
Friday 6 March 2015


Post Mortem Post-Flood confirming a new agency should be established by the Government to address issues such as the proposed disaster management Communications Minister Shabery Chik is a bad proposal and backward, not creative and want to remove the lip!

Through observation and my reading as a folk-midnight (never conducted a study in the National Disaster Management coordinated by the National Security Council) in 2000 when the title of Students, the National Disaster Management is based COMMITTEE VARIOUS AGENCIES and it was recorded in a book of instruction each agency's role The BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF DISASTER (Abandonment Tun Mahathir After the incident Highland Tower 1992)

For the record UNITED STATE (US) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY has drawn the idea of ​​setting up of the Multi Agency implemented Tun Mahathir (Directive MKN 20) is to establish the "NATIONAL INCIDENT COMMAND" in 2003 after the 9/11 EVENT !! Master of Disaster Management Agency United States is unable to perform the task alone manage disaster! Malaysia has practiced this since after 1992 !!

POST MORTEM should look at all aspects concerned, where the Agency is not fully functional at the stage where it was caught and troubled and departments which are clumsy to carry out cooperation DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE starts District, State and Centre!

POST MORTEM have to see how MANY Preparatory Meeting made by the District Disaster Management Committee chaired by ALL EMPLOYEES OF Entire Country, Keep Seeing how much EVERY STATE SECRETARY chairing a meeting of the State Level Committee for Disaster Management Disaster preparedness. What is more important is how the percentage MEETING RESULTS RUN?

TENS OF UNDERSTANDING should be seen also that the Agency Committees in respect of their role in MKN 20 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT is!

Then need to be seen how much the agency JOINT TRAINING - aid agencies at district and state implement joint training.

Undeniable lack of understanding of disaster victims become KEY FACTORS disaster management inefficiencies when many victims are reluctant to move when the water began to rise in the early stages. So Disaster Awareness should be nurtured rather than simply know more AGGRESSIVE establish a new agency! !

Also needs to be seen how many of the Chairman of the District Disaster Management Committee and the State which is in their area when the disaster occurred. I am sure, if the National Security Council conducted our audits in respect of more than 50% Chairman of the State Committee and the Regional Disaster vacation wet season occurs at each end of the year! These things have to be changed, set CONDITIONS disastrous season no approved vacation. Where might want a 100% efficiency if JK CHAIRMAN OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT Each stage in the area ?? No! For information Chairman of the State Disaster Management Committee is the State Secretary of State! Very unfair.

POST MORTEM against COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE be pressed and given serious attention by the MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS. Among the most serious PROBLEM IS THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FAILURE AND AGENCY (TOTAL collapse) to think pak ministers. Not give recommendations for Bad, bucked the trend!

Have a friend - a friend told me that Flood Areas of Excellence Governance, the area is BUSINESS STRUCTURE THE SAME !!

People want Post Mortem Total including acquisitions of new assets, adding officials in MKN As the Secretariat of State Level Disaster JK, rather than setting up a new agency (TOTAL revamp)!

 I believe that if the Government approved the establishment of a new agency, it may be worse because of the lack of management experience than through Disaster Management Committees Multi Agency is the mechanism that best practice for managing disaster preparedness and CAPACITY but they should IMPROVED!

The proposal to create a New Department is BAD GOVERNMENT RULES, no issues, BODY AGENCY NEW!

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