
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Treated like a corpse alive by his parents

Basey, Samar (Philippines) - In September 1981, Guillermo Jacobe died after three days in the hospital being treated for intestinal complications.

Three days later - after all the rituals performed - Guillermo bodies buried properly.

A few nights later brother Guillermo, Tagana Remedios, 55, dreams of youth involved asking exhumed as soon as possible because he is still alive.

The dream told to their father, Francisco Jacobe, 92, who refused to believe it.

Remedion next night dreaming the same thing again and he pushed the family dug the grave in respect of November 1981.

Sources said they were shocked to find the body of Guillermo has not changed much.

The coffin was carried back to allow the bodies to be cleaned and when Guillermo is the mother, Illuminada, 77, found the body of the young man involved, such as sweating.

Illuminada said, since they keep the body Guillermo at home and he changed his clothes every Sunday.

"At some point, I talked to him, especially when my body was aching.

"It seems that the pain was gone after a few hours later,"  he said.

More interestingly, Guillermo also reported 'help' heal others.

Since it is frequently visited their house people who want to try the efficacy of the 'power' Guillermo.

One of them said, patients need only to whisper to the dead Guillermo about the problems faced.

"It will be gone soon,"  he said.

After 33 years, the body of Guillermo reportedly still intact with teeth, face, hands and skin still intact blood vessels.

Families also vowed to keep until the end of their life Guillermo.

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