
Saturday 18 October 2014

TMJ explained the source of the corner kick last night

TMJ explained the source of the corner kick after a match between JDT and Terengganu in Larkin last night.
Interview follow melaluai fb  Johor Southern Tigers
After the game, we diperkenan to interview graciously launched the stamps of Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, son, Tunku Mahkota Johor.
JST: Ask forgiveness, Tunku. We have mene reconstruction of various feedback from the fans about the incident at the corner flag just now. Is Tunku want to share anything about the matter?
Graciously launched the stamps TMJ: Before the game starts, my sister asked how I would celebrate if we win tonight. I answered, I do not know, maybe I'll do like Ibrahimovic and kicking the corner flag. That's what I do, and I seem to get more attention than her! (Laughs)
JST: Forgiveness Tunku, Tunku also looks hand and looked up. Is the Tunku mean by doing so?
Graciously launched the stamps TMJ: I looked on as a sign of Almighty God, and in the end, God is with the righteous.
JST: Tunku happy with this win?
Graciously launched the stamps TMJ: Absolutely, especially after all the negative things that happen in a week and a half ago. But hilarious when it was thought, some people who thought the low point of my busy kicking the corner flag than we win. (Laughs)
Secrets to be wise is to know what things should be ignored. Success is measured not by the position of a person in life, but look to overcome these obstacles to achieve it.
There is nothing that can stop a person with the right mental attitude from achieving its goals, and nothing that can help people to be negative.
One resolution I have set is to always rise from trivial things. We rise above all the negative things, and while some try to bring down our spirit, but we are more blessed to worry about with other people. When we are still standing even though the enemy tried to overthrow, to show our true strength.
Hatred of the few non-civilized mentality is not our dream morale.
To achieve the dream, what is the best thing to do is to take care of our own business. No need to complain, and do not have to explain anything.
Been a while, a reporter asked me - How Tunku successful Super League trophy to Johor Baru for just two years in office the president? My answer, while others are busy bertanggapan negative against each other, I was more busy working hard to achieve goals, and not to meddle in people.
Maybe our name is very sweet, which is why it has always been the talk of.
As I always say ... after the storm trekking, enjoy the sun.
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After the game, we were blessed to be given the opportunity to have a quick word with Brigadier General HRH Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim's son, Crown Prince of Johor.
JST - Ask Forgiveness Tunku,
We have received plenty of Feedback from the fans on your Antics at the corner flag. Anything That you would like to share Tunku?

TMJ - Before the game, my brother asked me on how am I going to celebrate if we win the game tonight. I said that I do not know, but I might do what Ibrahimovic did by Kicking the corner flag. Well, I did just That and looks like I'm getting more attention than he did! (Laughs)
JST - Forgiveness Tunku, you always kept on pointing upwards. What did you mean by that, Tunku?
TMJ - I pointed up to say That God is great, and at the end of the day, God will always be with the righteous.
JST - Are you delighted with the win?
TMJ - Of course I am, after all the negativity in this past one and a half weeks, but it is funny how some low mentality Individuals are more concerned about me Kicking the corner flag than our victory. (Laughs)
The art of being wise is Knowing what to Ignore. Success is to be measured not so much by the position of one have reached in life, but by overcoming the Obstacles In which he has to overcome.
Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude to reach his goals and nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
One resolution I have made and tried is always to keep rising above the little things.
We rise above negativity, some tries to bring down our spirits but we are too blessed to Worry about other people's opinion. The fact That you are still standing after your enemy haf tried to knock you down shows how strong you are.

Hatred by few uncivilized mentality, but we are standing up to pursue our dreams.
In order to Achieve your dream, the best thing is to always mind your own business. Never complain and never explain.
The art of being wise is Knowing what to Overlook.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position of one have reached in life, but by overcoming the Obstacles In which he has to overcome.

Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude to reach his goals and nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
One resolution I have made and try always is to keep rising above the little things.
We rise above negativity, some try to bring down our spirits but we are too blessed to Worry about other peoples opinion. The fact That you are still standing after your enemy trying to knock you down shows how strong you are.

Hatred by few uncivilized mentality, but we are standing up to pursue our dreams.
In order to Achieve your dream, the best thing is to always mind your own business. Never complain and never explain.
One time there was a Journalist who asked me this question - How do you do it in winning the league within two years in charge as the President? My answer was, while others are busy being negative Towards each other and judging each other, I'm more focused on working hard to Achieve our goals, instead of worrying too much about others.
In fact our name must taste really good since it's always in someones's mouth.
As I always say, Rise Above The Storm And Enjoy The Sunshine.

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