
Thursday 9 October 2014

Sad expression on liver Kamal Adli Diamond Ladyana

BiPop newspaper column last weekend, we were shocked by the expression of feelings actor Kamal Adli who left the beautiful actress Diamond Ladyana. Imagine when 6 years in love and left unattended as experienced by Kamal Adli. Hurmmm, sad right!

My soul is empty. I was so disappointed and dried tears! 6 years in love, together in peace, but in the end I simply removed? To this day I still do not understand why I left? What is my sin? Missed calls, messages are not reciprocated.

I'm pretty miserable since abandoned. I do not know how to say my heart hurt. Why Diamond for me as this? Honestly, I do not fight and Diamond and not a big fight, our relationship as usual. But I'm weird Intan suddenly decided to end this relationship, when what was my fault? I can not get kicked so easily.

If I ever Trailer relationships with other girls and do things such indecent fashioned! I know this without any mistake, I left. I want to face, Diamond does not want to see. Why? I have long harbored feelings, I did not issue any statement as still hope our relationship can still be saved, but it seems I'm only dreaming.

Actually I want to apply Diamond ready. My heart is open to married this year. I remember before the drama filmed in Taiping, Perak, we break fast together, but Diamond iftar with our family. Before leaving we promised to We promise not to break, but next week another birthday. I could feel a little Diamond is starting to change.

Only a week I inggalkan, her so hard. I do not know what happened. While in Taiping, I actually can not wait to return to Kuala Lumpur, I want to apply Diamond's intention, but apparently did not have time. I am very sad. I do not know why too drastic a change of heart Diamond? I would never blame her, I might have made a mistake, but a very big mistake to me until 6 year relationship is thrown to the side? Is there no love in this relationship?

I never met Boys Color Diamond Awards recently. When I Intan years there, I was very excited, it's known for over a month is not met. I wear beautiful clothes, like the first time you leave your dating. But I was disappointed, Diamond treats me like a new first met. Bold my face, I sat close to him, but no response.

When he was back on stage, I followed him. I miss very him. I knelt down to him, but I do like Diamond strangers. Shame, only God knows, but harm the force. I did not understand why Diamond treat me like an enemy? If you do not want me at all, not to make enemies.

6 years of dating, Diamond not only for heart stick, but he also nailed me. How can I remove these nails? Every day I pray that we stay together.

Whatever happens, hopefully Kamal continued patience and undergo normal life. Believe me if there is a marriage, not go anywhere.

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