
Thursday 4 December 2014

Raja Azmi admit've encountered New Love after divorce

Kuala Lumpur:   Once divorced a second time with Eddie Mohd Ghazali, producer Raja Azmi Raja Sulaiman, 55, admits his life is now calmer after his new found love of the love of God.

Raja Azmi who fondly called Kak Mi said he's now happier when much of his time spent closer to God.

"Thank God, Kak Mi now continue life as usual. This makes the experience both divorced Kak Mi more

pleased and now quieter than the first time before the divorce.

"If it had a sense of solitude and so on but this time Kak Mi prefer to accept reality.

"Even now Kak Mi have found a new love or real love of Kak Mi love to God.

"Kak Mi want to reflect on ourselves and close to Him because there Kak ami d find real peace. Especially at the end of this age," he told reporters after launching the TV Guide in Hotel De Palma Ampang yesterday.

Kak Mi and Eddie have been legally divorced on November 11, after a turbulent marriage and can not be saved over the past few months earlier.

Speaking about her relationship with her ex-husband, Kak Mi tell them a very good relationship and comfortable for friends.

"We are still in touch and Kak Mi more pleased when we see relationships as a friend.

"In fact, we're now trying to take advantage of this Storys period to reflect upon themselves and Kak Mi himself did not dare to say anything about our future and just surrender to God," luahnya again.

Eddie popular in the group CRK with the song Love And Tears (1990) was married to Raja Azmi on October 13, 2013 with one pronouncement.

Raja Azmi previously been married to the national badminton champion, Mohd Jalani Sidek and blessed with three children, Puteri Suraya, 30, Princess Suaidi, 26, and Megat Deli, 21.

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