
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Wak Doyok responsibility issues in judging word fanatic fans AF

Kuala Lumpur  : The famous fashion Wak Doyok criticized because giving gifts to the four boys, except the Word in the last quarter of Akademi Fantasia concert that took place on Sunday.

Action Pak Doyok that delivers a gift from the brand 'The Garment Movement' was invited discontent various parties mostly described the act as barbaric.

Wak Doyok However, when contacted Astro manhwa tells what happened was merely a gimmick # AF2014 and will be back on any word in the diary for the AF.

"Actually, we all want to do a gimmick to Word ... If they all noticed in the video that aired during the concert there will call me back.

"So I've prepared something special for the word ... I do not want to not cruel word gifts while others can," he told Astro manhwa.

Add Wak Doyok real name is Tengku Muhammad Azwan Shah, he chose a student from Sabah was to be given a special gift for the life of the Word reminded about her once.

"I see this word a special interest and talent in singing as well as he has always worked hard.

"I come from a family that was not happy, so I understand what passed by word and that's why I moved to help the Word," Short explained.

In the meantime, Wak Doyok admitted there was nothing angry or discouraged by the attitude of some of the party making the allegation without know the real thing.

"Before this, I actually got a little problem will be an issue, and certainly angered people ... But I'm ready and the AF also wants the state.

"I do not mind ... To create the kind where things happened and I did not even feel angry at those who condemn or remove abusive in my social sites.

"Maybe they do not know what's real or not noticing the point video that aired during the concert.

"I just want the message, we should not be too quick to judge people if they do not know the real issue because it symbolizes" atitude "low." He explained.

Wak Doyok also requested that fans says do not worry because he has prepared a special gift to the Word and will be published at a later diary AF.

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