
Monday 16 March 2015

10 Great Stocks to Invest in for Your Retirement

When you're saving up for your eventual retirement, know that some stocks make better investments than others. In a retirement account, you want stocks that will not only produce decades of growth and income but also preserve your hard-earned savings when times get rough.

There are certain things to look for when evaluating a stock's potential as a retirement investment. Does the company have a strong track record of growth, as well as a history of doing well during recessions? Is the company in a business that will be around for decades to come? And does the company have a particular competitive advantage that should preserve its status as a great investment?

Here are 10 stocks that are great choices for retirement accounts and why they work so well.

On April 1, our CEO will buy one of these three stocks…
Will Thorndike’s book The Outsiders details eight CEOs whose unconventional business approach allowed their companies to outperform the S&P 500 by a staggering 20X. Mean that just $10,000 invested into each of these eight companies would have been worth more than $1.5 MILLION just 25 years later.

That’s why on April 1st, Motley Fool co-founder and CEO Tom Gardner will commit to back one of three “Outsider-esque” stocks in his personal Everlasting Portfolio (a portfolio that consists of the only public stocks he currently owns… and the only stocks he will ever own in the future) that he manages within The Motley Fool’s premier, all-access service – Motley Fool ONE.

To discover more about Fool ONE, and get the full story on each of these three elite stocks, simply click here now!

Matthew Frankel owns shares of American Express, Berkshire Hathaway, Google (C shares), and Realty Income.. The Motley Fool recommends American Express, Berkshire Hathaway, Coca-Cola, Costco Wholesale, Goldman Sachs, Google (A shares), Google (C shares), Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Wells Fargo. The Motley Fool owns shares of Berkshire Hathaway, Costco Wholesale, Google (A shares), Google (C shares), Johnson & Johnson, and Wells Fargo and has the following options: long January 2016 $37 calls on Coca-Cola, short January 2016 $37 puts on Coca-Cola, short April 2015 $57 calls on Wells Fargo, and short April 2015 $52 puts on Wells Fargo. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The Next Industry To Crumble...

Imagine owning (up over an insane 4,000% since 2001) when Internet sales rendered big-box retailers obsolete...

Or Apple (up over a mindboggling 6,000% since 2004) when smartphones made landlines irrelevant.

Now an industry 99% of us use daily is set to implode... And 3 established companies are perfectly positioned to take advantage of this game-changing economic shift. That's why I urge you to click below to find out which industry is going the way of the dinosaur... and how YOU can take advantage.

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