
Monday 25 May 2015

Studies have found that exercise is good pedaling backwards

Back pedaling leg muscles are stimulated to change the way that can be useful for cyclists, said research team.

Spinning exercise class progress (ACE) published by the American Council on a recent study, is moving backwards all is a situation that can not be.

It may sound a bit, um, on the contrary, the research team sprint back pedaling to work in training and weight lifters as marathoners benefit only leg muscles are stimulated to change the way the minute changes in benefit for cyclists benefit the grip of iron.

Its design resembles the feeling of outdoor cycling because it makes driving in the study will be selected research team CMXRT cascade recumbent bikes ($ 2.195).

There were eight men and eight women in 16 healthy volunteers, in cooperation with a team of research conducted two experiments.

First of all, back under the influence of heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2) and forward pedaling pedaling calories compared that determine how to evaluate.

He volunteered for the bike started by introducing the practice session. Then, in the first use, submaximal exercise six volunteers completed a five minute intervals - usually a maximum intensity heart rate means that more than 85 percent.

They broke in half and the other half involved pedaling forward and back pedaling involved two minutes will be allowed between the direction of the break. HR and VO2 research team monitored constantly.

The second experiment followed the same format as before, still pedaling direction of the same or different and volunteers engaged muscle electromyography (EMG) was associated with the machines to determine whether it was designed.

Ahead of the match, by placing cans

Bike back an average of eight beats per minute, producing significantly higher human resources and volunteers pedaled when in reverse sense VO2 and increased consumption of calories.

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