
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Alvah tree in the emotional aftermath sorry too dear Datuk Ramli

You must remember about the story yesterday that said the husband Alvah, Datuk Ramli MS is now  married to another so that the singer feels his life is now ruined and felt stupid for this tricked her husband was not true.

With the latest update on Instagram, Alvah upload explanation by saying he was too emotional to send pictures of women who interrupt their household to Instagram but never remove the statement married another husband.

"I never remove the fact my husband marries tu. Forgive me for today. I could not resist emotional and I did not manipulate big.But mistake my story until everything is so not true, "he wrote.

So we can all come back calm as Alvah and Ramli MS are still together and this all happened because of the singer's emotional sendiri.

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