
Friday 15 May 2015

Not only to professional engineers Engr

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SHAH ALAM - The use of the title Engr. is used only for graduates and corporate members who are not professional engineers.

Honorary Secretary of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Ir Yam Teong Sian said it aims to provide a clear distinction between the title of Ir for professional engineers with Engr for IEM experts who are not professional engineers.

He said if the title Engr must be used together with FIEM, MIEM or IEM Grad, where appropriate, at the end of your name.

"In the early 1970s the title of IEM introduce Ir for use by all members of the IEM graduates and corporate members. But in 1987, the Engineers Act was amended to provide that the title of Ir and can only be used by a registered professional engineer.

"Starting from 2006, the title used by members Engr introduced for graduates and corporate members IEM. This title aims not only to recognize and pay tribute to the engineers but also to encourage the participation of young people in engineering, "he said in a statement today.

Teong Sian in the meantime added that the use of Engr would not describe that person is a professional engineer.

"By using Engr title, the IEM Graduate Engineer will feel more confident and proud of having obtained their degrees and certification assessment based on accreditation IEM Washington Accord.

"The use of the title Engr also will not cause any confusion to the authorities because any plan submitted for approval by the authorities must have the stamp of Ir Professional Engineer (P Eng) as required by the Board of Engineers Malaysia," he said.

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