
Wednesday 11 February 2015

'The decline in electricity tariffs should be 10 per cent and for the whole year'

FOMCA urged the government to disclose the actual current prices for the production of electricity by 1kWh based on actual costs and how it gained 5.8 percent. - File photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Consumer Associations (FOMCA) in an official statement today welcomed the decision of the tariff reduction elektrikoleh Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA).

However, the view that a reduction of 2.25 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) in Peninsular and 1:20 cents / kWh in Labuan and Sabah, which is proportional only 5.8 percent from March 1 to June 30, 2015 was not significant.

"We are in FOMCA actually see a decrease in the rate of 10 per cent on average electricity tariff by international oil prices and we urge that a 10 percent decrease can be enforced throughout the year.

"The next three months is too short for us to see the effect and to be adapted by businesses. To see real savings for citizens, implementation of new rates for three months is not enough, "said the press release.

FOMCA urged the government to disclose the actual current prices for the production of electricity by 1kWh based on actual costs and how it gained 5.8 percent.

FOMCA also wanted information about the amount of savings that can be achieved by a user based on the reduction of tariffs as well as the extent to which prices of goods will also decrease.

A petition has been launched urging the Malaysian government to further reduce electricity tariffs up to 10 percent in addition to enforcing the new rates throughout 2015.

Target agreement million people needed to achieve sustainability in order to effectively reduce the price of goods.

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