
Wednesday 6 May 2015

5 weird questions, 5 answers

Phonetic and tone technique makes accent singer reads 'American'.

Ever asked yourself these questions? May not be the answer? Well, we gave you the answer to the fifth question is strange but logical.

1. Human blood is red, so why do we look like veins blue?

A: Because of the difference in range or wave length, and differences in material properties on our hands when we see it. The resulting blue color is absorbed, thus reflecting the color of blood veins appear blue. The same answer can be given to the question of why the sky is blue.

2. Why are we unable to hear accentpenyanyi when singing?

A: Yes, when hear Adele sings, we can not come if he British or American. It deals with the phonetics and tones. When singing, a singer needs to 'push' some syllables and lengthening the vowel pronunciation. As a result, all references in the song sounded "American".

3. What is the difference between "and" and "and" the credit of the film?

A: The symbol "&" means two people working together, while "and" means work of a modified and used by someone else.

4. Why we can not determine whether the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable?

A: Technically speaking, the tomato is a fruit that has seeds inside that can be removed and planted. But the New York Supreme Court decision in 1893 decided it was because I wanted a kind of vegetable farmers growing tomatoes apart from paying taxes.

5: Why do we shrink rays after bathing or soaking in water?

A: Nothing to do with the absorption of water. Rather, it occurred to strengthen the grip of the fingers and toes while in the water. The most simple example, such as car tires that have good quality, it will be gripped when passing through water or wet areas. Great body, is not it?

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