
Wednesday 1 July 2015

He is wrong, but prefer to pay bribes to Malaysia!

Malaysia International Transperency in this country thinks about practically bribing read:

TI-M President: Malaysia is no penalty for fighting corruption
December 10, 2012

Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia despite the corruption is wrong to pay their way out of trouble. Transparency International-Malaysia (TM) president Datuk Paul Low Malaysians were aware of corruption but no penalty was to fight it.

"I, when faced with a situation, perhaps because to a certain extent will pay their way out of trouble (of corruption) are informed as believe, corruption became a way of life has been, "he said after a walk to start from the Taman Tasik premiere tomorrow against corruption.

TI-M carried out by referring to a 2010 Global Corruption Barometer survey, at least 10 Malaysians have found that a bribe was paid. However, the actual number 10 for two or three more may be considered.

He conducted a survey of traders due to non-payment of money lost two sales contracts or the one detected.

"Nothing, it may be endemic and institutionalized corruption is to address if we are afraid," he said.

He asked for a bribe when Malaysians to change their attitude towards concrete and must say. He played the role of all stakeholders with a watchdog of society, and the fight against corruption was to maintain the integrity.

"We do not pay, we do not bribe. If you ask for a bribe or extort us, so we MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) is to inform," he said.

He said Malaysia's key performance indicators (KPI) as part of the transparency index was the only country in the world to use the saying, the government's seriousness in tackling corruption tribute. The government, Whistleblowing Protection Act MACC website accused of corruption and whistleblowing hotline was set up in his name.

"We're prepared to deal with corruption are on the shows," he said.

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