
Monday 3 November 2014

Mr Jabit Transmitter angry supporters of Saiful create Kecoh

PUTRAJAYA: The presence of supporters of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, who allegedly deliberately provoke apparently angered the Transmitter actor who plays Mr. Jabib.

Mr Jabib real name is Man Kadir told the Daily Herald Online said Saiful supporters should not come to area and accidentally sparked controversy because the area is devoted to supporting Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"He came to our area, he created a provocation. He came uncivilized.

"We (Anwar) did not want the publicity, he (Saiful supporters) came to antagonisms between us.

"He was always there (referring to the designated area adjacent to supporters of Saiful), but today he came to our area for the saliva, this does not all right, "he told The Daily Online, here, today.

The atmosphere this morning in the yard of the Palace of Justice complex initially turbulent heat exchange when supporters of Anwar's former personal assistant began to provoke.

Today is the fifth day of arguments and counter-appeals II by involving Anwar Ibrahim and Saiful.

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