
Monday 24 November 2014

The mystery will be missed MH370 stranded in the North?

Sydney: Director of Operations Program Search MH370 Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), Peter Foley claimed that the aircraft debris Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is expected to be stranded in the coastal area after dibadai waves and chances are stranded near the coast of Sumatra.

Mirror.Uk website quoted Foley as saying he believed the plane fragments of type Boeing 777 will move to Indonesia declined waves and if the matter is, all the mystery about the disappearance of the aircraft will be missed.

"Something (from air MH370) will certainly stranded in coastal areas and most likely in coastal areas in Sumatra. We were told a lot of people have discovered strange object in coastal areas and deliver it to the local police.

"We then handed the object to Boeing to be identified, but until now no positive news received on the aircraft. Objects that are in the ocean takes longer to beached after dibadai waves, "said Foley.

Foley said, the two ships still carry out work on the flight MH370 looking at two areas that have been identified, using sonar scanning equipment.

Obviously, 40 person crew working on board the ship 24 hours on a rotational basis to ensure that the search can be carried out smoothly.

"There are times when the weather at sea so bad, but we believe we will get answers about the mysterious disappearance (MH370) this. It is important for all parties to know what actually happened to the aircraft, "said Foley.

Loss of air entering the MH370 nearly nine months after being reported missing on March 8, when a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew.

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