
Friday 12 February 2016

Nano Material, Lead, Dense Material Boxes Needed to Protect Electronics

We need all Emergency services, First Responders and Military to have reserve back-ups communication devices immediately available stored in Nano Boses, Lead Boxes or a Box made of dense material which will protect them from EMP Electro Magnetic Energy Pulse Weapons. Additionally any time a small hand held device such as a laptop, cell phone, handy talkie, two way radio, etc is not being used they too should be stored in the boxes. Aircraft hangers, which house new and latest technology aircraft should be lined with these materials. People at home in their houses should have a safe, perhaps with an inner lining of these materials to park their electronics at night. Back up hard drives for important financial institutions, government operations, emergency services, military operations should be stored in rooms, which are underground and lined with these materials.

Electronic Attack, EA, will be a bigger component of warfare in the future. Disrupting the enemy goes back as far as the theories of Sun Tzu in the Art of War and there is nothing more disruptive in our present period than a complete elimination of all electronic devices in our civilization. War planners today call it a major component in the Fog of War, where your enemy does not know what is going on. Increasing the uncertainty of events is part of warfare strategy and it is no secret to anyone who studies the game of war. When communication lines are down and you cannot get damage assessment reports, you cannot make decisions relevant to continue the fight, this causes hesitation and aides your enemy. You can bet that the United States uses these tactics when we go to war and you can be sure as the new net centric style of warfare continues so to will our enemies find solace in EA.

Citizens who are interested in protecting their data or electronics should be able to buy such items as these boxes at Wal-Mart or Home Depot for $24.95 to fit a couple of laptops and four family cell phones. There is more and more talk about a detonation device launched high above our country or a suit case pulse detonation EMP bomb being deployed atop a building in a large city instantly frying all you electronics. This means your cars electronic brain, the gas pumps, credit card processing machines, refrigerator, microwave, municipal facilities, power lines; everything electronic. This means hospitals, schools, military, police, fire, hydro plants, airports, sewer treatment, potable water pumps; a dooms day scenario like the worst Y2K predictions. Saving your personal information is key. We know today that our military, government and many financial institutions have their important data stored underground in salt mines, yet most all facilities which run the flows of our civilization are kept out in the open in simple structures using mundane building materials which often cannot even survive a small Tornado, Hurricane, flood, fire or eco-terrorist. We need to be thinking here on ways to protect our electronics and protect them from EMP. Think about it.

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