before it was struck by a poem sent by the girl who described him as `Amanda pest soul 'of her husband.

Angered by the act, Amanda then Google will search the `gifts' suitable to give to her husband and her lover, who is now living in France.

He discovered this site express S ***, which is a website that helps to ruin someone's day by sending stool in front of their door.

Amanda then book a package small boxes containing horse droppings to be sent to the front door of the house of her husband.

He did not know the reaction of her husband and her lover as soon as they receive the packages involved.

"Even if it is an act immature, but are they worth it for? Of course! '' He said.

Start the MOH Vape shops nationwide

No warning is issued up to 48 hours, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine or flavor vape found selling some stores began to launch raids against.

Houze enforcement officers from the cloud of Taipan, Subang Jaya, Malaysia and video operations are located in premises raided was suddenly one of the viral through social media on Thursday.

1 minute 18 seconds to record the official dealer of the cooperation is also seen in the store flavor vape Moh liquid material are busy checking out the shows.

vape nicotine flavors confirm the current healthy eating campaign in the capital on Tuesday to Deepavali festival began when the Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam after this warning.

The action was taken under the Poisons Act 1952 and the Food Act 1983 for the sale of nicotine on the open market without a license is against the law no matter vape nor banned by the government.

Nicotine is the chemical control but only excluded in the manufacture of tobacco products, while sales activity can only be made by a licensed pharmacist and a registered medical practitioner.

Traders who errant actually liable to a fine not exceeding RM3,000 or imprisonment up to one year or both, according to the existing laws.

Faraj wife safe in the refrigerator for 21 clit

Johannesburg - The South African vaginal Peter Frederiksen to save a total of 21 pieces found or vagina before his wife was prosecuted in court Thursday was captured the clitoris.

63-year-old 'Save' Danes nearby Bloemfontein said in a refrigerator in a house after receiving a report from the police, was arrested in September.

As discussed, Frederiksen baseless allegations directly wife, Ana Matseliso Molise, 28 years flaw levied against him, said, hanging out with a local magician 'is like.

"My wife often for a particular purpose equipment (vagina clitoris) use, and I do not," the dealer was also a gun shop before trial told Danish media.

Meanwhile, her husband dragged himself and the victim is in a state of paralysis in the vagina a small village had to cut ruthlessly claimed.

Man allegedly sliced ​​a piece of her vagina before being forced to swallow a drug, but Frederiksen declined and all 21 pieces are cut off the clitoris insisted her.

He sold it to the body shop in Lesotho, a small country not circumcised men often get rid of her claim immediately ask the accused claimed that South Africa, neighbor.

Local media accused the police of genital cutting or female genital home found a lot of photos showing evidence of that, but not one in South Africa, was arrested in Lesotho claims.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Female applicants with my fiance dental Made Rings

Two people are involved with it to understand the story of a romance can be beautiful and unique.

Just look at this pair of California, their love story that does not require proof of a gold jewel.

Carlee Leifkes and Lucas Carlee Unger is appealing to everyone in the ring and got busy on Halloween.

On this historic day, Lucas Carlee application made under the teeth of a ring.

A unique pair met at a music festival in the hometown Lucas in Canada.

"When we talk about it, we feel diamond ring is too boring.

"He does not need diamonds to prove his love. He has showed it to move from Canada to be with me, "said Carlee....

They also follow the traditional methods and the pair never said why should begin.

Halloween party when he recently celebrated diamond ring gear is provided in front of the family and relatives.

Perhaps the couple's unique love story right out there, be happy for them to form relationships can be an example? - BESTASIANNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

Critics of Naam Tamilar statement about Deepavali fans

Organization of Naam Tamilar Malaysia officers Tamil Naragasuran (Nagasuuran) recently, the fact that there is a devil fan secretary, Deepavali Barathidasan of the criticism.

"Actually Barathidasan Deepavali in Tamil history and its 'uneducated' description," a press statement, president of the nongovernmental organizations, Kalaimugilan said.

The festival celebrates the Tamil community in Gujarat and India (Aryans) is not observed by the north.

The word 'Deepavali' s Sanskrit (Aryan languages) is obtained, but it is a celebration of the many stories behind it.

"Tamil Lights Parade. Deepavali celebration of the feast 'Tirukartigai' festival in the Tamil a 'misunderstanding' Just Tamil Nadu after the arrival of the Aryans. Celebration begins," Kalaumugilan said.

He is up to each establishment Deepavali was not denied, however, stressed, but Barathidasan Naragasuran (Nagasuuran) is a demon mentioned that they are not satisfied.

"Satan is called Naragasuran this? Naragasuran professor of history made by analysts, according to an analysis of the Tamil Tamil Paandiyan was an officer in the army.

"Another fact to be taken into account, the Tamils ​​of Tamil Bible, Tirukural as he taught, is good or evil, or not, with a gala celebrating the death of a person is not a tradition or culture .

"So how accurate description given by Barathidasan can be said?" He asked.

At the same time, Kalaimugilan illegal and fans, you want to make a statement in the future to get the facts right is advised because the Tirukural is prohibited in order not to drink wine or liquor in Tamil Community consultation.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Soraya Hanez children reluctant Gender Reveal

Already eagerly expected later this year, which is awaiting the arrival of their first child Hanez certainly beautiful actress Suraiya.

Fans, too, the actor will want to know the sex of their beloved son.

However, Hanez their public announcement about the sex of the baby is not ready to be revealed to the media.

Artistic activity slowed for the moment, Hanez unforgettable experience of her life pregnant recalled.

"My situation is under control now, thank God, but sometimes it is a little uneven, the child was in the womb, with great power began to kick my stomach. Sometimes I take a breath shortness. But the same Leisure time fun antics. to be honest, pregnant'm very happy to go through this stage, "he told the Daily News.

Hanez Putra Mosque, Putrajaya on March 14, a widow with two children Romie Razin Adilha married.

Labour Hanez hope, God willing, to walk safely in the future.

Dec 2 increase passenger fares

Kuala Lumpur - KTM commuter rail fares would rise from December.

KTM chairman Datuk Ahmad Nawawi increase in passenger fares on routes starting December 2, with new fares, will be announced on Monday confirmed it.

The current fare per passenger kilometer to 11 cents, 15 cents per kilometer cost is expected to apply.

Nawawi Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) will announce the details, but the increase KTM Intercity train.

In the past, the chairman, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, LRT and monorail has shown signs that it will be extended.

He suggested that infrastructure would rise before the end of October.

Syed Hamid SPAD fare increase was approved by the Cabinet said.

SPAD and Infrastructure (LRT and monorail KLANG Valley work) could not be reached for comment.

In July, 2002. KTM passenger Infrastructure was last revised in 2003, the LRT has remained unchanged.

Remand prisoners, female students over 7 days associated

Georgetown - closely examining women in Teluk Kumbar was found dead in their family home, which helped form five students detained for security guards, remand was extended for seven days starting tomorrow.

A police spokesman said Sunday after the discovery of the body of 20-year-old man who was arrested a few hours before and during the ending was remanded for seven days.

"Police investigating the case to the full seven-day remand till November 8 command dial achieved," he told reporters here today.

During this period the police investigation of the case was completed and the papers presented in the Legislative Assembly for further action to be sure.

Georgetown boyfriend this morning was taken to court and the court registrar Rehah Ismail seven days to allow for further remand suspects who police suspect.

A police spokesman case was being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code is.

Intan Suraya body Mawardi, 17, a student at a secondary school in Teluk Kumbar and came home at 7.30pm by his father was found lying under a blanket on the bed.

Teluk Kumbar from their family home Form Five student who was found dead woman before killing her boyfriend was raped.

Penang CID chief Datuk Zakaria Ahmad suspect students had other boyfriends told police he committed the act of jealousy.