
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Too early for us to make love - Kamal Adli

KUALA LUMPUR: Since the end of last year they have already started spreading the love story supposedly exists between Kamal Adli location and Emma Maembong when they both starred in the drama Love Without Heaven.

String Kamal who have dropped out of love with diamonds Ladyana also been associated in the third person that the cause of the rift Emma and Zizan.

However when it was Kamal described the rumors he became the third person as the most adorable girly gossip closing in 2014.

Only this time many are starting to consider the relationship between Emma and Kamal more than ordinary friends. Pictures of Emma made a surprise birthday Kamal to-29 years recently in the pages seemed evident that strengthen Instagram assumptions they make love.

"We're just friends. Still at the level of friends. With insights and perceptions of people, I do not like being accused of trying to" say "their relationship and the situation" warm ", respectively.

"I never existed Zizan time Emma and love. It's too early for us to seriously phase," said Kamal, who is currently filming Wife For Sale teamed with Nora Danish.

About a surprise birthday regulated Emma and her friends to Kamal, the actor saw it was nothing more than the memory of a friend.

"Only I can know his fans also badly hit and angry she (Emma) when uploading pictures birthday surprise me in Instagram page. I'm sorry about the circumstances that befall him.

"I got to tell him they do not have to upload pictures involving me. In fact she just wanted to say happy birthday to me. Fortunately, I was a fan instead.

"In this situation I'm puzzled why he hated and scolded the fans. The room should be given to any artist even if they partner with anyone, not prolonged, ..andai about Emma and his old love still arise," said Kamal.

Already contacted Kamal, he also asked about the stories that arise when it comes to location filming through a program aired on Sunday inserts b * pop ago.

Kamal admits quite disappointed when out stories about the real situation is the opposite.

"I had to correct the situation. The day before recording program I actually had to cancel it because of the involvement bound by filming Wife For Sale in Putrajaya.

"But on the basis of friends, I also came to the recording in Shah Alam. I was given the release of the lunch break time. I'm slow as rush hour to get there from filming.

"Even when it gets to set the program, the recording has not yet begun. I was only given half an hour discharge and must be returned at 3pm location shooting. But the recording ends at 4 pm," he said.

By Kamal again, he did not know the recording program would involve the provision of time for other artists to give the impression of time shifting.

"I apologize for coming late and did not want to upset anyone intending from the outset because I've been informed there is a commitment film," he said.

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