
Sunday 11 October 2015

'Two' Girl In This Picture Is The Same Person? Wow

Viral on social media when it's image 'two' girls only sweet black and one white.

Would you believe these two girls were the same person?

This girl who uses the Instagramfarajuliana a model for the brand Scarf and scarves Easy Peasy just 16 years old.

What makes netizens strange is how he can change from a girl who has a little dark skin to white and sleek?

Answering the question, instagram account Scarf Easy Peasy provide some answers.

"About this thing going viral. I want to explain something ...

"I heard lots of -ve comment. So I want to make it clear to all of you.

"Actually, We do it for fun!" Says Scarf Easy Peasy

According to the website will also Instagram, Farah began to change when he changed schools and stop playing sports.

"farajuliana First slave sport he always played netball, athletics and so on is why they can be so dark mcm tu. After her stop all sports and school exchange he was back to normal. I'm telling Haa! Collagen also does not know what he had.

"To confirm the picture after that is make up and lighting touch up for the purpose of business. If you want the realfarajuliana upright upright ig he can go. He also normal 16 year old girl.

In addition, mereja also advised that women are out there to be an educated and beautiful women so much more confident.

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