
Thursday 4 September 2014

Artists pretty tough divorce because contract toiletries products

So long in fact the issue of domestic upheaval beautiful artist with her partner, but the general said the mother of two children has never once said that it did not matter.

While never denying divorced, but rural communities still riddle. Some say the couple do not live under the same roof already, and some say they are still living together.

But yesterday, the Metro newspaper reported Sunday, the latest news that is obtained from the source to say celebrities are forced to postpone the divorce as bound by the contract as brand ambassador toiletries.

Company toiletries producers chose Dynas as the face of their new status as a wife and her mother. Therefore, it is very important for him to remain displaying the image and lifestyle of a happy family.

Because of this, Dynas and her husband agreed to resolve the problems between them when the contract expires. In order to avoid the contract is withdrawn, they had to keep whatever happens from public knowledge. In fact, Dynas and her husband agreed to resolve the issues between them when the contract expires soon. - Daily Quote

Hmm if you follow the logic, it makes sense this is also what is communicated. No wonder Dynas mouth lock tightly when asked about his marriage. But as long as you have yet to confirm the body's own this thing, just consider this as a rumor.

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