
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Yana Samsudin less demand for husband

SINCE recent sightings began to be seen more Yana Samsudin active hosts several entertainment program.

Thus arises the question of whether the actress was born in Yong Peng, Johor Bharu is already beginning to shift the field after getting married in February?

However, for the owners name n Samsudin this, he admitted never forget the field of play although provision is increasingly widespread in the field of hosting.

Sementelah acting is another area of ​​interest and his soul long ago.

"Judging by my livelihood is now in favor of hosting and hosting. But it does not mean I'll stop acting or not to accept an offer of acting again.

"On the contrary, after marriage there are some commitments received prior offer of acting came and made me pay attention to him first," he said.

Asked whether her husband, Fadzil Zahari, 32, is more comfortable than an actor he became a lawyer, Yana told, if by request Fadzil, her husband prefer if she worked with her husband only.

"Before this, I've been under the management of the company husbands, that Prokuya Studios. But I had to refuse her request to work together because I know a man who does not sit still and 'workaholic'.

"If you work with him, perhaps only certain work I do," he explained.

However Wawa Semput movie star said this, he was actually lucky because her husband was always very supportive and has never stopped her interest.

"From start to married until today, I am bound to work. He did not complain otherwise understand my work commitments.

"Maybe because it comes in the same field to make him happy to accept my style of work," he said.

In the meantime, the 30-year-old actor said, although her husband is in the process of making a drama, but not the way to becoming one of the actor's latest work through her husband.

"Right now I'm not involved with drama or telemovie underneath.

"I'm comfortable working with others from their husbands. Not because of my wife, I can act in any work they produce," he said.

Add Yana, she worried if their involvement in the field of employment unfavorable impact on households.

"Whatever it is, to accept any job offer, I will refer to him and asked him first," he said.

Not stingy to share regarding the household, Yana told, because of busy work also makes him no time to spend time with her husband and a long vacation.

"Planning the wedding before this was done in a short time, so much work that I received before this should be continued after marriage.

"Imagine for the moment, my focus was spent to work alone.

"If it is intermittent leave, but did not want to leave was long. So, honeymoon planning also can not be done," he did not reject if given sustenance of the eye near future.

Nervous playing 'live'

Elaborating on the career lawyer, host a cooking program dimpling was told, he is happy with the reception and the publisher fans who gave him the opportunity to try the new field.

"Thank God for sustenance after marriage was poured. After controlling Drama Feztival Kuala Lumpur (DFKL), this time I was given the opportunity to host the reality show star With The Stars (BBB).

"Before this, I hosted for Joran champion, but when it do not realize," he explained.

Storytelling hosting experience and hoses, admit that, although nervous when she first started playing live but trust parties involved to make him believe.

"With the support of all, I try to give our best," he was lucky to get the guidance of renowned lawyer AG after twice teamed up with Hot FM presenter it.

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