
Monday 14 March 2016

Marcus Garvey's Prediction About America's Racial Problems

Somehow, America just can't seems to overcome its racial problems. The shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown by a white police officer last week in Ferguson, Missouri is a tragic example of this. This tragedy triggered another riot in Ferguson and clashes with the police that are reminiscent of the 60s civil rights struggle in the South where police use water hoses and police dogs to control black protesters.

The racial problem in America has a long history that dates back to the time of slavery. In a 1923, the Jamaican born, Pan Africanist, Marcus Mosiah Garvey during his self-defense at his trial for mail fraud in the US court, made a prediction about race to the court. This is what he said when he asked the rhetorical question about race:

What are you going to do with this question of race. You may sit quietly by, but it is going to be serious later on and that is why the Universal Negro Improvement Association is endeavoring to assist you in solving the Negro problem by helping the Negro to become enterprising, independent politically, and by having a country of his own. If you follow me down the ages you will see within 100 years you are going to have a terrible race problem in America, when you will have increased and the country will become over-populated. It will be a fight for existence between two opposite races. The weak will have to go down in defeat before the strong. In the riots of Washington, East St. Louis, Chicago, Tulsa, study the race question and you will find that some serious thinking must be done now to solve this problem; otherwise our children will be confronted with it.
A hundred years from the time Garvey made these comments will come in 2023 - just nine years away - and America still has a serious race problem. In his prediction Garvey referenced riots that occurred in four areas of the US. Since then the pattern of riots triggered by racial problems, continue to be blight on American society.

Although the racism perpetrated by social institutions has declined, the criminal-justice system seems to resist changes to ameliorating the disparate treatment of blacks. Black people are given harsher sentences compared to whites who commit the same crimes and law enforcement profiles them as suspects and criminals.

Within the past two months, the nation has been subjected to four disturbing incidents of the police (and a wannabe police) using deadly force or excessive force on blacks. These four incidents sparked the usual frenzy of media coverage and the typical pattern of discussion on racism - denial and accusations. The first incident occurred on February 26, 2012 and involved the murder of seventeen year old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida by the wannabe cop George Zimmerman. Before pursuing Martin and fatally shooting him, Zimmerman made some racial stereotypical comments about the teenager. Police questioned Zimmerman the night of the murder but he was not arrested until several weeks later after the incident started to get national coverage in the media. Zimmerman was acquitted based on Florida's "Stand your ground law."

The second incident, which was caught on videotape, showed a white California Highway Patrol officer straddling a woman and pummeling her with punches to her face. This incident occurred July 1, 2014 on the shoulder of a busy highway in Los Angeles. The victim was Marlene Pinnock an unarmed fifty one year old black woman. Her merciless beating was not what you would expect a man to do to a woman. Apparently, it made no difference to the patrol officer that this was an unarmed woman. For a law enforcement officer to do deliver the kind of beating shown on the videotape to a woman raises several disturbing questions about the attitude of police officers towards black people.

The third incident occurred in New York also in July 21, 2014 when Eric Garner an unarmed black man was apprehended by several police officers. During a police confrontation with garner, a police officer applied a choke hold to him and with the help of other officers brought him to the ground. The police officers continued to use unnecessary force to restrain him. Garner an asthmatic, was in distress and moments later he was dead.

The fourth incident, the Michael Brown incident occurred just last week in Ferguson, Missouri. The teenager was fatally shot as he tried to run away after an altercation with a police officer. Shot in the back, Brown held up both hands to show that he was unarmed. However, the police officer allegedly fired several more shots into Brown's body killing him on the spot.

Because these incidents involve black people and occurred in different regions of the country, the conclusion is drawn that law enforcement treatment of black people is a national problem. It is a problem that requires law enforcement to evaluate their training program and possible implement training on the use of deadly force and their attitude towards black people - especially young blacks.

A number of events have occurred in the past five decades that should have given America an opportunity to come to some reconciliation with its racial problem. Dr. Martin Luther King, Civil Rights struggle followed by his "I have a dream speech" is one of those events. Rodney King's (he was brutally beaten by cops in 1992) famous comments, "Can't we all get along" was another moment that gave America an opportunity to look into its soul. Then there was the 9/11 tragedy that was fueled by the hatred of extreme Muslims linked to al Qaeda. This tragic act of terrorism should have made America look at their own internal hatred and it should have helped unite all Americans. America cannot afford to condemn hatred from foreigners and at the same time continue to practice racial hatred.

As with any type of negative social behavior, there is always a catalyst that drives the behavior or makes people feel they can continue their undesirable behavior. So what is the catalyst that is influencing the increased use of deadly and brutal force by the police against black people? My guess is that it is the climate of hatred that started when President Obama became the first black president.

Some people will disagree that the treatment of President Obama has nothing to do with his race and more to do with his politics. That is simply not true though, because the manner in which the president has been treated is clearly unprecedented. During the president's first term going on into his second term, there has been a relentless effort to destroy his presidency. This effort is manifested in the blatant disrespect; the conspiracy theories that swirl around him; the spurious GOP led congressional hearings dubbed as scandals - IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, etc.; the propaganda to discredit his policies; talks of impeaching the president; the GOP shutting down of the government; Speaker Boehner's suing the president; and the personal attacks that sometimes involved with racial innuendos. All these are things that no previous presidents have been subjected to.

If the president of America is being treated in the manner described in the previous paragraph, it is not hard to understand why hatred is again on the rise in America. In this climate of hatred, police officers see it as open season on black people. This climate of hatred is fueled by the GOP members who treat the president as if he is a pariah. It is not surprising then that some world leaders will take advantage of this situation. This is exactly what President Putin is doing in his effort to bring back Crimea and the Ukraine under Russian control. Putin senses that America is divided and that President Obama gets no support on domestic and foreign policy issues. He knows that with President Obama having a weak hand, he can take advantage of doing whatever he wants to do.

Marcus Garvey was also spot-on in another prediction he made that is currently being played out in the manner in which President Obama is treated by the GOP. In 1920, Garvey made comments that white people would resent black politicians making laws to govern the white man. This is what Garvey said:

A terrible mistake was made between 40 and 50 years ago when black men were elected to legislative assemblies all over the country, especially in the southern states and even at the national capital when representatives of this race occupied seats in Congress. The mistake was made as far as the white people were concerned. There was a state of dis-organization in the nation, and in that state certain things happened to mere chance. In the chance, dozens of black men became Senators and Congressmen. This opened up to the eyes of the white nation the possibility of the black man governing the white man in these United States of America - the possibility of the black man making laws to govern the white man? This possibility drove them almost to madness, in suddenly rejecting the spirit of the Constitution and the declaration of Lincoln that "all men are created equal," hence the determination was arrived at, that never again would it be possible for the race of slaves to govern the race of masters within these United States of America.
Marcus Garvey not only predicted America's racial problem, he provided insights that America should have paid attention to. Unfortunately, people like Marcus Garvey are often discredited and their message goes unheeded. Racial problems are rooted in the deep recesses of the mind and they result from what is called the ideology of racism. This is why racism is so persistent and the only way to come to terms with it is through some revolutionary process like a spiritual awakening.

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Invention and Entrepreneurship Is the REAL Social Activism for Poverty Stricken Communities

Every major shift in society has been led by inventions and profitable businesses. Steel, Autos, Trains, Planes, Door Knobs, Clothes Dryers, Trucks, Internet and Mobile phones have radically activated social change that endures for generations. Risk seeking entrepreneurs initiated their vision and changed the world.

1. Andrew Carnegie introduced steel as a lightweight competitor of iron to birth Pittsburgh.

2. Henry Ford introduced the horseless carriage to replace the horse and buggy to birth Detroit as the Automotive Capital of the World.

3. Cornelius Vanderbilt introduced trains to replace the stage coach for faster travel to birth the West.

4. Wilbur & Orville Wright introduced planes to replace ships for faster global transportation and birthed the entire aircraft industry.

5. Osburn Dorsey, an African American, received a patent for the door knob in 1878, providing a mechanism to open doors.

6. George T. Sampson, an African American, received a patent on June 7, 1892 for the clothes dryer eliminating the time consuming clothes line drying forever.

7. Fred Jones, an African American, introduced refrigerated truck trailers transporting perishable food items across the country. birthing grocery stores with products from every point of the globe.

8. J. C. R. Licklider created the ARPANET the predecessor of the internet in 1963 birthing a radical change in every facet of the world.

9. Martin Cooper placed the first mobile phone call on April 3, 1973. In a short twenty five years, mobile phones have radically replaced home phones.

Inventions have changed the world even when people fought the change. Everyone desires the convenience that new inventions and ideas bring. Want to eliminate poverty and upgrade African American communities? Invest family time in inventing as it is the real social activism tool.

Our world has drastically changed the past 200 years and according to a MIT Technology Review report 45 percent of America's occupations will be automated within the next 20 years ushering in another radical change. Computers will start replacing people in transportation/logistics, production labor, administrative support, services, sales, and construction.

Corporate America is seeking to drive this automation with innovation, which is defined as profitable invention. Invention is an act of creating or producing by exercise of the imagination. Dr. Stuart Brown states, "The advantage that countries like the United States... retain is the ability to invent - to dream up solutions to problems that people may not yet even know they have. Nations that remain economically strong are those that can create intellectual property - and the ability to innovate largely comes out of an ability to play."

Are you ready for another transformation? Automation Workz! Will you? Don't wait on the sidelines. Participate freely.

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Mullah Norullah Noori: A Short Biography of One of the Taliban Five

ALIASES: Mullah Nuri, Noor Muhammad, Noorudeen, Hafiz Noorullah

DOB: January 1, 1967, Shajoie, Zabul Province, Afghanistan

Citizenship: Afghanistan,

Risk Level: HIGH, likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies

Intelligence Value: HIGH

Rank/Position: Senior Taliban Military Commander, Taliban governor for the Balkh and Lagman provinces


Incarcerated: January 11, 2002

Released: May 31, 2014


Close ties to Taliban leader Mullah Omar
Senior Taliban Officials
Senior al-Qaeda members
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin

Engaged in hostilities against US and Coalition Forces in Zabul Province
War Crimes - murder and torture of thousands of Shiite Muslims in Northern Afghanistan
Passed communications between Taliban and al-Qaeda

Noori grew up in Shajoie and learned to read and write at the mosque in his village. His father was an imam atht he mosque and Noori's education earned him the title "Mullah." While in Zabul Province, Noori worked on his father's land and also as a tailor.

In 1995, Noori fought alongside al-Qaeda.

In March 1999, Noori left home to go to Kabul in order to join the Talibam. He met with Mullah Yunis at the security base and one month later began working for Governor Malawi Kabir in Jalalabad. He worked as Kabir's guard and did housework.

In December 1999, Kabir sent Noori to Baghlan and told him to work for the local governor, Mullah Abdul Bari. In February 2000, Noori went to Mazar-e-Sharif to work for the governor. After 8 months, Noori was named governor. Noori's responsibilities included mediating civil disputes and performing security duties.

On November 17, 2001 Noori turned himself in to US forces. He was sent to Guantanamo Bay on January 11, 2002. He was considered a high value asset because of the biographical information he had on Taliban leaders.

On May 31, 2014, Noori, along with four other Taliban detainees, was traded for an American POW, Bow Bergdahl. The Emir of Qatar has been credited for his efforts to secure this deal between the US and the Taliban. Noori, along with the other four, will be under Qatari control for at least one year, forbidden to leave the country.

Since the release of Noori and the other four men, a government watch agency (the GAO) came out with a report stating that the Obama administration had acted illegally by not notifying Congress in advance of the exchange. It is currently unclear how this will effect US law or the administration.

With a Master of Strategic Intelligence and a BS in Political Science, Laura excelled as an analyst with the federal government and local government. She focused on issues of terrorism and crime and quickly became the subject matter expert in every office she worked in. Laura left government service to pursue a writing career. She currently works as the Senior Policy Analyst with Sussman Corporate Security in addition to her writing.

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Mullah Mohammad Fazl: A Short Biography of One of the Taliban Five

ALIASES: Mohammad a Fazl, Mullah Fazl Ahmad, Mullah Fazl Mazloom, Haji Fazl

DOB: January 1, 1967, Charchno, Afghanistan

Citizenship: Afghanistan,

Risk Level: HIGH, likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies

Intelligence Value: HIGH

Rank/Position: Deputy Defense Minister, chief of staff of Taliban Army, Commander of 10th Division

Education: Rabinyah Madrassa

Incarcerated: January 11, 2002

Released: May 31, 2014


Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin
Anit-Coalition Militia
Taliban Supreme Leader Mullah Omar

War Crime - murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims in Afghanistan
Possibly involved in killing of Iranian diplomats
Massacres in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan
Protected a murderer accused of mass murder.
Brokered deals and passed communication between Taliban and extremist groups.
Narcotics trafficking

During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Fazl and his mother moved to a refugee camp in Pakistan. While there, he received six years of religious training at Rabinyah Madrassa. After leaving, Mullah Abdul Ghafar encouraged Fazl to join the Taliban, which was just starting. Fazl left and went to Kandahar to join the movement. His first assignment was as a solider in Kandahar.

In 1996, Fazl commanded 100 troops. From 1999 to 2001, he commanded around 3,000 troops and participated in hostilities toward the Northern Alliance. Soon after this, he became the Taliban Chief of Army Staff and Commander of the 10th Division.

In November 2001, Fazl turned himself in to Northern Alliance Commander General Dostum. The General was paid $500,000 to make sure that Fazl received safe passage to prison. Fazl was detained in Afghanistan until late December of that year. In January 2002 Fazl was incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The US hoped to glean information regarding Taliban personnel and Taliban order of battle from Fazl. The US also hoped to get more information regarding the Mazar-e-Sharif prison uprising, the assassination of Iranian diplomats and training, motivation, recruitment, leadership and networks of terrorists.

Since his detainment, the Taliban has used Fazl's name and capture in recruitment campaigns. Fazl, while in prison, fostered anti-US sentiment among the prisoners.

On May 31, 2014, Fazl, along with four other Taliban detainees, was traded for an American POW, Bow Bergdahl. The Emir of Qatar has been credited for his efforts to secure this deal between the US and the Taliban. Fazl, along with the other four, will be under Qatari control for at least one year, forbidden to leave the country.

Since the release of Fazl and the other four men, a government watch agency (the GAO) came out with a report stating that the Obama administration had acted illegally by not notifying Congress in advance of the exchange. It is currently unclear how this will affect US law or the administration.

With a Master of Strategic Intelligence and a BS in Political Science, Laura excelled as an analyst with the federal government and local government. She focused on issues of terrorism and crime and quickly became the subject matter expert in every office she worked in. Laura left government service to pursue a writing career. She currently works as the Senior Policy Analyst with Sussman Corporate Security in addition to her writing. Laura focuses on issue of military, terrorism, intelligence, and organized crime.

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American Dollars To Canadian Doughnuts

Tim Hortons has long been a regular stop whenever I visit Canada.

For one thing, I couldn't avoid Tim Hortons outlets if I wanted to; they're everywhere. I do genuinely like their doughnuts, however. The chain is the biggest coffee and doughnut seller in Canada and marked its 50th anniversary this spring.

Given Tim Hortons' ubiquity and popularity, it is no surprise that American dollars are chasing Canadian doughnuts.

News broke recently that Burger King Worldwide Inc. is engaged in talks to buy Tim Hortons. Should the deal succeed, the combined businesses would together have about $22 billion in sales, making the new fast-food company the world's third-largest.

Burger King wouldn't only be securing a Canadian institution with habit-forming baked goods, though. It would also pick up a more favorable tax situation, courtesy of a move north of the border. In the proposed version of the merger, Burger King would create a new, Canadian-based parent company, housing both independently operating chains. This structure would give Burger King domicile in Canada and preserve Tim Hortons' domicile there.

While unnamed sources briefed in the deal told The New York Times that taxes were not the primary motivation behind the talks (1), Burger King is obviously aware of the tax implications. Canada cut its national corporate tax rate to its current level of 15 percent several years ago. (Companies there must also pay provincial taxes, meaning Ontario-based corporations such as Tim Hortons currently pay 26.5 percent total.) Meanwhile, the U.S. insists not only on a 35 percent federal corporate tax rate, plus state taxes in most places, but also on taxing corporations on earnings worldwide. Burger King doesn't currently hold much cash outside the country, the Times reported, but it may certainly have an eye on expansion in the future, both in Canada and elsewhere. (1)

Although Burger King is an American company, it is controlled by a Brazilian investment firm, 3G Capital, which owns about 70 percent of the company's shares. Why would Brazilians want to continue to pay U.S. tax on profits from burgers they sell in Buenos Aires or Hong Kong? There is no reason they would. Under the tax systems in place almost everywhere outside the United States, there is no reason they should, either.

As for Burger King's American shareholders, like all corporate shareholders here, they are taxed twice: once on corporate profits and again when the corporation pays out dividends. This makes tax inversion - relocating a company's headquarters to a lower-tax nation, as Burger King may - an attractive prospect, even for American shareholders. It's worth noting, too, that those who criticize inversion most vehemently are almost always people whose income is only taxed once - and often, that income is a salary paid by taxpayers.

The current president has made no secret of his displeasure with the practice. Obama and the Democrats have bleated about unpatriotic U.S. corporations, as if there were an inherent patriotic duty to have income earned abroad taxed back in the U.S at least once. In the wake of at least five large U.S. companies that have announced plans for inversions between mid-June and late July, Obama criticized a herd mentality at play in the decisions, calling the companies "corporate deserters who renounce their citizenship to shield profits." (2) This characterization imagines corporations are owned by nobody, or by Martians, who otherwise lack citizenship elsewhere on Earth.

The administration is said to be looking for a way to make inversions difficult or impossible in the future. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has acknowledged that his agency is seeking ways to hinder or stop inversions without the need for legislative support from Congress.

However, unlike government-regulated banks, which under pressure have forked over billions of dollars in penalties for real and imagined offenses, most private corporations have legal teams that are well used to challenging rulings from the Internal Revenue Service. We have an active and independent Tax Court in this country. The IRS is a frequent litigant and a not-infrequent loser, especially when it faces adversaries with technical knowledge and financial resources, such as are available to major corporations. If the administration wants to challenge inversions using, shall we say, novel interpretations of the tax law, it should not expect most of corporate America to roll over the way that the banks have.

Even if the government succeeds in making inversions impractical for U.S.-based companies, it is unlikely to be pleased with the result. Blocking inversions here will only turn American companies into takeover targets for foreign businesses. Acquirers will simply buy U.S. companies and relocate the headquarters, or their assets, once the deal is complete. In the process, even more American jobs will be lost.

When Canada lowered its corporate tax rate, critics warned that the move would be disastrous for Canadian federal government revenues. If the Burger King inversion is any indication, an attractive tax structure can more than make up for a lower rate by drawing new and existing businesses to establish headquarters in Canada.

The sensible thing is to recognize once again that neither Martians nor corporations pay taxes. Shareholders and customers - in other words, people - do. If those people have no connection to the U.S. other than a corporation's legal domicile, they will find ways to sever their ties rather than fund a foreign government at exorbitant rates.

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Tuesday 8 March 2016

Massacre of Innocents

Israel launched a Gaza ground campaign after 12 days of bombardments from the air and sea failed to stop militants' rocket attacks, stepping up an offensive that already has taken a heavy toll in civilian lives. The death toll over 12 days now stands at 333. That figure includes 77 children, 24 women and 18 senior citizens, and that more than 2,385 people have been injured.

Despite a long-term peace process and the general reconciliation of Israel with Egypt and Jordan, Israelis and Palestinians have failed to reach a final peace agreement. The remaining key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement and resolving Palestinian claims of a right of return for their refugees. Many attempts have been made to broker a two-state solution, involving the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel (after Israel's establishment in 1948). In 2007, the majority of both Israelis and Palestinians, according to a number of polls, preferred the two-state solution over any other solution as a means of resolving the conflict.

What's happening in Gaza is nothing new - a rerun, if you will, of a midday television drama first aired decades ago. Briefly, it goes like this -

2004: Operations Rainbow and Days of Penitence.
2006: Operations Summer Rains and Autumn Clouds.
2008: Operation Hot Winter.
December of 2008: Operation Cast Lead (or Gaza War).
March 2012: Operation Returning Echo.
October 2012: Operation Pillar of Defense.

And now we have Operation Protective Edge.

The fighting has been the worst between Israel and Palestinians in two years. You just need to be human to realize what is happening in Gaza is wrong. Power goes out in the Gaza Strip. Israel has cut off the device nutritious for the people of the Gaza Strip with electricity. Some areas were not provided with electricity for more than 24 hours, a full day.

This is what Israel is doing here in Gaza; power outages, the bombing of houses and killing of children, men and women!!

The Gaza strip is blockaded by Israel on the north-east, east and South-east. Egypt stands guard at the south and south-west, and has recently closed its borders. And in the west and north-west is the Mediterranean Sea. The West Bank is worse. It shares an immense border with Jordan, but Amman has a bloody history with the Palestinians (black September, anyone?) The entire region is surrounded and secured, if you will, by the Israelis.

One can smell death everywhere and one can see oppression and fear in all the eyes one see. Future is unknown In the Gaza strip, so you never know when the air strike will kill you and you will become breaking news on local and international media. You never know if the

air strike will kill you alone or with your family. You never know when you will be a serious injury and nobody can take you to treat out of Gaza because Rafah border is closed.

You never know if your family will have the time to say goodbye to you, or you will be pieces that nobody can recognize who you are.

In Gaza, if you are still alive because they are lucky that the Israeli air-strike didn't kill you yet!

To shed blood of civilians is not the way to end up a conflict. And it is again MUSLIMS who are targeted and killed in the name of religion. Palestine, Gaza in particular, has a Muslim majority. However, this does not mean that its problems and the crimes committed against its people are the concern of Muslims alone. People in Gaza want to live in peace and justice. A long-term solution is needed for Gaza, to give them better future they deserve. To the eyes and ears of any non-Muslim, Gaza would seem like an issue that does not involve them - it is a Muslim thing, an Islamic world issue. But, as the placard phrased so beautifully, it is the concern of the entire world, of humanity. As a human we all should stand up for the sake of humanity if we really are humans!! As this is a humanitarian crisis, not a religious one.

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Considering Parking Garages? Follow These Tips and Tricks for Safe Public Parking

Parking garages and public parking areas are usually conveniently situated in highly accessible areas so that people find it easy to park their vehicles and enjoy the rest of the activities such as shopping that a huge city has in store. It can be considered a herculean task to navigate parking garages found in huge cities. It also takes a lot of knowledge to be able to remain free of accidents in such cities. Following a few tips will help make your stay in the huge cities enjoyable as well as free of tension.

Taking away valuables

Ensuring that your car is free of any valuables when you leave your car unattended is a wise decision. Parking garages are very safe usually; however it is better to be cautious in order to avoid being sorry later. Leaving valuables and belongings within the vehicle forces people to break into your car. Carrying your belongings along will ensure safety. If by chance you are unable to carry your belongings then make sure you hide them in the trunk or under the seat in a way that it is not visible to anybody.

Avoid double parking

The high requirement for parking spots makes double parking a serious violation. Whatever your reason, be it owning a beautiful car, moving away for a minute or even overshooting your spot only by a small bit, you will be given a ticket. You sometimes might even have a few minor dings on the doors or even find the vehicle to be impounded. It is worth thinking about all the trouble that you may go through trying to find the impounded vehicle, the expenses of towing, the fees incurred for impounding or any other fees you may have accrued going along, all just for a small amount of time saved.

Being precocious in avoiding damages

It is mandatory to be cautious when looking for a parking spot as you would encounter winding lanes, turns that are tight, other vehicles and pedestrians in parking garages. Keeping the parking lights on while moving through parking garages, looking for cars backing up and avoiding hold-up of traffic by waiting for a space are things that you can do to avoid damage.

Looking for the best parking garages

The huge availability of parking garages in large cities makes it easy to find interesting deals for parking. Consider choosing a garage that might be a little farther off because it would be cheaper than the one closer to your street. By opting for a garage that is little far-off, you have the benefit of saving money as well as indulging in a little bit of exercise.

Parking spaces might be cheaper early in the afternoon and late in the evening in comparison to the morning or late afternoon's. This is because people usually get to work in the morning and get back from work late afternoons. Doing your homework to identify timings that are suitable and willing to exercise a bit will help you in finding parking space easily.

Reputed parking garages provide parking services for Essex inn parking and soldier field parking that are safe and reliable. Just make sure that you carry your valuables along so that you can enjoy the city with peace of mind.

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Parking Garage Rules That Are Not Official Yet Important

The society as a whole, ignores rules regarding driving etiquette's.There may be a lot of reasons behind this like the person not being aware of the rules, not learning about it or even not considering it. Whatever the reason, there are a few rules that are not written on paper but require to be followed so as to avoid dire consequences.

Just as it is important to follow the rules of the road, it is also mandatory to follow similar rules when it comes to using parking spaces and garages. This is because even in garage spaces we witness congestion of vehicles, people moving about as well as other obstacles. The general traffic rules such as speed limits, signal lights and markings like crossways need to be followed. Not only will these rules help in keeping people safe but will also help in smooth traffic flow that is orderly and efficient. It is vital that you use your common sense as well.

Being courteous

Just like being polite in a classroom or any other place works wonders, being considerate is important even in a parking garage. Throwing away garbage on the ground is a crime. Instead you can go ahead and throw the garbage into the garbage can. In order to prevent blocking spaces, ensure to return shopping carts to where they belong.

Special care needs to be taken when it comes to looking after children as there are chances of children being hit by vehicles. You need to also make sure that your children do not damage others vehicles. The final consideration is to avoid waiting for a spot to be freed to park your own vehicle. By waiting behind another vehicle you only end up holding up individuals who are looking to pull out.

Driving with accuracy

You will find lines defining each spot in a garage and these are put there for a reason. By parking the car as perfectly as possible on the target you ensure that your car is not an obstacle for drivers of other vehicles. Another great advantage is that you can prevent paint from being damaged. Parking your car all the way into the space provided will provide easy visibility to other drivers in the instant of them backing out. Identifying a perfect spot for your car and confirming that the size of the slot is suitable to your car is of utmost importance.

The basic rules of parking are similar whether you require renaissance hotel parking or Essex inn parking. Following the basic rules will provide you parking that is easy and completely non stressful.

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Sunday 6 March 2016

6 Reasons Why Promotional Items Stand Out As a Medium of Advertising

Gifts are one great way of expressing your emotions to the persons that you care. These days a lot of individuals prefer personalized gifts that undoubtedly add a personal touch to what you present. This may include anything from engraving the person's name, a particular date or photographs on the item which will enhance the sentimental quality of the same.

Nowadays, these products, which people use as presents can be used very effectively for promotional purpose as well. They help to build your brand and let people know about it in a much more unconventional way. There are various benefits of using these, and some of them are enlisted below.

The main reasons why these stand out as a way for marketing can be explained as under:

• Uniqueness - These commodities are designed in a way you want, offering flair of uniqueness that is very attractive and is bound to get noticed. This method is quite different from the conventional processes of advertising which makes it easier to reach out to the mass audience.

• Staying ahead of competitors - The exclusiveness of these products help you to stay ahead of your competitors who are still stuck in the predictable ways of brand building and promotion. A tinge of variation creates more excitement among your target audience and thus your company gets noticed quickly.

• Cost-effective - One of the greatest advantages of these objects is that it helps in the endorsement of your enterprise at a cost that is much lesser than the traditional mediums like television and radio. It gets the job done at a much cheaper rate and helps you to be at par with the large firms who invest much more in their campaigns.

• Future Reference - The tangibility and usage of these articles facilitate them to be stored. This acts as a reminder to the people who need something related to your brand and helps in making future reference.

• The identity of the company - With these, it is easier for businesses to be identified. This is because the person concerned is reminded of the company every time he steals a look at it. Moreover, your brand gets advertised every time a new person discovers it.

• Professional logo - If you can place the logo of your organization on the article then it inevitably takes a much more professional look.

All the above points show how you get benefited by using this method of brand advertisement.

The author Dylan Flint has used objects like promotional tablecloths as well as custom dice in UK as an advertising tool for his company and has received amazing results. It is for this reason that he recommends this form of marketing above most others

Article Source:

Saturday 5 March 2016

True Pundits Never Use The "S" Word

Let me describe a work situation for you. You are given an assignment by your superior, which includes a description of how this task "should" basically go. Motivated but relatively inexperienced, you take on this task with vim and vigor, only to discover half way through the assignment that what "should" have occurred did not. Flustered and in a state of temporary confusion, you halt what you are doing and explain to your superior that what "should" have happened did not occur at all, but you are swiftly reprimanded for your incompetence. If this sounds familiar, I hope you are more experienced now and can reflect on the true problem here, which is the word "should". Though only a mischievous culprit in this case, "should" is arguably the most ruinous word, and if the stakes are high enough, deadly word, in the entire English language. If you don't believe me, I urge you to keep reading!

Contrary to the views of many, entropy makes the word "should" a rarely seen critter. Entropy refers to the amount of disorder inherent to a system under consideration, and as such, the odds are always against "should", because there is only one desired outcome and a myriad of undesired outcomes spawned from unforeseen or unprevented circumstances. The three main problems with the word "should" are as follows. The first is that entropy increases as the complexity of a system increases. For example, entropy is low when trying to arrange three blocks of different size in order of increasing size (1 correct answer but only 6 possible permutations) but much higher when considering a Rubik's cube (1 correct answer for 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations). As we work on more complex systems, it is increasingly probable something will go wrong before we reach the desired outcome. The second problem is that protocols or instructions in a process to reach the outcome are not always followed. That is, other people at some point must do what they are supposed to do, but this is not guaranteed. The third problem with "should" stems from the inherent hubris we all possess. We think we are masters of our fields, but the word "should" betrays our ignorance, because it suggests to others we believe we are so knowledgeable that we know exactly how everything will occur for a series of events leading to the desired outcome. Does this sound possible?

In my humble opinion, people who truly resemble pundits do not use "should" but rather speak in terms of conditional statements and probabilities. It may sound more ugly and cumbersome, but remember that life is not always gift-wrapped with a little red bowtie on top. A lot of time, effort, and lives would be saved if we allowed people to cache the set of possibilities in our instructions or advice. For example, instead of saying "Don't worry, the airbag should deploy if you get into an accident" (reactive and hopeful advice but it sounds nice and neat) advise your teen to "drive slowly, wear your seatbelt, always use your turn signal, err on the side of caution, and always watch what the other drivers around you are doing, because the airbag is not guaranteed to work if you get into an accident" (proactive and plan-based advice that is much more cumbersome). If you think I am an old codger who is afraid of his shadow, I urge you to consider the current state of ebola in the United States. According to US officials, in the Texas hospital which treated a man (Eric Duncan) who had visited Liberia, there was a safety protocol that "should" have been followed when treating this man, but apparently it was not, which caused the health care worker treating Mr. Duncan to contract the disease. I just hope in this case that the word "should" does not cost this health care worker and many more of us (if the disease spreads) our lives. My younger brother (a programmer and software designer) used to tell me that in programming, having 1 solution to solve a problem is insufficient, and it is more useful to have 7 solutions for any given problem in case the other solutions don't work for some reason. I used to chuckle and say this was overkill, but in retrospect, I think this is one example of the younger brother acting as a pundit and the older brother acting as a fool "should".

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Space Exploration: A Catholic Perspective

Each state has various government agencies and they hold government auctions at different times of the year. They would publish the date and time of the auction in the local newspaper where the auction is the held and these details would also be available on their websites.

Each year the local and state departments will hold a sale of all seized property for the public so that they are able to free storage space and get some money for their respective departments. You can contact the local departments in your area to know the details about the auctions that are been held.

Depending on the size of the city or state you live in, these auctions will be held either once or twice a year or every quarter. There are hundreds of items that are available for sale in each state department government auctions and if you do adequate research you will be able to find all the items you want at very cheap prices.

4 Tips For Finding Government Auctions In Your State

Departments of the state government seize or confiscate homes, automobiles and other items due to illegal or criminal activities or for nonpayment of taxes or bills. Property that is confiscated in such a way is often sold to the public by inviting bids. Individuals who have placed the highest bid for a particular item will be successful in the bid.
You can contact the local office of the Sheriff or the city chamber of commerce or any other government department that holds the auction for a schedule and a list of items that are been sold.
Most of these state government agencies also have their own websites where details of the auction date and time are mentioned. You will also be able to see the various categories of items that will be offered for bidding.
The police department of the state will also seize and confiscate vehicles and other properties due to any illegal activity and these items are available for bidding to the public. Most of the items that are sold in the auction are priced at less than half of their original market price.
You would need to have completed 18 years of age and hold a valid driver's license to participate in the bidding process. There are various payment options that are available after successful completion of a bid and you would need to be aware about it to complete the process.

Article Source:

How To Find Government Auctions In Your State

Each state has various government agencies and they hold government auctions at different times of the year. They would publish the date and time of the auction in the local newspaper where the auction is the held and these details would also be available on their websites.

Each year the local and state departments will hold a sale of all seized property for the public so that they are able to free storage space and get some money for their respective departments. You can contact the local departments in your area to know the details about the auctions that are been held.

Depending on the size of the city or state you live in, these auctions will be held either once or twice a year or every quarter. There are hundreds of items that are available for sale in each state department government auctions and if you do adequate research you will be able to find all the items you want at very cheap prices.

4 Tips For Finding Government Auctions In Your State

Departments of the state government seize or confiscate homes, automobiles and other items due to illegal or criminal activities or for nonpayment of taxes or bills. Property that is confiscated in such a way is often sold to the public by inviting bids. Individuals who have placed the highest bid for a particular item will be successful in the bid.
You can contact the local office of the Sheriff or the city chamber of commerce or any other government department that holds the auction for a schedule and a list of items that are been sold.
Most of these state government agencies also have their own websites where details of the auction date and time are mentioned. You will also be able to see the various categories of items that will be offered for bidding.
The police department of the state will also seize and confiscate vehicles and other properties due to any illegal activity and these items are available for bidding to the public. Most of the items that are sold in the auction are priced at less than half of their original market price.
You would need to have completed 18 years of age and hold a valid driver's license to participate in the bidding process. There are various payment options that are available after successful completion of a bid and you would need to be aware about it to complete the process.

Article Source:

Animal Abuse in Fashion, and Going Alternative

If you wear a down coat or mink coat... You have indirectly supported animal abuse. You don't want a live creature to feel pain just to have their fur or feathers extracted; but you are likely keeping a few of these sins. When a coat is laid at the department store, or when a model is smiling in a fashionable article-- there was pain. There were inhumane methods of harvest, that are not highlighted. And, the reason these practitioners can continue to be cruel, is by profit. From each purchase, by a person, there is an incentive to carry on the cold business.

Browse, "PETA down feather abuse video."

The few minutes of the play will let you understand the fact that geese are made to live in an awful environment, so its feather farmers can brutally yank each one out. Every non-faux is no exception, to this downstaged truth. When your conscience makes you curious for an alternative that works and rocks your style, be assured. Non-animal-friendly fashion designers tend to swear by the effectiveness and demand of the "loft" from poultry. But, there have been advancements in science, that give you that same warmth.

Mink fur is no exception. Browsing PETA will let you in on another fashion industry secret: If it is not synthetic, faux, or plant-based, there was abuse. Your money can go for a nicer Thinsulate, and grow the business of a smarter kind-- science! There is distinguishable style in synthetic wear, so the use of real mink, down, or leather... is unjustified. Checking the labels, and going to the next one-- And, looking online for specific ingredients are recommended. Synthetic ones exist, looking the same.

When a leather product is in your vicinity, you may or may not grab it. The sensitivity of most buyers aren't touched, by the security. But, synthetic rayon and synthetic warmth have their legitimacy, too. Genuine leather is glorified, by the sales tactician, but the material is no better... if you are not being drenched in a rain. Among the glamorous photography and poses, and along the pros and cons-- There is no loss to faux choices. Selecting a brand of designer, like Gucci, might sound fabulous... But, there was blood. And, there is probably a cheaper and sexy option, somewhere else.

100% recycled materials, made in American factories, are available. It is not unlikely to see the fashion world catch onto its "radical" prospects that leak truths, and it is likely to see more shifts toward a different course of purchases. In our growing future, no company can survive a change in people's demands. It is the Age of Information.

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My Next Trick - Mud to Microbes!

For the first living thing to suddenly appear on earth would have been a very dramatic development indeed. Let's say the first living cell was a bacterium. At the very least it would have to find something appropriate to feed on, and then work out how to get rid of waste matter. It would also need to discover that essential for all living things - how to reproduce itself. Whilst it didn't have to engage in the tricky business of sex it did need to discover how to split into two separate individuals, each equipped with all the essentials of life.

The bacterium cell would have contained DNA which stores information. DNA consists of at least hundreds of genes which contain long chains of things called nucleotides. Each nucleotide has three parts - a phosphate group, a sugar, and four nitrogen bases. These bases are guanine (G), cytosine (C), adenine (A), and thymine (T).

The sequence in which these bases (G, C, A, and T) are arranged constitutes the cell's genetic code.This code tells the cell how to build the amino acids which are the building blocks for the proteins that are appropriate for that cell. Proteins are, of course,very complex; and they are absolutely essential for all life.

The explanation is often given that, just as 26 letters of the alphabet can be used to form an endless series of words that we use to produce our prodigious range of ideas, so these bases can be arranged to send out huge numbers of messages to direct in the development of all aspects of the cell's life, including its reproductive activity. It was a veritable library of information.

There are other freakish things that have to happen for a living cell to emerge from mud. For example, amino acids are either right-handed or left-handed. (Don't ask!) Amino acids in living things must all be left-handed. Seeing the probability of a left-handed amino acid turning up is 0.5 and assuming there were only 100 amino acid positions to fill in the first living cell the chances of all of them being filled by left-handed amino acids is 0.5 raised to the power of 100, which means the chances of getting all of the places being filled by left-handed amino acids is about one chance in 10 to the power of 30.

Unimaginative creationists say the chance of a living cell emerging with those skills is vanishingly small; therefore it didn't happen. Even many atheists agree that the chances are very slim. That's why they want to shift the problem of origins to outer space, and claim that life forms landed here via a meteorite or something similar. Creationist Christians likewise shift the problem to outer space and claim that God did it all.

Arguably the claims of evolutionists break down at the very first hurdle - the first cell. Thus if we can plausibly invoke God to organize the first jump to life then there is every reason to believe that He would have had a significant role in the later developments of living things as well. Many of them were quite freakish too.

What scientists need to do, and what they are certainly desperately trying to do, is to create a living creature themselves. If it happened originally by accident it can't be all that complicated, can it? But even if humans did create some simple life form it wouldn't persuade me that original life was an accident. Humans can create mouth organs, golf balls, bicycles and computers; but I don't expect ever to see some version of a mouth organ, a golf ball, or a miniature computer (that was clearly not man-made) emerging from dirt.

Oh, you say, there is no way for inorganic products to breed. Therefore a very primitive version of a mouth organ, for example, couldn't produce variations that would lead to more effective mouth organs through survival of the fittest. I agree. Nor was there any chance of chemicals producing the first living cell through variations and the survival of the fittest. Chemicals don't breed either.

I'm sure magicians could make it appear that they have turned mud into microbes, but I'm not a magician. And, alas, I won't be turning real mud into real microbes - unless a very freakish accident happens.

Article Source:

Thursday 3 March 2016

Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

No Day Shall Erase You from the Memory of Time


On the way to visit the Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan, I thought back to where I was and what I was doing at the time of the attack. Ironically, I was waiting for my financial adviser to arrive for an appointment to review my investments.

I had little idea what to expect when I arrived at the memorial. The last image I had seen of the site was years ago when the building foundations were still being excavated. On a recent trip to New York, I saw the top of the 1 World Trade Center building rising from the skyline in the distance.

I recalled my last visit to the site in the 1980's. I attended a psychologist training session on the 43rd floor overlooking the Hudson River, The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The drapes had to be closed so we could concentrate on the proceedings rather than the view.

When I arrived at the site, I had my first glimpse of the reflecting pools surrounded by many beautiful trees. I knew of only one woman who died in the attack and found her name inscribed in a bronze parapet surrounding one of the pools along with the names of all the others who died in the attacks or as rescue workers.

The museum reception building stands near the reflecting pools while the exhibits lie below them in the original footprints of the two towers. The museum shows the retaining walls as they have been since the towers were erected. Graphic reminders of the intensity of the destruction abound including a fire engine melted in the blaze. Throughout the museum are photos, videos and audio recordings of building the World Trade Center, the plots to attack the towers, the Pentagon and the fate of Flight 93, diverted by passengers from attacking a site in Washington.

Most poignant to me were recordings of workers trapped in the two towers and passengers on Flight 93. I imagined how I would feel in their position. I wonder whether I would be able to formulate any meaningful words in their situation.

The recordings I heard were all calm and considered. They consisted of phone calls to loved ones and assured those they cared for of their gratitude for their time together and that they would always be loved. I found this the most touching part of my visit. Before they died, I think that all of them knew that terrorist attacks had brought them to the point of death. Yet I did not hear one word of anger or blame. Instead they spent their last moments cherishing their thoughts of their loved ones. I will always keep this as the most treasured memory of my visit.

Life Lab Lessons

What do you think will be your last thought before dying?
What has been wonderful about your life so far?
Who are the people you most treasure?
Have you told them why they are so special to you?
If not, what are you waiting for

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5 Practical Tips to Survive Cyberbullying Without Breaking Up With Social Media

Last Friday I got a call from a friend in tears, apparently someone has made a fake Facebook account using her photos and has been sending sexually explicit messages to her friends on Facebook. We later contacted Facebook help center and got it resolved. I was wondering if this is the new form of bullying. Bullying via Social Media?

We all remember Amanda Todd, the British Columbia teenager who was sexually exploited online and cyberbullied who ended up killing herself at the age of 15. Everybody has experienced some form of bullying in their lives; most people used to encounter bullying in high school or at the playground. Today, with the rise of the Internet and the Social Media era, people are being bullied and often sexually exploited online. Many of these cases go unheard and many end with self-harm. Cyberbullying could range from minor annoyances to life threats or sexual harassments.

Cyberbullying: Bullying in the Social Media Era
How many friends do you have on your personal Facebook /Instagram /Twitter /Google+ accounts? How well do you know them? Anyone of any age or gender can become a victim of cyberbullying.

So, here are some safety measures for all the Social Media Aficionados out there:

It's time to change your privacy settings
Social Media channels like Facebook has billions of users, who are actively sharing photos, videos and posting updates. That selfie you took in the bathroom could reach everyone on the internet and be used in despicable ways unless you limit the audience. For instance if you have set your Facebook information to "public", anything you may share can reach anyone online.

Here are the 4 privacy settings available on Facebook

Public: Anyone on or off Facebook (Not recommended)
Friends: Your Facebook friends
Only me: Only you can see what you have posted
Custom: Gives access to a selective audience of your choice.

Who are you connecting with?
Having 500+ friends/followers is not considered COOL anymore, Quality triumphs Quantity.
Keep in mind that the quality of your social connections rather than the quantity of connections will make your online experience a pleasant one. That stranger that added you on Facebook last week may look harmless and friendly, but apart from that what do you know about them? Fake profiles are mushrooming on Social Media as you read this. That cute guy you added the other day could be a 60 year old ex con! So be smart and make sure you know the person well when you are befriending them online and YES your mum was correct "Don't speak to strangers". Take some time to unfriend those suspicious accounts that you added some time ago. Remember if you're being bullied by an online friend, go ahead and block them or delete them from your friend's list.

Who are you sharing with
YOLO (You Only Live Once) right? But things that you post online will stay there forever. It will be a too little too late when you realize that posting personal pictures and information was a bad idea. You have all the right to post whatever you feel like on your profile. But use your common sense and make sure that what you post is not going to haunt you later on. Make use of the privacy settings and select the best audience you wish to see your updates.

People are willing to help.
You may feel that you are all alone on this, and perhaps too embarrassed to tell anyone that this is happening to you. Cyberbullying could go on forever if you keep your mouth shut about it. Talk to someone who can help you, they may have some valuable advice that could support you. After all it's good to have someone to back you up.

Social Networking is fun but... Remember
If you are a victim of cyberbullying:
Take a screenshot of all the messages, comments and posts.
Keep all the details and timelines of the bully.
Talk to someone about it, you are not alone.
Most importantly do not get into any arguments with them online, and do not reply to their messages.

Social Media has become one of the utmost important parts of our day today activities as it facilitates us to communicate and build our online presence across the world. However the outcome of using social media with no safety measures could cost someone their life. Being cyberbullied is painful, often embarrassing and you may even think it's not a big deal, but it is important to remember that you are not alone and you have the power to put a STOP to it.

What are you doing to ensure your safety online? Please take time to address these safety measures just like you would do to protect your own home from intruders.

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Why Values Change As We Age

Values can and do change. They are shaped by our lived experiences, changing and evolving as we age, gain experience and are exposed to new situations.

A variety of factors can impact our values, including age, family, friends, culture, media, education, career, peer groups, and social movements. Each of these factors can and do shape, mold and change our individual values over the course of a lifetime.

Evolution is natural and this applies to values, too. Though many of our core values remain stable over time, shifts in thinking and therefore in values can occur based upon historical events, culture, experience, and the life stages through which we all must pass.

Historical Events and Values

The time frames in which we were born and live impact our values. Historical events, economic climates and technological trends can each dramatically impact values not only during adolescent years, but also throughout our lifetime. People who grew up during the same eras often share similar values.

People raised during the Great Depression, for example, may well have placed more emphasis on minimizing waste, while focusing on saving money, often giving more attention to the extended family than later, more consumer-oriented generations. Those who have lived through dramatic shifts in government leadership or wars may place greater emphasis on freedom and democracy.

Exposure to such global events or shifts in values may not always impact on a person's values; however, shared values and shifts in values among people who lived during specific time frames or global events are often noticeable.

Cultures and Values

Where we were born and live can and does impact our values. Geography, religion, and cultural background can each impart a set of individual values at birth and throughout our lives. Travel increases our exposure to new cultures and fresh ideas. As we age and gain exposure to new environments and cultures, our value system may automatically shift.

Life Stages and Values

Throughout our lifetime, we pass through a variety of 'life stages': infancy, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, mid-life and later years/retirement. As we age, our lifestyle changes; friends, relationships and even the environment in which we live all may alter. Each of these changes contribute to shifts or modifications in our value system.

In early adulthood, we are often focused on building our careers and finding our place in society. Demands for achievement, both professionally and personally, may well be substantial during this time frame.

During the mid-life years, emphases on family often takes precedence as children age and are potentially having children of their own. We may be nearing or have reached our peak earning years professionally and are often shifting our focus on preservation rather than accumulation. We may well find ourselves taking fewer risks during this life stage.

As we get older, many of the things that we previously placed importance on become less important. Likewise, things that we did not recognize as important can take on greater relevance, becoming more important over time.

During the later years and in retirement, our focus often shifts to preservation, security, family and legacy planning. These golden years can see a burst of leisure activities, as well as periods of reflection and meditation.

Our perception and our values are influenced and modified during each of these life stages.

Life Experiences and Values

The experiences we pass through influence our values, strengthening, weakening or modifying them. The friendships and relationships we establish, the delights and difficulties we encounter, all play their part in this process.

Religious organizations, professional groups, and other organized shared institutions can increase the importance we place on particular values; sense of community, giving to others, shared connections.

Extrinsic motivations can be strengthened through participation in organized sports during childhood or adolescence and competitive work environments throughout adulthood.

Continued exposure to marketing methods and advertizing can impact on our sense of materialism, lending an enhanced attachment to physical objects and affecting our values.

An over dependence on technology (i.e. smart phones, tablets, computers, television, video games) can weaken the value we place on our connections with others.

Our value systems are not static. They are dynamic. While not all of our fundamental values will see dramatic changes or shifts over the course of our lifetime, life experiences, the environment in which we reside, cultures that we are exposed to and our general course of life can all contribute to shifts in our core values.

Recognizing that our values can and do change, and understanding this process, may well be key to living the balanced, meaningful life that is the birthright of each one of us.

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Civic Education, Politics, and an Uninformed Populace

Certain dates are standouts, like February 14, October 31, and December 25. But what about September 17? It should be a standout, too, but it's not. In fact, most of us don't give the date a second thought; we certainly should, though. That's because it's not just another day; it's Constitution day, set aside by Congress back in 1952 to foster civic engagement.

To institutionalize the day, back in 2005, Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia promoted legislation that would mandate recognition of Constitution Day in all schools and colleges that receive federal monies. Unfortunately, six years later, Congress stripped civic-education funding, and that, says Education Week's Ross Brenneman, sent the message that civics is important, but not worth federal dollars.

And so it goes.

As a people we are sorely uniformed about American history and the workings of our government. Indeed, many are not even sure who our current leaders are--with one exception. Not surprisingly, Obama enjoys big name recognition, since he's been president for almost six years and frequently crisscrosses the country campaigning and fundraising. Moreover, our new health care program's nickname bears his name.

But what about second-in-command Joe Biden?

That's exactly what late-night show host Jimmy Kimmel recently asked some folks on Hollywood Boulevard. One girl suggested he might be a man; a few others said they'd seen him in movies. Another identified him as a Republican who is set to run for president, while a couple more seem to think he's a governor. It went downhill from there.

Afterward, The Huffington Post responded with the headline, "Jimmy Kimmel Hilariously Proves Americans Don't Know Who Joe Biden Is." Laughable and shameful, too. Meanwhile, a 2010 Pew Research Center found that only 59% of us know he's the vice-president-a failing grade if ever there were one.

As for the Constitution, in September, theAnnenberg Public Policy Center asked 1,416 adults questions about the government. The result:

36% could name all three branches of government; 27% couldn't name any.
27% knew it takes a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate to override a presidential veto.
21% incorrectly thought a 5-4 Supreme Court decision goes back to Congress for reconsideration.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. One glance at the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress civics exam suggests that our children are clueless, too, constitutionally and governmentally speaking. Here you go:

27% of 4th graders scored at the proficient level orbetter;
22% of 8th graders scored at the proficient level or better;
24% of 12th graders scored at the proficient level or better.
Explains retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: "Knowledge of our system of government is not handed down through the gene pool. The habits of citizenship must be learned... But we have neglected civic education for the past several decades, and the results are predictably dismal."

That sentiment is seconded by Citizen First's Robert Pendiscio who says, "We send kids to school not just to become employees and entrepreneurs, but citizens capable of wise and effective self-government in our democracy. The public dimension of schooling was a founding principle of American education. We have all but forgotten it in the era of education overhaul."

That, too, is the reason Justice O'Connor founded Its purpose: "Reinvigorating civic learning through interactive and engaging learning resources. Our educational resources empower teachers and prepare the next generation of students to become knowledgeable and engaged citizens."

Meanwhile, in 2013, the Civics Education Initiative was formed with support from Justice O'Connor, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and even actor Joe Mantegna. Its mission is to get all 50 states to require that their high schoolers take and pass the 100-question U.S. Naturalization Test. And they're starting to gain some ground.

So far, seven states are considering legislation that, though not a requirement, would reward students who take the test. As it stands, those scoring at least a 60% would see a yet-to-be-determined uptick in their grade point averages. Those states are:

South Carolina
South Dakota
FYI: 91% of those seeking citizenship pass the exam. Here are a few sample question to test your own civics knowledge:

What is the supreme law of the land?
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?
How many amendments does the Constitution have?
What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
Who is in charge of the executive branch?
How many U.S. Senators are there?
We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
We elect a United States Representative for how many years?
To check your answers, go to the Naturalization Test on U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services website. And then do one better. Get yourself a copy of the Constitution; you can pick one up at your local bookstore or head to Amazon or Barnes & Nobel online. Then read, learn, and talk it up with your kids, friends and neighbors, too.

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Everything You Believe Is Wrong!

This house of cards we refer to as our society's current belief system is crumbling. The cloak of deception upon which that belief system is based is unraveling. Everything you've been told, believe and accept to be true about many aspects of reality is being challenged and exposed as simply false and wrong.

Priests are being exposed as predators. Politicians are being exposed as agenda-driven individualists rather than selfless public servants. Everything we believe is "progress" is unsustainable and is propelling our planet towards extinction. Everything you believe is "medicine" is often a set of untested drugs that unbalance the body's natural systems and cause more side effects than the illnesses they purport to cure.

Everything you believe is "food" is a concoction of chemically laden substances that are unusable by the body, deprive it of nutrients and its natural ability to heal.

Everything you believe is "economic growth through capitalism" is actually a money-grab that benefits only a select few at the expense of everyone else.

Everything you believe is "justice" is a punitive, revenge-focused, violence-based system of thought and action that support a prison industry designed to enrich its owners.

Everything you've been told are the "random" events of history might actually have been orchestrated.

Everything you believe to be "news" is opinion and, in many cases, completely contrived and staged.

Everything you're told to strive for in pursuit of success and freedom actually leads to failure and servitude.

Everything you've been told, and believe to be good, normal and necessary, desirable, ethical and moral are being revealed to be their exact opposites.

At the same time, everything you've been told and thus believe to be "evil sinful, impossible, absurd and abnormal" might actually be good, ethical, plausible, logical, quite normal and, in fact, in your best interest to explore, once truth is revealed.

The list goes on. Our beliefs about science, democracy, religion, government, education, the causes of war, the reasons behind assassinations, the existence of life on other planets, the origin of mankind, sexuality and various other concepts, ideas institutions and world views-all are being subjected to the onslaught of new questions and analyses and activism as people discover them to be other than what they've been led to believe.

They realize in many instances, that what they believe to be true is nothing more than a set of subjective ideas put forth by people who really don't have a handle on truth, don't know what they're doing, or worse, don't have your best interests at heart-people who are playing by a faulty rulebook or, worse, with no rule book at all.

Advertising = Education

Uninformed ideas, blind assumptions and outright lies underlie much of the education you received and advertising you are subjected to. In some instances, of course, education and advertising are one in the same. Take, for instance, the "education" you received in school about health and for instance the benefits of a meat-centered diet. These typically come from pamphlets created by a meat council-a conglomeration of meat producers-with a financial interest at stake (or at steak).

I'm sure you're familiar with many of these assumptions: that milk does a body good; that meat is real food for real people; that cancer can't be cured; that the common cold is inevitable; that allergies can only be relieved not ended; and that drugs these companies are pushing heal and aren't, in fact, more dangerous than the ills they claim to cure, given the extensive list of (sometimes fatal) side effects warned of in the disclaimers.

The sales pitches for these products start with these assumptions and are never challenged. As a result, people buy into them (key word "buy"), and continue a vicious cycle perpetuating the very lifestyle that caused their ills.

The end result: Why all this matters

"Every day, people are attempting to influence your purchases, sway your allegiance, stoke your emotions and win your vote, using numbers and "facts" that are simply not true. Without the correct information, you will be their victim."

Why is this important? Well, without the correct paradigm for your body and how it operates, you will find that health eludes you despite your best efforts at eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Without the correct paradigm for health and how to achieve it, you will find that as you "cure" one ailment you create another.

If I believed, for example, that "milk does a body good," and then acted on that belief (by drinking lots of milk) in an effort to improve my health, I might find myself experiencing colds, mucous, allergies, weakened bones and cancer, and eventually become frustrated in my efforts without ever knowing the real reason why: that the dairy products we've been told are beneficial, are, in fact poison to our systems (and the numbers prove it)!

When you live in a world where everything you believe... is wrong, then without the correct information, facts and numbers, you will compromise your health, your safety, make generally poor decisions and put yourself and others at risk and in harm's way.

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Life and Times at Lake Conroe 2

Monday, April 6, 2009, changed the course of my life, here in the Lake Conroe area. And it really opened my eyes to the realities of the workplace. I had been sick with the common flu that was going around, at the time, and had taken a few days off work. I was surprised that I'd gotten over it so quickly. Others had come down with pneumonia, after that flu went around. But I, like my mother before me, have a bad habit of pushing myself and ignoring discomfort. If I were able to get out of bed, I would be at work. No matter what. I had noticed that I'd been rather tired, lately. I hadn't quite bounced back from the flu. I had been sleeping more than usual and got dizzy at work. I found myself breaking into a strange sweat at odd times. The kind of sweat that said a fever had broken. But I was unaware that I'd been running a fever. I only knew I got hotter than other people did. Working six nights a week gave me little time to think about it. And not a whole lot of time for rest or getting other things done. During those first few days in April, I noticed pains in my chest and realized I was having trouble breathing. I attributed it to pollen in the air and my smoking habit. I tried to quit smoking, but managed only to cut back to lights, and less than a pack a day.

On April 6, I was halfway to work, when my left arm went to sleep on me, while I was driving. Then my chest started cramping, and I felt a little dizzy. I thought, for a short while, that I was going to have to pull over. My only thought, though was I HAVE TO GET TO WORK.

I pulled in right at 6:00 pm. Just as I shut off the engine, those cramps in my chest became sharp pains. The dizziness was worse. I felt completely out of it. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and went on inside and clocked in.

Karim and Raj were doing price changes on the wines, and had put me in charge of collecting the bottles from the shelves and returning the ones that had been changed. I couldn't quite see. Things were going blurry on me. Dizziness swept over me, but I simply grabbed the counter to steady myself until the moment passed. Raj thought I was just tired and was joking with me about lack of sleep. I simply smiled and continued. I tried to ignore what I was feeling, but my legs began to feel weak.

At 6:15, I was hit with severe chest pains that doubled me over. At the same time, my left arm went completely numb, and everything went white. I felt the floor move. I couldn't breathe. I fell back against the counter and developed tunnel vision. I was aware of only what was right in front of me. And barely even that. I allowed myself to sink slowly to the floor, to avoid simply hitting it hard. I fought to keep from passing out. I was only vaguely aware of Raj asking me, "Melissa, are you okay? Should I call 9-1-1?"

"I think you should," I answered.

Then Karim ran in, from the office. He'd seen it on the cameras. "What's going on?" Raj explained, just as a customer rush hit. Karim immediately turned to the register and he and Raj began taking customers. I was ignored. I vaguely remember Raj reaching for the phone, and Karim pulling him back to the register. I heard several customers ask if they were going to call 9-1-1. Karim kept saying he would. But then he'd go on to the next customer.

I was, by then, lying fully on the floor, staring at the white tiles. Karim was stepping over me and around me to get cigarettes for the customers. I thought I was having a heart attack. The thought entered my mind that I could die right there, literally at the feet of my boss, and no one would even know, until my body was being carried out. My thoughts turned to Sedona. I saw her face so clearly in my mind. All I could think was: She's expecting me to come get her, at the end of the school year. What will she do, if I died? She lost her real father at the age of two, and never really knew him. If I died, she'd be an orphan. She'd have to be raised by someone else. I thought of the bond between my daughter and me. A bond no one else really seems to understand. And many don't really believe there is one. I wanted to cry, thinking I was about to die, and would never see my Sweet Pea again. Thinking she hadn't seen me, since January 10th, and the next time she sees me will be in a casket.

That was the moment I heard a voice I recognized. One of my regular customers, whose name I cannot remember. "Are you gonna call 9-1-1?"

Karim responded, "I'll call them. What can I get for you?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he said, "What's the address here? I'm calling for her."

Karim's voice sounded worried, as he responded, "We will call."

"When?" came the question.

"In a moment."

Again, that customer, said, this time more firmly, "What is the address here? I'm calling for her RIGHT NOW!"

I heard Raj give him the address. A moment later, I heard this customer making the call. I couldn't move. I had no strength. When the customer came around the counter to approach me, still on his cell phone, I saw Karim move to intercept him. Customers are not supposed to be behind the counter. This man, who, at that moment, I saw as my saving grace, shot Karim a deadly glare and kept walking toward me. He knelt beside me. Vaguely, I was able to answer the questions asked. When he got off the phone, he took my hand. "I'm staying right here with you, Melissa, until they get here. Okay?" I saw him glance angrily up at Karim, then back at me. "Okay?" he repeated, when I didn't respond. I could only nod. He kept me awake and aware, until the paramedics arrived, about five minutes later.

At 6:32 pm, I was in the ambulance, hooked up to heart monitors, oxygen, and a fluid I.V. drip. On my way to Conroe Medical Center. At the hospital, they took blood samples, and did an EKG on my heart. I only vaguely remember it.

6:50 pm, a sharp pain hit my chest, and I got the shakes so bad, the nurses thought I was having a seizure. I heard one nurse report, "Her heart-rate just jumped from 88 beats-per-minute to 166! Her temp is 106!" I started to hyperventilate. "Oh my God!" that nurse shouted. "She's going into shock!"

I don't remember that next hour in the ER. I only remember suddenly opening my eyes and looking at the clock. It was 7:45 pm. My fever was down to 99 degrees, and I was back to some semblance of normality. They had run other tests, during this hour. And had discovered that I had not had a heart attack, and it wasn't a stroke. Apparently, they'd thought that, as well. I managed to send a text message to my brother's friend, Bobby, explaining the situation. So that he could go by the house to get David, my brother. Then he could take David to the store to pick up my van.

After another hour, they did another EKG, just to make sure nothing had changed with my heart. Another precautionary measure to ensure it wasn't even a mild heart attack. Then they sent me into X-Ray. And by 10:15 pm, they finally determined what my problem was. I had a bronchial infection so severe it was about to become pneumonia. The consequence of not paying attention to my body, and pushing myself too hard. They gave me some medicine and a strong breathing treatment, and sent me home at 10:45 pm with a prescription for antibiotics.

The eye-opener for me, on that day, was the knowledge that I am completely disposable. Not just dispensable, but disposable. I could have died, right there on that floor, not six inches from Karim's feet. And all he could think of was the customer rush. Money to be gained. If it had been a heart attack, I would be dead. And it would not have mattered, at all. I would have been replaced, the very next day. I began to wonder where my life is going. What have I done with my life? Have things really gotten better? How could I have found myself working for someone for whom the quality of life means absolutely NOTHING?

I spent the next few days at home, in bed. Karim wouldn't let me return to work, even with the doctor's note. My fever kept spiking to over 104, and I spent many sleepless nights, soaking my head in cold water, and bathing my face with a cold washcloth. I started taking Nyquil to reduce my fever, so I could get some sleep. During a time when I should have been resting, I was using my energy trying to keep my fever from rising too high. I made another realization: I am more alone than I thought. I had gotten so used to helping others and taking care of others, and I forget about myself. There is no one to stand by me. No one to take care of me, if something happens. How did I end up so alone?

By the end of the week, my thoughts began to turn to my customers. I knew no one else took care of my regulars like I did. No one else would stay open a little later, while a customer decided which beer he wanted, or which bag of chips his pregnant wife craved tonight. No one else cared about the customers as people and individuals. I wasn't totally well yet, and already I was back in the "service mindset".

I found things changed, when I went back to work. Suddenly, in Karim's eyes, I could do nothing right. He started watching me on the security cameras at his house, and calling me at odd times, to complain about something I hadn't done. Even if I had a line of customers, from beginning of shift, to end, it didn't matter. I wasn't busy enough. I wasn't selling enough. I had stopped doing the extras that helped the girl who opened in the mornings, because Karim was putting extra pressure on me, to do more on my shift. When I stopped doing her job for her, she began to complain. Suddenly, those "extras" I had been doing were now part of my job list. Yet when Raj closed, he didn't have to do them. Only I did. The printer began acting up, making closing more difficult, adding an extra 10 minutes to my time. Karim complained that I wasn't closing early enough to account for it. Then he began complaining in front of customers, berating me, humiliating me, in front of customers.

Finally, on May 14th, things came to a head between Karim and me. He started in on me, as soon as I clocked in. Ignoring the line of customers, he began berating me over something I didn't do, the night before. Something that was supposed to be done on opening, not closing. I can't even remember what it was now. But I got so angry, I began to tremble. I had grown tired of his verbal abuse, and lost it. I began arguing back. This surprised him, because I got right in his face. I can't even remember what was said, because I was so angry I blanked out. I only remember that I caught myself drawing back to punch him. And stopped. I told him, "You know what? I'm leaving!" And walked out.

I was nearly out of the parking lot, when he stopped me. "If you're leaving and not coming back," he said, "I need your keys."

I didn't even look at him, I removed the store keys from my keychain and removed my nametag from my shirt. He looked at me, surprised. I reached out to hand these to him. He only looked at my hand, then back at me. Instead of taking them, he asked, "What's the problem?"

I looked him in the eye, my rage still boiling beneath the surface. He stepped back. "YOU'RE the problem, Karim!" I shot at him. My barely-controlled rage was so all consuming that even my voice trembled. I realized, in that moment, how much I had come to hate this man. "Ever since I collapsed that day, lying there AT YOUR FEET, you've done nothing but nit-pick at me."

So he began, again, pointing out everything I was doing wrong. I simply nodded, and pushed the keys and nametag toward him. He looked at them, then stood up. "Come back in, if you want," he said. Then he went back inside.

I sat there and thought about it. I knew I had to keep this job, until Sedona came back. If I got another job, right then, I wouldn't be able to take the time off to go get her. I gritted my teeth, parked the van, and went back inside.

Raj didn't look at me or speak to me. He didn't even say goodbye, before he left for the day. He only looked at me in fear. None of them had ever seen me THAT angry.

I simply took my faux-military "at-ease" stance by the register. Acknowledging no one, except my customers. But, to them, I was as friendly as ever. I heard Karim in his office, speaking in Urdu on his cell phone. I knew, from what little I understood, that he was telling someone about what just happened. I refused to look at him, when he came back in.

It took a good hour for me to begin to calm down. But, when I did, I decided to apologize to Karim. Not for what I said. Nor the fact that I'd stood up for myself. But for the way I had handled it. Because that wasn't like me, at all. He apologized, as well. Then he told me, "Raj is putting in about 10 hours a day. I'm going to have him work nights. You will be floating between this store and the other one. Three days here, and three days there. I don't know what your schedule will be or when it will start."

I smiled at him for the first time, in weeks. He looked confused. "That'd work out," I told him. "The other store is a bit closer than this one. I won't have quite so far to drive." He looked shocked, then relaxed. That's when we discussed my taking off at month's end, so I could go get Sedona. He actually seemed relieved, then relaxed more. For the next few days, I was actually courteous to Karim, and began laughing and joking with Raj again.

Then Karim surprised me again. He actually gave me a choice: I could be a floater, with my shifts rotating, or I could just take the night shift at the other store. I was elated! Continue with the same company, but not have to deal with Karim, at all? Yeah, buddy! And I started at Quick Mart Exxon on Monday, May 18th.

The first thing I noticed, when I first got to work, that night, was no one else was in uniform. It was casual-dress. The manager there is Ali. And the first thing he said to me was, "You will find I am not like Karim." I liked him, immediately.

"Karim said I could keep my Tuesdays off," I mentioned.

"Yes," he said. "Is this what you want?"

I nodded, then talked to him about my days off to get Sedona.

He agreed, then asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

"No," I said quietly.

"You will find I am amendable," Ali said, with a friendly smile. "If you need something, let me know." I nodded. "You know you will get less pay, here." I looked at him, questioningly. "I can pay you $7.50 per hour."


Ali smiled at me, again, putting his hand on my shoulder. It was a genuinely friendly smile. "You will find it easier, here." I remembered this man had been in the hospital, just under a month before, after a mild heart attack. Brought on by the stress of his job. But so many people had told me he was friendly and easy-going. I only smiled back.

The man who would train me came in, right then. Michael. Oddly, the same age as my nephew named Michael. Strangely, after being around him, I realized he reminded me a lot of my nephew. But when Michael first came in, and Ali introduced us, he added, "But do not make her mad." Then he laughed. "Karim said she has a temper."

I looked at him. "He told you about that, huh?"

Ali laughed again, patting my back. "We will not make you mad, Melissa."

Michael shook his head, laughing,. "My ex-wife is a redhead. I know all about those tempers." I liked him, immediately, too. I felt at home at Quick Mart.

Thursday, May 28th, David and I left to meet our cousin in Jackson, Mississippi, to pick up Sedona. That, though is another story. I was back at work on Tuesday, June 2nd. But on Wednesday, June 3rd, I got grim news.

Aftab, the true owner of both stores, was there, when I came into work. He informed me that money is tight, and they were having to make cutbacks. That meant cutting out the middle shift, and putting Michael on closing. This left the floater position. It was a choice between me and the girl who was floating. Aftab had left the choice to Ali. Ali chose to keep me. This meant my entire schedule had changed.

Open at Lake Conroe on Saturdays. Open at Quick Mart on Sundays. Afternoon shift at Quick Mart on Mondays. Tuesdays off. Close at Lake Conroe on Wednesdays. Close at Quick Mart on Thursdays. Afternoon shift at Lake Conroe on Fridays.

And I was informed that same day that changes were about to take place. Karim would be taking over Quick Mart, and Ali would be taking over Lake Conroe. The Lake Conroe crew would move to Quick Mart and the Quick Mart crew would move to Lake Conroe. I shrugged it off. I didn't think it would affect me, one way, or the other. Boy, was I ever wrong!

On Wednesday, June 17th, when I went into work at Lake Conroe Exxon, Karim introduced me to a Pakistani man named Jay. He told me Jay was in training, and I would be helping to train him on closing. Later, I watched Jay sifting through paperwork in the office, and asked Karim, "So, who IS he?"

Karim gave me one of those self-satisfied smirks. "He came from Chicago. He's going to be taking over this store. I'm training him how to run it."

I looked at him in confusion. "I thought Ali was coming here. You and Ali were going to trade places."

Karim only shrugged with that smirk, and said nothing more.

I stood back, after Karim left and the rush was over, to watch Jay handle the register. I went about doing my side work. It was easier to get it all done quickly, since I wasn't dealing with the customers. Jay told me, at one point, "I'm going to rely on you to teach me about things around here."

I looked at him. "I don't know how much help I'll be. I'm floating between the stores."

He and I talked a bit. That "getting to know you" chitchat people do, when they're new. Close to the end of the shift, he mentioned the fact that Quick Mart does better business than Lake Conroe Exxon. "Why do you think that is, Melissa?"

"The other store is closer to the best access to the lake. People naturally come in there, when they're heading to the lake, and when they're coming back from it."

Jay chewed on that thought a moment. Finally, he asked me, "What do you think would make things better, here?"

Without even having to think, I responded, "Better customer service."

He looked confused. "Explain, please."

I shrugged. "I've listened to so many customers complain about the customer service they receive here. These people end up becoming customers of Valero." I stepped to the window. "Look at what surrounds this store, Jay." I glanced at him. "We have Walgreen's right behind us. Walmart right across the street. Valero just down the street. All of them offer better prices. Lower prices, than we do. But they keep coming here only at certain times of the day. That's because they will pay a little more for better customer service."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "Who are they complaining about?" I only looked at him. "Off the record," he added.

I glanced up at one of the cameras, knowing that Karim was probably watching. "Off the record?" I gave a little sarcastic chuckle, and shook my head.

Jay looked up at the camera, then back at me. "Ah," was all he said.

On Saturday, June 20th, I opened Lake Conroe Exxon. Karim was a little late coming in, that day, and let me leave at 11:30 am. The last thing he said to me, as I was leaving was, "Jay is going to be changing your schedule. He'll call you, to let you know."

Odd, I thought, but put it out of my mind.

Sunday, I opened at Quick Mart, and when Michael came in, I asked him about the changes that were coming. "Have you met Jay, yet?"

"Who's Jay?" he asked.

"He's the guy that's taking over Lake Conroe Exxon."

Michael stared at me. "Ali's taking it over."

"That's what I was told, until I met Jay on Wednesday," I told him. And we talked about Jay. Since he's the man who will be Michael's boss, I figured he needed to know. Obviously, I knew more than he did. So, when I came in on Monday, for my afternoon shift, I asked Ali about it all.

Ali only looked at me. "Why is this Jay changing your schedule?"

I shrugged. That didn't matter to me. "Where will YOU be going, Ali?"

He stared at the desk, but didn't answer.

Later in the shift, I had a problem with the gas pumps, so went to the office to consult Ali. He was on the phone with someone, and speaking Urdu. From what little I understood, it sounded to me like Ali had not been informed of this change, either. I wondered about that. But, when I asked him, again, later, "Where will YOU be going?", he only said, "I don't know."

Tuesday was my day off. It was around 6:00 pm, that I got a call from Jay. "We're not going to need you tomorrow night. I need to try and close, on my own."

I had a sinking feeling. "What about Friday?" I asked.

He consulted with Karim, then asked, "What was your schedule here?"

"Open Saturday, close Wednesday, 4:00-9:00 pm on Friday."

"We won't need you on Friday, either. In fact, not for the rest of the week. I'll call you about next week."

"Uh-huh," was my response. As I hung up the phone, I knew my time was up at Lake Conroe Exxon. This is Karim's way of letting someone go. I immediately called Ali, to make sure I was still closing on Thursday.

"Yes, please," was his response. "Why you ask me this?"

I explained what I'd just been told. He told me to keep my schedule there at Quick Mart.

I spent Wednesday putting in applications around Willis.

On Saturday, June 27th, I went into Lake Conroe Exxon to collect my little one-day check. Jay and Karim were both extra-nice to me, but neither would really look at me. Karim stayed in the corner behind the register. I stood there, after collecting my pay, waiting for one of them to say something about the store keys. Neither would say anything. Karim kept backing away, glancing at me. Jay barely spoke. I knew, if I headed for the door, one of them would ask for the keys, as if it were a last-minute thought. I'd seen Karim pull this before. So I chatted with Karim about the weather, smiling and being friendly. Finally, I outright asked him, "So, do you want the keys or not?"

Karim stepped behind Jay, looking away from me, as he said, "Yes, I think so."

I smiled, as I handed them over. Both of them seemed surprised that the keys were already off my keychain. "I knew you wanted them." Karim stepped back again. I shrugged and smiled, "Well, I knew you didn't need me here, anymore."

Karim quietly asked, "You're still at the other store?"

I nodded. "For now."

He gave me that self-satisfied smirk, as he said, "You know I'm about to take over that store."

Again, I nodded. "I know. That's why I said 'for now'."

He looked slightly confused. "If we need you, we'll call you. We still have your number."

I smiled, thinking: I won't hold my breath.

I stopped at Quick Mart, to collect my pay, there. I asked Ali, "Am I still working here? Because they let me go at Lake Conroe."

He looked upset for a moment, then said, "Continue your schedule here."

So my adventures at Lake Conroe Exxon have ended. My short job at Quick Mart will soon end. And I search for another job.

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