
Friday 14 November 2014

Awie and Erra now back together, so their romantic

Getting and Eric Clapton is no stranger to fans of the music industry, what would have been the couple is indeed its very compatible with the view that the status of each of the single.

Now they are rumored to get back together, but do not mistake them his real back  together through the theater Throne 3 queen.

Getting said, theater is directed by famous director Erma Fatima was to be staged at Istana Budaya from 13 to 22 December.

"For the first time this theater combines three companies namely PT Citra Karya home. Bhd., Getting Entertainment and Eric Clapton Entertainment.

"The story featured the Queen's Theater 3 Thrones background to the days of the Malacca Sultanate and I bring the character of Hang Tuah in the theater," he said in a press conference.

According Getting a mix of these three companies is to publish relevant theater is something positive and confident that it will be able to attract people to watch it.

Meanwhile, Joe is also involved in the play said it is taking a big risk as it will be staged at the end of the year.

He said, after a discussion of the three of them agreed to do the theater stage for a dazzling confidence of its latest work.

"No doubt a bit risky when performed late for public spending will be directed to make arrangements for the children to start school.

"However, we believe that with the way the story is presented and featured the actor who starred in the theater has pretty big names in the field of play," he explained, which would bring the character Tun Teja.
Awie and Erra In addition, among other actors, including Azri Iskandar, Izreen Azminda, Beto Kusyairy, Soo wince, Datuk Rahim Razali, Remy Ishak, Elly Suriaty, and Tasha Shilla.

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