
Friday 23 January 2015

View photos Aurel Dare Dada Ke Yang di Upload Instagram

Aurel Hermansyah is no longer a child, he could no longer referred to as a teenager. If you do not believe, try to check the photo below.

In a recent photograph to share Aurel in Instagramnya account, Anang eldest daughter and Velasquez started dared to open. With confidence, Aurel posing in front of the camera and showing off a small portion of his chest.

In the photo caption, Aurel wrote that it is captured by a photographer named Moza Revelation. And it is undeniable that with this pose, Aurel looks much older than his actual age.

Although appear beautiful, but not everyone likes the style Aurel this one. But there is also the love and equate Aurel style much like her mother, Kiyani.

Clearly, in this photo Aurel other visible than usual. Although often performed with a fairly mature style, only this time he dared to open most of her clothes in front of the camera.

While in some other photos are also on display in Instagram, Aurel juvenile should appear. There is also a showcase her picture with her boyfriend, Tommy Rumengan.

If you think, how Aurel appearance in this photo?

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