
Saturday 28 February 2015

Based on the study, 4 of the 5 British women do not shower in the morning

LONDON - If you have a friend or an English woman living in England, a recent study of a local independent agency, Flint + Flint sure to make you uneasy to be close to them after this.

The study, involving more than 2,000 respondents aged from 18 to 50 years revealed, British women generally did not care and hygiene aspects of body fragrances themselves.

The firm has even found, four of the five British women admitted to not shower every day, while 33 percent said they had not bathed in three days, and 67 percent did not clean up the face before going to bed.

Their reasons for feeling too tired after a busy day of activities and worse, one of eight women do not brush their teeth before bed than 21 percent of respondents quick morning shower every day.

Strangely though not shower, 57 percent of women admitted to the UK to choose how to rid yourself by simply wiping the body using wet wipes even know how it is certainly not very clean in terms of health.

Irony, 92 percent of female respondents claimed to be aware of the importance and benefits of having clean skin terawatt, even 76 percent of respondents understand that lack of sleep and dehydration have an adverse influence on the skin.

Portrait study found that 89 percent of women promised to be more hygienic in time will come and firm Flint Flint + disclose, busy job leads many women do not shower before going to work.

"We found that many respondents were not aware skip shower in the morning, can make themselves so antisocial and extremely unhealthy. They are very busy so had no shower as a way of life, "said the owner of + Flint Flint, Flint Maxine.

The research firm also involved in skin health care in Britain claimed that, if the trend is not sustainable bathroom, British women face will look older than actual age due to dry body of water in the body. - Agencies

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