
Saturday 10 January 2015

Money Is not Everything ...

Colleagues Assalammua'laikum wabarakatuh Quran ...

All thanks to the grace of God because MU Ya still breathing on this blessed land ... And thanks for still more likely to spend the next Ramadan and Shawwal welcome in a harmonious and peaceful ...

This time I want to express an opinion regarding those who are conscious of money to set aside the things that they think is small but the truth is very valuable in their lives ...

A friend of mine, a woman who was very concerned about money, but admits that he is indeed a materialistic ... He prioritizes money so in search of life partner, he just wanted a guy who had a better career than her ... her life motto is "Money is not everything but everything needs money" ...

I do not blame her because in our modern life now, everything that we do need the money, even to urinate even though we need at least twenty per cent if you're in a public place ... However, the problem is when we are put money until we are willing to sacrifice the happiness of ourselves just because we are not equal partner with us ...

That's what happened to my friend ... He was able to set aside the love and receive love living alone than men whose status is lower than her ... She is a beautiful and there are some men who want to make her special friend, but because of the position of the not equivalent, quite difficult for him to accept the presence of men in her life ...

For me, what means a lot of money or abundance if we do not get happiness ... ??? Maybe the world is now, whatever we do need the money but the fact that money can not buy you love ... Money can not buy happiness. ..Wang not afford to buy honesty ... Money can not buy loyalty ... And many more things that are not actually able to be bought with money ...

Even my best friends is always possible partner states no to the question why still solo even have a beautiful face and a great career ... maybe the right answer but also to look for a mate, rather than just waiting and waiting for it to ... Why am I said so ... ??? Because there are some men who are serious about establishing a relationship with her but was rejected for the same reason ... Everything for status and money ...

Each wedding, Allah has promised each sustenance ... And that's the promise of God ... living not only in the form of money but maybe happiness, harmony, children, and so on ... So no need to worry in case our partner status lower than our economy because we never know what will happen in the future ... What is important is that we always strive to provide the best in our lives ...

I want to take some words from a friend who he put in his book advance status recently ... Status sounded like this:

"Believe me ... money is not everything ... if you become a slave of money that you yearn, often only to lose you ... regardless of the key moments and beautiful human with whom you love ..."

That is the real truth in this life ... When we are too obsessed pursuit of money and other things aside, we will certainly end up missing the moments that we should cherish with the loved ones ...

But honestly, I have great respect for people who have this kind of thinking ... Dewi (not her real name), owner of status I borrowed this from a man who is very loving and beloved man always appreciate ... The husband has always been a priority for her and now with her husband into something too precious that can not be bought with money or the value of the dollar or maybe rupiah in selurub this world ... There is actually a special story that I want to show on this very special friends, but not in views this time ... God willing next time will show if I get permission from the owners of the body ...

For me, every moment that passes is very valuable ... Do not waste any moment of time ... Of course we need money in life but never become a slave to money we do not appreciate people who love us and we love ... seconds elapsed probably will not go back ... Treasure every moment with your loved ones because we never know when they or we would be picked up by the Angel of Death to "go home" ...

Colleagues Wassalammua'laikum wabarakatuh Quran ...

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