
Thursday 10 December 2015

What is my sin, groaned Muhyiddin

SHAH ALAM - Umno deputy president, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today expressed his sadness and disappointment over the decision of the Umno Supreme Council meeting which decided the deputy president will no longer open the conference Umno wings.

He said that the action had resulted in him no longer have the opportunity to deliver a message to a loved Umno members.

"Over the past six years as deputy president, delivered a speech to the delegates of Women, Youth and Puteri members who come from all corners of the country are always happy to do that with full responsibility.

"It is my most important speech in front of the party activists who draw hope and my ambition that Umno continues to brave through the difficult times.

Well, I do not have another opportunity to convey my message in a ceremony that is meaningful for me as vice president, "he said in a statement quoted by Facebook today.

He said that he was told there were certain parties who wanted to prevent him from speaking.

"What sin have I done to Umno so that every year the traditional speech given to each deputy president denied to me this year?

"Or if there are those who simply afraid of what I will reveal in front of young children who are believed to deliver confidence in a leader," he said.

He said he respected the decision, but he would not remain silent if there was something wrong in Umno's struggle.

"While I respect the council's decision, but I also want to remind them that in a country that is free and independent, no one can silence me.

"I will continue to speak to state the truth. My struggle in the party is not to defend any individual, but to defend the religion, race and country tercinta.Insya-GOD, I will continue to persevere on the path of holy struggle," he said ,

Yesterday, Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the meeting of the Supreme Council decided Wanita, Youth and Puteri Umno General Assembly will be inaugurated next December the head of each wing instead Muhyiddin.

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