
Friday 1 May 2015

KDN action to seize the book in no wise Book Fair

Among the books seized were Gerakbudaya circulation Logging Money, Live Like a Flowing River; Marx the revolutionary educator; Earliest Hinduism Religious faith ?; Gautama A Prophet ?; Shiite Islam; and The Holy Quran.

KUALA LUMPUR: The act of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) seized several books on site Gerakbudaya outlets in Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair today is definitely not wise, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of City of Books, Syed Munawar Sayed Mohd Mustard.

He said it would only spark more of a hook on the market than to build controversial and gives a negative perception of the government.

"In a world without borders, naturally when a Book was published illegally, the book was promoted," he told Astro AWANI.

According to Sayed Munawar, seizure of books such as Money Logging will also lead to the perception that illegal logging on a large scale indeed occur.

"Books like 'Hinduism Earliest faith?' and 'Gautama A Prophet?' may be understood why it was confiscated, but the book 'Money logging why it was hijacked? " he asked.

Although he said the ministry has the right to investigate the books and do not have to clarify about the seizure was made, but he said the public should also be aware of their jurisdiction.

"If only caused negative perception, stylist," added Sayed Munawir.

Meanwhile, the founder Gerakbudaya, Chong Ton Sin when contacted, said the books were confiscated books is not new as some who had been issued and sold.

He said the book such as 'Life Flowing Like a River' has been on the market for over 10 years.

According to Chong, who fondly called Pak Chong, he was informed the ministry that the books were seized on suspicion of breaking the law under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

"The ministry said he would check, I believe he will return," he said.

Asked about the number of books confiscated, Pak Chong said total bit much though he had asked the ministry so that only one copy of each book.

"Many .. there are 17 copies, some 19 copies. Books like 'Life Flowing Like a River' is not a new book .. The book was long, it had been 10 years," he explained.

KDN on Thursday has made a seizure of several books on Gerakbudaya owned outlets in KL Book Fair.

Among the books seized in the operation conducted in the afternoon, including Logging Money, Live Like a Flowing River; Marx the revolutionary educator; Earliest Hinduism Religious faith ?; Gautama A Prophet ?; Shiite Islam; and The Holy Quran.

It is believed that the seizure of the books was first made in the book fair held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). Efforts to contact the ministry failed.

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