
Tuesday 23 December 2014

I would not do berb0gel and intimate relationships - Jue

Kuala Lumpur: Although it has signed a contract with Ball Boby management talent agency to manage his artistic career in Los Angeles, but the actress Juliana Evans put stringent conditions to the agency that he would not be naked, kissing and do any intimate scene in any offer that comes to art .

Jue said, he is aware of public disclosure in the US and conditions that would limit his career there.

However, Jue not willing to sacrifice the principles for the sake of art.

"Conditions me to the agency there is not going to strip naked, kissing and do any intimate scene in any job offers. Thank God, they may receive me with good conditions and I understand the principle.

"As a person I know Islam Malaysia and the limits that should keep. If those conditions will reduce job offer, I accepted, what is important I tried to find employment opportunities in advance, "he said.

In addition to the stringent requirements placed Jue English descent (father) and Malay (mother), his biggest problem in Los Angeles is the English accent is still bound by the English language of the Malays.

"Although I come from Asia, but my face is more similar to American girls. I said the agency, acting bids will be more to her character instead of Western Asia, but my problem is my English pronunciation is still rich with Malay English accent while they want me to speak like an American.

"Therefore, I have to practice speech that sounds like the people there. Although I can speak English well and learn three years there but their accent difficult to follow, "he said

The 25-year-old actress recently Upon successful completion of pengajiann and engenggam a degree of

Bachelor of Media and Film Studies from the University of Western Michigan, United States. Then he followed was a short-term program at the New York Film Academy, before returning to Malaysia in mid-November.

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