
Thursday 2 April 2015

Difficult thing you want to enter, you leave happy

Things that will come in hard ..

But'm going out happy?

hmmm ..

Yep he will?

Haaaaaa ...

Do not kid dock brain thought yellow, blue, red, green, and assorted colors sangatlahhh ..

Entries not de hit ya hit anything with Neelofaaa ..

Lama pound takk ...

Aiikk? Disbelief pulak?

Laaaa..betul laa ..

Objects whose son entered ape nak out hard but happy?

Jawapannya ...

Money tube hard because we're very kid save money, but if dah tuh save money, there je nak buy, it was it was ..

kaannn? ^ .. ^

haaaaa..kan da ably not de hit hit with Neelofa ..

Ade hit hit even if lah nak korang save money tock Neelofa tuh get married Ngan.


~~ Do not be angry, later taxable sale.

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