
Saturday 26 December 2015

Fashion Week to pagoh pleaded Najib, Muhyiddin kind

Mustafa (picture) saw collaboration between senior party leaders to set an example of leadership at the grassroots level.

Consolidate UMNO president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has become a key issue in the debate on the President's policy speech today.

However, verse poem Melaka UMNO Representatives, Mustafa Musa stole the delegates.

"From the exhibition to the Gulf Cempedak,
Stop at pagoh Tan Sri awaits,
Bertalak not divorce you,
Like hair knotted off "

"Make peace, make peace with the spirit of UMNO and the Malays. Be at peace. I beg mercy (will) can be realized," said Mustafa as he was applauded by delegates at the Dewan Merdeka, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here today.

Obviously, through the poem, the delegates wanted the relationship between the President and Deputy President needed to be strengthened in the continuing survival of the party.

In fact, in the debate as well, Mustafa see collaboration between senior party leaders to set an example of leadership at the grassroots level.

Therefore, he hoped that after this, between Najib and Muhyiddin no longer exists any conflict and provocations that will tarnish the image of UMNO as a party that fights Malay.

In addition to Mustafa, several other delegates debating the President's Policy Address has also debated the issue of the relationship between Najib and Muhyiddin.

Momo Latif actress died

Among the films starring Momo (picture) is quite popular is the film 'Single Swordsman movie', in which plays the wife of the late Martial Mustard.

KUALA LUMPUR: The classic French film artist, Momo Latif died this afternoon at the age of 92 years at his residence in Woodlands Ring Road, Singapore, reported the News Media Corp.

The late real name MARFUAH Makarim breathed his last at around 5.50 pm after being in a coma as a result of high blood day and night.

Citing the report, Momo is a French singer and film actress age 30s to 70s who often appeared in films directed by the late P. Ramlee, Mat Sentol and Jamil Sulong.

Between film acting quite popular is the film 'Single Swordsman movie', where Momo plays the wife of Martial Mustard.

In addition, the late well-known for singing songs like lovebirds, since Split, cooker hoods and Do not Play Mata.

Momo also received a medal of honor Johan Bintang Sarawak Governor of Sarawak in 2007.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Bolt !! Secret Aruni Ashikin Ramli Who Really?

I used to write about women ni ..
she actively seek customers on Facebook.
Lelaki2 dealing with him was not shy
leave a message on our facebook lady ni
with the intention to get sexual services of a woman known only as Zara.
if he goes out facebook la check ..
entah2 husband, neighbor body, boyfriend
also is one of the "fans" he ...

If he like what it says,
it is something very embarrassing
which holds the image of a teacher.
What more glorious month ni Yet they do the damned.
Updated: Ustaz Dato reportedly did he do a police report
For defamation made by Zara ni ..
prostitution was he willing to do so again fitnah..kan?

Zara wants to know who is ??
Apparently he used to do business
Soap sell their own output.
But perhaps less well received him
I'm selling more beauty soap tu ..

Actually, his real name is Asyikin daughter Aruni Ramli.
and he said to one of his civil servants.
pulak now uncertain whether he
still holds the position as shown below.

Entry is I'm not going to embarrass him ..
he himself dared to expose themselves to him
spread it on social sites gambar2 ni
with the intention to find a mop; body ..
I hope we masing2 berhati2 ..

Not a nurse or two that I would advise him ..
but it was not accepted ..
her advice for those reasons rough la, I respect him la ..
while there are also advised him gently.
But if you've got any intention to change de
say whatever is not acceptable ..

sama2 how we pray that she be given instructions
and please no action on the page illegal him tu ..
I do not know why immediate action de ..

4 Foods Clean Lungs In 72 Hours, Smoker Mandatory Read!

Even smokers know the dangers of smoking to health but not all of them were able to stop, especially if it has become an active smoker for many years. times in this article we will discuss four types of foods that are proven to clean the lungs instantly. All smokers must read this article.

One of the most harmful effects of smoking are opiate effects thereof. The cause is nicotine which is an addictive substance that causes feelings of opium inside the smoker. Nicotine affects the chemical balance in the brain particularly dopamine and norepinephrine hormones which control the sense of satisfaction, relaxed and happy.

If someone is smoking cigarettes, nicotine in it stimulates the brain to produce less dopamine, as a result of the smoker will feel relaxed and comfortable. The subconscious then continuously requested that more dopamine is produced, how to continue to increase the intake of cigarettes.
Unfortunately the habit of smoking has an impact on other organs. A cigarette is known to contain hundreds of harmful chemicals like ammonia, carbon monoxide, nicotine, chromium, cadmium, lead, and others. Incorporating these chemicals into the body together with the body's own poison.
A study ever conducted on the lungs of smokers. As a result, people who spend a pack of cigarettes every day at risk of developing lung cancer is 20 times greater than those who do not smoke, where the majority of lung cancer cases emerged when the smoker has reached the age of 40 years.
In addition to cancer, smokers are also at risk for lung infection characterized by symptoms of chronic cough and often mixed with blood. In general, smokers ignore these symptoms until finally the structure of the lungs so damaged that it can not function normally and will eventually lead to complications in the heart.
There is no way to avoid the above diseases but to stop smoking completely and begin to live a healthy lifestyle. But for those of you who are still very difficult to stop smoking, below are some foods that you can consume to clear your lungs from toxic and harmful chemicals.
4 Foods To Clear Lungs
The good news is scientists have recently announced some type of diet consisting of fruits and vegetables contain substances that can cleanse the lungs of chemical substances from cigarettes instantly. Here is the list:

1. Ginger
Ginger has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and also helps bronchial tubes to eliminate harmful substances from the lung. Benefits are generally directly felt by the smoker after taking ginger was breathing so relieved and plong. The best way to eat them is to chew a piece of fresh ginger to open the airways are blocked.

2. Grapefruit
Grapefruit has a very large properties for health, especially for the fight against lung cancer. This fruit is very rich in antioxidants that can help the body prevent cancer cells grow uncontrollably.
According to a researcher named Dr. Corrine Hanson, grapefruit or grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C that causes this fruit has the ability to inhibit the action of enzymes that can activate cell lung cancer. Expand eating grapefruit if you are an active smoker.

3. Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that stimulates enzymes and together with vitamin E helps in strengthening the lung membrane. The results mentioned levels of selenium in the body is inversely proportional to the number of cancer cells. That is if selenium much the cancer cells will decrease or even disappear, and vice versa.
Mineral Selenium is found in watermelon, mushrooms, oysters, spinach and sweet potatoes. If you are a smoker, you must consume these foods untukmeningkatkan immune system and cleanse your lungs of toxins.

4. Garlic
A study ever conducted in Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China. The results of diligent research now suggests eating garlic at least twice a week can reduce the risk of lung cancer will decrease to 44%.

Garlic is known to contain antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in the body and contains the compound allicin which serves to eliminate the inflammation in the body.
Thus four foods that can cleanse the lungs of toxins from smoking. In addition to these four foods, you can also consume soursop as a cancer treatment. Hopefully useful, do not forget to click like and distribute this article to your friends who are active smokers.

3Sixty ° AirAsia travel magazine celebrated its 100th issue

Located in Marini's on 57, AirAsia has held a ceremony to celebrate the 100th issue of the magazine Travel 3Sixty AirAsia. If you guys are always up Flight AirAsia must think you'll be noticed by the magazine ni .. it will be the Flight.

3Sixty Travel Magazine have won all sorts of awards since its inception in 2007.majalah is also the only inflight magazine that is audited and certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulation of Malaysia (ABCM).

The main mission of this magazine is to bring the best in relaxation, culture and way of life and readers can experience and menpelajari about something.

A special competition on the theme 'travel 3Sixty °' was published in conjunction with the 100th issue of this. The competition is an opportunity for readers to pick up the editorial team to visit their homes and will also be featured as the main scheme, allowing local stories can be shared as a regional story through the magazine.

The inspiration for this special competition came from a school teacher from rural areas in Tebedu, Sarawak have been send an email to the editorial team and shared the story of how he used the travel magazine 3Sixty ° to teach students about other cultures in the region, apart from improve their English proficiency.

The initiative reached the ears of his editorial team when teachers write and ask for a copy of a magazine to be donated to his school. Since then, a copy of the travel magazine 3Sixty ° was sent to the school to be used as part of pelajaranmereka.

travel 3Sixty ° has won many awards and accolades since its inception in August 2007. Most recently in June 2014, the magazine won the Achievement Award Platinum Award in Kuala Lumpur Mayor's Tourism Award 2014 in the category of Print Media International, which has short-listed 22 publications from all over the world competing in the same category.

Travel 3Sixty available in Malaysia airline AirAsia, AirAsia X, Thai AirAsia, Thai AirAsia X, Indonesia AirAsia, Indonesia AirAsia X, AirAsia Philippines and India AirAsia. Another Achievement Travel 3Sixty for the establishment of this magazine are:

  • Sabah Tourism Award 2009 - Best Tourism Article On Sabah Published in Malaysia (Magazine)
  • 25th ASEANTA Awards for Excellence, Manado 2012 - Best Asean Travel Article.
  • 26th ASEANTA Awards for Exellence, Vientiane 2013 - Best Asean Travel Article.
  • Marketing & Advertising Singapore's Magazine of The Year 2013 - Third Place Magazine Of The Year in (Inflight Magazine Category)
  • 27th ASEANTA Awards for Excellence, Kuching 2014 - Best Tourism Photo.
  • 28th ASEANTA Awards for Excellence for Best Asean Travel Article, Nay Pyi Taw 2015.

Through sharing site Instagram, celebrities and well-known lawyer Aznil Haji Nawawi proudly and boldly reveal a luxury car belonging to his idol, Dato 'Seri Vida.

Want to see Prince Dato 'Seri Vida which fetch RM100K? CLICK HERE

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Pematangsiantar (Indonesia) A young man committed suicide here after too disappointed not to have the money to carry out the engagement with his girlfriend.

Sawaludin Siregar, 26, was found dead yesterday morning in a bathroom at his home in District SIANTAR Martoba here.

Sawaludin was found sitting with his left wrist slashed in a bathroom by her own mother.

The victim's mother before it was surprised after finding that there was blood running down the bathroom door locked when you want to take ablutions.

The woman then proceeded to break the bathroom door and was surprised to find that her son was dead.

Police said the victim died of blood loss after slashing his wrists with a penknife.

Dhaka - A child who works as a maid alleged abuse by her employer, who is a star cricket

Reminder Akhter told CNN report found the public on the streets of the city Dhaka, crying and had bruises on his face and body.

Reminder claimed he had earlier worked with Shahadat Hossain and his wife, Britto Shahadat.

"They hit me with sticks and kitchen utensils. They also punching, slapping and clawing at me, "said Reminder pointing scarring effects of abuse.

Hossain and his wife are now in remand and charged with child abuse and recruiting minors.

To get the latest news alerts, viral and useful information from blogs to Facebook, please LIKE our page →

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Artwork: Vector portrait Bearyblossom's winning Mega Giveaway

Artwork first long 2014.Agak not hone skills memvektor and there may be a slight shortage in the work time due to factors ni.Mungkin poor picture jelas.Tapi Fiza remained for the best for each kerja.Bukan make ready je origin less clear picture eh.Kalau rather disturbing concentration when menvector.Berpinau eyeball kid line look clear.

Which were mostly for kat Fiza picture is less clear, so less sikitlah hasillnya.Dalam kurang² still be jugak vector tambahnya.Alhamdulillah times ni.Vector for BearyBlossom winner's Mega Giveaway year can lepas.Lambat details so slow jugaklah prize winner siap.Softcopy'm ready, live print and post in the frame.

Ni times men vector rather complicated for all style and tones.Sangat test the patience sungguh.Tapi lost due to two winsome slave Lama stress tu dah ha.Bila be relieved very haihh..Bagus father ni win giveaway and create a vector for anak.Kira as memories Blogger was Mohd Azman boleh.Tahniah to win the giveaway and receive a gift that is not how ni.Maaf if ade shortage.

Book Design and Printing Greeting Cards / Invitations

To book design and printing of greeting cards / invitations, make a size Fiza je. If interested to book for wedding cards / invitations size ni ye may email. If you want to book a cheap and save a lot of little.

If you do not want to print, I shall now only design. JAP problem. If we want to save more, book design and print their own. Shall. Follow each of the said budget.

Thursday 10 December 2015

What is my sin, groaned Muhyiddin

SHAH ALAM - Umno deputy president, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today expressed his sadness and disappointment over the decision of the Umno Supreme Council meeting which decided the deputy president will no longer open the conference Umno wings.

He said that the action had resulted in him no longer have the opportunity to deliver a message to a loved Umno members.

"Over the past six years as deputy president, delivered a speech to the delegates of Women, Youth and Puteri members who come from all corners of the country are always happy to do that with full responsibility.

"It is my most important speech in front of the party activists who draw hope and my ambition that Umno continues to brave through the difficult times.

Well, I do not have another opportunity to convey my message in a ceremony that is meaningful for me as vice president, "he said in a statement quoted by Facebook today.

He said that he was told there were certain parties who wanted to prevent him from speaking.

"What sin have I done to Umno so that every year the traditional speech given to each deputy president denied to me this year?

"Or if there are those who simply afraid of what I will reveal in front of young children who are believed to deliver confidence in a leader," he said.

He said he respected the decision, but he would not remain silent if there was something wrong in Umno's struggle.

"While I respect the council's decision, but I also want to remind them that in a country that is free and independent, no one can silence me.

"I will continue to speak to state the truth. My struggle in the party is not to defend any individual, but to defend the religion, race and country tercinta.Insya-GOD, I will continue to persevere on the path of holy struggle," he said ,

Yesterday, Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the meeting of the Supreme Council decided Wanita, Youth and Puteri Umno General Assembly will be inaugurated next December the head of each wing instead Muhyiddin.

RM64 million suit school students

CHICAGO - UNITED STATES. A Muslim male students who were previously detained as a result of the invention is considered to be a bomb now plans to sue the school and the city of $ 15 million (RM63.6 million).

According to AFP reports, the lawyer for Ahmed Mohamed, 14, said the teen is experiencing 'psychological trauma' caused by Islamophobia wants to sue the city and the MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas.

Ahmed who is the son of immigrants Sudan was previously arrested in September after leading the results of the invention, an hour to show his teacher.

Teachers Ahmed then thought that a bomb hour before phoning the police.

Lawyer Ahmed, Hollingsworth Kelly accused the school authorities, the police and the staff of Irving denying Ahmed.

"Ahmed was not given any opportunity because of his race, place of origin and religion," said Kelly.

Says Kelly, Ahmed and his family the opportunity to live safely now destroyed.

"Not only the future of their annihilated, even those falsely accused," said Kelly.

Ahmed family received numerous threatening letters and emails after their home address was broadcast by the mass media.

They now live in Qatar and Ahmed was offered a scholarship courtesy of the government.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Image of Jennifer Lawrence 'missing' from the poster in Israel

Imej pelakon Hollywood, Jennifer Lawrence The Hunger Games poster telah dikeluarkan Thread: The Israel Mockingjay (part two).

Untuk filem posters from ITU telah ditapis Supaya of the Watak UTAMA Katniss (Jennifer) tidak Lagi's muncul dalam mana-mana bahan promosi.

Memetik laporan, tindakan Ini from the diambil Diatas sebab vandalisme, the Kerana images from ITU Dianggap Untuk memaparkan from the Ganas Dalam Wanita from the Seorang keadaan sedemikian.

Dean Yerusalem Bnei Brak court bertanggungjawab memenyunting Pictures Antara monkey posters ITU ekoran tindakan sekumpulan Jewish rape of Katniss from menentang imej Wanita dijadikan tontonan umum.

Menurut Telegraph, imej the Ahli Politik from the Wanita, mangsa the Holocaust Dan Wanita Wanita from the aksesori Seperti bag from Dean Tangan kasut telah kebanyakan monkey was given to Israel Dilarang.

Vice Presiden's Light Star Media, Liron Suissa, the Satu temuramah dalam Akhbar Dengan from Israel Ynet: "Kita menghadapi vandalisme yang tidak berkesudahan dean of the Pernah pelanggan Memilih membenarkan Kami Untuk tidak mengambil peluang from the Segala-galanya.Keputusan ITU court berhak pelanggan ..

Light Star merupakan media company Media Yang di bertanggungjawab mengendalikan promosi filem Ini Israel.

Shukri Yahya, Adnan safe Tya married

PUTRAJAYA: Actor, Shukri Yahya, safely married to Tya Adnan with one pronouncement at 3:37 pm on Friday, November 20, 2015.

Wedding ceremony was held at the Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin here, attended by about 200 guests, including both the immediate family wedding.

The couple was married Assistant Registrar of Marriages and Divorces Putrajaya, Muhd ​​Redza Ahmad.

Shukri real name, Mohd Shukri Yahya, 27, handed over a dowry in cash amounting to RM300 together a ring, while the dowry was not announced.

Groom handed over seven trays unrequited nine trays of the woman.

Between the passes that presented to the bride is a copy of the Koran and the veil, set perfume, handbags, makeup sets, cake and betel trellis.

Shukri also receive a copy of the Quran and prayer beads, a pair of shoes, cakes, laptops, watches, perfume set, chocolate, fruit and vine trellis.

Meanwhile, Tya real name, Siti Nurfatihah Ahmad Adnan, 24, who is also an actress admits thankfully survived becoming the wife of the actor and of course she is ready to take life as a married man who is loved.

The wedding reception will be held in A-Park, Kampung Pulau Meranti Jaya, near here, today, which is expected graced our presence of 1,000 guests.

The couple tied the engagement on January 11, 2013. The two met for the first time on the set of the film directed by Jason Choong Snake.

Monday 7 December 2015

The pilot was injured, the plane crashed on the golf course

State light aircraft which crashed on Palm Villa Golf Senai yesterday.

Johor Bahru - A pilot was injured when a light aircraft made an emergency landing at Palm Villa Golf Senai today.

The light aircraft Piper PA 28 Warior believed to have crashed while performing an emergency landing in the area around 1pm.

Acting Police Chief Datuk Ramli Hassan said they received information on the incident at 1:06 pm before the police team rushed to the scene.

According to him, the incident resulted in a pilot of the aircraft who is a Singapore citizen injured in various parts of the body.

"The initial reports we have received, the victim of a light aircraft pilot concerned was a citizen of Singapore.

"The victim was rushed to the Kulai Hospital for further treatment after being wounded in several parts of the body," he said.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported, a construction worker, Sahawi Zainuddin, 45, said he saw the plane flying low before an emergency landing at the golf club.

"The noise is very loud booming so much that I was surprised. I then saw it out of the trainee pilots the aircraft in a state of bloody," he who is doing renovations house near the scene.

Zainuddin said he stretched tissue paper on the pilot coach and brought the house to take shelter on the edge of the rain.

He said the pilot was seen there made a phone call to inform of the incident before the police team arrived there soon after.

Saki Lake Park into a passion lampias

There are couples who are still fully dressed in school uniform unashamedly sit alone together.

Tampa - What will I be? The discharge of the public as well as through the Saki Lake Park and saw the place was full of leisure attitude of some of the individuals that make it lust.

Even the Daily Herald review at the location yesterday in the last half an hour to find, there are a couple of teenagers sitting alone together even one of them still dressed in her school uniform.

There are also cars that come calling, but no driver or passenger is down even after more than five minutes at the location concerned.

Members of the public who want to be known as Abdullah Hamid said, the scenario commonly seen almost daily included in afternoon.

"Some come and sit too close to the seat provided. The place is open, the couple will need to conduct more so in Islam.

We were ashamed to see them, especially when they see young people who live far way disrespectful act like this, "he said yesterday.

Visitors who want to be known as the Temple of hope, the responsible parties can monitor the location and arrest those immoral if necessary.

"For them this lesson, when erecting billboards are prohibited from doing evil. Of shame, I became angry when they saw there was no shyness with people around.

"If possible, I want to be a memorial of them, but I fear for my safety if they are not happy with me," he said.

'If I'm thin, I might be dead'

HEREFORDSHIRE - BRITAIN. A woman grateful that his physical condition that causes fat he escaped death after being bitten two dogs.

Teresa Stinton, 40, was seriously injured after being bitten two dogs for almost 20 minutes while delivering packages to customers in Staffordshire.

According to Teresa, despite receiving more than 70 bites on the feet to the head, he survived because of his physical being obese causes him to survive.

"It is a fearful thing. Even thought I would die.

"If I was thin, I might have died because of dog bites are almost on the bone," he was quoted

He added that his body fat causes the dog to stop biting deeper that can cause more severe injuries.

Meanwhile, the surgeon who treated Teresa, Demetrius Evriviades said, it is possible that obese women had saved his life.

Teresa was admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham for three weeks.

The incident caused heavy body were also dropped from 139kg to 50kg.

- Source: Daily Herald

Sunday 6 December 2015

Pairin's Parti Bersatu Sabah can take time off

PAIRIN to lead the party in the PBS Supreme Council members trust me is not a problem.

Kota Kinabalu: The Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan to take your character to give a chance to others, it may take leave from the party.

75-year-old political heavyweight to lead the party in his absence PBS 'trust in the other members of the Supreme Council had no problems.

"I took a 12-month leave and those (other PBS Supreme Council members) work (Lead Party) can not do ... is no problem," he said to the delegates here today the 30th annual PBS later told reporters.

Sabah Deputy Chief Minister, who is also decided that when Pairin ,, "We must use our wisdom," he said, deciding that he would step down as party president when the skin That was the same.

Before that, he was much more than PBS age factor to be considered explained that, in the next general elections to choose candidates from the young members need to be wise.

"It is a reality. More and more young people and youth members who are able, automatically stand as candidate should be advised that there are party members.

"We join with the people in the first such talent and experience as the basis of specific criteria is to investigate the potential candidates.

"Age is not a factor. A candidate is usually required by someone who might be," he said.

A device smartphones and vape

Other reactions vape or electronic cigarettes, banned some support in the community about the causes and some are against.

Different types of mode or device is issued and the latest electronic cigarette Jupiter, which is the function of a smartphone is a kind of electronic cigarette device.

Jupiter consumer electronic cigarettes as their smart phone to use a tool that allows.

Jupiter can be described as a great invention. How electronic cigarettes could be combined with a smartphone.

If it is successful, it is possible that at some point there are a great invention. The Android smartphone device has a built-in system at the top vape.

Jupiter has 5.3-inch screen and users simply pressing the touch screen allows you to control how the work vape that request as well as a special download that uses Android 4.4.

This application voltage control and even flavor vape vape being used can be identified. If need be, can be installed as an optional accessory shaped glass pipe length.

Sounds interesting, but the United States still awaiting approval from the authorities there not yet available for sale tklyq.mtfrq the reaction product vape or electronic cigarettes, a ban on some support are created in the community and some are against.

Different types of mode or device is issued and the latest electronic cigarette Jupiter, which is the function of a smartphone is a kind of electronic cigarette device.

Jupiter consumer electronic cigarettes as their smart phone to use a tool that allows.

Jupiter can be described as a great invention. How electronic cigarettes could be combined with a smartphone.

If it is successful, it is possible that at some point there are a great invention. The Android smartphone device has a built-in system at the top vape.

Jupiter has 5.3-inch screen and users simply pressing the touch screen allows you to control how the work vape that request as well as a special download that uses Android 4.4.

This application voltage control and even flavor vape vape being used can be identified. If need be, can be installed as an optional accessory shaped glass pipe length.

Sounds interesting, but the United States still awaiting approval from the authorities there not yet available for sale Product creation.

Inside, Robot

Robots to us before we will love them. Imagine a circle - - which has become a mundane reality by leaps and bounds in technology teledildonics and wander through the strange world of wonders, as is becoming increasingly clear that point.

You are squeamish about human sexuality skittish or if you right-click on the outside or, more palatable vow to visit the site. As it is, I believe, it seems that no matter how squishy technical development, is part of.

Because I write about teledildonics Flirt4Free invited to a site visit was [NSFW] where, women, dressed or undressed, they live in small jewelbox rooms. The Proto ky- Gibsonian sex club where she is smiling a kind and you, the user, decide and usually consists of a slow striptease show in which the request can first briefly peek . And women who served in the fetish, the charming and beautiful, and a single man or woman, it is clear why their haunts often. Human eyes, even the Internet, is an important thing.

The site recently called active tip and sides with some Kiiroo that responds to touch the white pearl of dildos, for women with some outfitted. A user with something called the Onyx over the docks. A wireless Onahole (a sex jar) and a motorized arm that slides up and down. Their aim in the long-distance relationships, the system no longer strangers safely together over vast distances "integrated" allows to.

Site "interactive" features women under the title Les few Kiiroo. You choose one. When you start a session at the other end while the user turns on the Onyx Pearl enable them languorously. Solomon takes a while to connect on OS X, but it is ready to go when it's ready to fly like a drone rhythmically Buzz begins. Before entering the user must lubricate the device. If you use pearl and onyx women moving sensation.

Then begins the real test of your mettle is sex. Sex with Onyx's like mating with a 3D printer. Buzz motors, machine wiggles, and systems with a delay of about one second tries to mimic the action on screen. As you can imagine, at the same time enjoyable and slightly unsettling feeling that is a mish- mash. But by any stretch of the motor as a quiet as a broken pasttime play is not as loud.

Was it enjoyable? Yes and no. Titillation live person on the other end of the device itself certainly had fun but the lack of a better word, imprecise, for it was. Sure, and if you are in this sort of thing well worth a look, an interesting possibility.

But the price - about six dollars for a trip to Kiiroo minutes and $ 369 - is quite steep. But the couple was aimed Kiiroo solution, apparently the first of its kind, the release will be willing to spend the cash that is their goal.

An old hand in the jar as sex testing, together with the website Kiiroo was certainly something different. Kiiroo are far better synchronized with that particular coded videos can be paired. Video is a masturbatory experience while Kiiroo and a computer, a Kiiroo and a man on the screen is slightly different. It makes you a little bit weak, private, and, thanks to motors buzzing, feeling slightly foolish. As technology improves, however, the system can be a real advantage. It is usually not associated with the act of self-pleasure allows interaction, and with the most profound experiences I doubt it will be well worth the price of admission, is human.

Kiiroo changes in the company? Absolutely not. It can help a long-distance relationship? Possibly. This standard webcam model is a clever twist? Absolutely. System, no matter how sterile or robotic, can imitate intimacy through a mediation platform and it's great fun. Costs could potentially be devastating (I remember when I was a teenager and my friends once massive phone bills resulting in a six-month period, the reckless passion of their friends' houses sex lines up with the bell) to fold cautious user will know that there is hope.

Kiiroo I'm worried about? No. We risk losing everything we have one last thing that we give more power to the robot.That is nothing to fear. Perhaps, dangerous, some of us travel a lot and we should now than we would want to stay will want to make. Bard is one of the "How beauteous! This is the brave new world of robot in't."

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Malaysia started in 2016 Hyundai Tucson - 2.0L, RM126,101 from

2016 Hyundai Tucson end Mutiara Damansara ky- Sime Darby's Hyundai Motors' new Regional Training Academy has been launched in Malaysia in the center. First things first, like all new third generation Kia Sportage rival, the Honda CR-V, CX-5 in two trim levels, customers will be offered Malaysia Mazda Nissan X Trailand - elegant entry-level variant and range-topping Executive model .

The difference, though, is just on the surface. 2016 Hyundai Tucson 6,200 RPM in both 155 PS and 192 Nm of torque at 4,000 RPM MPI The four-cylinder gasoline engine with a naturally aspirated 2.0-liter inspired by. Hyundai's very own drive to the front wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission is the source. Combined cycle fuel consumption of 7.9 L / 100 km is rated.

Dimensions-wise, the 2016 Hyundai Tucson is 1,655 mm and 1,850 mm wide. The 2,670 mm wheelbase stretches in the overall length of 4,475 mm is recorded. Additional technical details of MacPherson struts in front and at the rear the suspension setup includes a multilink configuration. Whilst the units are ventilated front brake discs are solid pieces.

This time on the way, it seems. Both models make good use of the latest Hyundai Fluidic Sculpture design language while putting 2.0, a few details to help mark them out from each other. Executive model is chrome coating and elegant entry-level variant, the front grille has a silver finish used to. Both models are equipped with halogen projector headlamps for the executive guide lights and daytime running lights are LEDs.

Executive models, while the base model features rear fog lights as standard equipped with both front and rear fog lamps. Executive variant more chrome door handles, mirror-mounted repeater lights, puddle lights and electrically operated side mirrors fold difference through the involvement of the other places, the models wrapped in 225/60 Continental tires ContiMax Contact MC5 get 17-inch alloy wheels.

At the rear, LED third brake light is located in the tailgate spoiler, which arrive on the scene with the two units is not much difference between the two. Below, the two bevel-cut chrome diffuser element like silver in color are to be found embedded "media exhausts" - setting though, is purely cosmetic. Found a single exhaust pipe is to be kept down.

Inside, the cabin of a honeycomb design and black leather seats with red stitching features the customer options white nappa (RM1,988 option) or red leather (RM1,288 option) can seat. Manual adjustment of the telescope that features a leather-wrapped tilt steering wheel with multifunction are equipped. Three driving modes (Normal, Sport and Eco), which offers drive mode control is standard on the Executive.

Elegant model with manual adjustment is to be different, while the executive an eight-way power adjustable with lumbar support is in the driver's seat. 60:40 split in two variations of reclinable rears seats folding capabilities (boot capacity is 488 liters) a. Elegant model has a 3.5-inch TFT LCD mono unit, while a Super Vision Executive is equipped with 4.2-inch TFT LCD instrument cluster.

The latter features the ability to auto-down elegance - Executive models extra goodies to be found on an electronic parking brake, electrochromic rear view mirror with compass, rear air-con vents and auto up / down driver's side window with functionality involved in . Elsewhere, an executive gets eight inches audio visual navigation infotainment system. A reverse camera is standard on both variants.

As for added driver convenience, executive variant with a start-stop button adds a smart key, automatic cruise control and front and rear parking sensors (Keyless entry is standard on both models). However, both models feature manual air conditioning.

Both variations system and vehicle stability management Safety Kit Assist Control, Downhill Brake Control, Brake Assist Hillstart, ESC includes ABS with. For a total of six executive variant adds side and curtain airbags, while dual airbags, are elegant model. A safe drive recorder is standard on the Executive. Moreover, bodykit (front and rear bumper and side skirts silver color panel) RM1,988 price.

Pure white, sepia topaz, Pepper Grey, Platinum Silver, Ruby wine, Ara Blue and Phantom Black - Tucson is available in seven different shapes. Executive variations is to RM139,715 while the CKD Hyundai Tucson 2.0L elegant sans insurance costs and prices Road, RM126,101 is the price - the prices in January 2016 is expected to increase from RM3,000.

Warranty (whichever comes first), a 300,000 kilometers / five-year-old is standard with every purchase. Furthermore, Hyundai Motors of Sime Darby ky- new 2016 Hyundai Tucson with every purchase with a valid three-year free service package is 50,000 km.

A series of attacks in Paris, at least 100 dead

Paris: at least 153 people at the National Stadium, where football matches take place, including an explosion outside, at the same time on Friday in Paris, were killed in a series of shots.

Police, many of them in the center of Paris Bataclan concert hall was suffering, members of jihadist attacks which occurred in January in the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo 200 meters.

The evening entertainment is known as the center's Web site said there are hostages were being held.

Three international football match was held at the Stade de France stadium near the northern cities were killed.

French President Francois Hollande has been taken out of the stadium before the match.

The viewer through the main entrance.

In another attack not far from Bataclan Cambodia restaurants, small Cambodge, was reported.

Initial investigation has been launched.

Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and advise people to stay at home.

France earlier in January was alert after the attack on Charlie Hebdo.

About 250 750 persons was returned and expressed a desire to go there while the official statistics, Syria and Iraq were with a group of French workers show more than 500 people.

Facebook pairs up sets for safety checks

Paris: Paris friends on Friday that killed at least 120 people in the French capital after bombings and shootings were safe to tell that launched a check-in feature.

Paris "terrorist attacks" safety check is indicated whether they were out of harm's way two leading social networks they know all these people informed.

"Quickly find and connect with friends in the area," read a message on Facebook safety check. "They're fine if you mark them safe."

Check feature, which was still not safe in Paris as being the only people allowed friends.

"We are shocked and saddened by the events unfolding in Paris," a Facebook spokesman told AFP.

"Communication to the people and their friends and families anxious for news is very important in these moments."

Paris attacks over the "unprecedented" series toll climbed through the night.

Police around 100 people attacked a witness a "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) shouted the East alone Bataclan music venue in Paris, died.

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Bangladesh-born child with two heads

Dhaka: Bangladesh doctors Thursday, a baby girl born with two heads was treated, medical officials said the newborn's father.

Baby Buddha was born, and now the country's largest hospital in Dhaka after being transferred to the intensive care unit being treated for breathing difficulties are.

"I saw my baby, I was awestruck. They have fully developed head. They eat by mouth and is breathing with the nose," her father, Jamal Mia, said.

"Still, I think that he and the mother are fine now thank God," Mia told AFP.

Abu Kawsar, where the baby was born by cesarean section, the health standard of the hospital owner, preliminary tests show that they have a set of vital organs.

"To be two heads, a newborn infant is left except its organs and limbs," Kawsar told AFP.

Thousands of people, the "miracle baby" after news spread of 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Dhaka, where she was born, Brahmanbaria, thronged the hospital.

"The whole city poured into the clinic. There were thousands of people, some of them coming from nearby villages," he said.

"The child was transferred to Dhaka from that crowd control will be difficult, otherwise. It is good."

Her father, Mia, a poor farm laborer, they were additional costs required to manage the child care that I was worried about how.

"I feel sorry for her. She was born to a poor man. I properly do not have money for her mother's treatment," he said.

In 2008, a child born with two heads but later died in Bangladesh.